Multiple Eras
Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 08/31/2001
Updated: 10/05/2001
Words: 3,333
Chapters: 3
Hits: 8,251

Severus Potter and Harry Snape


Story Summary:
A joke made up by the Weasley Twins and Ron to make Snape and Mcgonnagall switch places with Polyjuice Potion goes wrong. Harry ends up swapping with Snape! Mayhem ensues as the pair are forced to pretend to be each other during the school day. Sirius and Lucius appear and arguments, fights and slagging off follow.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Ron, Fred and George decide to have some fun by slipping Snape and Mcgonagall Polyjuice Potion.Their plan backfires and Harry ends up swapping places with Snape!Forced to pretend to be each other, mayhem ensues as Sirius and Lucius turn up, arguments, slagging off and fights follow!
Author's Note:
Please review!It will only take you a minute!!!!

Chapter 3: Problems, Pain and Padfoot

Harry rolled over in his bed, and realised with happiness that the pain he had felt yesterday at Dinner, had gone.Harry had drunk some Pumpkin Juice and then had felt a terrible burning pain.It had bothered him until he had decided to leave the Great Hall and go straight to bed.He sighed happily and then remembered that he was supposed to get up and go to Quidditch Practise before breakfast with the rest of the team.He pushed back his covers, stood up and immediately realised that something was wrong, his Pyjamas were too small.The trousers came up to his knees and the waist had torn, the top had shrunk and the arms had ripped completely.Harry looked down at himself and worriedly thought that his feet looked a lot further away then they normally did, had he grown suddenly in the middle of the night?He went into the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror and at first he thought that he must be still dreaming, because staring back at him with a look of cold surprise was none other than Snape.Harry began to laugh because Snape looked very weird in ripped pyjamas with little Golden Snitches on them.As Harry laughed, Snape laughed as well.It was only then that Harry woke up completely and realised what had happened. He remembered why he had half recognised that burning pain last night.It had been Polyjuice and Harry had turned into Snape!For a moment Harry wondered whether Ron and his brothers had done this on purpose but he dismissed it quickly as he knew that they would never be that cruel.That still left the question of how their plan had gone wrong and how Harry had turned into Snape.Suddenly Harry jumped with a start as he realised that Snape would have drunk the Polyjuice as well, but who, Harry wondered, had he turned into? 

* * * * *

Snape had very groggily crawled out of bed and had not even noticed that his bedclothes were too big for him.He was still recovering from a late night drinking session with one of his closest friends Lucius Malfoy.He, Lucius, Nott and McNair had spent most of the night getting drunk at Malfoy Manor, discussing ways to bring down Hogwarts and get rid of Dumbledore.Of course, Snape didn’t mean any of it. He was only pretending, as he was back as a spy for Dumbledore, after being accepted as a Death Eater only after many rounds of the Cruciatatious curse.He had a terrible headache, which was down to the alcohol but he was relieved to note that the pain he had felt at dinner, just before he had gone to the Manor, had subsided.Snape decided to go down to the Dungeons and mix up a potion for his head and knowing that it was still early, he didn’t bother to change out of his bedclothes and into his robes.He stepped out of his room and groaned slightly as his door banged shut, making his head throb.Mentally cursing himself for his stupidity at getting in this state, he went through the portrait hole that hid the teacher’s quarters from all of the students. Then he stopped and realised that he was supposed to have reported to Dumbledore last night after he had seen Lucius.Changing direction he made his way to Dumbledores office.  As he approached the huge stone gargoyle that guarded the entrance to the Headmasters Office he was just about to say the password, when the secret door opened and a grinning figure appeared, beaming at Snape and looking a lot taller than he could remember.

“What the hell are you doing here Black?" Snape snapped, only slightly aware that his voice sounded a lot higher than usual.He was surprised to see Black look concerned.

“I was just about to come and see you.Harry is everything all right?"

* * * * *

Harry meanwhile decided that best thing to do was to go and find Dumbledore, maybe he would know a way to change Harry back so that he wouldn’t have to be stuck like Snape for a week.He couldn’t go in his pyjamas, so he decided to put his dress robes on.Hermionie’s mum had bought them as a present for his birthday, but not knowing what size he was, she had bought them a few sizes too big.Harry went back into the dorm room and bumped straight into someone…literally.Sprawled on the floor, Harry looked up to see Neville Longbottoms terrified face staring back at him.Neville, his eyes bulging at the sight of Snape, on the floor in Harry’s pyjamas, made a kind of choking noise and then promptly fainted.Harry thought quickly for a moment and then as quietly as he could he lifted Neville up and put him back in his bed.With any luck, Neville would wake up and think he only dreamed that Snape had been in the room, after all, Neville was always having nightmares about Snape.

Harry went to his trunk and took out his dress robes and suddenly a cold feeling of dread swept over him as he began to get undressed.He was still in shock about turning into Snape and he still couldn’t understand what had happened.He desperately tried not to look at Snape’s body as he changed but most unfortunately, no sooner had he finished changing, he realised he needed the toilet. He left Gryffindor tower feeling mentally and emotionally scarred and made his way towards the Headmasters office.But he was unaware that he had been watched by a figure in the corner of the dorm room.The man chuckled softly from underneath the safety of Harry’s invisibility cloak.His plan was working perfectly.