Astronomy Tower
Sirius Black Lord Voldemort
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/31/2002
Updated: 06/15/2004
Words: 22,344
Chapters: 14
Hits: 7,119

A Black Romance

Caduto De Tolleranza

Story Summary:
Lord Voldemort gives his account of the doomed romance between Sirius Black and Amber Perry. From Egypt to America, and even to Rome, Sirius searches for the woman he lost and Hermione searches for the mother she never knew.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
A build-up chapter to Severus and Amber's meeting. Sirius is getting jealous and Amber's new friendship while Lily tries to get her two mates to "hook up".

Chapter 07

****In The Great Hall****

Sirius was quite mad that Amber wouldn't tell him what went on between her and Severus. Even though she told him there was nothing going on, he still felt uneasy about the whole thing. But who could he talk to? Peter and Remus were no help in this matter, seeing as how they've never had a girlfriend. And James wouldn't take his concerns seriously. He would suggest another prank that would get them into more trouble. But Lily, yes, she was also a girl and could possible provide some insight.

While they were eating, Amber gave side glances towards the Slytherin table and laughed. Lily, who was sitting to the left of her asked her what was so funny.

'Nothing, just thinking.'

'About Don Juan Snape?' Sirius replied. Remus, James, and Peter moved closer to Amber and Sirius to hear what they were saying.

'How come you won't drop it! He wanted to ask me something. Simple as that!'

'How come you can't tell me?'

'Because it's none of your business, that's why! I don't have to tell you everything.' Sirius sat there with his mouth opened. Before he could reply, Dumbledore stood up and taped on his drinking glass.

'Welcome back! I see the little vacation has given you some new things to talk about,' he started, looking at Amber and Sirius. 'So I won't take long. The first Quidditch match will be on January 25, Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw. Remember this is for the House Cup. Secondly, NEWTs for the seventh years will be starting the first week of May, after that you’ll have the rest of the school term off. A trip to Hogsmead is schuelded for February 2, so you better get your Valentine gifts then. And finally, a mask ball will be held on the Quidditch field on the 14th of February for fourth years and up.'

'A masked ball!' Lily exclaimed. 'Isn't that great? We can all dress alike and stuff.' Remus rolled his eyes and looked at James.

'Um, maybe the whole group doesn't want to dress up like us. Besides, it'll be better with the two of you.'

'Nonsense, this is our last year and we have to go out with a bang!'

And did they go out with a bang! You might not think that was funny but I do. Imagine, the irony of it all. The whole situation, well, it won't come full circle to you until the end of the story. If I get that far. Unless they call for me. But they told me I had a few days left, and I intend on using all this time for my story. Before I go, the real truth.

Now, Lily was planning a group 'theme' for the ball. As usual Remus and Sirius were not in the least bit interested in dressing up as Robin Hood's 'merry' men.

'Like hell I am!' Sirius yelled.

'Don't be so difficult. You don't see Peter or James or Remus complaining.'

'That's because they don't want to hurt your feelings. I on the other hand care about my reputation and what I leave to his school.' Sirius said, walking back to the common room. Amber and Peter had the rear, but before she got to the common room, a hand grabbed Amber's arm and pulled her into a corner.

'Snape!' Amber cried. 'You almost gave me a stroke!'

'Sorry about that. I didn't mean to frighten you.'

'No problem, just warn me next time.'

'No problem. So, are we still on for Wednesday between four and six?'

'Did you write down what I said?' Amber asked, grinning.

Ah, if she would have known what Severus was thinking at that moment. Those pearly white teeth shinning and those hazel brown eyes glowing not to mention her 'female' parts showing from her robes. Don't get mad at me! He's the 17-year-old boy.

Once Amber finished talking, she ran to the Gryffindor common room, before she got there, Lily was standing in front of the door.

'A talk with Snape?'

'Yeah, just wanted to ask me something.' Amber saw the look on Lily's face. She desperately wanted to tell somebody, but Severus made her promise. But Lily was her best friend. 'Ok, I'll tell you what's going on, but you have got to promise me that you won't tell a soul. Especially James.'

'Promise!' Lily answered.

'Ok, on the train Severus asked me to help him in Muggle Studies on Wednesday's between 4 and 6. I said yes and in return he's gonna help me in Potions.'

'That's it,' Lily asked, quite disappointed.


'Books? Studying? No Romeo and Juliet love story going on?'

'I'm sorry,' Amber said, laughing, 'but I will try to do better next time.'

'Are you gonna tell Sirius?'

'Of course...not. None of his business.'

'That James Potter is a hansom devil.' Amber looked at Lily. 'New password.' As they walked into the common room, James and Peter were sitting playing Chess while Remus stood by Peter giving him pointers. Smiling, Lily ran over to James and put her hands over his eyes.

'Guess who?'

'I hope it's not that bothersome Lily Evans. She thinks I like her but I'm really after those green eyes.' Lily playful hit James and pretended to cry. Ah, young love. But I am not bitter about it.


It was 3:30 and Amber was putting her Muggle Studies and Potions book in her bag. She looked at her watch and realized Severus hadn't told her where to meet! Sirius watched as Amber walked around the common room with her books.

'Touting again? '


'Funny, I thought you were terrible in Potions.'

'I am, that's why I am getting help.'

'Who's helping you?'

'I'm not sure. Professor Weasley said he'd find me somebody.' Sirius looked at Amber. He knew she was lying. He had seen it in her face and heard it in her voice. But he had no way to prove it and he didn't want her mad at him again.

'What time will you be back?'

'Before dinner, I think, I hope.'

'Oh, ok.'

'Anything wrong?'

'No, I just, nothing.' Before Amber could reply, an owl flew into the room and dropped a letter into Amber's hand. She opened it up and read it. 'Gotta go. Tell Lily I'm off please.'

Sirius watched as Amber ran out of the common room. Just as Amber left, Lily walked from the girls' dorm.

'Where's Amber?'

'Gone to study,' he said dryly, getting up and making his way towards the boy's dorm.

'Sirius, sit down. I want to talk to you for a second.' Sirius blew hard and looked into the fire. After a few moments of thinking, he faced Lily and sat down.

'Now, I know you dig Amber, in fact, the whole world knows your feelings for her. And she likes you too.' Sirius' face lit up. 'But you're gonna have to cool it! There's a whole world she has yet to explore and it would be selfish of you to ask her to give that up for you.'

'But I don't want to lose her.'

'You're gonna lose her if you keep acting like this. Besides, using Gillian isn't going to make her want you more.'

Sirius looked into Lily's green eyes. She was right, even though it was a cliche, he had to let her go and if she really loved him she'd come back to him.

'But what if she never comes back to me?'

'Don't worry, she will.'