The Legend of the Phoenix Well


Story Summary:
Normal people have unexciting school lives. Harry's not a normal person. His seventh year may be the most chaotic of all. First, Voldemort is immortal. Second, he's got a necklace everyone wants, but he doesn't want at all. Third, he just might be becoming more Slytherin... over a girl! What's Harry to do?

Chapter 20

Chapter Summary:
[Complete] Normal people have unexciting school lives. Harry's not a normal person. His seventh year may be the most chaotic of all. First, Voldemort is immortal. Second, he's got a necklace everyone wants, but he doesn't want at all. Third, he just might be becoming more Slytherin... over a girl! What's Harry to do? THE END!!!!
Author's Note:
Decided to send both in at once...

Chapter Twenty: Closing One Door, Opening Another

"So I asked him, what do you prefer: butterbeer or fire whisky, and he said, butterbeer, since it's better tasting," Seamus said, languishing under the tree. "But I begged to differ. Fire whisky is more daring, more exciting."

Ginny leaned against Harry's shoulder. "Remind me not to ever even look at fire whisky again," she said, closing her eyes.

"Your brothers told me you told them that many times already during the Christmas holidays. Besides, I won't be here to remind you. Remember?" he grinned at her. "What do you want me to do, stay for an eighth year?"

"Suppose not," she said. "It's going to be so different next year, without any of my brothers, and just Luna," she said, a touch of sadness in her voice. "I still can't believe Colin's been dead for six years."

Both of them fell silent. Harry was suddenly reminded of the price he would one day have to pay to the Phoenix Well. He tried to urge himself to tell Ginny, but he couldn't.

Hermione came and sat near them. She glared at Seamus, who was now doing an impression of her after the Quidditch Cup. Turning back to Harry and Ginny, she smiled. "Well, how's this for a change? Better than sneaking off?"

"Obviously, Hermione," Ginny said, her voice a bit muffled since her face was pressed against Harry's shoulder. "However, there are plenty of fan girls who hate me totally. Remember that Howler I got from Hattie Longhorn a few days ago?"

"That was horrible," Luna said in her usual dreamy voice as she joined them. "Her screams were so shrill and loud."

Hermione sighed. "I can't believe today is our last full day at Hogwarts. Doesn't it feel like yesterday when we were stepping off the train for the very first time? And sitting under this tree makes me feel like a first year after final exams." She leaned contentedly against the tree's ancient trunk.

Parvati and Lavender joined them. Parvati looked much better now, and she seemed to be mostly over her family's deaths. "I agree," she said, looking at Hermione and lying on the ground, her arms pillowing her head. Lavender nodded, drawing her knees closer to herself.

"What's this?" Harry said, smirking. "It looks like I'm surrounded by girls. Did I suddenly switch bodies with Malfoy?"

Parvati giggled. "No. But if this happened a few years ago, believe me, you'd be running away from here as fast as you could, completely insane from the horror."

"Unless if it was Cho Chang," Lavender said. "Then you would have sat there, frozen, with a stupid look on your face. Like this." She looked blankly around, her jaw half open. Hermione laughed.

Harry pretended to scowl. He glanced over at Seamus and Ron, who seemed annoyed that their girlfriends were with Harry. Neville didn't seem to mind too much, but his face was stuck in a book on Herbology. "You four had better head back," Harry said. "They're not looking too happy over there."

The girls except for Ginny moved away. "Ah, I've got you to myself again," Ginny said, sighing.

"Not anymore," Harry said as Ron came up, looking nervous. "Your brother's coming, and he's hiding something behind his back."

"Damn," Ginny said as she straightened up and looked at Ron.

Ron looked scared out of his wits, and he was fingering something in his pocket. "Hi, Harry. Hi, Ginny," he said in an unnaturally high squeaky voice. He pulled a box out of his pocket. "D'you... do you think..." He seemed unable to say more. Instead, he flicked the box open, revealing a ring.

Ginny looked at it. "Yeah, Ron, I'm sure Harry's going to jump for joy and decide he wants to marry you," she said sarcastically.

Ron seemed to return to normal for a moment. He scowled. "I'm not asking Harry to marry me!" he snapped. "I'm asking if Hermione will like it. Now go away, Ginny, we're about to talk about... er... manly things." He reddened, and Harry snorted. "We don't want you here, so go away."

Ginny scowled. "I'm staying."

Ron scowled back. "Fine. Stay. I don't care." He turned back to Harry. "Well, mate? What do you think?"

Ginny let out a noise of derision. "You're so stupid, Ron," she said. "That's not 'manly things', that's something you would ask a female. Like me. Unless if you're saying Harry's a girl." Harry suddenly had an image of himself as a girl. He shook the image away.

"Well, what do you think, then?" Ron said, annoyed.

"I think you shouldn't be worried about the ring. Instead, you should be worried about your own idiocy. I'm afraid you might just stand there, and Hermione will have to ask you," Ginny said.

"Thanks a lot, Ginny, for believing in me," Ron said icily.

Harry sighed. "I'll send a card," he said.

"What do you mean, 'you'll send a card'?" Ron said. "You're going to be there. If she accepts, it's going to be right after we leave Hogwarts. In the week between leaving Hogwarts and you going off to the ISD."

"Are you sure?" Harry said.

"'Course I'm sure. I mean, we can't exactly have Percy be the best man, can we?" Ron said. The image of Percy being his best man seemed to disturb Ron, and he looked ill for a moment. "Anyway, thanks for your support, mate. Er... you do support us, right?"

Harry looked at him. "Obviously, Ron."

"Thanks," Ron said brightly, sprinting away to rejoin Hermione, looking much more confident.

"Right out of school," Ginny said. "I wonder how that's going to be like. I expect we'll find out one day that Ron blew the house up or something during one of their explosive arguments. Imagine that. But I suppose you wouldn't hear until you came back. And neither would I."

Harry looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"I've decided to apply for the ISD. There's a lot of Death Eaters and followers still out there, and I want to help. Besides, ever since Tonks showed me what being an Auror was like, I've wanted to be one. I've got the good marks. And... and it'll only be one extra year, instead of three years waiting around, doing nothing." Ginny looked at Harry. "You don't mind, do you?"

Harry shook his head. "I'd rather not stand in your path," he said dryly. "I could end up killed if I did. Besides, they say being apart is the biggest test of all."

Ginny nodded. "Thanks," she said.


Their trunks were all filled, and everyone was tearing up, looking around at the castle one last time. As they walked down to breakfast, Harry suddenly remembered all the times he had travelled the path from the Gryffindor Common Room to the Great Hall. It had never seemed so different before. It seemed like he was seeing the way in a new light.

He looked out one of the huge windows in the Great Hall. The Quidditch pitch was clearly visible from there, the large hoops looming in the distance. Harry could see the players zooming around on their broomsticks. Wood was flying back and forth between the hoops, blocking the Quaffle. Harry blinked, and Ron was suddenly in the place of Wood.

Harry scanned the hall. Malfoy's familiar blonde head was at his spot at the Slytherin table, surrounded by girls, as usual. Ernie Macmillan and Justin Finch-Fletchley were talking at the Hufflepuff table. Harry spotted Michael Corner, Terry Boot, and Anthony Goldstein at their usual spot at the Ravenclaw table, snickering.

Smiling, he sat down next to Ron. Mark was down the table, talking excitedly to a friend about how they would be able to visit Hogsmeade the next year. Jenna Zikira was glancing wistfully at the Slytherin table, where Reginald Amber was. Reginald looked quite miffed that he had to sit next to his cousin. He was being pushed about by girls moving to sit closer to Malfoy.

Harry was able to eat a little breakfast before Ginny pulled him off cheerfully, saying that they were going (or rather, he was going) to say good-bye to everyone. Their first destination was the kitchens. Dobby ran delightedly over to the two, smiling brightly. "Harry Potter, sir! Dobby has heard that you is to become an Auror! Congratulations, sir!"

Harry grinned back. "Thanks, Dobby. I'll come by to visit if I can after my training, all right?"

Dobby's smile grew wider. "It would be such an honour for Dobby, sir. To think: Dobby could get a visit from the famous Auror Harry Potter himself!"

Ginny laughed. "Well, I'll see you around," Harry said. "Take care, Dobby."

"You too, sir! Oh! Dobby almost forgot!" Dobby pulled a lumpy package out. "Dobby made Harry Potter some more socks!"

"Er, thank you, Dobby," Harry said, taking the package.

Dobby beamed. "Good bye, sir!"

Harry left the kitchens. "Where now?" he said.

"Hagrid," Ginny said softly. Harry nodded, and followed Ginny out. Fang was running about on the grounds. The third years had been taking care of him, as a kind of project. Harry followed Ginny nervously. Neither of them had been able to see Hagrid until then. They had dealt with it from afar. It was high time to pay their friend a visit.

"Hey, Hagrid," Harry said softly, kneeling in front of the slab of stone with Hagrid's name on it. "Sorry we didn't come sooner." He gulped.

Ginny knelt beside him. Talking to Hagrid, even though he couldn't hear, was strangely comforting. "We're sorry for what happened Hagrid. You really didn't have to help us. You could have stayed safely in your cabin. But you were brave, and you tried to save us. And for that, we thank you." A tear ran down her cheek.

"We're both going to become Aurors. And we're going to complete your last job for you," Harry promised. "We'll bring the Death Eaters to justice, no matter what." He couldn't hold a tear back. "You know, Hagrid, it doesn't seem like that long ago when you told me I was a wizard. I couldn't believe there was a world out there, where people celebrated and loved me, where I wouldn't be shut away in a cupboard. You were the first to show me that." He wasn't holding his tears back anymore. Ginny held him to her.

"It's all right," she whispered.

Harry nodded, and Ginny let go. "Are you all right now?"

"Yeah," Harry said, quickly doing a spell. "Do I look normal now?"

Ginny nodded. "Come on. The Quidditch pitch, now."


Harry closed Hedwig's cage. Hedwig hooted, and looked around at the room once more, as if she knew that they were leaving. Sighing, Harry glanced around the room to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything. Satisfied, he opened the drawer he found the Head Boy book in, and slid the book back in. It belonged to the next Head Boy now. And there was a new entry in it, complete with a picture of all of the Gryffindor seventh years. The impostor Colin had taken it, but a picture was still a picture.

Slowly, he levitated his trunk and Hedwig, and started down the stairs down to the Common Room. He left his things with everyone else's, and then went down to the Entrance Hall, where people were waiting for the carriages to come.

Hermione was tearfully hugging an equally tearful McGonagall. Harry looked at Hermione's right hand. On the ring finger was Ron's ring. Harry smiled. He leaned against the wall next a disgusted looking Ron. "Who hugs their teachers good-bye?" Ron said in confusion and annoyance.

"Obviously, Hermione does," Harry said dryly. His point was proven when Hermione moved on to hug Professor Sprout.

"Harry?" an uncertain voice said. Harry turned. Cho stood there, looking nervous. "Harry, I'm sorry for how I treated you this year, and last year. I suppose... I was overreacting a bit, and this year, the malice was part of my cover. So Voldemort wouldn't get suspicious, you know? So... I was wondering... can we put that aside and be friends again?"

Harry looked at her. Then he smiled. "Of course," he said.

Cho grinned back. "Tell Hermione I'm sorry, too, for all the insults," she said. "Bye, Harry!" She rushed away.

"What was that about?" Ginny said. "Was she asking for forgiveness?"

Harry nodded, and was about to say something when he was interrupted by a silky voice. "Mr. Potter," Snape said.

Harry turned. "Yes, sir?" he said, a bit annoyed.

Snape looked at him, unabashed. "I'm here to congratulate you on becoming an Auror. I must admit you showed tiny amounts of promise at rare times during my classes," he said. Harry sighed inwardly. Trust Snape to be able to compliment and insult at the same time. Snape held out a hand. "Good luck, Mr. Potter." Harry nodded, and shook hands.

"Thank you, sir," Harry said.

"The carriages are here," Ron informed Harry. "C'mon." They headed out, and found a carriage. They were joined by Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna. Hermione opened the window, and peered back at the castle.

"This is it," she said, sighing. "Our last moments as students. I wish I had a time-turner, so we could go back and relive it all."

"Even the bad parts?" Harry said.

"Even the bad parts," Hermione said. With a jolt, the carriage began to move, and they watched as the castle got smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared behind a hill. A few minutes later, they reached Hogsmeade Station. As they got off, Harry could see the mountains where the cave was in the distance. He considered making a run for it, and seeing Sirius.

No, he thought. I promised I wouldn't see him again. He should be able to hate me in peace. Instead, he looked at the scarlet train, and boarded it resolutely.

The six found a compartment, and sat down. A few minutes later, the whistle blew, and the train started moving slowly. Hermione sighed. "And it just ended," she said. Harry was silent as he watched the green countryside pass.

The ride passed quickly. The six played Exploding Snap, and watched the different Muggle villages from their compartment. For once, Malfoy didn't make an annoying visit.

They were nearing London when the boys and girls separated, and changed into their Muggle clothes. Harry looked at the brand name clothes Grandmother had bought him for Christmas distastefully. They made him look like Malfoy, who always came to and left Platform 9 ¾ with Muggle brand name clothes.

As the train pulled into the platform, Hermione got emotional like always. The others followed her stoically onto the platform. Harry found Mark leaving the train. "Hey, Mark," he said. Mark turned, and smiled.

"This will be the last time in while that I see you, yeah?" Mark said.

Harry nodded. "Take care, Mark, and whatever happens, try not to poke fun at the gang. Dudley's not with them anymore. Oh, and watch out for Nicholas Waterby... I have a feeling he might be magical too."

Mark grinned. "The gang has a knack for picking on wizards, doesn't it?" he said.

Harry agreed. "See you, Mark," he said.

"Bye, Harry."

Harry walked away. Ginny joined him. They were about to go through the barrier into the Muggle world when Harry spotted Jenna and Reginald. "Wait a second," Harry said. "Hey, Jenna," he said kindly. "Take care, all right? And good luck."

Jenna beamed. "Thanks. And I told you so, about Ginny."

Harry looked at her. "I suppose," he said grudgingly. "See you."

"See you," Jenna replied. Harry walked back to Ginny, who looked amused as they walked through the platform after three fifth years.

"Bye, Harry!" Euan called as he walked away with his parents and younger sister. "The team will miss you!"

"See you, Harry!" David called, walking away with his parents. Natalie waved from where she was, with her mother and twin younger brothers. Mark grinned at him before leaving with his father.

Harry and Ginny found Mr. Weasley talking excitedly with Mr. Granger. Or rather, talking at Mr. Granger. Grandmother was chatting amiably with Tonks, who was thinner now that her baby had been born. The baby itself was a wrapped bundle in her arms. Dudley stood sullenly by one of the trash cans. Fred and George were watching him wickedly, obviously planning something.

"Hi, mate," Fred said as Harry walked towards them. "Ron and Hermione are still back on the platform. George and I think they're snogging."

"They should get married," George said. "Then they could snog all they want."

"They are getting married," Harry said. "Didn't Ron tell you?"

Fred and George's jaws dropped. "You're joking," George said. "He actually asked her? Our Ronniekins? This is an outrage! None of us older brothers is married yet!"

"How's your mother?" Harry asked.

"She remembers us now," Fred said brightly. "She's at the point where she's pregnant with us, and she found out we were going to be twins."

"Yeah," George said. "Soon we'll exist in her mind. That's looking up. Ah, poor Ginny won't exist for another few years. Probably when she gets back from Auror training."

"Shut up, you two," Ginny said. "I don't even know if I got in yet."

Dudley had stopped being sullen, and was now watching Ginny's... parts hungrily. Ginny noticed him at the same time Fred, George, and Harry noticed. "Why that little bastard..." Fred muttered, looking at Dudley.

Ginny covered the front of her shirt with her arm. She strode up to Dudley. "Stop looking at me!" she hissed. Dudley just grinned, reached an arm out, and pinched her bottom. Ginny screamed and slapped him. She walked away, turning her back to Dudley.

Icicle and Malfoy walked through the barrier. Malfoy seemed annoyed for some reason as he made his to Tonks. Harry understood why when Malfoy said, "Are we leaving now?" Malfoy obviously was staying with Tonks for the week they had at home.

There was another furious scream from Ginny as she slapped Dudley again. Icicle moved to Dudley quickly. Harry's eyes narrowed as he saw Dudley's hand move dangerously close to Ginny's bottom again. Then Dudley saw Icicle, and reached out like lightning. Icicle screamed, and she slapped Dudley, who seemed to enjoy it. He looked at Ginny again.

Harry was getting very annoyed. He strode over, and realised that Malfoy was behind him. "Get off Ginny, you fat idiot," Harry hissed.

"Why?" Dudley said.

"Because we said so," Malfoy said. "And get off my girlfriend too."

Dudley looked dreamily at Malfoy. Malfoy noticed this, looked disgusted, and said, "I don't swing that way. And even if I did, I'd choose Weasley and Potter before you!"

"Was that supposed to compliment me?" Harry said dryly as Malfoy stalked off. "Because it scared me more than it complimented me."

Malfoy scowled at Harry, but left. Tonks rushed away after him.


Harry stood, leaning against the table in the back garden of the Burrow, where the wedding reception was taking place. Everyone was dressed in casual Muggle clothes, in case any Muggles saw.

"Hey, Harry," Tonks said. "I don't think you met Emily yet, did you?"

"Emily?" Harry asked.

"My daughter," Tonks said happily. Harry peered into the bundle. Inside was a small, pale baby with sandy hair. At the moment, her blue eyes were open and twinkling merrily. She looked a lot like Tonks.

Malfoy walked around, looking bored and scowling. "My cousin is really a big softie inside," Tonks said, winking. Harry snorted from the irony. Malfoy, a softie? "He didn't have to come today, but he wanted to see Isidora. He's the one who plays with Emily at home, you know." Harry snorted again.

"Tonks, have you seen Remus?" Harry said.

"No, he's at Grimmauld Place. He wanted to come, but we're trying to catch Dolohov, and he's the one working on it the most."

"Oh," Harry said. He hoped to see Lupin before he left for Germany.

Ron stood up in the front. "Hi, everyone!" he said happily. "It's time for your favourite part, but not mine, sorry. Dancing! Harry, mate! Ginny! Both of you, get up here! We've got to start this bloody dance, so let's get it over with!"

Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head, but walked to the front. He found Ginny easily enough. Ginny smiled at him, and the music started. "I hate doing this," Harry mouthed.

"So do I," Ginny said. "Too many people watching."

Some people joined in, and then most of the people were on the dance floor. "Want to stop?" Harry asked when the first song was over.

"Let's get something to eat," Ginny said. They went over to the refreshments table and waited there while everyone danced.

Mrs. Weasley was wandering among the refreshments tables. "Oh, hello James," she said. "I was looking around for a familiar face. I think I saw Lucius Malfoy skulking around a while ago, but he wasn't with Narcissa."

"It's best you play along," Ginny whispered. "That's what the healers told me, so she isn't put into shock."

"Really?" Harry said helplessly. It was horrible, talking to Mrs. Weasley like his father. "So how are Bill, Charlie, and Percy?" he said pasting a grin on his face.

"Doing well," Mrs. Weasley said cheerfully. She looked at Ginny. "Is that Lily? I'm sorry, it's getting a bit dark around here, and I can't see too well."

"Er... yeah," Harry said. "Erm... got to get going..."

"James, aren't you and Lily supposed to be at that ISD school?" Mrs. Weasley said suddenly.

"No, they... they let us out on holiday for a week," Harry lied.

"Oh, here's Lucius!" Mrs. Weasley said. "He makes me feel so uneasy sometimes."

Malfoy walked over, Icicle with him. "Potter, they're asking for you. Something about bouquet throwing. Must be Muggle."

"Hello, Lucius," Mrs. Weasley said coldly. Malfoy looked confused. "Where is Narcissa this evening? Did you cut your hair?"

"Yes, Lucius," Harry emphasised. "How are you?"

Malfoy seemed to get the point. He cleared his throat and did a perfect impression of his father. "Yes, I cut my hair. And Narcissa is feeling quite ill today, so she couldn't make it."

"Oh!" Mrs. Weasley said. "I'm sorry. I must go now, though... things to do..." she walked away.

"What's wrong with her?" Malfoy said.

"Munzer's disease," Ginny said coldly. "She's back in the past."

"They're throwing the bouquet over there, whatever that means," Malfoy said.

"Oooh!" Ginny said. "Let's go!" She dragged Harry over to Hermione, and got in line. Icicle followed her.

"What are they doing?" Malfoy said.

"Supposedly, whoever catches the flowers gets married next," Harry said.

"That's stupid. What if they don't want to get married?" Malfoy said, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Then they don't," Harry said impatiently. "Who said you had to get married if you caught the bloody flowers?"

"Stupid girls," Malfoy said. Penelope, who was nearest, turned and glared at him. Malfoy glared back.

"Stupid sexist chauvinistic pig," Penelope said, before turning back around. Harry snickered.

"Shut up, Potter," Malfoy said. There was a loud cheer as Hermione threw the flowers into the air. The bridesmaids and unmarried guests squealed and gathered to catch it. It landed in the crowd, and there were groans. "So who got it?" Malfoy asked, bored.

Harry looked over into the centre of the crowd. "Luna," he said. Luna smiled, hugging the bouquet, and looked at Neville, who automatically turned red.

"Loony?" Malfoy said. He sighed, and shook his head. "I'd rather die than see Longbottom and Loony get married."

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry said. Everyone gathered at the refreshment table.

"Now what?" Malfoy said.

"Wedding cake," Harry said. "You know about wedding cakes."

Malfoy scowled. "I don't want to see Granger and Weasley smearing cake on each other." But he followed Harry into the crowd, anyway.

Hermione and Ron pressed a knife into the huge cake on the table. Everyone cheered. Ginny found her way to Harry, and giggled as Hermione smirked and smashed an enormous slice of cake in Ron's face.

"Good one, Granger," Malfoy said. Icicle was leaning on his shoulder, smiling. "Well, they got a nice, classy cake," Malfoy admitted grudgingly. He picked up a piece of cake, and bit into it. "Not bad."

Harry and Ginny looked at each other, and laughed. Malfoy was acting quite a bit like Mr. Weasley did at times when he didn't want to admit he liked something. Malfoy suddenly scowled. "Ow!" he yelled. "There's a sickle in my cake!" he shouted. "That bloody hurt!"

Ginny snickered along with many of the guests. "The sickle represents fertility in the wizarding world. Whoever gets it will be very fertile in the next year. If you're male, it also means you'll father ten children in your life. Imagine that. Malfoy got it." Harry began to snicker as well.

"I don't want to have ten children!" Malfoy said, looking horrified.

Suddenly, Harry was hit in the side of the head by a slice of cake. He looked in the direction the cake had come from. Everyone became silent. Cho Chang was grinning. "All right," Harry said, picking his own slice of cake up and throwing it. Cho looked surprised. Too late, Harry noticed Percy was looking particularly mischievous, and had frosting on his fingers. The cake hit Cho in the face, then went down her dress. Harry's jaw dropped.

"Well, Potter, that cake has gone farther down her dress than your hand has," Malfoy drawled. Harry scowled. Cho smirked, and threw a piece at Harry. Harry ducked, and it hit the still-talking Malfoy in the forehead, getting some in his hair. "Perfect!" he said. "I find out I'm going to have ten children, then I get cake in my hair!" He suddenly smirked, picked up a piece of cake, and threw it at Cho.

It missed Cho, and hit Hermione instead. Hermione's jaw dropped, and she threw a piece at Malfoy. It hit Icicle on the left shoulder. Icicle shrieked in surprise, and threw a piece at Hermione. It also missed, and hit Ron, who shouted, "CAKE FIGHT!" Pretty soon, cake and icing was flying all over the place.

Harry slipped on a piece of wedding cake, and got a bit of frosting on his grandmother. "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Grandmother screamed furiously. Suddenly, she smirked in a very un-Anne Potter fashion, and crushed a piece of cake on Harry's face.

"Hey!" Harry said. Grandmother only laughed, and joined in. Ron ran up to the cake that was still on the table, picked it up, and dumped it on Harry's head.

"HA!" he said triumphantly. "I got you back for all those times you threw the Quaffle at me on purpose!" He picked up the cake that had fallen to the ground, moulded them into a ball, and threw it at Malfoy, who stood there, frozen, cake dripping off his once-perfect and immaculate hair.

Someone ran up to Harry and hugged him from behind. It was Ginny, covered in frosting. She giggled. "Harry, your hair... it's covered!"

"I know!" Harry shouted over the loud din of people laughing and shouting. Hermione had found a way to shoot more than one piece of cake at a time using sticks, and was running around with her device, laughing.

Ginny kissed Harry on the cheek. "Tastes good," she said, smiling. "Like cake."

"No, really?" Harry drawled, doing a perfect impression of Malfoy. Suddenly, he grabbed a piece of cake from his shoulder, and stuffed it down Ginny's shirt. He sprinted away.

Ginny's jaw dropped, and then laughing, she took after Harry, holding a huge slice of cake from the ground. She tackled him into a large pile of cake, and began trying to stuff her slice of cake down Harry's shirt. "See what that feels like!" she said, smirking and laughing. "Constant vigilance, Harry!"

Harry snickered at the reminder of Moody. Suddenly, he got an evil look on his face, and grabbed a piece of cake, smearing it in Ginny's hair. "Now we match," he said. He slid out from underneath Ginny, and began to run away, laughing as Ginny came after with more cake.

He didn't want that night to end. He wanted it to go on forever, but like everything else, all good things must end.


Harry stood on Platform 18 ½, at Waterloo station, holding onto his trunk. "Take care of Hedwig, Ron," he said to his best friend. "I can't take her with me to Germany."

"I will," Ron said.

"And remember, Hermione, don't let being around Ron make you stupid like him. Talking to him can make you lose brain cells," Harry said, smirking as Ron scowled. Hermione grinned, and hugged Harry tightly.

"I won't," she promised.

Ginny and Harry smiled at each other, then hugged as well. "See you in four years," Harry said. "Remember what I said about distance."

Ginny nodded.

Harry looked around before saying what he was going to say next. He gulped, and said it before he could stop himself. "You know how I made Voldemort mortal? I bargained with the spirit in the well. I'm not sure, but it's pretty big."

Ron, Hermione, and Ginny looked at him. "Oh," Ron said. "Well, I suppose we'll deal with that when we get there," he added.

"You don't want to leave me just because I might die on you any second?" Harry said in surprise.

"Well, we don't want you to die, but we won't leave you just because you might," Hermione said. "Look, don't worry about it. Concentrate on your Auror training."

"Typical Hermione," Ron said, grinning.

Grandmother stepped up. "Goodbye, darling," she said. "You'll be an Auror the next time I see you, won't you?" She hugged him quickly, and stood back, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief.

Tonks came in with Joe, Emily, and Malfoy. Icicle came in a little after. "Well, Emily will be a big girl when you three come back," Tonks said.

"Yeah, I suppose," Harry said, smiling.

Su Li came in with her family, and was greeted by Hermione. "So, it'll be the four of us who are from Hogwarts," Li said, grinning. "Oh, we'll learn so much!" She and Hermione smiled, Hermione a little jealously.

"Lupin couldn't make it here," Tonks said to Harry, who nodded. "I'm sorry."

"I just can't believe we won't see or hear from you for three years," Icicle said sadly.

"Yeah," Harry agreed. "I really wish we could write, but they won't let us."

"It's so you learn to trust each other," Hermione said. "And know everyone so that you can't be fooled by an impostor."

Harry nodded. "Imagine having to be friends with Potter," Malfoy said, scowling.

"That's very possible," Hermione said.

"It's nearly one," Joe said, looking at his watch. "You don't want to miss the train to Paris."

They would take a train through the Muggle chunnel, and then board another train headed for Munich. Another train would bring them to their destination. Harry wished they could Apparate.

"Well," Harry said. Ginny nodded and hugged him again. "I'll miss you, Gin," Harry said.

"I'll miss you too," Ginny whispered.

"Bye, you two," Harry said to Ron and Hermione. "Bye, Grandmother," he said to his grandmother, who was dabbing at her eyes. Harry looked around one more time for Lupin, but he wasn't there.

"Bye, Tonks! Bye, Joe!" Harry said as he climbed onto the train. The whistle blew, and the door closed. Everyone was waving.

"Good luck!" Ginny called before the train started moving. "In four years, Harry!" she said, a tear falling down.

Someone ran through the barrier. Lupin looked at the train wildly, and smiled when he saw Harry. "Bye, Remus!" Harry called. Lupin grinned, and waved. Harry and the other four watched the people on the platform get smaller and smaller as the train moved. They didn't leave the window until London began to get smaller behind them.

"Well," Malfoy said. "Let's find ourselves a compartment," he said.

"Come on, Harry," Icicle urged.

Harry accidentally bumped into a witch, causing her handbag to fall. "Sorry," he said.

"Merci," the witch said. The French made it final. Harry was leaving England for three years. This prospect both saddened him and excited him. He hurried after the other three, as they found a compartment. They were moving through the suburbs of London now.

The four sat in uncomfortable silence, until Harry said, "So, Malfoy, what do you think of the new Firebolt prototype?"

Malfoy's face brightened, and the two launched into a long conversation on broomsticks. Neither saw the dismay on Icicle and Li's faces as they realised what the topic of conversation was to be for the entire journey.


-To be continued in Dark Phoenix Rising-

Author notes: Thank you to Favrielle (who volunteered, so ::glomp::), who beta-ed both chapters so quickly! And thank you to ephemera, who although is very blunt (but you know you deserve a nice big glomp!) helped me make my story waaaay better.

Also, thank you to all my reviewers, from the start. Some of you reviewed every single chapter! Too lazy to name all of you right now, but if you review this chapter and at least one before, and give me your e-mail address, I'll e-mail the prologue to the sequel to you. I won't be posting the first chapter for a few weeks...

A schnoogle to all my readers, even you lurkers! :D

Now review!