Astronomy Tower
Angelina Johnson Fred Weasley George Weasley
Angst Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/06/2005
Updated: 04/06/2005
Words: 1,533
Chapters: 1
Hits: 977

The Tourniquet


Story Summary:
Katie Bell's fifth year at Hogwarts (GoF) is about to begin, and it is unclear to our young Gryffindor what the future holds. Having recently started a relationship with Slytherin's Terence Higgs, Miss Bell has carefully wedged herself between the rivalry of the two most strongly opposed houses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Not to mention, our leading lady has managed to jeopardize her friendships with those she loves most. How much can Katie risk with the Dark Lord threatening to rise to power again? And will it all be worth it for her in the end?

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
I would like to dedicate this story to Margaret Haskins. She became a dear friend to me just when I needed her most. I would also like to dedicate this to Stephen & Oliver Cunningham. You two are, by far, my most favorite twins in the whole entire world (save the Weasley Twins). I love you all!

Chapter 1: The Terror in the Night

And we are the arsons

who start all of your fires burning;

Burning your city down.

An Irish Victory, as was greatly anticipated by Katherine Bell. The 422nd Quidditch World Cup was coming to a close. Although Bulgarian Seeker Victor Krum had managed to capture the golden snitch, the victory belonged to Ireland.

Yes, it was quite an evening, and Katie couldn't imagine spending it with a more suitable person than her boyfriend of nearly 8 months--Terence Higgs. Terence was a graduate from Hogwarts one year prior, leaving his position as Slytherin Seeker during his final year in the hands of Draco Malfoy (whose father managed to buy Draco onto the team). He gladly withdrew from the Slytherin Quidditch Team that year with no questions asked.

Terence Higgs was a mystery in himself, as far as Katie was concerned. For a Slytherin, he seemed to be less vengeful. Furthermore, he seemed to have no problem in setting aside the rivalry between his own house and Gryffindor (the house which Katie belonged to). When the two ended up together the end of Katie's 3rd year, it was perfect.

That is, according to Katie. Nearly everyone in Gryffindor disapproved, however. Not even Angelina Johnson or Alicia Spinnet, her two closest friends, would give Katie support. Many times Katie had assured Terence that they were 'in this together', so there was no way Katie would back down. Needless to say, Katie's friendships suffered at the hands of her newly-formed relationship with Higgs, but with this new year around the corner, our young Gryffindor planned to bind together any severed ties with her friends.

All these thoughts and more invaded Katie's head as she stared at the roof of the Higgs' tent, too restless to find comfort in sleeping at that given time. The young Miss Bell shifted slightly on her floor-bound mattress, turning to gaze up at her boyfriend who was resting a bunk below his friend Marcus Flint.

The two had been asleep for a considerable amount of time now, which made more anxiety build up within Katie. She hated being the last one to fall asleep, especially when there was so much she had left to say to Terence. There were times he failed to notice Katie's wants and desires. She convinced herself that he was far too busy to worry himself with the miniscule whims in Katie's life, him now having to plan for a not-so-distant future ahead of him. And Katie was alright with that, as long as he would continue to be there by her side.

Somehow, before too long, Katie managed to fall asleep. Regardless of the ongoing celebrations on behalf of the Irish victory, it was affirmative that the group camping out with the Higgs' family would have to leave within the morning hours.


Nearly two hours after Katie fell asleep, she was awakened by the sound of nearby screams. Katie sat up quickly, her heart pounding at the sudden awakening. She looked over to the bunk that Terence had been sleeping on to find he was still peacefully resting.

Something doesn't feel right

. Katie stood up from her mattress and tip-toed over to where her boyfriend lay, just below Flint.

"Terry... Terry, get up," Katie whispered, nudging her boyfriend gently with her hand. "I think something's wrong, Terry."

Terence rolled over on his opposite side, turning his back on Katie. "Everything's fine. Go back to bed, Kate," he mumbled, pulling his covers up to his neck once more as he succeeded in ignoring her efforts to wake him.

"Terry, I think..."

Katie's pleas were cut off when a disturbed witch of about 5'4" with straggly brown hair stepped in.

"Get up, you lot! We need to leave this moment!"

The woman stepped forward to where Katie had been crouched over, giving a nod to Katie before smacking her son on the back. "Terence, I mean now!"

With that, the witch hurried from the room, Katie close on her heels interrogating her.

"Mrs. Higgs, what is going on?" Katie asked the elder witch, reaching over to grab her jacket from a wooden chair in the dining area.

"It's a riot, m'dear. Nothing to worry about," the woman replied, gathering up what appeared to be the most valuable items in the dining area (her wand, some expensive breakables, etcetera...)

Nothing to worry about? It sounds rather dangerous, if you ask me.

Terence and Marcus came out of the room they had been lounging in for roughly a week now, Terence showing more signs of consciousness than did his friend.

"Terence, you three need to head to the wood. Your father and I have some unfinished business to tend to," his mother urged Terence, struggling to latch the hook of her black cloak together with full hands.

Terence could sense the tension in his mother's voice, and he nodded, stepping over to where Katie had fetched her jacket and picking up his & Marcus's. It was quite a hassle learning to dress as muggles did, at least for Terence and the others. Katie, who had a mother from muggle parentage, found it not so difficult.

"Come on," Terence ordered Katie, grabbing her by the arm as he handed Marcus his coat and led his girlfriend from the tent.


Once they reached the wooded area, Katie glanced back at all that they had left behind. Her abrupt stop caused Terence to be pulled back towards Katie as her hazel eyes remained wide in horror. Marcus, too, halted when he realized that his friend had paused.

"How could they do such a thing? Those poor people," Katie choked out, watching a mass of black-hooded figures levitate a family of four above their heads.

"Correction, Katie. Muggles," Marcus Flint interjected, crossing his arms as he too averted his eyes to the sight. "And I wouldn't be suprised if they brought it upon themselves," he added smugly, Terence allowing a sly smile to creep upon his face as he watched the commotion.

Katie pulled away from her boyfriend's grip, giving the two a look of disbelief.

"I can't believe what I'm hearing..." Katie began, only to be interrupted by a nearby eavesdropper.

"Is it that hard to come by, Kate?" came the all too familiar voice of Fred Weasley, who was accompanied by his twin brother George and younger sister Ginny. Ginny clung to Fred's arm as the three stared at Katie and her group. They looked quite shaken by the turn of events, much to the contrast of Terence and Marcus.

The sly grin on Terence's face had faded away as he stepped closer to Katie and slipped his arm over her shoulder, narrowing his eyes at the red-headed Weasleys that now stood before him. Katie was speechless at the appearance of the twins, both of whom used to be a part of her circle of friends.

"Yeah? And what have you to say of all of this, blood-traitor?" Marcus continued, glaring cooly at Fred.

"I was just wondering don't you join your lot down at the clearing, Flint?" Fred shot back.

"I hear they're in need of sturdy, mindless gits to ward off the Ministry," George added, casting a reproving look at Terence as he held on to Katie.

"Is that so?..." Terence began, stepping towards George and releasing his grip on Katie. Fred casted Ginny to the side protectively, preparing to stand in the way of George and Terence.

Before another word was spoken, a loud bang was heard within the depths of the wooded density. The noise had merited the full attention of both the twins & Ginny, as well as Marcus, Terence, and Katie.

The Dark Mark!

Katie thought, frantically.

Katie raised her hand to the side of her face, her mouth opened wide in horror. The misty, neon-green skull rose high above the trees. It was clearly obvious that whoever had produced the incantation for the Dark Mark was located within 50 feet of the group.

"It can't be!" Katie muttered. "It's been nearly 13 years since..."

"We need to find the others, George..." Fred said, re-initiating his hold on Ginny.

George peeled his eyes away from the skull that hovered in the night sky, his eyes resting on Katie for a brief moment before he turned away from her new group. "No, we better head back to the tent."

Katie watched as the three Weasleys hurried away from her, taking along with them her peace of mind. Winning back the approval of her friends was going to take much more than she had expected.

"Run back to your muggle-loving daddy, Weasels," Marcus called after the group who were already so far beyond ear's reach that it was probably unheard by those it was intended for.

Terence sniggered, wrapping his arm around Katie's waist. She forced a smile, her tear-glazed eyes looking into his as he saluted the Weasleys that had recently left.

The mark of the Dark Lord had flown, as had Katie's carefree years at Hogwarts. It was evident after that evening that Katie would be in for what could be the most trying year of her life.

Author notes: The song excerpt from Chapter 1 is from Anberlin's "Glass to the Arson." Also note that all of Katie's thoughts that happen 'in the moment', as I like to refer to them as, will be italicized.

I would like to personally thank all of you who have supported me with my previous entries & encourage you to read on to see what happens in the future for our dear Katherine Bell.