
Touch the Sky by Badgerlady

Three years after the events of "Golden Snitch," the Snape-Potter household finds itself facing an unexpected challenge involving the next generation. Many of their comfortable assumptions are shaken, and the strength of their bonds tested. Will the safe nest they've built survive the winds of change?

Words: 12,783
Chapters: 9
Hits: 418
Golden Snitch by Badgerlady

One-shot: Snape has come back into Harry's life after 16 years, and Ginny doesn't know what to do to save her family. Epilogue compliant. 10427 words.

Words: 10,457
Chapters: 1
Hits: 564

Snape finds himself in the afterlife with the person he least wishes to see.

Words: 3,302
Chapters: 1
Hits: 449