Lily Evans
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 05/16/2003
Updated: 05/16/2003
Words: 913
Chapters: 1
Hits: 849



Story Summary:
Ever wonder where Lupin heard about the 'Waddiwasi' spell he used on Peeves in PoA? Wonder no more, here's the story behind it.

Chapter Summary:
Ever wonder where Lupin heard about the 'Waddiwasi' spell he used on Peeves in PoA? Wonder no more, here's the story behind it.
Author's Note:
A little piece of fun inspired by one of my favorite scenes in PoA.


"Hi guys," Lily greeted the four boys with a smile as she sat down next to Remus. "Oh Remus, here's the assignment for Arithmancy" she said, handing him a folded piece of parchment.

Remus accepted it with a smile of thanks.

James rolled his eyes. "Remus, tell me again just what possessed you to choose to take another class and Arithmancy at that?"

Remus opened his mouth to answer but Sirius cut in. "Insanity, dear boy. Only thing that could, I say." He winked at Remus who couldn't help laughing.

Lily looked irritated but refrained from speaking, continuing to eat her dinner in silence.

Leisurely, Sirius blew a bubble before commenting, "Hate to admit it, but Muggle bubble-gum is a wonderful thing, better than a dozen Chocolate Frogs anyday."

He winked at James before saying, "Pity, they don't last long. Can't you do something to increase the longevity of bubble-gum, Lils? Now that would really be praiseworthy."

"Don't call me Lils" was Lily's only reply, the sharpness of her tone belied by the smile playing around her lips, a smile that vanished, to be replaced with a disapproving frown when she saw Sirius stick the gum on the bottom of the table. "Sirius, really! Must you do that?! It's hardly sanitary or a nice thing to do."

Sirius grinned cheekily at Lily, unfazed by her reproof, exchanging winks with James. "Ah, but you've told me repeatedly I'm not nice. However, to oblige you, I'll do something you may like more."

Lily looked wary but took the bait anyway. "Ok and what's that?"

Sirius lowered his voice as if he was about to reveal a life-changing secret. "Well, I read about this yesterday and think now might be a good time to test it out." He ignored Remus's pretending to choke and gasp of "You read?!!"

James snickered at this but Sirius continued on as if he hadn't heard, although a glance at Remus promised retribution later.

"Just watch this. Now, Lily, pick a victim, someone you dislike a lot."

Lily frowned slightly but answered readily enough. "Lucius Malfoy."

James frowned. "That git wouldn't know politeness if it walked up and bit him on the arse."

For a moment Lily looked undecided whether to frown or laugh at this remark and finally allowed herself to grin, adding more seriously, "Well, yes, he calls me Mudblood every time he sees me and while I really don't care what he thinks, it doesn't endear him to me at all." She spoke lightly but James detected the smallest hint of hurt in her eyes and mentally decided that Malfoy was going to be the butt of a lot of pranks in the future.

Sirius and Remus were less scrupulous and smirked openly at James's comment.

Sirius calmed down and said, "Ok then, well, watch this and enjoy!"

He stood up as Lily, James and Remus looked on with interest, mischief lurking in all three boys' eyes. Raising his wand to shoulder level, he pointed it at Lucius Malfoy over at the Slytherin table and said "Waddiwasi!" The gum shot off the table and straight into Lucius Malfoy's nostril propelling him backwards to slam into the far wall.

The Slytherins looked shocked, concerned and angry, while the other Houses looked on with curiosity mixed with some satisfaction. A small group of Ravenclaws even started to applaud.

James and Remus were doubled over, howling with mirth while even Lily was grinning. Sirius grinned and made a mock bow. "Thank you, thank-"

"Mr. Black!" The irate voice of Professor McGonagall cut Sirius's bow short and caused James and Remus to choke back the rest of their laughter while Lily looked at her plate as if it was the most fascinating thing she'd ever seen.

"Detention, Black, tonight! And 20 points from Gryffindor!"

Nothing more serious than Sirius's face could be imagined as he said, "Yes, Professor." This lasted until McGonagall turned away when he turned to James with a triumphant grin. "That's 659 for me! I'm winning now!"

James grinned back and nodded, saying with mock solemnity, "I concede the victory, O Prank Master."

Lily rolled her eyes, no longer amused. "Honestly," she huffed. "I can't believe you guys actually have a contest to the number of detentions you have to serve! It's disgraceful!"

Sirius and James shrugged, unabashed. "Getting into trouble is what we do best," they said, almost in unison.

They raised their glasses in a salute. "Long live the Marauders!" Remus joined in with a "Hear, hear!"

Lily shook her head in disapproval, smiling in spite of herself. "You guys are incorrigible."

"Thank you," was James's response, "I'm flattered," was Sirius's, and "We do try," was Remus's.

The three boys grinned at Lily who couldn't help but smile back at their looks of innocence.

17 years later...

Remus Lupin smiled as he remembered that scene and then sighed as he remembered too, what Sirius had done since then.

He glanced at the group of kids, his eyes flicking briefly over to Harry, struck once again by his resemblance to James, before pointing his wand at Peeves, saying, "Waddiwasi!" and watched calmly as Peeves whirled away and then left, cursing.

Dean Thomas looked amazed as he said, "Cool, sir!"

Remus smiled, "Thank you, Dean," putting away his wand and continuing down the hall, well aware that the class was eyeing him with increased respect. Ah, the uses of a silly childish prank. Long live the Marauders, indeed.