Ember to Ember

Anna Fugazzi

Story Summary:
Sequel to Volunteers, written for the Beltane livejournal community. From one Beltane to the next.

Chapter 04 - August

Chapter Summary:
Dad had his arm around Harry's waist and his chin resting on Harry's shoulder as they listened to Ben and Alec sing, and Ben was in heaven. This was just the coolest day ever.

Author's Note: Moving right along, we're now at August of Ember to Ember, the sequel to Volunteers (fic written for hdsbeltane). As always, I welcome suggestions and concrit.

scrtkpr, you're totally awesome :)


Date: July 30
From: hjpotter@gringotts.wz
To: malfoyd@globalcafe.ie
Alec's really looking forward to Brigid's Cross this weekend.

Date: July 31
From: malfoyd@globalcafe.ie
To: hjpotter@gringotts.wz
Ben hasn't shut up about it in days :)

Date: August 2
From: hjpotter@gringotts.wz
To: malfoyd@globalcafe.ie
Bad news: we've still got the day to spend, but dinner at Hermione and Ron's in the evening. Yet another Weasley weekend event that just happened to get mentioned in front of Alec. This seems to be happening a lot.

Date: August 3
From: malfoyd@globalcafe.ie
To: hjpotter@gringotts.wz
Don't worry about it. We'll see you at Brigid's Cross.


August 5

Ben looked around the music shop at the singing harps and self-playing pianos, amazed. Brigid's Cross, the wizarding shopping area in Dublin, was the single coolest thing Dad had shown him ever. It was like everything Dad had talked about was right here. Portraits that talked and sweets that threw themselves into your mouth and magical animals. There was magic humming in the air around him, and he held out his hand to feel it. It tickled a bit. Alec said he didn't feel anything, but Alec was used to magic. Dad said he knew what Ben was talking about.

First had been the brightly coloured sweets shop, where licorice sticks danced and they had loads of the Chocolate Frogs Alec had shown him a long time ago, and they'd bought ten of them. The wizard who ran the shop was brilliant, too. He'd laughed when Ben was scared because Harry blew a gum bubble and it turned into a bird, but he was nice anyway. He'd explained to Ben how the gum worked and then blew bubbles that came out like Ben wanted them to, like bears and foxes. And he'd helped Ben pick out singing sweets. It was weird that he didn't understand when Ben said he'd only ever seen sweets sing and dance in adverts on the telly, but he was all right.

The only thing wrong with today was that there was so much to see, but he and Alec had to keep waiting for Dad and Harry to catch up.

Alec was showing Ben loads of things, like books that really talked. They didn't just say a few words, like the farm book he had at Mam's house where if you pressed the pictures of animals they said moo or cluck or neigh and the farmer said "milk for sale" and "feed the chickens." They didn't just have moving pictures, like Beedle the Bard and Dad's other bedtime story books. These books actually answered questions. They told jokes. It was brilliant.

Dad and Harry looked pretty happy, too. Dad seemed a bit nervous, but he and Harry were mostly smiling too. And they could even hold hands in public here. Ben had never seen two men or two girls do that outside - Mam said a lot of people, like Granda, didn't like to see that kind of thing. Sometimes she did it anyway, and most Muggles didn't seem to care, but Ben had seen a few people frown at Mam when she kissed one of her girlfriends. Here nobody seemed to care about Dad and Harry.

It was a little weird that Ben and Alec and Harry didn't look like themselves, though. They were wearing little amulets that gave them different faces and bodies. It was funny, but sometimes it was a bit confusing because Alec didn't look like himself. He was blond and a little bit fat. And Harry had light brown hair and brown eyes, no scar, and he was a bit skinny. Dad had said he'd explain why they had to wear them some other time.

Ben rather liked what he looked like right now. He'd tried on an amulet that made him ginger-haired and small - a bit like Alec, actually - and another that gave him short brown hair and blue eyes. He'd finally decided on the one that made him look like Mam's neighbour Mr. Sanjay, only small.

Dad and Harry had talked about the amulets a lot - argued about it, actually, which wasn't terribly nice. Dad wanted Ben to wear one, but Harry had said a lot of things about how Dad had to let wizards get to know the real Ben eventually. They weren't fighting any more, though, and Ben was glad. Grown-ups shouldn't fight.

Dad was showing the singing harps to Alec, and Ben was looking out the window and feeling a bit hungry, when Harry tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ben, do you want to see the broom shop?"

Ben's mouth dropped open. "Yeah!" he said. "D'you think I can get one of me own?"

"Probably not today, but we can at least look at them." He turned to Dad. "D'you want to stay with Alec while I take Ben to see brooms?"

Dad shook his head. "No, let's all go."

Harry sighed. "Draco, it'll be all right. The owner of this shop knows you. Nobody else is in here. Come on, Ben's been here long enough, and he's not that interested, but Alec's been wanting to see the magical harps forever."

Dad shook his head, and Harry sighed again. "Will you bloody well trust me? You've been to Brigid's Cross five times already; nothing's happened, what are the odds that something will while you're in here?"

"I want you to be able to take Alec and Ben away quickly if you have to," Dad said with a quick glance at Ben.

"We'll come back soon," Harry said, his hand on Dad's arm. "Come on. Please."

Dad frowned but gave in. "All right," he said, giving Harry a quick kiss and ruffling Ben's hair as he and Harry set off.

Why would Dad be worried? It wasn't like Ben was so small he couldn't behave himself. And broom sticks! And he was going to see a whole shop full of broomsticks!! He ran down the street, pulling Harry along by the hand as Harry laughed and told him to slow down.

The broomstick store was if possible even cooler than the sweets store. So many broomsticks, so many sizes. And tiny toy people on broomsticks flying around the store!

"What's that one?" Ben asked, pointing at a bunch of boys pressing their faces up to a gold-framed display case.

"That's the Nimbus 3000," said Harry. "It's the best available right now, outside of professional-level brooms."

"What's processional level?"

"That's for professionals who play Quidditch as their job. Like football players."

"Did you ever play professional Quidditch?"

"Oh yes," Harry said, and smiled. "So did Alec's mum. She was a Chaser."

"Was she as good as you?"

"Erm, well she didn't do the same thing as me," said Harry. "It's hard to tell who's better when you're playing different positions. She was definitely a better Chaser than I was."

"Wow. I didn't know she played Quidditch. Did she ever win anything?"

"Our team won a lot of games but we never won the cup. She only played for four years though."

"Why did she stop?" Ben asked, and giggled as a small toy flier whirled right around his head.

"She got pregnant. It's not good to be flying around having Bludgers tossed at you when you're pregnant. We thought she'd go back after Alec was born."

"Did she?"

Harry shook his head, and it was funny how he suddenly looked like himself, even though his face was different because of the amulet. He looked sad. "She died."

"Was Alec small when she died?"

"She died at the same time as Alec was born."

"That sounds sad," Ben said, feeling sorry for Alec. Imagine, never having a mum.

"Yeah, it was."

"D'you still feel sad?" Ben asked curiously.

Harry cleared his throat and gave him a small smile. "A bit. She's been gone a long time, but I still miss her sometimes."

"Alec knows a lot about her," Ben said, looking at the tiny flyers again.

"Yeah, we've told him a lot of stories."

"Who's told him?"

"Me and her parents. And her brothers. She's got six of them, you know."

"Yeah! Alec told me! Can I meet them?"

Harry blinked. "Erm. Well, you've met one of them. Remember Ron and Hermione? Ron was her brother."

"That's the uncle that had the baby in the bubble, yeah?"


"I've never seen a baby in a bubble. Can I?"

Harry cleared his throat again. "Well, he doesn't need to be in the bubble any more. Look, do you see the little brooms in this case? These are toy brooms for very very small children. They don't go up very far, so that if a child falls off he won't get hurt. This one's for babies."

"It's so tiny! Did Alec have one when he was little?"

"Oh yes," Harry said, smiling. "He got a bigger one when he was two."

"Did you have little brooms?"

"Yeah, I had a baby one."

"Did you like it?"

"I don't really remember. I was very small."

"Did you have the bigger ones?"

"No," Harry said, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Why? Did you fall?"

"No," Harry said, and started to point out different brooms. They were brilliant, all of them. One flew straight extra fast. Another let you flip upside down without falling off. Another turned really fast. And Harry explained how each one worked, answered all of Ben's questions, told him stories about Quidditch games.

Coming to Brigid's Cross had been a great idea.

"All right, Ben," Harry finally said. "It's time to go back to your dad and Alec."

"OK," Ben said, and they went back to the music store, passing by the sweets shop. His stomach grumbled.

"We'll stop at the pub to eat after we pick them up, all right?" Harry said, and Ben couldn't wait. A wizarding pub. They'd probably have pumpkin juice.

"Everything all right here?" Harry asked when they came back to the music shop, where Dad was holding Alec up to a set of windchimes. They turned and smiled at Ben and Harry, and then Alec squirmed to get down, running to Ben as soon as Dad put him down.

"Ben! There's a singing potion!!" he said, very excited. "You have to try it, it's brilliant! It makes it so you can sing a whole lot of notes at the same time!" He dragged Ben to the shopkeeper. "This is my friend Ben and we're in choir together and can you give him the potion too please?"

The shopkeeper smiled. "All right laddie, now I've told yer friend Alec this won't last very long; 'tis only the free sample. The bottle costs three Galleons. Now, all ye have to do is think of the chords ye want to sing in your head, right? Here you go." She gave Ben a tiny cup with a mouthful of clear golden potion that smelled like violets. Ben took a cautious sip.

"It tastes like strawberries!" he said, and she smiled.

"Think of the practice exercises we do in choir," Alec said, and Ben closed his eyes and concentrated. Not just on the scale the sopranos sang, but the seconds and altos as well.

He opened his mouth and tried a note, and his eyes popped open. "It works!" he said. "That's brilliant!!"

"Here, let's try Pachelbel, it's in four parts," said Alec. "You do the first soprano and first alto line."

"But you don't sing second soprano," said Ben. "Or second alto."

"I know them, though. Come on, let's sing."

And it was incredibly fun, although Ben kept forgetting notes. Alec didn't. Alec was a lot better at this than he was. Which wasn't really fair, since Harry couldn't even really sing and Dad was great at it. But a few people had come into the shop, and they were smiling at him and Alec - real witches and wizards were smiling and nodding, Dad had his arm around Harry's waist and his chin resting on Harry's shoulder as they listened to Ben and Alec sing, and Ben was in heaven. This was just the coolest day ever.

"Can we buy the potion, Dad?" Ben asked, and Dad smiled and nodded.

"Oh Draco!" Alec said. "Maybe we can use it when we get back home - we can all take it and then practice Beati Quorum! And oh Draco we can maybe sing Miserere and Lacrymosa! And Daddy, you can sing one part, can't you?"

"I'm not terribly good at singing, Alec," said Harry, laughing.

Dad smirked at him. "Listen, with enough work even you can struggle through one part. I'll help."

Alec wanted to try the potion again right then and there, but Ben's stomach chose that moment to growl rather loudly.

"No, come on, little man," Harry said. "I think Ben's going to pass out from hunger. Let's pay for the potion and go."

"Why does my voice sound funny?" Alec asked the shopkeeper as she put the bottle into a bag for them. "It doesn't sound like my voice. I didn't notice it when I was just talking, but I notice it when I'm singing."

"Well if ye sing a part ye aren't used to, yer voice'll be higher or lower than normal."

"No, I'm used to that. But it just sounds different."

She looked puzzled. "I'm not sure. Are you under the effect of another potion or charm?"

"No, but I'm wearing an amulet."

"It's time to go, boys" said Harry quickly. "Say thank you to the shopkeeper," he reminded them. They left the shop and walked down the street to the pub.

"Daddy, d'you think maybe my voice is different because of the amulet?" asked Alec.

"Maybe. The amulet gives you the body of another person, and it might change your voice a little too. I hadn't noticed it," Harry said. "It's so much easier going in disguise like this. When I was younger, the only way to disguise yourself really well was to drink Polyjuice potion." He made a face. "Really, really yucky stuff."

As they walked into a small alleyway, Ben took his amulet off and hummed. "There's me real voice again!"

"Put it back on, Ben, please," said Dad.

"This street smells awful," Ben said, getting the amulet caught on his collar button. "Why do we have to go here to get to the pub?"

"A lot of wizarding places are like this," Dad said. "Rough outside, but inside they're quite nice. I've eaten here a few times."

"Do they have pumpkin juice?" Ben asked, still struggling with the amulet.

Dad and Harry smiled at each other. "Yeah, I'm sure they do," Harry said, and stepped aside for a witch and a wizard in tall pointy hats who were coming out of the building. The wizard glanced at Dad as he went past, walked a couple of steps, then stopped and turned and stared at him.

"Malfoy?" the man said slowly. "Draco Malfoy?"

Dad turned around, startled.

"You're Draco Malfoy, aren't you?" the man said, frowning.

Dad glanced at Ben quickly. "Yes," he said, and he sounded a little nervous.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Dad gave Harry a quick look, and Harry grabbed Alec and Ben, opening the door the couple had just come through. Ben tried to turn to look at Dad, but Harry's grip was tight. What was that man saying to Dad? And why was Dad just staring at the man, not saying anything?

"Were ye no sent to Azkaban?"

"I was let out seven years ago," Dad said quietly, and Ben started struggling as Harry tried to push him through the door. Something was happening to Dad, and Harry didn't seem to understand that Ben needed to be with him. That man was looking pretty mean, and he wasn't as big as Dad but he was a wizard, and Dad hadn't done a lot of magic for a long time, and who knew if the mean man was going to try to turn Dad into a frog or something-

"Ben!" Harry said sternly. "Get inside! Now!"

"No!" Ben said, struggling harder.

"BEN! Your father wants you to go inside!"

"That man's going to hurt me Da!" Ben cried out as the door shut behind them.

"No he's not, he's just an idiot who's going to say some stupid things. Your dad'll be here in a minute."

"I WANT ME DA!" Ben yelled, reaching for the handle, but Harry blocked him. Outside there were sounds of shouting.

"BEN!" Harry said. "Listen to me. Listen to me!!" He paused and Ben stopped struggling. "I need to go outside and make sure your dad is all right. I can't do that if you're trying to get out. All right? I need you and Alec to stay here so I can make sure your dad's OK. I'll be right back. Can I trust you to stay here?"

Ben glared at Harry.

"Ben, I need to help your dad," Harry said, and Ben realized Harry was scared. A pain twisted his stomach. "Please promise me you'll stay here."

Ben bit his lip. Dad needed somebody to help him, and Harry was a lot bigger than Ben was, and he worked with trolls and everything. He nodded, the twisting pain getting worse.

Harry knelt and put his hands on Ben and Alec's shoulders, looking at them seriously. "Both of you stay here and keep each other safe. Be big boys for me and Draco, all right?"

He went back out the door and Ben strained to hear what was going on outside.

"What's happening?" Alec asked, his voice very tiny.

"I don't know. I can't hear them!" Ben said, and the twisting got stronger. There was shouting, but he couldn't tell what was going on. Then there was a loud POP and Harry was back with them.

"I'm taking you two to Ron and Hermione's," he said. "Don't worry about your dad, Ben, he'll be along soon. It's just a couple of nasty people out there being idiots, and your dad's not in any danger, but he'd like you two to get out."

"NO!" Ben said, and the panicky feeling got stronger. He reached for the door again. "Me Dad's never been to Ron and Hermione's house! He won't know how to get there!"

"Yes he will," Harry said, blocking the door. "Come on-"

"NO!" Ben yelled, and then he was outside in the street again. He blinked at the sudden light, not sure how he'd got there. Where was he? And where was Dad? And Harry and Alec?

Suddenly Ben recognized the building he was standing in front of and ran to the alley off its side. There was the couple he'd seen before, and they were both yelling about eating dead people and Azkasan, and Dad was holding his wand in front of himself but not pointing it at either of them and not saying anything. Then the woman spat on Dad. Spat on him, with an angry look on her face. Dad's face went very pale and he wiped his cheek, but didn't say anything to her. Just looked at her while she screamed.

"Filthy Death Eater scum!"

"DAD!" Ben shouted. The woman turned around just as the door behind her opened and Harry came out.

"Ben! Get back here!" Harry shouted.


"And who's this?" the woman said, looking at Ben and she hated Ben - Ben had never seen her before, but she really hated him.

"The Malfoy family's not quite dead then, is it?" the man said, and took a step closer to Ben. Ben backed into Harry's arms.

"Filthy fucking purebloods," the woman spat. "They should've castrated the lot of ye the minute they decided not to give you the Kiss like you deserved! Raising another little Death Eater, are you?"

"No!" Dad hadn't said that - that was Harry, who had lurched forward and grabbed Dad's wand hand, pushing it down.

"You can say whatever the fuck you want to me," Dad said fiercely, "but shut your mouth about-"

"Draco!" Harry grabbed him, then turned to the woman. "Shut up!"

"So that's yer son," the man said, glaring at Ben. "And you've the nerve to bring him here!" Ben stared at him in fear. He was like Granda when he said nasty things about Mam.

"Call the others out here," the woman said. "This is too good to miss. A fucking Death Eater loose and bringin' his whole family here-"

The man started towards the door, and Harry grabbed him.

"No! Please, don't say anything about the boy, he's-"

"This bastard was supposed to be gone for good," said the man, "not living his life as if nothing happened-"

"He served his time!" Harry said.

"He should still be in there! Two of me cousins are dead because of him! And now he's bringing up a new one? Bloody right I'm going to let everyone know!" the man's hand was on the doorknob now, the woman right behind him.

"Obliviate!" Dad had waved his wand, so quickly Ben hadn't seen him do it, and the man and woman looked stunned, then puzzled.


Nobody was moving. The couple who'd been yelling at Dad were standing still and looking confused, and Harry and Dad were both breathing hard as if they'd been running.

"Oh my god Draco what've you done..." Harry whispered, covering his mouth with his hand.

Dad looked even paler, and waved his wand again and muttered something. Harry grabbed him.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Calling the Aurors," Dad said, sounding very grim, and giving Ben a look. "No, don't stop me. It's the only chance I've got, they watch my wand, they're probably on their way already and-"

Then there were two loud POPs and two more men in the alley, running towards Dad and grabbing his wand and talking very fast, and the fat one was holding a wand on Dad and the thin man grabbed Dad, and Dad looked like he was in pain.


"Ben, don't!" Dad said sternly. "Step back!"

"You called us, sir, thank you-" the fat man said to Harry.

"No! No, I didn't call you, he did!" Harry said quickly, putting his hands out and speaking very quickly. "I saw the whole thing, he didn't - he didn't start anything, he was just protecting-"

"Sir, he's-"

"I know who he is," Harry said, and took off his amulet. Ben blinked as Harry's hair darkened and eyes lightened and Harry's face became his own again, with its familiar scar.

"Harry! NO!" Dad said.

"Shut up!" Harry said to Dad before turning back to the fat man. "I was here. That man accosted Malfoy, then threatened to harm Malfoy's son. Malfoy was just protecting his son, he called you here himself, he's not a threat-"

"Mr. Potter, you don't understand, he's no supposed to-"

"Of course he's not supposed to, but he was only acting to protect his son. He tried to get out of the confrontation, didn't even react when the woman spat on him-"

"He's just getting what he deserves," the thin man said, glaring at Dad, and Ben had never seen his Dad so white in his life. He was staring at the ground, lips pressed together, and Ben started to panic. Dad was scared. Dad was scared, and Dad shouldn't be scared, and Ben didn't understand any of it.

"Why? Because of what he did when he was a child?" Harry said angrily, and Dad shook his head urgently. Why wasn't Dad saying anything? Why was he just letting people say nasty things about him? Why was he letting them say that he deserved to have some mean woman spit at him?

"Maybe you'd feel differently if you'd seen what I've seen, sir," the thin man said, "but me brother was almost killed by-"

"Are you saying I wouldn't feel much sympathy for Death Eaters if I had lost someone I loved because of them?" Harry asked, and his voice was suddenly very quiet.

The thin man looked a bit scared. "No. No, of course not, sir, but-"

"Look, let him go-"

"We've no the authority to do that, sir," the fat man said calmly. "Any breach of his parole sends him right back to Azkaban. He knows that."

"But not permanently," Harry said. "I'll vouch for him. He didn't have much of a choice."

"He'll have to come with us anyway."

And then Ben was losing the thread of the argument, and the men were talking over one another and Dad wasn't saying a word. Ben drew closer to Dad, and the thin man pulled Dad back.

"Please," Dad said, breaking his silence. "He's frightened."

"Let Malfoy go," Harry said. "He won't bolt. He could've Apparated out of here if he was going to run. He was just trying to protect his child."

"He wasn't looking out for the kid's safety," said the thin man. "He just didn't want them to tell his kid what kind of scum he is."

"That's true," said Dad. "Partly."

Harry looked at Dad in disbelief.

"Harry, they're going to question me about everything under Veritaserum," Dad said heavily. "Including my motives."

"Finally learned the value of being honest, did ye?" said the thin man.

"Sir, please," Dad said to the fat man.

"Let him go," the fat man said, and the thin man let go of Dad. Ben ran to him, and Dad knelt down, holding Ben close. Ben could feel Dad's heart beating very fast.

"What's going to happen, Dad?"

"I don't know, Ben," Dad whispered.

Ben held on as the men argued over his head, and Dad was holding him a little too tight, but that was OK. More people popped in and out, somebody came to take the stunned witch and wizard away, a nice witch appeared and brought Alec to Ben and Dad, and there were so many words. Oblivate, excuses, Azkadan, minor infrashun, and handling the children, and Ben didn't understand any of it.

Finally everyone was done talking. The fat man turned to Dad. "Sir, you'll have to-"

"No - please, not in front of my son."

"I'm sorry, sir," the fat man said. He glanced at Ben. "You know he won't remember anyway," he said kindly to Dad.

Dad had tears in his eyes, and that was more frightening than anything could possibly be. Dad didn't cry. Dads just didn't. Except for the time Ben had made a chair move by itself. Dad had tears in his eyes then, but then he looked happy. This time, he didn't. He stood up, still holding Ben, and turned to Harry.


"I'll take care of him," Harry said. "And you'll be home soon. D'you want me to take him to Kara, or should I-"

"God, I don't know," Dad said, hugging Ben more tightly.

"Come on," said the thin man impatiently.

"Let him be," the fat man said. "He's coming soon enough. Let him say goodbye."

"Kara's not even in Dublin this weekend," said Dad. "I don't know where she is."

"I'll figure something out," said Harry. "He'll be all right. You'll be back soon."

Dad nodded, and now Harry had tears in his eyes too. "Don't worry. I'll take care of him," Harry said again, and came closer, holding out his arms for Ben. Dad passed Ben to Harry, and Ben wanted to hold on, but the fat man gently peeled his hands away from Dad. Ben started to cry, and felt Harry's arms tighten around him.

"Ben," Dad said gently. "Benny. You need to listen to me for a minute." Ben tried to stop crying and Dad gave him a small smile. "I'm going to be gone for a while."

"How long?"

"Not very long, I hope," Dad said, his voice shaking a bit. "Hopefully I'll be home soon. But right now I'm going to have to go, and you and Alec are going to have to listen to this man for a few minutes. Trust me, it'll all be a lot less scary if you listen to him. All right? Be big boys for us."

"OK, Dad," Ben said, and tried to not start crying again.

"Ben," said the fat man kindly. "I want you and Alec to listen to me really closely, all right?"

And the man had a nice voice. A nice, pleasant voice, although not like Dad's. Reassuring him about Dad. Telling him everything was going to be OK.

And it would be, Ben realized. It was a bit sad that Dad had got sick and had to go to the hospital, but he would get better, hopefully soon. Harry was going to take Ben to Mam, and he'd stay with her until Dad was better. It was just too bad that Ben wouldn't be able to visit Dad at the hospital because Dad was kintayjus.

There was a small pop, and Ben blinked, confused. He looked up at Harry.

"Can we go to me Mam now?" he asked, and wondered why Harry looked so sad.

"Yeah, Ben, I'll take you to her soon. But you'll have to stay with me and Alec until she's back in Dublin."

"Is this Brigid's Cross?" Ben said, looking around.

"Yeah," Harry said.

"Can we go see the shops one day? Dad said he'd take me," said Ben. "Only..." he frowned, a bit confused. "Only he got sick."

Harry sighed and gave him a hug.

"Maybe we can come back when Dad's better?"

"Maybe," Harry said, and his voice sounded funny. "Now, we're going to take the Floo to Ron and Hermione's. They're expecting us for dinner. D'you remember the baby in the bubble?"

Ben nodded.

"Well he's not in a bubble any more, but he's still very small. Do you want to meet him?"

"Sure!" said Ben. And he held Harry's hand as Harry led him and Alec to the Floo.


Author's Note 1: The songs mentioned in the music store are Pachelbel Canon in D, Beati Quorum Via, by Sir Charles Villiers Stanford, Miserere Mei, Deus, by Gregorio Allegri, and Requiem: Lacrymosa, by Mozart. Lyrics and downloadable files can be found on the lyrics page, along with other songs mentioned in the story.

The songs mentioned in the music store are Pachelbel Canon in D, Beati Quorum Via by Sir Charles Villiers Stanford, Miserere Mei, Deus by Gregorio Allegri, and Requiem: Lacrymosa by Mozart. Lyrics and downloadable files can be found on the lyrics page at http://annafugazzi.livejournal.com/55489.html