Something to Remember


Story Summary:
At the beginning of the Second War, Hermione teaches Draco he can have more than the terrible destiny and Draco acquires new allies. Draco learns where his heart stands and Hermione does as well as a forbidden love ensues!

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15 - House Elves and Muggle Dueling

Chapter Summary:
As certain changes in relationships brings the golden trio back and Ginny heartbroken, Draco, Harry, Ron and Hermione all face a new, hopeful road together again as the 'golden trio', whereas Ginny remains brokenhearted. Then, while with Ginny on a spontaneous adventure, Draco discovers an "old friend" with great shock ... All before new peril unsurprisingly comes sneaking back.

Chapter 15 House Elves and Muggle Dueling


All Hogsmeade visits had been now banned for the remainder of the year. In addition, all students were escorted to classes every day by their professors, each one sternly hawk-eying them one after the other in their militant, safeguarded manner. Needlessly said, almost every Hogwarts pupil found this to be a rather unnecessary, condescending gesture, and quickly resentment for their professors' new rule of seriously leading them around the castle like they were all five-years-old grew rampant. Students could not leave the castle for any reason. Even Quidditch had been canceled for the remainder of the year, which of course caused outrageous uproar. No one liked the new rules much, but in the back of their minds, everyone knew they were to some degree necessary. For Merlin's sake, already some students were even being withdrawn by their frightened parents!

On the other hand, no one had been too sad about Snape's death. He was the most hated teacher. It was just simply awkward for most of them, quite frankly. An Auror from the Ministry had been summoned to fill in for the now deceased "Potions Master", just as one would naturally expect (such was typically consequential in these kinds of troubling scenarios). Although for what precise duration this for now remained uncertain, presently the substitute was required to remain long enough to at least get everyone through exams smoothly, which meant she was, at bare minimum, temporary for the rest of term. However, to everyone's pleasant surprise, it was almost instantaneously a certainty upon introduction that Ms. Evelyn Watcher, a rather pretty forty-something witch, was unarguably the kind, well-intentioned sort of professor (far in contrast to their previous professor, that was for sure!) that they most definitely needed. Unlike her arrogant, 'bully-type' predecessor, she was helpful and did not intimidate pupils away. It was consistently clear each and every day how authentic, how very dedicated, this brand-new replacement of theirs was -- yes, the surprisingly impressive Professor Watcher, who had most admirably arrived to the castle ready to match respective league with her fellow colleagues at Hogwarts, most of whom, remarkably, were at this point in their careers veteran professors. Hitting the center mark with her students almost immediately, thus, it very shortly thereafter became a sheer matter of indisputable fact that the woman's adamant passion was quick to make her an all-too-welcome successor, a suitable IMPROVEMENT even, in place of Snape.

Neville, meanwhile, was still furious with himself and seemed to be working ten times harder than normal these days. He had impressed everyone, even Professor McGonagall, with his relentless show of bravery. After all, now Neville no longer fitted his infamous entitlement as the weakest, typically unmemorable pupil, for the honorable valor in what he had done -- and only in the name of helping others at that, even despite much grave danger -- overwhelmingly eradicated him of his status as the 'least promising' among his peers (particularly his fellow Gryffindors, where the concern obviously mattered most). Yes, unbelievable as it was, Neville Longbottom had seriously bolstered his way right into a foxhole of deadly enemies ready as ever to fight! Everyone was just so shocked that Neville of all people had been the first to chase down the Death Eaters, and by choice at that! The whole incident was all over the papers, wherein Neville was uniformly described most ideally in one way or another as something of a sensationalistic hero. (That part he hadn't minded at all!)

As for Ginny, she had broken up with Billy. It seemed every guy in school wanted to go out with her now. Hermione found this funny in retrospect of things, given all the major contrasts when taken into account Ginny's past: In Ginny's first year, she had been completely quiet, never talking, which was understandably due to her traumatizing affair with the Chamber of Secrets. Her second year, Ginny was still quiet all the time, but now closer to Hermione. In her third year, Ginny had opened up much more, and even spoke in the same room as Harry. People were beginning to notice that pretty quiet girl more ... And then, finally, by her fourth year, Ginny Weasley had become quite popular.

Ron and Katie, too, had broken up. They had gotten into a fight on how Katie had locked Ron into one of the shops when he'd wanted, and even begged, to help Harry and Hermione, and how doing that could have very possibly cost his best friends' lives. As a result, Ron and Harry were hanging out much more, as they had done before all the literally life-changing drama of this (still ongoing) school year.

The Death Eaters that Draco and the others had left behind had managed to escape due to the help of the other Death Eaters, who had slyly retrieved their bodies. This was quite a setback.

Hermione and Draco were spending a lot of time together now. She felt terrible for being away from everyone for so long. She was back to normal now, but of course the scar would always be there. She wouldn't forget the experience ever. But she wouldn't stop living for it either ...

"I love you, Draco," said Hermione softly, as they cuddled together after midnight in the Slytherin dungeons.

"I love you too, Hermione." And she knew it was true.


In turn, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were also spending more time together these days, once again returning to their faithful role as the 'golden trio' (as some unaffectionately had coined them). It seemed as though in light of the horrible situations, they cherished each other more. They visited Hagrid a couple times a week now, too, when it was that they had the rare opportunity where they could ably sneak out. One of these times Hagrid very memorably told them how he and Snape had never been close, but how it had still been a tragic loss:

"Ah, Harry, I know ya didn't like Snape much but yeh know he was good at heart," Hagrid had tried so diplomatically to explain. Harry had of course hated Snape. It had simply been a very strange, almost surreal kind of experience for Harry, not a sad one. Snape had been a cruel character to him, only a burden in his already difficult life. He had every reason to loathe him. But still, as Hagrid had said, deep down he was good, somewhere inside there had rested a meaningful light of good intention, and it was unfortunate the way he had died, suffering much undeserved pain ...

"He died with honor and dignity in what was truly an unwinnable battle, a battle marked with maddening treachery and a merciless degree of bloodstain. The circumstances consigned Professor Snape to an inevitable death from start. Therefore, he died with no shame, " Hermione eloquently stated, appropriately speaking out of respect, gulping back harshly in her unexpected cottonmouth; and yet, in her tone there resided nothing but a ghostly-like, discomforting emptiness nonetheless. It was as though Hermione was merely trying to sound polite, if only in appreciation that it was their beloved Hagrid's sentiments.

And again rolled in one of those awkward, dead silences that were so frequent now that they'd almost grown accustomed (albeit not immune) to its creeping aura.


Ginny knew she could never ever have Draco. It was just one of those hardships in life. But they had become very good friends. She forced him through the torment of hanging with Lavender for her own amusement, as he failed to see anything good about her. He was, though, curious about the situation between her and Harry.

"What happened with you and Harry that day at Hogsmeade?" Draco asked interestedly, as he sipped a goblet during dinner.

"Ah ..." Lavender froze for words for a moment, as though she didn't want to explain it wrong. "We were getting along fine, I suppose, but then well, the incident."

Ginny laughed out loud. "Give it up. You're just not Harry's type!" Ginny found it all very funny, hilarious in fact, and so did Draco. Harry was nice and so he gave the girl a chance but in reality, they would never work out.

"Harry should feel honored, you know? I could pick any guy in school, and I pick him. Bloody hell -- boys." Lavender looked disappointed in herself almost, rolling her eyes irritably. She always got her guy.

"Right," replied Draco hastily.

"Your wife has bounced back," suddenly announced Lavender much more cheerily, as though she alone had discovered this. "That's good."

"Yeah, it is. We were getting worried," Ginny answered for Draco, quickly, in order to avoid one of Draco's sarcastic remarks. "She's back to normal."

"Yeah and the golden trio is back. It was nice seeing them sort through life, I dunno, independently broken, or sort of anyway, don't you think ..." Lavender sounded very dissatisfied, even depressed now; and as she continued to trail off, strangely Lavender's eyes, suddenly looking almost titillated, titled up into a sudden fixation upon the ceiling space ...

Ginny and Draco both looked very puzzled.

"It was good seeing them a little more independent, I suppose. It was interesting seeing you as Harry's best friend," continued Lavender sorrowfully, looking at Draco. "And Ron was with his girlfriend Katie all the time, or sometimes Dean or Seamus. And Hermione was by herself."

"Hmm," muttered Ginny uncomfortably.

"Harry and I are still best friends, Lavender," noted Draco sharply, but Ginny could tell he wasn't totally sure of himself now that the golden trio really was back.

"And there was Cho, too," Lavender said, ignoring him. "She was also an interesting character."

"You know, our lives aren't like a game of chess, Lavender. Seriously. Things aren't so simple as in your own superficial way of life," hissed Draco cruelly through gritted teeth, snide and very sarcastic in his tone.

And at that moment, Cho and her two best girlfriends walked by. Cho waved at Draco and Ginny, smiling faintly. Draco and Ginny waved back.

"What happened with her?" Lavender asked bluntly, completely dismissing Draco's last comment. "I never see you all hanging out anymore."

"Drifted apart you might say," Draco responded casually, inconspicuously being careful not to tell her too much.

"It must suck watching all of your relationships tear apart, Draco. All of the Slytherins ... Hermione for a while ... Cho ... Now Harry is back to hanging with Ron more as Katie broke up with Ron ... I hope Ginny doesn't start hanging out with the people in her year ..." Lavender rambled on freely just like this, without the slightest degree of hesitation. Even in spite of the sensitive nature of the topics, nevertheless she seemed at comfortable liberty to just brush casually over her words.

Draco was positively offended now. It was no longer fun. Looking directly at Ginny, he, uncaring if he sounded impolite, abruptly announced, "I'll see you later tonight, I want to talk to you without her." He then gestured a mean look at Lavender and stalked off.

"Such a hothead," Lavender merely said, disapprovingly shaking her head. She clearly wasn't anything but careless as to whether she'd hurt Draco's feelings.


Draco and Hermione sat in the library together, catching up on some work together. Draco was not talking half as much as Hermione, and as always, Hermione noticed something was wrong.

"What is it, Draco?" asked Hermione carefully, with the anxious look she seemed to always give him as of these ill-fated days.

"It's Harry," said Draco reluctantly after a second, and only in something barely more than a mutter.

"What about him?" Hermione asked sharply.

"Are we still best friends?" asked Draco straightforwardly, rather quiet in his tone; he was going red. He never admitted weaknesses, but Harry had been Draco's first real friend other than Hermione. It was so nice being first to someone for once, not second-best.

"Ah," spoke Hermione, instantaneously no longer puzzled, and Draco understood that Hermione understood. "Draco, Harry has not forgotten you. But yeah, Ron and Harry have been best friends since first year, you have to understand that."

There was a dead silence. It was then that Draco understood how much he hated Weasley. It didn't matter whether they ever resolved their differences; he would never grow to like him. His personality was awful. Draco often wondered why Hermione or Harry talked to him. Ginny didn't seem to like him much.


Ginny could not help but still like Draco. In fact, it seemed as though now that Draco had established it wasn't going to happen, she liked him even more. The fact that she could not have him gave her the burning desire even more. It tortured her on the inside, though she was grateful for the friendship. She could look at him ... And talk to him ....

"Ginny," called Hermione. "Ginny, are you listening to me?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, Hermione," Ginny said, coming back to her senses, trying to leave Draco off the mind. "What did you say?"

"Billy told the all the boys that your vagina was so wide he didn't feel anything," said Hermione, looking as though she did not want to repeat that.

"That git! I didn't sleep with him! I've only ever had oral with anybody, and not even with him! That twit!" Ginny was furious. How dare Billy make up something so horrible like that? She had broken up with him on what seemed to be good terms ...

"The whole school knows now, Ginny," said Hermione quietly. "You're a virgin, though?" She looked very shocked by this news.

"Yeah, I've never shagged a guy. I know what everyone in schools says. No, I haven't been totally pure ... I've gone down on guys and they've gone down on me and you know, but no, never shagged," explained a now very depressed-sounding Ginny, sounding tearful at points. Hermione looked as though she felt terrible for her.


Sensing all these apprehensive events, feelings, and complicated emotions run like a persistent passerby through her icy-like mental state, Hermione felt guilty that she had told people Ginny was a little slut when she had actually never known the true details. It made her feel bad about herself, very bad, matter of fact. Of course, people at school had good reason to believe what they did .... She went from boyfriend to boyfriend, and she had never stopped those boys from spreading the lies. Hermione firmly believed that before Ginny must have enjoyed it.

Now, she had seemingly grown up as before Ginny had done nothing short but encourage the rumors. Draco told her on Valentine's Day he had seen Seamus with his hand down Ginny's pants, even! But although it was true that Ginny had (somewhat) earned her infamous title, it still did not make Hermione feel great, nor did it even just a wee bit lessen her guilt inside.

In any case, however, Ginny was venturing around for a new boyfriend now, even after the Billy rumors. It was as though Ginny thought life wasn't worth it if she didn't have a boyfriend. She needed the extra security. Ginny would learn to slow down eventually.

Either way, Hermione had a lot on her mind. There were attacks all over Britain, and Muggle-torturing was now happening frequently again. The Ministry was working as hard as they possibly could these days. Hogwarts seemed to be safe with all the protection Dumbledore had put on it. Apparently, the day Snape died, the Death Eaters would have had no way to physically enter the castle ...

Dumbledore was not at school as much anymore. He seemed to be doing a lot of work for the Order. Dumbledore had not spoken to Harry or Draco or herself lately, and Hermione felt as though he would soon, with all the current events. She thought, at the very least, the headmaster would need Harry for something. It was prime-time. Hermione was reading of deaths and battles daily now ...


"Who's dead?" Ron asked anxiously, already in a gloomy mood, over breakfast. He had seen this grim look on Hermione's face before and did not like it ...

"Stan Shunpike .... Remember, from the World Cup, and Harry knew him from the Knight Bus. He got caught up in a siege in London." Hermione was very white. Harry and Ron sat next to her in complete silence, their upset faces covered in distress ... It was so frightening how terrifying a place their world was now.

"Where's Draco?" Harry asked, suddenly, breaking the intense silence of the murder of Stan. Draco was nowhere in the Great Hall.

"I dunno, probably with Ginny," guessed Hermione inattentively. She had never minded Ginny being around Draco a lot, but lately, she felt a bit .... Apprehensive. Ginny had proven to be so fast, and she was looking for a new boyfriend. Then again, she knew she could trust Draco. So therefore, she did not condemn their friendship ...


Draco and Ginny were in the library, alone in a corner. Draco was helping her with switching spells, something she seemed to be having problems with, and Professor McGonagall was giving her a hard time about it. Draco had never had a problem with switching spells, so he had told her he'd help her.

Once they were done, Ginny didn't want to return to breakfast. "It's a beautiful Saturday morning, let's enjoy it ..."

Draco was stressed very much over school and everything going on, so he and Ginny decided to do something fun today. What they could do, Draco did not know as they couldn't even leave the castle unless they had a very specific reason, and 'fun' being the reason was laughable by the eyes of Filch.

And it was Ginny's bright idea, gotten from her twin brothers no doubt, to visit the kitchens in the basement. They would be able to get some delicious food from the house elves and Draco had heard it was quite cozy down there. So Draco agreed. Little did he know the surprise he was going to experience.

As they entered the kitchens, a handful of house elves came to them and all at once chanted happily, "How may we help you today, you good sir and you good madam!?"

But one house elf stood out, so obvious from the rest. His odd nature stood him apart from the others. He would have recognized him a mile away. It gave Malfoy quite a shock; he hadn't seen him in years ...

"Dobby!" Draco exclaimed, feeling both shocked yet also very awkward. Dobby had nothing but horrible experiences with his family.

"Master Malfoy!" Dobby barked. "Young Malfoy is a bad boy ... Dobby remembers his old master ... Malfoy was a very bad man ...." Right this instant Dobby then neurotially looked down then up at himself, his fearless indignant expression now stained in horror. He began banging his own head against the wall. "Dobby is sorry, sir ...."

Ginny was half-laughing, but looked nevertheless half-scared. "Dobby, it's okay, you can stop," she said patiently, covering her mouth.

"Err, Dobby, what are you doing here?" asked Draco uncomfortably. Draco was feeling even odder now.

"Dobby .... Dobby owes no explanation to his old master!" yelled Dobby.

"It's okay, he's isn't like that anymore, Dobby," reassured Ginny, kindly gesturing. "He means you no harm. Dobby works in the kitchens now, Draco. Hermione told me. I thought you'd be interested in seeing this."

"Uh, yeah, interesting," replied Draco finally. "Dumbledore got you a job, eh?"

Dobby nodded but did not look at Malfoy.

"How much does he pay you?" asked Draco. He had wondered a few times where Dobby had gone after Harry had freed him.

"Now Dobby asks for ten galleons," said Dobby in a whimper.

"I see you take well to your freedom," said Draco, chuckling.

And they spent the rest of the morning there eating chocolate eclairs and talking to Dobby.


Around noon, a drunken-looking house elf, a female, passed by, knocking into the wall.

"Who is that?" inquired Draco alertly, wondrously looking at the house elf.

"Oh dear, that be Winky. We keep her here ..."

"The late Mr. Crouch's house elf. Ah ... I know all about that," stated Draco coolly. "So, she hasn't exactly recovered from that mess, has she?"

"No, Dobby fears Winky will never be the same," confessed a fearful Dobby, with a sad, wistful-like look on his face.


Hermione found Ginny and Draco back from the kitchens. They explained about their meeting with Dobby, Winky, and the others house elves.

"I gave up on S.P.E.W as no one supported me," muttered Hermione, half-hoping no one would hear. "I suppose now it would be most appropriate."

"In dark times, yes. House elves were treated like vermin during the first war," noted Draco evenly.

"They still are, Draco! Forced to work in terrible conditions every day with no sick days or pensions or vacations and no pay at all! I can't believe Dumbledore has them here at Hogwarts!" Hermione ranted.

"Yes, but please don't yell at us, Hermione," pleaded Ginny, politely.

"Sorry ..."

"Winky is doing terrible," said Ginny.

"Still?" Hermione's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Worse now," emphasized Draco. "Or so it seems; it can't be any worse, can it, Ginny?"

"Well, yes, it is pretty bad, stumbling around drunk and all she does," said Ginny weakly.

Hermione was rather down for the remainder for the day, even after a visit to Hagrid's.


Transfiguration was particularly difficult Monday morning. They were practicing turning sowing machines into small desks, which took a lot of energy and focus. Draco and Hermione, even, had much difficulty. By the end of class, only Hermione had managed it.

"Excellent work, Miss Granger. Fifty points to Gryffindor," said Professor McGonagall promptly, and Draco swore she was smiling as she realized Gryffindor was in the lead for the house cup by nearly seventy points. "The rest of you, practice the spell and be prepared for class on Friday. It is imperative you have them mastered by then."

Hermione and Draco practiced after lunch and Draco finally had it down.

"See, it's not too difficult," said Hermione, carrying her voice at ease.

Even Charms was very hard. They were practicing specific healing charms, and Professor Flitwick was being sterner than ever before.

Meanwhile, Hagrid was preparing them for their Care of Magical Creatures final. Draco had already decided to drop the subject next year, but he still wanted to do as well as possible. He secretly hoped to get more O.W.L.s than Hermione.

Astronomy, on the other hand, Draco had always liked. It was barely magic, though. He knew he'd do well in this. Arithmancy he would only pass with Hermione's extreme guidance and support. Potions was unbearable, with or without Snape, but Draco was sure in the long run he would do fine. History of Magic he was obsessively studying his many notes over the course of five years.


Hermione was becoming a bit unbearable as exams drew nearer. She snapped at anyone for the slightest of things, and seemed constantly on the edge. Draco tried to stay away from her as she studied all through the day, obsessed with getting perfect marks on her O.W.L.s. So eventually, once again he resorted to Ginny. But when he found her one day, she was certainly not in the best state. She sat in the library, crying. He had never seen Ginny cry like that before, or really at all for that matter ...

"Ginny! What happened?" Draco asked, kneeling by her.

"We need to go somewhere else to talk about this," Ginny said firmly.

Immediately and without diverting to any stop, Ginny took Draco with her to the Astronomy Tower. They proceeded to the top, and on the way passed a "happy", hiding couple. As they reached the top Ginny embraced Draco into a hug and began crying even more.

"Fucking Billy ..." cried out Ginny.

"What did he do?" Draco asked.

"He told everyone in the Great Hall right in front of me that when I give head I scrape my teeth! I never did anything with him! He's evil! And that's not all! He asked out Lavender!"

"Whaa -- What?" Draco was completely bewildered by this.

"And she said yes! And now she won't talk to me!" Ginny was so angry. She let it all out to Draco ... The only person she felt she could trust. She barely talked to Hermione anymore, it didn't feel right. She had something hidden from her ... She loved her husband.

"I never liked her ... See how she is?" Draco patted her on the back. He was being very gentle and Ginny liked it ...

And what happened next happened so quickly Ginny barely realized it happened. She loved Draco and could not take it ... She kissed him. It lasted less than two seconds ... But two seconds too long. The couple they saw downstairs had apparently decided to come up here right as Ginny had forced herself onto Draco ... And it wasn't just any couple.

It was Lavender and Billy!


"Lavender, are you serious? Oh my God ..." Chills were going through Hermione's body; it could not be true. Her heartbeat raced ...

"Saw it myself, Hermione. Ginny kissed him. I don't know what was going on or what Draco was feeling," repeated Lavender. She looked as though she felt sorry for Hermione.

Tears were flooding down Hermione's eyes. "How could he do this to me ..." And she began crying uncontrollably and fled upstairs to the girl's dormitory.

"Hermione, wait!" Lavender yelled after her, obviously trying to be gentle. "Talk to me! Ginny is just a slut, Billy told me all about it!"

Lavender followed Hermione upstairs and Hermione sat in her bed, crying into her pillow.

"It's okay; she told me she liked Draco a long time ago ... I told her to lay off married men. She's a slut," replied Lavender disgustedly, consoling to pat Hermione on the head.

"I thought I could trust her, you know?" Hermione said. "She is, or she was my best friend, anyway."

"Don't let her get away with it, Hermione!" encouraged Lavender enthusiastically.


"Ginny, I'm going to go find Hermione! Lavender's going to tell. Why the fuck did you kiss me?" Draco was absolutely in a rage. He couldn't remember being so angry in a long time. Why did Ginny try to kiss him! And why, oh why, did Lavender and Billy have to walk in right at that moment ...

Draco had not kissed her back. He loved one woman ... Hermione. And now, their relationship was in jeopardy because of Ginny. He should have never spent so much time with Ginny knowing the feelings she had.

"Draco, I'm sorry, please ..."

"I'm going to find Hermione ..."

"No need, I'm here!" It was Hermione, guarded by none other than Lavender and Ron, both looking quite terrified at what Hermione might do. And coincidentally, they were walking right through the Great Hall as students came flooding in for dinner. "So ... So."

"Hermione, I didn't kiss her back. She tried to kiss me. the kiss lasted two seconds before I pulled her off," Draco said quickly, though honestly.

"True, it didn't last long. I don't think he noticed me there for another second after," said Lavender calmly.

Hermione heard, but was focusing on Ginny, who was very white and looking at her shoes. "So, I trust you to be around him, and the first thing you do is rush and try to steal him!"

"I -- I didn't mean for it to happen!"

"Oh, really? I'm tired of you Ginny, you dirty little slut. Back off from Draco and just ... Just stay out of my life, okay!"

Ginny looked so hurt by Hermione's comments, so shocked, so enraged, but she finally rebounded.

"Good ... I'll take it a step ahead of everyone else and stop feeling sorry for pathetic Granger!" Ginny was smirking now.

"Watch it, Ginny!" barked Ron.

"Oh, me, pathetic? At least I don't chase after older guys WAY out of my league!" retorted Hermione. They were getting closer to each other ...

"Ha! At least I don't prance around school looking like I just woke up everyday, scaring boys off with your hideousness. And no guy will get near a girl with such a wretched personality like yours, Granger. Dunno, but Draco's got terrible taste!" snapped Ginny back.

Someone screamed suddenly, high and like long nails scratching across a chalk board .... The Whole School was watching now .... Teachers were not in just yet ... Not the ones who mattered ... Ron or someone told them that was enough ... But Ginny pushed Hermione ... Hermione punched Ginny and slammed her into the Hufflepuff Table .... Ginny slapped Hermione across the face and pushed her onto the floor ... Hermione got up and threw Ginny onto the floor and kicked her violently.

"ENOUGH!" It was Professor McGonagall of all people. "Ms. Weasley, off the floor and to my office, NOW!"


By the end of their "talk" with McGonagall (which was painfully brutal in details), Ginny and Hermione got detention for one month straight every Friday. It looked like the end of their relationship, hopeless for recovery, and most people seemed to cut off Ginny as well. Even her brothers were pretty distant with her these days. And when Harry had heard about what happened, he too chose not to talk to Ginny ...

Ginny moved on quickly. Of all people, she began hanging with Cho Chang, who had, as rumor had it anyway, came to her sympathy. Hermione and Draco were so mad at her they did not care much. One thing was for sure:

They definitely wouldn't be trusting Ginny again.


Author's Endnote: Chapter 15 for you guys. I'm sorry about Ginny. But she may redeem herself, I'll say that much. The next chapter involves the return of a character we saw in Goblet of Fire, that I'm sure you'll be glad to see again. We'll be traveling, and it will be a long one ... You'll See.