Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/01/2002
Updated: 08/28/2002
Words: 85,493
Chapters: 17
Hits: 13,955

Nicole Stevens: Roses and Mistrust


Story Summary:
Nicole Stevens is a fifteen year old witch from America. She was dragged from her home to England by her parents. Nicole isn't enjoying her new home, but of course, when you become Harry Potter's girlfriend, things are bound to get a little out of hand.....

Roses and Mistrust 16

Chapter Summary:
Summaries are moronic. You've gotten this far, you know what this is about.
Author's Note:
Thanks! I'm gla to get all of your emails.

Nicole Stevens: Roses and Mistrust

Chapter Sixteen: Mad Season

(It's a Matchbox20 song, if you couldn't guess. If you have their second CD 'Mad Season', then go turn it on while you read. )

When we last left our heroine, she was trying not to throw up, as she watched Harry being dragged away by Rayne, the vampire...

When Voldemort finally spoke again, he said, "Well, you have passed the third test. I commend your courage. You have done well. I am pleased, so come forward and extend your left forearm."

I nodded resolutely and strode forward, doing as he had instructed. Voldemort wrapped his fingers around my upper-arm and ordered, "Kneel."

I kneeled, more out of fear than because he had told me to. He pressed his wand firmly into the skin just below my elbow. I flinched at the wood dug harshly into my arm.


I screamed as I felt a searing pain; it began spreading from the point his wand touched, to the tips of my fingers and toes. I was yelling unrestrainedly, but it made no matter to any of the Death Eaters around me. Later in my life, I would suppose that they had gotten this reaction every time someone was branded with the Dark Mark. Suddenly, the pain stopped, and I was left with a hangover-like feeling.

"You, Nicole Stevens, are officially a Death Eater. Your rank is nineteen. Nicole Stevens, you are second in command. Whatever I tell you to do you MUST do without contestation. Whenever you feel the mark burn, you must apparate immediately to my side. Punishment will be given if you disobey my commands. Stand. Hold your head high and pronounce these words clearly; Mort sorcière. Je servir le Foncé Maitre."

"Mort sorcière. Je servir le Foncé Maitre," I repeated slowly once I had stood.

"Very well. Now, I have some business with you. Come with me." He turned and went through the door that Harry had entered only a short while before. I followed eagerly, hoping for even a mere glance of Harry. Once inside the room, Voldemort said,

"There is a charm on the room. When you are in here, he cannot see you and you cannot see him. I designed it specially. There are a few quick enchantments I need to inform you of, if you wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not, milord," I answered. It took a lot of effort not to spit in his face, but I managed it without a hitch.

"The first is a transportation charm; it will take you immediately to this castle. The spell is:

*Convey this crowd,

On wind and cloud,

To the castle of the king,

By the power of this ring.*"

Voldemort handed me a small circular band of silver, saying, "When you wear this ring, the spell will work. If you are not wearing it, then the spell will NOT work. Be sure to have it with you wherever you go. To go to a specific place in the castle, end it with the name of the place."

"Does the spell work for any place?" He nodded slowly. "Thank you, milord," I nearly choked saying it. If that was true, then...

"And there are a couple of others." He handed me a small mirror, "This is to use to converse with other Death Eaters and myself. The spell to activate it is:

*Green and growing, show me,

Swift and silent, show me,

Damp and dingy, show me,

Deep and shining, show me what I would see.*

Last for that spell, you say the person's name that you would like to talk with."

"Another spell is to unlock or lock any doors. You must recite:

Lock this door,

Protect what is inside,

Do not let anyone enter,

Give thee a place to hide.

There's the unlocking charm also, which is:

Unlock this door,

Reveal what is inside,

Let all enter,

Give thee no place to hide."

"The final spells are to create and unmake a Circulus de Lumière. To create one you simply say :

Fire and ice,

Dark of Night,

Light of day,

Lock thee away.

To unmake a Circulus de Lumière you recite :

*Fire and cloud,

Rain and snow,

Lift the spell

And let him go.* "Â

"Alright, so those are all the spells I need to know?"

"For the time being, yes. You may now go back and meet the rest of your fellows."

"Thank you, milord." I was in such a hurry to leave, that I was almost running out the door.

Once out in the second hall, I immediately spotted Jade fussing over an extremely irritated-looking Draco. Shaking my head, I went to stand next to him. As soon as Jade saw me coming, she did a half- curtsy and greeted,

"Hello, milady. Might I be of any service?"

I knew that she would HAVE to go get me anything that I asked for, so I answered, "Yes, in fact. Would you go grab me a glass of red wine? Thank you."

She trotted off quickly, going to the kitchens for my wine. Draco turned to me, grinning wickedly, "Since when do you drink wine?"

I stood up tall and proclaimed loudly, "I have always enjoyed drinking wine." But I whispered quietly, "I don't and I never will. You can have it if you'd like. I can't stand the awful stuff. But, you looked very unhappy, so I got rid of her."

"Well, milady, it's wonderful of you to think of us dregs of society."

"But isn't it? Look, I'm sorry about doing the Imperius curse on you. I had to, You understand that, right?" I asked him worriedly, rubbing the dark mark on my arm absentmindedly.

"Of course. I know it was nothing personal. Oh, hello father."

I raised my eyes, looking up at Lucius. He was standing next to a tall man that must have been his brother. A guy about Draco's height with the same blonde hair stood behind Leander Malfoy.

"Milady," Lucius said in an oily tone, "Might I introduce you to my brother, Leander Malfoy, and his son Somnus Venificus Malfoy."

"Very nice to meet you, milady," Leander Malfoy greeted with sly politeness.

"And you," I replied, shaking his hand with as much civility as I could handle.

"Hello, I'm Somnus. It is good to finally meet you." Somnus actually managed to sound sincere. A Malfoy, sounding sincere? Had I heard him correctly?

"We shall leave you alone to bond," Lucius said.

Draco frowned at his cousin, who looked oblivious to Draco's death glare. I was unaware of why Draco would be so vicious towards Somnus. Then, I realized that it was because Somnus seemed to have taken notice of me.

"Um, sorry, Somnus, but we were really having a private conversation. You see--"

"Shove off," Draco ordered with authority. I shot a reproachful glance at him, as he added, "It's very simple really. She's trying not to sound cruel, but what she really means is that she wants you to shove off. Isn't that right, milady?"

I gave him a shocked look, before saying, "No. No, that isn't right. I was merely stating that Somnus might not like standing here listening to us ramble on and on about meaningless things. We would most probably bore you," I added.

"Oh, I disagree. I do not think that you could ever bore me, milady."

I blushed scarlet as Draco tugged me away from his cousin. "Stop that!" he hissed. "Don't look at him like that. He's an insufferable git. And what he meant by that last comment was that he could stare at you forever, being the pervert that he is."

"You're jealous!" I exclaimed incredulously. "Draco is jealous because his cousin thinks I'm hot. Ha! You are jealous. You are jealous," I taunted spitefully.

"Alright, maybe you're right. No, I KNOW you're right. I AM envious that he is able to steal your attention, but that does NOT mean that you can just go and undress him with your eyes!"

"Aha! He admitted that he was jealous! And I was NOT undressing him with my eyes!" I protested indignantly.

"You were too! You were standing there drooling over--"

"Is there a problem? My cousin isn't bothering you, milady, is he?" Somnus had come to see what was wrong.

I looked at him and denied Draco the chance to tell Somnus off for just LOOKING at me.

"No, Draco was just leaving." Draco looked like he wanted to object, but I cut him off before he could speak again, "Weren't you Draco?"

"No, actua--"

"WEREN'T you?" I said through clenched teeth.

"Yes, milady. But, I'm just going to check on Jade." He spun on Somnus, poking his relative in the chest threateningly. "If you do anything to her, I swear I'll beat you to a bloody pulp. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Draco, he understands. Now stop bullying poor Somnus and go check on my wine. I think Jade might've gotten lost."

Draco left us, grumbling under his breath. He had very colorful language, that much I was certain of.

"I do apologize about him, he's--"

"A Malfoy. All of us are extremely protective, especially when something we are fond of is being er...threatened. He's just looking out for you, and I can accept that. It's not really his fault. It's just a family disposition. Most times, we can control ourselves, but he obviously cares so much about you that he would kill for your safety," Somnus explained kindly.

"Well, usually I could pass it off like that, but the only thing is, I've never seen him this bad. Sure, he's gotten into little squabbles with Ha--his friends, but never to the extent of death threats. I'm worried. Should I go see if he's alright?"

"No, no, of course not. He's about to become seventeen, Draco can take care of himself. You needn't follow after him," Somnus reassured.

"Yeah, you're probably right. But still..."

Draco returned some time later, wearing an expression of grim pride.

"Your sister needs your aid," Draco informed Somnus smugly.

"Oh? Why for?" Somnus asked, intrigued.

"Because she is locked in the tallest tower and cannot get out. I believe it is urgent that you go to her and get her free."

"How did Jade get locked in the tower?" I asked, letting my curiuosty get the better of me. I was almost sure of the answer.

"I found her and told her to wait up there for me, when she went in I locked the door behind her."

"Argh! You're so frustrating. Hold on a minute. Somnus, does your sister have one of the communicator mirrors?" Somnus nodded as I extracted the small mirror Voldemort had given me and recited slowly,

"*Green and growing, show me,

Swift and silent, show me,

Damp and dingy, show me,

Deep and shining, show me what I would see.*

Jade Malfoy!"

The mirror's surface clouded over, and I stared intently into it. Soon, the mist cleared and I saw Jade's worried face in the glass.

"Oh, milady! I am locked in the tower. I cannot get out. Might you send someone to unlock the doors?" she inquired.

"No, it won't be necessary. I'll come. Now how does it go again? Oh right," I slipped on the ring as I spoke.

"*Convey this crowd,

On wind and cloud,

To the castle of the king,

By the power of this ring.*

Tallest Tower!"

I felt myself rotating slowly, as a mist covered everywhere around me. Slowly, the mist cleared, and I felt the solid ground beneath my feet. Jade was standing in the center of the tower room, appearing to be very relieved.

"Oh, milady! I'm so glad you came. Do you know how we're to get out of here?"

"Yes, show me where the door is." She pointed at the left wall, where a large black door was. I ran over to it and murmured,

"Unlock this door,

Reveal what is inside,

Let all enter,

Give thee no place to hide."

There was a click, as the lock snapped open and I yanked the heavy door forward. It jerked open, and I flinched as the hinges squeaked loudly.

"C'mon, let's get out of here," I suggested.

"Yes, milady."

As we walked down the hall, I proposed, "Why don't we see if the transportation spell works on two people? Here, grab my hand." Jade nodded and did as I ordered.


"*Convey this crowd,

On wind and cloud,

To the castle of the king,

By the power of this ring.*

Second hall!"

The mist reappeared, and I felt Jade whimpering beside me. I wanted to tell her not to worry, but trying to actually form a coherent word was impossible, because the spell's mist felt solid. We landed softly. Draco and the others seemed to materialize directly in front of us, though I knew that was the exact opposite of reality.

"Oh, good you're back," Draco said as he walked over.

"Yes, now that I managed to free Jade from the tower YOU locked her in. You ought to know better. Honestly, I swear you're the most--"

"Draco locked me in there?" Jade whispered disbelievingly.

"Uh, um, what I meant to say is...yesdracolockedyouinthere," I said the last bit very quickly.

"How dare you!? You--you ingrate!" She slapped him harshly on the cheek. A pale red tinge appeared where her hand had hit.

Draco maintained his composure though, and replied, "Yes, Jade, I locked you in the tower. But, darling, it was for your own good. See?"

"N-no!" she wailed, causing some of the older Death Eaters to stare.

"Well, he apologizes for it anyway. Now, we'll just be going," I took Draco's hand and yanked him through the crowd. He trailed after me like a pathetic puppy. I sighed and dragged him into Harry's cell room.

Yet again, I was unable to see Harry. Draco seemed to, though. He shot a questioning glance at me before asking,

"Why did you bring me in here? And WHY aren't you going to talk to him?"

I shook my head and replied, "I can't see him, and he can't see me. It's a complex shielding charm, I think. Now, can you listen to me and repeat these EXACT words?"

"Yeah, I guess, why? Hold on a minute Harry. I'll explain in a second," Draco seemed to be talking to thin air, but I knew somehow that it was Harry.

"Okay, say these words EXACTLY.

*Fire and cloud,

Rain and snow,

Lift the spell

And let him go.*"

"Alright, then. Let's see:

*Fire and cloud,

Rain and snow,

Lift the spell

And let him go!*"

Suddenly, I saw Draco stumble back, his hair ruffled by an unseen hand. He suddenly laughed and said,

"Yeah, I know. You can thank Nicole when we get out. You just can't see her now. Hold on a minute, we need to make you invisible, so that no one sees you when we leave. Alright, the spell is: Proté Mener!" Draco had pointed his wand at an invisible someone. There was a whoosh and then silence. I felt a chill air emanating from the spot beside me, and decided that the invisibility shield must have succeeded.

"Good, it worked. Remember to be quiet. Follow me, and we'll go outside, then--"

"No, Draco. I have a better idea than disapparating OR flying. Voldemort said that the transportation spell he gave me works for anyplace, so, technically, it would work to go to Hogwarts. Tell Harry to grab my hand, and I'll see if I can get us there, alright?"

"Yeah, I think that'd work. Okay Harry, listen up. This is important and too complicated to say more than once. Nicole says that she has a transportation spell that will get you both back to Hogwarts. She says that you need to hold her hand for it to work." He appeared to grab hold of a piece of air, and then Draco took my hand. Draco put my hand onto his palm, but instead of his hand, I felt someone else's in the air between Draco's palm and my own. The air was solid where he was holding.

"Now, I'm going to let go. Harry, hold Nicole's hand. YES, that space of air you feel on top of your hand is HER hand." Draco let my hand drop, but instead, I felt it being supported by a second. The warmth of skin felt good underneath my palm.

"Okay, here goes nothing!

"*Convey this crowd,

On wind and cloud,

To the castle of the king,

By the power of this ring.*

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

A fog took the place of Draco and the room around us dissolved into white. We were slowly revolving around, as if on a slowly spinning wheel. A soft thump was heard, as my feet softly hit the ground. I felt snow beneath my feet. When the mist did not leave, I began to get worried, but then I saw that the mist HAD cleared, and all the white I was seeing was a bright snowy landscape.

I felt Harry's hand in mine, and decided that I wanted to see him finally. I hastily took my wand in my hand and called, "Finite Incantatem!"

Another loud whooshing sound and Harry was standing, completely visible, right next to me. Still amazed that the spell had worked, I flung my arms around his neck and inhaled his scent. Though his smell was faded, I could still faintly smell the soap he used. His arms encircled me, and I rested my forehead against his neck.

"I thought Draco was going mad," he whispered. "It looked like he was talking to himself. But when I felt your hand, I knew that everything would be all right. It was calming and it stopped me from worrying. We made it. I can't believe we're back, together."

"I know," I replied hoarsely. I know.



A/N: One more to go! I know this was short, but I hope I pleased you all. This was a one-day chapter, meaning that I spent about three hours writing it. Please don't flame me for it, because I've already had my ego trampled on enough today. You want to know what happened? I have officially learned that I am a Goth/Outsider. I have no clique. I am clique-less. I was exiled by the gossip group, lucky me. Now I have to go find a different clan to hang out with. Of course, I'll never actually BOND with any of them, but it just helps to maintain my status of 'Migrating Pack-Rat'. Next week, I'll probably be with the other Goths, talking about how much we want to leave this idiotic place, but until then, I am clique-less. I am BLEND-INTO-THE-BACKGROUND girl.

Thanks to Kjirstyn, my lovely beta. I would be nowhere as good a writer, were it not for her corrections and notations. Thanks a bunch!!!

Thanks to Trillian Black, supporter of the 'NO GRYFFINDOR OR SLYTHERIN' crap. You've been loads of help. I'm glad to have your marvelous input.

BigFanofAquilis, I can't thank you enough. You make me want to keep writing!

Maria1314, thanks bunches!

Rosemarygirl, oh well. I'm doing the best I can.

Everyone I forgot, SORRY!!!! I'm not online right now, so I can't go look at all the reviews. I promise to getcha' next time! Thanks!

Thanks to the mods, because they're great at getting these up very speedily.

Thanks to all of my friends here in Loserville. I only have three, so I HAVE to thank them. Only one person I know has read my fic, and that's fine by me.

The spells in *...* are taken from a book called Calling on Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede. I have edited out some unnecessary stuff, but other than that, it remains unchanged from her book. Some of the uses are distorted, but only because it was necessary.


Soda Pop and Lemon Drops!


Peace, love, and a whole lotta' Draco!!!

Do you want a second Nicole book? E-mail me at [email protected] to tell me!!! Please go to the poll I posted, to tell me who YOU think should end up with Nicole! Should it be our lovely Harry? Or should it be our romantic Draco? Tell me!!!