Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/18/2004
Updated: 10/16/2004
Words: 112,355
Chapters: 13
Hits: 27,349

Harry Potter and the Six Founders


Story Summary:
Dumbledore had tried to control everything, and it had resulted in tragedy. They won every battle but they were losing the war, and he was losing Harry. It was time for a change of plan. It was time to substitute control with trust.

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
Note to previous readers: I chanced the summary and added a short prologue. The rest of the story is the same.

..."Children please!" Arthur started to say.

"WE'RE NOT CHILDREN ANYMORE!" Ron yelled. "Harry isn't. No one can be after that kind of horror." He chocked a sob...



Albus Dumbledore was sitting, alone, in his Headmaster's office. There was no trace of the mayhem caused by the passage of the boy who still was his favorite pupil. Everything had been repaired, not because he wanted to forget what had happened, but because he couldn't bear to be reminded of the pain the boy had showed.

Everything had been repaired except for one thing. Dumbledore's trust in himself.

I cannot do it alone, Harry cannot do it alone. I am not even sure how I can help him anymore.

The war against Voldemort had been going on for more than twenty years. They had won many battles, but they had lost many friends.

And we are losing the war.

He was barely able to contain the one he still called Tom Riddle. He had known for a long time that only Harry could win that last battle, and he had tried to give the boy a chance to prepare himself. To survive and grow strong so that he could fulfill that destiny.

The boy was strong, but he was being destroyed with too much hardship. Every trick of protection that the Headmaster could devise had a way of turning into more torture for him.

I cannot protect him anymore. I must arrange for him to protect himself.

He looked grimly at a beautiful silver object on his desk. The moving metal part catching the lights of the candles and the lamps. It was supposed to be a divination device, a gift from a friend who believed in such things. Of course it had never worked, but it was pretty to look at, that was why he kept it.

I will gamble that he is capable of it.

The Headmaster didn't like gambling, but he had tried to control everything and it hadn't worked very well. Going on with that strategy seemed more dangerous than trying something else. Resolution showed on the old wizard's face, as he began to formulate a new plan.

Even a gambler could hedge his bets.

Chapter 1 - Reflections and Resolutions

Krum Manor, Bulgaria : Early July, morning

Krum Manor was an old and peaceful looking mansion, gracefully placed at the center of a large park. A gently rolling lawn separated the main building from a small lake and several groups of trees. Here and there, well trimmed flower beds added touches of colors. The estate was situated on a small plateau and the visible horizon displayed a distant mountain range. The scenery was peaceful and well ordered.

The south wing was topped by an open terrace where a long table had been set up for breakfast. Empty cups and half filled baskets of cakes and rolls were still scattered on it. The hour was late, and most of the house members had already finished and left, except for a young girl with long bushy brown hair.

After a last sip of tea, Hermione Granger sat back and admired the view before her.

It's really a very beautiful place, she thought. Being there can make one feel that the troubles of the world are far away and not important.

But that's not true, added a little voice in her mind.

Hermione and her parents had been staying there for a week, after being invited by the Krum family for a family vacation. The adults got along quite well considering how little they had in common. The Krums were one the oldest families of the wizard world, while Hermione's parents were 'Muggles', non wizard folks, and dentists to boot. Each barely understood the workings of the other's world.

Hermione and Viktor were the only ones who bridged the gap between them.

In was easier than it might have been. They were all such decent peoples that, despite their differences, they could live together, and even have a very good time - united by nothing more than a common appreciation of such simple things as food, wine and music. And the fact that their son and daughter where friends.

With maybe something more in the future.

Damn it, she thought. This is moving too fast, and I never really planned anything. It's not so simple any more.

Viktor was a famous Quidditch player here in Bulgaria. She had met him two years ago, during the Tournament of the Goblet of Fire. He had been one of the contestants, the champion for his school, and he had asked her to be his dancing partner at the Yule ball given in honor of the Tournament. She'd been surprised at first but they had gotten along very well. He was quite older than her, and she had been attracted by his maturity. In truth she had always found most boys of her age too interested in games and foolish things, just as they had thought her too serious. Despite his celebrity Viktor was actually very quiet and withdrawn. He had found in her an attentive and intelligent audience, and she in turn had learned a lot of things about wizard life, small yet important things that no one at Hogwarts thought to teach to a muggle born witch.

Since that time they had written regularly and seen each other briefly. Several times he had invited her, and her parents, to visit his family. This year they had accepted.

Viktor is nice. He may look strange to others, but he's one of the few people who don't think I'm an intellect crazy freak. He's smart and he actually likes me like I am without any jealousy or scorn.

The previous evening they had walked together in the park, holding hands and making small talk about books, the concert Viktor's parent had organized for the neighborhood village, what Hermione wanted to do after graduation. Several times he had made some remarks which, without being explicit, hinted at what they could do together in the future, living here.

Living here with him. I am ready for that?

She had to admit that things could be a lot worse actually. The Krum family was an old and respected wizard line. Her parents would be protected here. That was not a thing to be taken lightly in this world.

In Harry and Voldemort's world. Where rogue wizards kill muggles for fun.

Viktor had not said a word about the war with Voldemort. He could have. It was big news in England since his official re-appearance, and even here in Bulgaria the papers had talked about it. Voldemort was a terrible, evil and powerful wizard. So terrifying that few people dared to even speak his name. Viktor knew about Harry, who had been one of the contestants in the Tournament, and had actually won it and almost died when Voldemort had turned the trophy cup into a deadly trap. The other winner had been a friend of Harry, a boy named Cedric whom Voldemort had killed.

Funny that I should think about Harry. What is he doing right now?

Harry had confronted Voldemort again only a few weeks ago. They had been caught in a deadly battle inside the Ministry Of Magic in London. Hermione had been with him, and with their other friends, Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville. Hermione had almost been killed. Harry had saved her life but she had been badly wounded. She was all right now but she still had some ugly scars. Someone else had died. Harry's godfather, Sirius. She knew it had been a terrible loss for him.

If anyone deserves the kind of vacation I'm having now, it's him. But he has to stay with that monstrous family of his. No friends, no evening walks, no concerts.

She felt a great wave of sadness coming over her. It was so unfair. When thinking about the future, her future, she wanted Harry to be happy, to have a family. To be with his friends.

Instead he had to spend his vacations alone in that dreadful house because it was the only place protected by a strong enough magic to block Voldemort. Magic conjured by his mother before she died.

There was a lot of death and tragedy in Harry's life. It touched her deeply because he was one of her dearest friend.

She felt tears coming. She couldn't help it. With her mind she pictured him brooding in his room, alone or probably talking with Hedwig, his pet owl. Or reading a book or...

The sadness of it overwhelmed her. She couldn't get way from that awful image and tears started streaming down her face. She broke up completely for a while and only came back to the world when she felt a hand touching her shoulder.

She looked up to see her mother standing over her.

"Hermione, my darling what's the matter?" She took her daughter in her arms. "Why are you crying? Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing, nothing...." she said, shaking her head and trying to stop herself. She looked up to her mother's face, fumbled for her napkin and wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's stupid, it's a beautiful day, and we're all so happy here. I don't know what's the matter with me." She blew her nose. "It's all right now."

Her mother looked at her carefully.

"I'm not sure it's all right, dear. Don't you think you should talk about it?" She caressed her face gently. "Maybe I can help you."

Hermione nodded. Yes help. I want to help Harry too. We should all help each other.

But what could her mother understand about the situation? Usually she didn't even try to explain what happened in her other life. Besides most the time her parents didn't really want to know. It was too strange, too irrational for them.

"It's okay Mom." She tried to smile "Don't worry about it. I'll just go and clean up. I'm really fine."

Her mother wasn't convinced but she didn't press it.

"All right dear. Whatever you want but if you need me I'll be by the lake." Jane Granger looked on with some concern, as her daughter went back inside the house, moving quickly.

She reflected on how fast she had grown up. In the beginning she had been a very bright, lively girl, but as her intelligence developed, it had estranged her from the other children. She became introverted and bookish until she went to that strange school of magic.

It had been a tremendous shock when it had been explained to her, and to her husband, that wizards and witches really existed and that her daughter was destined to be one. For Hermione it had been a revelation. She'd returned from her first term with an enthusiasm that they had never seen in her before. She'd talked of new friends, fascinating knowledge and extraordinary teachers. They had been disoriented by her new life but they could see that she had found a place in it. They had gone along with her choice.

That had been five years ago but she had changed lately. She didn't talk as much to them and when she did they sensed a dark side to her world. And sometimes they didn't understand her at all.

Privet Drive,

At the same time Harry Potter was effectively talking to Hedwig, and detaching a note from her leg. He was seated in the small room given to him in his uncle and aunt's house.

"Thank you Hedwig. Here's a treat for you." He gave the owl a piece of biscuit and after flying around him, the bird went to perch in its cage.

It's from Remus, he remarked and his expression brightened. Remus and Hagrid, as the last surviving friends of his parents, were practically all he had left of his family.

Dumbledore could probably be included in that, but it was difficult to consider so powerful a wizard as a parent. And the last time they had talked, Harry had been very upset and angry.

I'm not really being fair. He did take care of me during all these years.

He didn't want to think about Headmaster Dumbledore right now, it brought painful memories.

Harry waited a moment before opening the letter, savoring the instant. His life at Privet Drive was so boring and miserable that distractions and small pleasures, like a letter from a friend, were to be hoarded like jewels.

The first days had been the worst. He had brooded over the awful events of the ministry battle, the death of Sirius, and the terrible revelations of Dumbledore. For a while all he had been able to do had been to relive the last year and wish for things to have been different.

After a while he'd tried to distract himself in books and magazines, Quiddich quarterly and even Hogwarts - a History. Still, everything seemed futile and he just couldn't keep interested. Hogwarts was lying on the bed table and looking at it reminded him of Hermione and how she was always quoting that book. If you'd read Hogwarts - a History you'd know that...

Harry smiled at the memory of the energetic, bushy haired girl who was the top student their school, whose appetite for reading had become legend, and who had been a close and dear friend for the last five years. He allowed himself to remember the wonders of that first year at Hogwarts. When he, she and Ron had discovered the magical world of wizardry.

His present situation was a far cry from those happy days.

I've been wallowing in self pity for too long, he thought, remembering the remarks of the old Headmaster Nigellus in Dumbledore's office painting, complaining that teenagers were always so self centered.

With friends such as Ron and Hermione, whatever else happened, he had something beyond price.

Perhaps I should write and say it to them? Yes that's a thought.

He opened the letter.

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry not to have written to you before this. I figured you might need to have some time alone. I know I needed it myself, because although Sirius was very important for you, I loved him too and you must believe me when I say that I share your pain.

I've been thinking about you every day Harry and even though I will not be able to replace Sirius I want to help you like he would have. Please let me do that.

Terrible things have happened, to the world, to us and to you most of all, and however unfair this is, it's not over as you well know.

You must know that you are not alone Harry, that you have friends and they love you. Remember that love has protected you before and it can do so again. This is important.

We must not wait for more terrible things to happen. We will fight this menace. All of us together and we will win. I know we will.

So don't give up.

Harry, I would very much like to talk to you. Can we do that? Let me know when I can come and visit you. I suppose it would be best to do it when your uncle and aunt are not around.

Remus Lupin

P.S. Remember his last to you.

Harry's first reaction was anger, as whenever he was reminded of Sirius or when he felt someone had pity on him. Then gradually his emotion subsided. He knew that Remus, professor Lupin, meant well.

What's the date again? Yes the full moon was two days ago. He's just recovered.

Remus was a werewolf. He had been bitten by one as a child and every month he transformed into a wild creature. It was a terrible thing. For him it was a chronic and painful disease.

And yet Remus was always a pleasant and cheerful companion. Fiercely loyal and caring.

He looked at the letter again.

We will fight and we will win.... don't give up.

That kind of martial phrase made him feel better at least. It was more like what a Gryffindor would say.

We certainly have not been doing much winning lately. It would be more correct to say that we haven't lost everything!

Something was funny about that letter.

What did Remus mean by "Remember his last to you"? The phrase evoked only one thing to Harry, the howler that his aunt Petunia had received a year ago.

"Remember my last Petunia!"

It had happened last year when his uncle had been getting ready to throw him out the house. A howler, a magical screaming letter, from Dumbledore had arrived to remind her of her pledge to keep him in her house, so that he could be protected as the Headmaster had explained later. What a shock it had been to his uncle, who hated all things to do with magic, to learn that his wife had made a pact with wizards!

But Remus is not talking about Petunia here. This has to be about me.

It sounded like a puzzle. Despite his current funk he was starting to be interested.

Could he be referring to the last conversation I had with Dumbledore?

Harry reviewed the old wizard's words. So many things had been said that night. He had never really tried to analyze what Dumbledore had told him. He'd been so angry and distressed at the loss of Sirius.

Way to go Harry! He's only the most competent wizard in the world. What could you learn from him? How much better to feel sorry for yourself!

He stood up and started to pace in his room, annoyed once more but mostly at himself. Remus is telling me something and that letter has a hidden meaning. What could it be?

At least it had started his mind working again, and that was nice.

There were some obvious reasons for using a round about way to communicate. It was suspected that owl post could be intercepted. Even though the Ministry is on our side now and Voldemort and the Death Eaters would be on the defensive for a while.

Harry re-read the letter carefully, searching for clues.

"... you have friends and they love you ...love has protected you... This is important."

Well ok, it's nice to be loved but what does it have to do with my problem?

Harry didn't see what good that was going to do against Voldemort. Against an enemy who was able to kill anyone with a word, and who had corrupted so many people into becoming Death Eaters - devoted to him and to inflicting pain and death on innocents.

There was a war going on and in a war the most important thing should be to fight, to build up power to use against the enemy.

But Dumbledore never seems to do that. Things are always so often about defense with him.

When he thought about love he thought about his parents. Did this have something to do with the magic that his mother has used to protect him from Voldemort before he killed her? The same that made it necessary for him to stay at Privet Drive in the summer?

These spells were sixteen years old and they still worked. Although actually only the Privet Drive haven remained effective since Voldemort had used Harry's own blood to regenerate himself.

Still in his first year Harry had almost destroyed Voldemort, simply by touching him. And Dumbledore had said several times that it was because of his mother's love.

Could this kind of magic be used as a weapon?

Harry began to feel excitement. He remembered Dumbledore saying that Voldemort was unable to understand the power of the heart. And to be honest I don't either. It's nothing like the magic spells we're taught at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore had also said that at the Ministry it was his feeling for Sirius which had forced Voldemort out of his mind. He shivered as he remembered the terrible pain and despair of his possession by the dark wizard.

Maybe there's something behind this. Maybe I do need to listen to Remus.

He took out a quill and started to write an answer. Yes. They would talk, maybe even start planning so that at least there would be hope and something for him to do. And maybe there is someone else I could discuss this with.

Harry stood decisively. He took out a piece of cake lying on his table and gave it to the owl which was looking at him in expectation.

"Take this Hedwig. I'll have more work for you tonight." He started to write.

Dear Remus,

Thank you for your message.
Yes I would like to talk with you. As it happens, the Dursleys will be away tomorrow afternoon so why don't you drop by, around half past two?

Respectfully yours.


He rolled up the note and attached it to Hedwig's leg.

"This is for Remus but I need you to come back quickly because I'll have another letter for you."

I'll write one to Hermione. I wonder what she's doing with her vacation.

He took out another blank piece of paper.

Krum's Manor, Bulgaria,

Hermione went up to her room, splashed some water on her face and started thinking, trying as she always prided herself, to deal with her problem 'logically'. What is it with me? Here I am, perfectly happy, on vacation, and just thinking of Harry and Viktor makes me lose it like if I were a stupid empty headed bimbo girl, like Cho crying all the time.


Harry's girlfriend.

Ex-girlfriend, she corrected.

At the memory of Harry's entanglement with the pretty Ravenclaw, she couldn't help smiling. He had been so helpless, especially at that time in Homestead when he and Cho had a row because she, Hermione, had asked him to meet Ron and her in the middle of their date. Harry had complied at little too literally, and completely messed up with Cho as a result.

That was a lousy trick I played on him.

Hermione was startled by that thought. She hadn't played any trick. Poor Harry just didn't know how to handle the delicate intricacies of romantic relations.

But she did.

She was honest enough with herself to question her attitude on that particular occasion. Was it possible that unconsciously she had tried to disrupt the relationship between Harry and his girlfriend?

But she hadn't been jealous. She remembered being happy for him when he started dating Cho. And she'd been dating with Viktor.

She was dating Viktor. Yesterday they'd kissed, for the first time. Under the moonlight, near the lake.

Very romantic, exactly as I'd planned it.

It had been nice but it hadn't made her head turn. She'd been in control of things. As usual.

But is it what I really want?

She remembered the way Harry had been when he'd kissed Cho for the first time. He'd been walking on clouds, so happy that even she had been moved by his dreamy face.

Damn it! Why do I keep thinking of him?

What were her feelings for Harry? She needed to define that.

He and Ron are my best friends. We learned magic and faced dangers together. We shared so much that we are like brothers and sisters.

Do I want more?

What did she want actually?

Deep inside her she realized that she yearned for what she had seen in Harry's eyes that day. Intellectual games were not enough. She wanted passion.

Harry might not understand girls, but he knew how to fall in love.

Was she in love with Harry?

How much of her affection for him was simply pity for his troubles? Pity would not be a good basis for a romance. Viktor and she treated each other as equals. If she just wanted to help Harry maybe she could do it better as a friend.

I would give my life for him. Would I give it for Viktor?

Inside herself she knew that she would, but not for the same reasons.

Giving your life for someone is not the same thing as being ready to spend it with him.

Hermione realized this was the crux. She began to imagine life, adult life with someone, a man, and what that meant.

It got her nowhere. There were good and bad arguments on both sides. All she had was doubts and she was confused.

I need to make a choice. I need to talk about it with someone.

It looked like she might have to take her mother's offer after all. She waited a little more and finally stood up, left her room, and started down the stairs.

In the hall she met Viktor and his father. Mr. Krum was a very dignified gentleman, exactly what she imagined a nineteenth century lord to be. Once again she reflected of the curious preference of wizard folks for older traditions and ways of life.

"Good morning young lady. Is everything fine?" asked the older man.

"Hello Hermiony," said Viktor pleasantly. He'd made a lot of effort to learn to pronounce her name.

She took Mr. Krum's hand and gave him her brightest smile.

"Yes thank you, it's a beautiful morning and I'm having a wonderful time in your lovely home. Hello Viktor." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Would you like to walk to the village with me this morning Hermiony?" he asked her. "There are some things we need to buy at the general store."

"I'd love to but I have to discuss some things with my mother. Can it wait an hour or so?"

"Of course. I will wait for you. Later then."

He's really a nice boy. All in all, I don't think we've ever disagreed on anything.

She couldn't say that about Harry, who could be the most difficult person she had ever met. She sighed as she found herself once again comparing the two boys.

It's not that easy. Some things are more important.

Hermione left the hall and went for the garden. She spotted her mother sitting on one of the benches near the water, and she walked toward her.

She knew basically what she wanted to discuss but part of it depended on a lot of stuff, about Voldemort and the wizard world, which her parents didn't have a clue about. That could complicate things.

And maybe they shouldn't know too much. There's always a chance that they would stop me from going back to Hogwarts. Of course they might also simply not believe me.

Her mother smiled at her.

"You look much better dear." She looked at her carefully. "Now, do you want to tell me what was making you sad?"

Hermione sat down and started to explain how she liked Viktor and hadn't really considered long term commitments until recently and then found that she was questioning her feelings for another one of her friends.

"Harry. He's that boy you've told me about at your school? The one who's an orphan?"

"Yes. Me, him and Ron, that's Ronald Weasley from another wizard family, we're always together and we've had a lot of...adventures." Hermione gave her mother a defensive glance. "I mean seriously, it's not always kid's stuff and making up mischief. I can't detail everything but believe me when I say that the wizard world is very different from the muggle... from the real world."

She went on to explain that Harry had suffered a lot of troubles the previous year and that she was wondering if she was really attracted to him or if she only felt a kind of motherly feeling to help him.

Her mother smiled at that. Motherly feelings indeed.

"You seem to be taking this rather seriously Hermione. At your age it's normal to hesitate between boyfriends."

Hermione jumped.

"Mom! I would not bother you if it was just... fooling around with boyfriends. I feel very seriously about this." That's really you girl. God forbid that you'd do anything frivolous.

She grimaced and continued in a low voice.

"I don't want to play games with any of them. I respect them too much for that."

"I'm sorry my dear. Of course I can only approve completely," said her mother. Inwardly she was rather pleased by her daughter's attitude. She had certainly matured.

"Have you been dating this Harry before?"

"No... I mean it really wasn't an issue up till now. I don't even know how he feels about me. He probably considers me more like a sister. He had a girlfriend last year but they broke up..."

Fifteen year old boys never consider fifteen year old girls like their sisters, my dear daughter, thought her mother.

"What do you feel when you think about him?" she asked in a neutral voice.

Hermione took a deep breath, looked away and launched herself.

"Well he's the bravest and the most gallant person I know. He's really been hurt a lot and because of that I want him to be happy. I try to comfort him, but he keeps a lot of things inside himself, and he can be very stubborn, but sometimes he relaxes, and then he's the most wonderful companion and we have a great time together ..."

"And how do you feel about Viktor?"

Hermione paused and she smiled at her mother, guessing at the technique she was using. Well medical people probably have to take courses in practical psychology.

"Viktor is nice, he's intelligent, and Harry is very smart too by the way!" Damn it! Keep to the point girl! "With him I had a lot of good discussions and I learned a lot about how adult wizards live. Viktor is always pleasant company and I feel, well ... secure with him."

She stopped. Was that all she could say about a boy she'd been seeing for more than a year? And compared to that she felt she could talk about Harry for hours. She felt a lump in her throat. Her mother said nothing for while.

"You're not in love with Viktor," she stated flatly. "He would make a good companion but you're afraid that life wouldn't be challenging enough with him."

Hermione nodded, she thought exactly the same thing.

"But you can make your life interesting all by yourself, even if you don't share everything with your partner."

Hermione considered this. It felt like a default choice and she had more ambition for herself. I want to make my life a success as a team. She shook her head.

"On the other hand it's obvious that you are very attracted to Harry. The way it looks, the choice seems to be easy. Unless there is something else I should know?"

Yes she's right. It ought to be a simple decision.

"I'm afraid," she answered, lowering her eyes.

"Of what?" came the puzzled response. "Of him? You do make him sound somewhat formidable."

Hermione shook her head.

Of what am I afraid the most? That he'll say no and reject me? Am I that vulnerable? No. If he really doesn't love me we'll still be friends. It will hurt a lot to be rejected but I'll deal with it.

What else could happen? One of us could die in this war and the other would really suffer. Hermione imagined herself being killed, or tortured into insanity like Neville's parents, and how Harry would react. Or if it was the other way around.

She realized that it could happen quite easily. She shivered and paled at the thought of it.

The hard fact was that death, or terrible injuries were things that were never going to be far from Harry's life until Voldemort was defeated. It was bad enough to consider that for oneself but when it concerned loved ones it was unbearable.

She suddenly realized something.

Harry must be living with thoughts like that everyday since Cedric died. No wonder he's changed.

Her face became hard as she considered what her choice implied.

"Hermione! What is it?" her mother asked anxiously.

She ignored her as she realized something else too.

How can I believe that I pity him? He's the bravest and strongest person to bear such a burden and not crack up completely.

A new feeling swelled up in her. It took a moment to understand what it was. She was proud of him.

"Hermione! Did I say something wrong?"

No you said the right words. I love him, I admire him, but he's alone and he needs someone. I want to be that person. No matter what the consequences might be.

"Hermione? Talk to me please?"

She looked up at her mother and wondered what to say. How could I explain all of that to her? It's impossible but it's not necessary anymore. I've chosen.

"No it's ok. I just... can't say anymore." She stood up, confident once again.

"Thank you Mom, you really did helped me, and don't worry I know what to do." She forced a smile.

Jane examined her daughter's face closely.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." There was no trace of indecisiveness in her voice. She'd returned to her usual confident self. "And now I have to go in town with Viktor. It will not take long and we'll be back for lunch." She kissed her mother and they smiled at each other. "See you later Mom."

Viktor. He's the next step in this. It's not going to be easy, but I have to make him understand. I just hope I won't hurt him too much.

She began to marshal her thoughts on what to say to him as she turned back to the house.


She stopped. Her mother was looking at her.

"Yes Mom?"

"Are you going to speak to Viktor?" She marked a pause. "And then, are you going to be leaving us?" she continued in a soft voice.

She understands. That's a good thing. And she'll speak to Dad.

"Yes. I want take care of this as quickly as possible."

Even if I don't know exactly how I'm going to do it.

"Darling, if I can give you a word of advice for Viktor?" Hermione frowned then nodded. "Don't tell him too much. Just that you need time to think." Then, as one woman to another. "It will be easier for him if he has time to understand it by himself." Another pause. "Even the kindest words can be blunt and cause a lot of pain."

Yes she's right. I'll have to remember that.

"Thanks Mom, good advice."

Viktor was waiting for her in the lounge reading the Bulgarian equivalent of the Daily Prophet.

"Are you ready Hermiony?"

He looked at her, interrogative. She tried to keep a neutral composure but it was not easy. He stood up to take her hand.

"Is everything all right? You look a little strange."

She shook her head. The house was not a good place for what she had to say.

"No. I'm ok. Shall we go?"

They walked in silence for a while, hand in hand. Hermione felt her heart beating fast, and she was trying to calm herself as she took in the soothing scenery of the countryside. Viktor shot several looks at her, sensing her trouble and trying to understand what was happening.

She seems so serious today. She's always serious when she's working but never when we are just... together.

"Hermiony? What is it? Something is not right I feel."

She stopped walking, released his hand and a gentle smile formed on her face.

"Yes Viktor, there is something I have to tell you."

An icy feeling came over him, and the look in his eyes changed from puzzlement to alarm and fear. Seeing this Hermione hated herself for what she was going say.

"Viktor, I like you, I really do, but beyond that, I'm not sure of my feelings... And I think that I ought to tell you that, and well..." Better stop here and see how he reacts. She considered him carefully.

Viktor swallowed a heavy lump in his throat. Is she saying that she doesn't love me? Is it already over between us? Things had never gotten very far, and he had never really thought about the future until a few days ago, when he'd realized that she could become very special for him.

Seeing her right now he found her more desirable than ever. She was so vital with her beautiful earnest face, and the bunch of brown hair which always seemed excessive for her small size.

"Hermione, I..." he stammered, "I do not know what to say. I thought that we were doing all right you and me. Did I do something wrong?"

Her heart cried out from the pain she heard in his voice. She rushed forward, but stopped before touching him.

"No! Of course not! You've been fine and I was really happy with you. I am still... happy." She took in a deep breath. "Viktor I am really glad that I meet you, and I really think you are great guy, and whatever difficulty exists lies with me, but I need to... do something, to make sure..." she broke off.

"And you need to have a girl who will be with you, without any afterthoughts," she finished in a rush as she felt the tears coming once again.

"Viktor I'm so sorry!"

Desperately she willed herself to keep looking at him, to stay in control despite the hurt she could see on his face.

They were silent for a long time. Then Viktor turned away and started down the way, without looking back. After a while she followed, trying not to make any sound.

They were not very far from the village. He walked on without looking at her. Hermione couldn't bring herself to accompany him when he went to purchase the supplies they had to bring back. She sat on a stone near the village sign, knowing that he would have to come back by that way, unless he decided to apparate back at the manor. No he won't do that. I'll wait for him at least for while.

Half an hour later she saw him coming back and she imagined that he stood a little straighter. She didn't move and practically stopped breathing until he came to her level. Then he sat down next to her and turned toward her.

"It is all right Hermiony. I cannot say that I can take in everything yet. It hurts a lot. But I think I understand what you feel, and maybe you are right to have... doubts about us." He forced a sad little smile. "As you said, I do like you and I hope we will still be friends. Whatever happens I want you to be happy. And I want you to know that I will always be there for you if you need help."

Hermione's tear streaked face broke into a smile.

"I'll always be your friend Viktor!" She took his hand and kissed it. "And I will be glad to call on you later."

She wiped her eyes.

"You know I've done more crying today than in the last two years. I'm really turning into a silly girl."

"You are not silly Hermione. Never." He stood up and extended her his arm. "Shall we go back now?"

The Burrow, evening

Molly Weasley was in her kitchen cooking dinner. At the Burrow, the house of the Weasley family, this was usually a collective activity between the cook and a number of magical inhabitants of the kitchen.

Around her, pots, spoons and ingredients whirled and did their stuff. At the moment a selection of vegetables and meats were being cut and boiled, while a lineup of spice bottles and condiments competed for her attention, dancing in the air, waiving miniature hands, and accompanied by various recipes and utensils.

Tonight 'Curry' was most anxious to play a part. The yellow box was forcibly pushing the others away and had formed an alliance with a cookbook entitled Delicious meals from India. The competition team was a wine bottle and a French recipe labelled Poulet à la bordelaise.

Molly judged the French dish too heavy for an evening meal.

"Not tonight Claret, but I promise we will do something together next Sunday".

The Curry bottle stuck out its tongue to the wine, who attempted to hit it with its cork. The rest of the magical denizens joined in the fight. After a moment of pandemonium Molly intervened and eventually order returned to the kitchen and she finished planning the rest of the dinner.

When the various pots and pans could be left to simmer by themselves, she joined the rest of her family in the living room.

Arthur and Ron were playing a game of Wizard chess. Ginny was quietly reading a book. Fred and Georges would not be home until the weekend and Percy...

Molly's happy mood disappeared. They where still at odds with Percy.

Great Merlin! Percy, when are you going to realize what you've done and come back to us? Don't you understand how unfair the Ministry has been to Harry and to us?

Thinking about the young orphan she became even sadder.

Harry. That poor boy. Dumbledore has his reasons for not letting us keep him here for the whole summer, but there's really got to be a better way that sending him to those bandits. He can't even practice his magic as he should.

The realization that someone as young as Harry (well he's almost sixteen actually, not really a boy anymore) should have to practice fighting for his life against deadly enemies, changed her feelings to anger. As a mother she valued the importance of having a happy childhood, and Harry had certainly been cheated of that. Responsibilities and the hard facts of life come soon enough. That boy deserves more, and we should be able to give him the bare minimum of family life.

Looking at Ron and Ginny she reflected on the fact that, because of their friendship, her children were more exposed than most in the deadly war against Voldemort. The only upside is that it had given them all more maturity than they should have at their age. As a member of the Order of the Phoenix, she knew the necessities but also the risks, and she was both proud and fearful.

We do what we must.

As if reading his mother's thoughts, Ron looked up with a questioning expression on is face.

"Dinner smells delicious Mom. How about inviting Harry over?"

"You know what professor Dumbledore said. That we had to wait."

"Yes but look Mom. At his place he's probably got nothing but a lump of old bread and tepid water. He'll end up weak as kitten and if something happens, he..." Ron choked off at the thought of Harry being attacked by Voldemort at his uncle's house.

Ginny turned a weary face to her brother.

"Ron we explained to you that he's safe there," she said. "He can't be harmed unless he leaves the place, which he won't because he's got more sense than you."

"And we sent him some food last week and yesterday, so he's not starving," added Molly.

Ron knew all that but he missed his friend and he knew that Harry was unhappy. It was wrong to keep him away.

"What about Quiddich?" he insisted. "What about defense training? There's so much that we should be doing together."

He got up and moved around to vent some of his frustration.

"This is stupid! Last year it was the same thing and it almost got Harry killed, it got..." Ron stopped when he saw his parents' sober faces. Everyone remembered the events which had led to the death of Sirius.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I mean, I trust you and things but..." he stammered.

Arthur stood up and put his hand on his son's arm.

"It's ok Ron. We understand how you feel and how hard it is. But you can trust us. It's not going to be like last year. A lot of things have changed." Yes a lot has changed, some good and some bad but we're stronger now and we don't have the Ministry against us.

For an instant he debated against telling them of Dumbledore's plans. Knowing that the Headmaster was preparing something would make them feel better, but it was too soon and he didn't want to raise false hopes. They were ready to grasp at anything, and disappointment would hurt them more than frustration could.

"Come on Ron. It's your move..."

Reflections and Resolutions Ch1 - 1