A Day in the Life...


Story Summary:
A series of ficlets, detailing days in the lives of our favorite HP characters: Harry, Remus, Severus, Hermione, and so on. Read to find out more!

Chapter 01 - A Day in the Life of Harry Potter

Chapter Summary:
An incident mentioned in PS/SS

~A Day in the Life of Harry Potter~

"Oi! Wake up!"

Harry Potter woke up with a start. Through the vent in the door of his cupboard he could see his uncle Vernon glaring down at him.

"Wake up, you useless boy! Your aunt needs you!" said Vernon before stalking away.

Harry quickly put on his glasses and rushed to the kitchen. The morning was spent under a regime of Aunt Petunia's orders; from cleaning up the ice-cream on the floor (the work of Harry's enormous cousin Dudley on one of his midnight sojourns for food) to vacuuming the living room floor. As Harry worked, Dudley smirked at him when the commercials came on (Dudley was eating in front of the television in the living room.) After morosely gulping down his breakfast (a single piece of toast, no butter) Harry reached school just in time.

The lessons were uneventful, mainly because Dudley never opened his mouth in class unless forced to. Harry had never been brilliant at studies, but he was okay. Of course there was the time when somehow his math teacher's toupee had flown off his head when he had been scolding Harry, but, as Harry had told Uncle Vernon, that had not been Harry's fault! Harry couldn't make things fly...

The recess was another story. Not having any friends Harry usually preferred to sit in a corner of the schoolyard. Most days he could avoid Dudley altogether.

However this did not seem to be one of those days. Five minutes into recess, Dudley and his best friend Piers Polkiss, apparently having exhausted other options of schoolyard prey strode up to Harry. Harry knew what was coming. Wasting no time, he got up and started running.

He knew he could outrun Dudley but Piers, whose bulk was all muscle was a different story. Dashing towards the school building, Harry could hear him close up on him. Panic was building up inside him. Not again, not another fight!! If only he could reach the building!! If only... Harry realized that it was of no use, that Piers would catch him anyway, he could almost feel his heavy labored breathing on the back of his neck... that's it there's no escape... when whoosh!! Something happened that Harry had definitely not bargained for. He was flying, yes, flying through the air and before he knew anything else he was standing on the roof.

Everyone was goggling up at him. Then the teachers arrived. Somebody got a ladder and got Harry down. Everyone was staring at him like he was some sort of a freak.

After being sent to the principal's office for climbing school buildings, scolded by uncle Vernon for no specific reason, smirked at by Dudley and glared at by Aunt Petunia, Harry was sent to his cupboard. He stared at the sloping ceiling.

He hated his life. He could not stand these people. He did not belong here. He vowed to get away from all of this, become his own man, and then he would show them, oh yes, he would definitely show them...

~The End~

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