Severus Snape
Action Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 01/10/2003
Updated: 04/29/2004
Words: 156,470
Chapters: 22
Hits: 19,595

Heaven and Hell


Story Summary:
Once they had been friends, and now Serena got the job that Severus always wanted. But is this the only reason why he dislikes her and her son so much? To get an answer, you have to know about their past... It's Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts, and Voldemort is plotting evil as usual.
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Chapter 03

Author's Note:
Thank you very much, AwkwardlyPining, and Claireyfairy1 for beta reading this chapter. Thanks a lot to LadyAther for putting the final touches on the chapter.

3rd Chapter - Learning the Ropes

(September 1995)

As the majestic castle came into view, Serena exclaimed in awe, "Wow, Hogwarts still looks the way I remember it - hasn't changed a bit! Jon, isn't it beautiful?"

Jon nodded in agreement. The high towers and countless windows in the huge castle impressed him - Warwick's had been enormous too, but it didn't have the pure majesty of Hogwarts. When they climbed the stone steps to the big double front doors, a stern looking witch waited at the end of the stairs for the first years.

"Ah, still the same procedure," Jon could hear his mum mutter to herself, and he curiously gave the witch a closer look. Her square glasses contributed a great deal to her stern appearance, he noticed, wondering how old she was if she had been awaiting the students even in his mum's schooldays.

The other students pressed towards the Great Hall, but Serena seized Jon's arm before he could follow the trio and pulled him over to the witch instead.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall. It's lovely to see you again. This is my son, Jon. I suppose Professor Dumbledore must have told you about us already. Jon, this is Professor McGonagall. She teaches Transfiguration, and she's the Head of Gryffindor House. She also conducts the Sorting Ceremony - at least, she used to."

McGonagall gave Serena a scrutinizing look. Jon thought he might have seen something like mistrust or displeasure in the professor's eyes, but it vanished immediately when she turned to him.

"And so it is still. It's a pleasure to meet you, Jon Potter. I saw you come here with Harry. So you have met your cousin already?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"You will wait here with me for the first years to arrive. Then you will enter the Great Hall with them. After the first years have been Sorted, Professor Dumbledore wishes to announce your school change. The Sorting Hat will then decide upon your House. I will explain the rest after the first years have arrived."

Jon wasn't quite sure what to think of McGonagall. He had somehow got the impression that she didn't like his mother, but that she had also tried to hide her unsavoury feelings. On the other hand, perhaps she simply was stern, and he had misinterpreted her behaviour. He decided to stay neutral for the time being and confined his answer to another, "Yes, Ma'am."

McGonagall's expression softened a little and she gave him the barest of smiles before turning again to speak with Serena about her seating at the High Table. "... you will be sitting between Professors Snape and Sinistra," she said.

Upon hearing this, Serena suddenly inhaled sharply and frowned. "Snape? Severus Snape? What does someone like him want here?" she hissed.

McGonagall arched an eyebrow. "Professor Snape is our Potions Master, and Head of Slytherin House. If you are referring to his past, I must inform you that he changed a long time ago. Professor Dumbledore trusts him, just as he trusts you," she said in a slightly reproachful tone.

Jon looked between them, bewildered. What were they on about? Who was Snape? His mother apparently knew him and didn't like him. Jon wanted to ask what was wrong with Snape, but just at that moment, Serena turned without another word and entered the Great Hall.

* * *

Ron gave Hermione a nudge. "Did you see that?"

"No, what?"

"How Snape scowls at my aunt. If looks could kill..." explained Harry.

Serena stood in the doorway of the entrance and looked around, apparently comparing the sight with her memories. Her gaze roamed the four long House tables that stood side by side, occupied by a vast number of students, then went up to the hundreds of candles hovering in the air and lighting the room, and finally proceeded to the enchanted ceiling above their heads that showed a clear, starry sky.

Returning to ground level, her eyes wandered to the front and passed over the High Table, which stood at a raised platform perpendicular to the other tables. Doubtless, she recognized some of the professors who sat there, since they had already been at Hogwarts in Serena's schooldays: Headmaster Dumbledore, Flitwick, Binns (though at this distance, you could tell it was him only because he was the only ghost at the High Table), Madam Hooch, and Hagrid (though he hadn't been a professor back then). When she caught sight of Severus Snape, she froze, her face becoming stony. He was staring at her, wearing a dark expression, and his eyes were narrowed to slits and flashing with anger.

"Well, she's a Potter," said Ron. "He seems to hate everyone whose name's Potter. Though of course he doesn't like anyone anyway - except Malfoy, that is."

"And she'll teach Defence. Snape's wanted that job for years," said Hermione, sounding worried. She usually didn't participate in Harry and Ron's bashing of Snape, but she couldn't ignore the fact that he had just shot another murderous glare at the new Defence professor.

They watched Serena heaving a sigh and walking past the tables to the front. She went to Professor Dumbledore, who gave her a warm welcome. Professor McGonagall, standing next to a small side door, signalled that the first years were ready, and Serena sat down on the empty chair beside Snape. He cast her a glance, which could make one's blood curdle, but she ignored him and looked expectantly to the side door.

From there, the first years entered the hall in a long row, lining up in front of the High Table. Jon was near the end of the line. Serena smiled and winked at him, and Jon grinned back. When Snape got sight of Jon, and saw Serena beaming at him, his expression darkened even more.

McGonagall, following the first years, put the stool with the Sorting Hat in front of the students. Like every year, a wide tear along the brim of the hat opened like a mouth and some of the new students winced with surprise when the hat began to sing:

Bats still fly about the towers above,
and rats sneak in the dungeons below,
and Hogwarts always stands up strong and tall
because the four founders had built it so.

They chose their students with wisdom and care,
and never there had been a misplaced one,
and every student turned out well,
without any talent there had been none.

The first of the four, lady Hufflepuff,
most caring witch under sun and moon,
chose those who were generous, loving, and loyal,
from their mouths kinds words would follow soon.

The brave, adventurous Gryffindor
took in students with courage and strength,
to stand true through every obstacle,
with pride and ferocity at great length.

Ravenclaw, lovely and intelligent,
selected those who worked hard day by day,
they had the brains and the will to succeed
at Potions, transfiguring, parler francais.

The most secretive of the four, Slytherin,
weeded out thoroughly those whom he chose,
seeking ambitious and cunning ones,
and did he discover them, he kept them close.

I carry on the traditions they made,
now that the founders have all passed away.
Now, I'm the seer of hearts, minds, and hopes,
of pasts, and of futures that ahead lay.

Take heart and place me on your rounded heads,
full of interesting things for me there to see,
and then I shall, here, in this very hall,
announce your inner traits, and where you shall be.

After the Sorting Hat had finished its song, the new students were called up front. They sat down on the three-legged stool and put on the hat. For some of them, the hat needed only a few seconds, for others minutes before it shouted aloud, "HUFFLEPUFF!", "RAVENCLAW!", "GRYFFINDOR!", or "SLYTHERIN!" The students of the respective Houses applauded thunderously to welcome their new housemates. After about thirty minutes, all the first years had been sorted - and Jon stood alone.

Professor Dumbledore rose slowly from his seat. "As you can see, we have another new student this year. His name is Jonathan Potter. He attended Warwick's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States, and has now transferred to Hogwarts, into his fifth year." He smiled benignly. "But Mr. Potter must be Sorted as well - so, let's see what the hat has to say."

Suddenly a whispering started all about the hall.

"Potter? Did he say Potter?"

"He looks a bit like Harry."

"Are they related?"

"But isn't all of Harry's magical family dead?"

All craned their necks to get a glimpse of the new student. When the Sorting Hat shouted "GRYFFINDOR!" the Gryffindors cheered and clapped their hands. Harry, Ron, and Hermione applauded louder than anyone else.

After Jon had sat down, Harry, who was sitting next to him, said with delight, "It's so great that you're in Gryffindor too! I bet we'll have loads of fun together! And has your mum told you about her childhood? Stories about the times with my father? I can't wait to hear them."

At the High Table, Snape turned to Serena and opened his mouth. Judging by the scoffing look on his face he was about to make a snide remark, probably about her son being in a different House than his mother. The High Table was too far away for them to hear what he said, but it caused Serena to clench her teeth, turn abruptly away from him, and start a chat with the professor seated on her other side.

Professor Dumbledore rose again and spoke.

"My dear students," he said, "I warmly welcome you back to Hogwarts. I hope you have had a good rest during your holidays and are ready to start the new school year with renewed strength. Before the feast begins, I would like to introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Serena Potter."

Serena rose for a moment from her seat and waved briefly to the students. She was greeted with a storm of applause.

Jon asked amazed, "But they don't know my mum yet. Do new professors always get such a boisterous welcome?"

Hermione laughed. "Well, all new professors usually get applause. But I reckon most of the students are especially glad that, once again, Professor Snape didn't get the job."

Finally the applause faded away and Dumbledore declared that the feast was to begin. Lots of bowls and plates appeared, filled with masses of delicious dishes, and the students tucked in.

At the Slytherin table, Draco Malfoy grimaced disdainfully, and began muttering under his breath. "Another Potter! At this rate, they'll overrun the place along with those Weasley filth. And an American - I bet he's dumber than The Boy Who Lives To Annoy Us." Draco rolled his eyes. "I suppose the new professor's his mother - I wonder if Father knows anything about her."

Pansy Parkinson wrinkled her nose. "She doesn't look like a professor; she doesn't seem as if she was capable of opposing the Dark Arts at all - so tiny and naïve looking. And so eager, like that horrible Granger."

Draco snorted contemptuously. "She'll be worse than Lockhart - she'd probably run away screaming if she saw a boggart. If she can run; she looks scrawnier than Lupin. I wish Snape taught Defence; bet he'd have some lesson worth going to!"

Across from him, Crabbe and Goyle just nodded, their mouths too full to agree verbally.

* * *

Before he had come to Hogwarts, Jon had attended Warwick's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which was also a boarding school. It had been founded by Wilbert Warwick, a Hogwarts alumnus who had immigrated to America in the 18th century. He had done a fairly good impression of Hogwarts, even if he hadn't set up different Houses. The school was located in a large castle in the Rocky Mountains, in a very lonely area. Like Hogwarts, it was protected and hidden from Muggles by various enchantments. If a Muggle should wander astray and happen to come near the school, he would see nothing except high rocks.

Because Warwick's was set up on the model of Hogwarts, Jon hadn't much difficulties becoming accustomed to his new surroundings.

During the following days, Harry peppered Jon with questions: about his life in the States, about Serena, and if Jon knew anything about James and Lily. Jon tried to answer all questions as well as possible, racking his brains for everything his mum had ever told him about her youth. He spent almost every waking minute with Ron, Harry, and Hermione, and within a week he realised that he had been accepted into their little group.

The professors he had had lessons with so far were friendly and seemed to ignore his famous family name. But on the other hand, they had already had four years to get used to Harry, who was the very reason his surname was renowned.

The school year started without incidents, and the first week of school was soon almost over. Meanwhile, the normal, daily routines had settled in again, not only for Jon but for the others as well. The first years began to find the way to their classrooms on their own. The older students had already exchanged their share of holiday stories, and began to settle down and focus on their schoolwork.

Jon had had to reevaluate his opinion of Professor McGonagall. On the first morning at breakfast he had cast a furtive glance at the High Table and had seen his mum having an animated conversation with McGonagall. He hadn't seen so much as a trace of disapproval in the professor's expression. Jon considered that he had perhaps only imagined it the first evening. And she was also an excellent teacher; stern indeed, but fair.

It was Friday, and there were still two subjects on his timetable that he hadn't yet had. First they had double Defence Against the Dark Arts, which Jon had been looking forward to all week long. He hadn't experienced his mother as teacher before, but she had often helped him with his homework during the holidays. Things that he hadn't fully understood at school she had explained to him at home, and suddenly they had become perfectly clear. His mum had an astonishing talent to explain even the most difficult issues in an understandable way. Students who had already been to her class had been genuinely enthusiastic about her, and Jon had been extremely pleased - as well as a little relieved.

In the afternoon, directly after lunch, was triple Potions with Snape and the Slytherins. There were some exceedingly difficult potions in the fifth year syllabus, with very time-consuming preparations and long brewings; hence, three periods in a row. The students' opinions differed heavily on this. Some thought dealing with Snape only once a week was wonderful while others said that double Potions had been bad enough: stomaching Snape for three long periods in one day was asking too much.

Jon really couldn't say that he looked forward to Potions as much as he did to the lessons with his mother. It wasn't the subject - he really loved Potions. It was that he just couldn't get it out of his mind how Snape had looked at him on that first evening, when Professor Dumbledore had introduced him to the rest of the school. Besides that, he had heard enough about Snape's bias, his biting sarcasm and unfairness. Unless you were a Slytherin, Potions wasn't a bed of roses.

When Jon and the trio entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, Serena was already there and reading a book. She lifted her head and greeted them with a beaming smile.

As usual, Jon grinned back, when suddenly Ron stumbled and bumped into him, his face a brilliant Weasley red. He looked a little dazed and flustered - much the way Jon sometimes found himself around Hermione.

But Hermione was still in the hall, he realised - he could hear her voice, and she was talking quite rapidly to someone else. Jon stared at Ron, not quite willing to comprehend. It was only his mum. Sure, she was beaming at them, but she was his mum...

Harry, who had taken a seat next to Ron, was having similar thoughts. Five years around his best friend had clued him to the telltale hint of the red ears; he looked from his aunt to his best friend and grinned. He missed seeing Jon's queasy look - a queasy look that grew worse when he caught several other male fifth years directing admiring glances at his mother, who was thankfully oblivious.

A moment later, Hermione rushed in, wisps of hair already coming loose from the braid she had pulled it into that morning. Jon concentrated on the way the loose chestnut curls lay against her smooth neck and tried his best to push the thought that his mother could possibly appeal to fifteen years old students out of his head.

When the bell rang, Serena finally put down her book and surveyed the class.

"Hello, and welcome to fifth year Defence Against the Dark Arts," she began, "I'm Serena Potter - and, before I go on to today's syllabus, I'd like to dispel a few rumors. Yes, I'm Jon's mother, and yes, we've been living in the States, and no, I'm not married."

She rolled her eyes at the last comment, as if she had spent the last few days with repeatedly answering that question. "And yes, I'm also Harry's aunt." (Half the class darted glances at Harry.) Serena went on as if she hadn't noticed, "I've spent the past decade training recruits at the American Auror Academy. I took a leave of absence from the AAA to teach here this year. Anything else you may have heard is made-up, exaggerated, or wrongly communicated. And now, enough about me - I'd like to know who you are. Please introduce yourselves and tell me something about you."

Parvati Patil was the first person on the first row. She hesitated a moment, but then she got up, quickly said her name, hesitated again, and added hastily that she liked Divination and came from a big Indian family and had a twin sister in Ravenclaw and four younger brothers, a Hufflepuff first year and three who were still too young for Hogwarts. Next came her neighbour, Lavender Brown, and so on.

Some time later it was the Potter cousins (who looked so alike that they had given certain teachers unwelcome reminders about a similar dark-haired pair, one with grey eyes and the other with blue).

Harry, grinning a little, said, "Harry Potter, no siblings, Gryffindor Seeker." He took a seat and Jon rose to his feet, an impish gleam in his eyes. A few students giggled quietly.

"Jonathan Potter, your only son," he announced with a steady voice and sat down again.

"Nice to meet you," Serena answered seriously - and then she broke into a grin.

The whole class broke into laughter. After it died away, Serena's eyes scanned the class, and for a moment, they were very serious. She got to her feet and started walking through the aisles, talking as she went. The students' gazes followed her, some a little too keenly for Jon's perfect peace of mind.

"This year's coursework is going to be a little ... different. You'll study the usual defense mechanisms, of course - in fact, today we'll begin with protection spells - but we'll be moving on to offense rather quickly. I don't know what you've been told, and I'd rather not be responsible for a mass panic, but the magical world is different now, darker. So you're going to need to know how to survive, and I'm going to teach you."

Serena smiled again and said cheerfully, "Now that you're all properly impressed, can anyone tell me exactly what protection spells do?"

Immediately, Hermione's hand rose into the air.

"Miss Granger?"

"Protection spells protect someone from curses or other magical sources of danger."

"That's right. Five points to Gryffindor. As I've heard, you've learned about the Unforgivable Curses last year. Well, there are spells that can even protect you from them. Harry Potter here is the living proof. However, such spells are extraordinarily difficult and successful attempts are often accidental and greatly dependent upon the caster - far more than most other types of magic. You'll learn the easier ones here. Now, can anyone tell me the difference between protection spells and counter curses?"

Again, Hermione was the first to stretch her hand into the air - but Jon's hand was right behind hers. This time, Serena nodded at her son.

"Counter curses neutralise the effects of a curse which has already hit. Protection spells prevent curses and any other kind of magical danger from hitting at all."

"Correct. Five points to Gryffindor." Serena arched an eyebrow. "Impressive that you all appear to know so much before the first lesson. However, in view of the OWL tests that you'll do in a few months, notes would still be advisable."

Quills and parchment were pulled out of bags with about half the grumbling any other teacher would have faced.

"Does anyone already know a protection spell?"

Hermione was first to have her hand up again, but this time she was followed by both Harry and Jon.

"Mr. Potter..." When Harry and Jon started to speak simultaneously, she added quickly, "... Harry, I mean."

"The Patronus," he answered concisely.

"Right you are. And what's the purpose of the Patronus Spell?"

"To ward off Dementors."

"Correct. The Patronus Spell is one of the more powerful protection spells - we'll be coming back to it later this year. Mr. Finnigan?"

"Is Expelliarmus a protection spell? I mean, if you disarm somebody you're protecting yourself from what he might've cursed you with otherwise," said Seamus, sounding a little hesitant.

Serena smiled, amused. "No, Mr. Finnigan, Expelliarmus doesn't count as protection spell. But your viewpoint has something in it." She looked around. "Can you name any more protection spells?"

Neville named two common charms used when dealing with the more vicious plant species.

"You like Herbology, do you?" Serena answered. "Well, you're right. Those spells are a bit different from most protection spells - but nevertheless they are protection spells." Neville looked a little stunned when she gave him ten points for his contribution.

So they went on for a while. The students named spells and Serena explained them in further details. For correct protection spells she assigned points to the students. But sometimes she shook her head.

"No, Miss Patil, the Engorgement Charm really doesn't belong to the protection spells, even if your mum uses it to protect your baby brother from stuffing things in his mouth..."

After a while, the class was running out of ideas, but they had quickly got the impression that they hadn't named a certain spell Serena had been waiting for.

"Professor, are you thinking of any spell in particular?"

"As it happens, I am indeed, Mr. Thomas. Think of a very common spell that's often used to ward off minor inconveniences."

Hermione, who had spent most of fourth year helping Harry learn spells for the Triwizard Tournament, was the first to guess it.

"The Shield Charm!"

"Correct! Very good, Miss Granger - five points to Gryffindor."

Serena stopped pacing and perched on her desk. Most of the students snickered a little when her legs dangled more than a foot off the floor. She pulled a mock-scowl before going on. "Shield Charms are a dueler's most common aid, because they're so universal. You don't have to waste time with recalling the according protection against the hex that is fired at you, you just cast a Shield Charm and are on the safe side in ninety percent of the cases.

"Shield Charms come in various strengths. The simpler ones would probably ward off most spells any of you could manage; there are others that can handle quite nasty hexes; and finally there are a few that take particularly skilled wizards years to perfect, though, they could ward off even the Cruciatus Curse."

"Can you do that?" asked Neville, wide-eyed. "Ward off the Cruciatus?"

Serena shook her head. "To my regret, no," she answered. Hesitating a moment, she added softly, almost to herself, "Although there's been a time when I sincerely wished I could." Only a few people near the front caught that comment. Jon and Hermione looked worried while Harry, who had experienced the Cruciatus Curse, simply looked a bit sick.

"Well!" said Serena brightly, as if nothing had happened, "We're almost done." Her eyes twinkled suddenly. "We come to the practical part of the lesson - when you'll find out for yourselves just how effective a Shield Charm can be."

Her voice took on a conspirative undertone. "Now I'll give you permission to do something you aren't usually allowed to do. I'm going to cast a Shield Charm, and all of you can throw any hex you like at me. If you manage to break my shield, it'll be thirty points to Gryffindor." She grinned mischievously. "If you don't, an extra four inches on your next essay. Fair enough?"

She leaned backwards over the desk and produced something from her bag that looked like a toy parrot, placing it on the table. Then she hopped off the desk and drew a circle around her with her wand, casting the spell.

Lavender Brown shrieked a little when beams of white light shot up through the circle Serena had drawn. The beams glowed for a moment before curving inward and shimmering into transparency. Their professor was now shut away in an invisible bell-shaped force field.

"Shield Charms can reflect or absorb curses. To minimize possible damage through ricochets, this one's been set to absorb," said Serena. "In duels, however, it's highly advisable to use the reflecting kind; there's always a chance to harm your opponent with his own curses."

Lazily flicking her wand at the parrot on her desk, she added, "You have five minutes. All right - start!"

The parrot, which had been quivering, suddenly fluttered its wings, squawking loudly, "Kraa! Begin now! Kraa!" Then he fell silent again.

If it had been, for example, Snape inside the shield instead of Serena, the barrage of curses would probably have been a bit nastier and a bit more enthusiastic; as it was, each curse raced at Serena only to slam into the shield and disappear in a shower of sparks. Someone screamed; Serena, on the other hand, looked absolutely thrilled, listening carefully which incantations the students were using.

Jon wondered if they were aware that they were being tested. His mum checked unobtrusively the level of their practical skills to get an impression of where to start with her lessons, and this was certainly much more effective than a written test.

Suddenly Harry had an idea, and he, Hermione, Ron, and Jon put their heads together so that he could explain it to them. After some seconds all nodded and turned towards Serena. All four aimed at the same spot and said simultaneously, "Diffindo!"

When the fourfold-intensified spell hit the shield, the magical field bent dangerously inwards. Serena's expression looked suddenly even more concentrated, but the shield held on. They wanted to try it once again, but the parrot fluttered suddenly its wings and squawked in a deafening voice, "Kraa! Time's over! Stop! Kraa!"

Serena smiled and let the shield vanish. "Not bad, you four. Aiming together was a good idea, but you'd have done better if you'd chosen a stronger spell. Nevertheless, you put my shield in serious danger - so we'll compromise. Fifteen points to Gryffindor and two more inches on your essay."

The class erupted into a cacophony of cheers and groans, only to be interrupted by the bell. They looked at one another, surprised. Time had flown by.

Serena called after them as they stampeded out, "Don't forget to study the theory behind Shield Charms - next class, you'll try this spell yourselves. Dismissed."