Humor Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/04/2002
Updated: 07/02/2003
Words: 4,094
Chapters: 5
Hits: 2,660

The Fifth Year Mage

Anneliese Chandler

Story Summary:
When Death Eaters attack Harry at home, and a suprise visitor picks him up, things get confusing. Strange new powers, pranks, and a strange order...The Dragon Heart Underground.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
When Death Eaters attack Harry at home, and a suprise visitor picks him up, things get confusing. Strange new powers, pranks, and a strange order...The Dragon Heart Underground.
Author's Note:
Wow! It's official! I'm doing an AU!!! And sorry that I shortened the summer, but I kinda wanted to get on with the school year...especially the first Potions class. So, R/R, please; constructive flames if necessary.

"Umm...how am I supposed to do that, Prof...I mean, Sir?"

"I Don't Know, I'm Not The Mage!" cried Snape forcefully.

"Oh...okay, well, at least all the mountains didn't fall down..." There was a rumble, and the other mountains collapsed. "Whoops...must have been unstable or something..."

"Just...repair...them..." hissed Snape through gritted teeth.

"Sir, yes, Sir! ...Think...think...um, Reparo?" Both mouths fell open as the pieces of the mountains pulled back together.

A few minutes later, Snape was able to fish up his mouth, and broke the silence. "Well, I guess we better get back...Potter...Potter...POTTER!!!!"

"Huh...oh, yeah...I mean, Sir, yes, Sir!" Snape groaned as they headed towards the newly repaired cabin.

* * *

"Oh, good, you're back; we were starting to get worried...well, you've changed Harry!" cried Professor McGonagall.

"I have?" he asked, reaching up to push the glasses which weren't there onto his nose. "Where are my glasses?"

"You have no need of them anymore," said Dumbledore, smiling. "Now, maybe you should get off to bed, your training does start in the morning."

"Which I will have nothing to do with," said Snape firmly.

"Why not Severus?" asked Dumbledore.

"I want nothing more to do with him this summer. You should see what happened there." Snape shuddered visibly.

"What happened?" asked McGonagall.

"Well," said Harry, "it's weird. First one mountain collapsed, and then, about a minute later, the whole of the Himalayas collapsed. It was sort of funny..."

"Was Not!" yelled Snape. "You make the whole of the Himalayas collapse. If the Ministry found out, you would have been in a lot of trouble! Let alone me, for being there. I mean, Fudge had a grudge already!"

"Well, anyway, I repaired the mountains...don't ask me how, I haven't a jot of an idea on how I did it! Oh, gosh, will I get in trouble for using magic?"

"Most likely the Ministry will not find out," said Dumbledore, "since a Mage's magic cannot be detected. Now, get to bed, your training will start bright and early."

* * *

Harry woke up in the morning to his alarm clock. Wait, thought Harry, I didn't set my alarm clock. Harry rolled over and looked at the time. Six in the morning! He had just gone to bed a few hours ago!

Harry got up, muttering to himself, and trying to put on his robes while half asleep. It wasn't working very well. He made his way down to the Great Hall, where Dumbledore, McGonagall, Sirius, and Remus sat.

Harry was trying to eat the Quidditch Q's, and not fall asleep, and was not successful. His face landed 'splat' in the milk.

Sirius began to snicker, and Remus rolled his eyes. "If I recall correctly, Padfoot, that was you every morning, no matter how much sleep you got."

Sirius shut up. "Would any of you care to wake him?" asked Dumbledore.

"Oh, I will!" cried Sirius.

"Not if it's the same way you woke Severus," said McGonagall.

"It won't be!" said Sirius happily. He crept up behind Harry, and then yelled, "REMUS MARRIED VOLDINE!!!"

"Huh?!" cried Harry getting up. "Congratulations Moony, now, can I go back to sleep?"

"Not exactly, Harry," said Dumbledore. "You have five minutes to finish eating."

Harry groaned and cleaned off his face. "All right, I'm ready, where are we going?"

"Quidditch pitch," said McGonagall. "Oh, and you may like to look at the Daily Prophet."

Harry picked up the paper. The headline was 'PETER PETTIGREW CAUGHT! SIRIUS BLACK FREE!' "Really, you're free Sirius?!"

"Yep! Now, I can help you with your training, and Snape no longer has to be your guardian."

"Now I'm awake, okay, let's go!"

* * *

"Now," said McGonagall, "I want you to Transfigure this chair into a puppy; without your wand."


"You have to figure it out.."

"Okay..." Harry thought, and thought hard. He said the spell, and pointed his hand, no luck. "Ummm...any suggestions?"

"That you get a new face?" said Sirius.

This caused Harry to envision the chair flying into Sirius' face, and to his surprise, it did. "Oops...I didn't mean to!!! I just thought of it flying into your face, and then it did, and..." He now knew how to make a puppy. He envisioned a cute little puppy. It was white, with brown spots, and long ears.

"Very good, Harry!" said Dumbledore. "Now, try something else!"

By the end of the summer Harry could apparate, make fire from his hands, do any spell he wanted, and without a wand. Actually, the only things he hadn't tried were the unforgivables, and he wasn't about to attempt those any time soon.

On September first Harry sat in the Great Hall, anticipating the arrival of his friends.