The Legend of the Phoenix Well


Story Summary:
Normal people have unexciting school lives. Harry's not a normal person. His seventh year may be the most chaotic of all. First, Voldemort is immortal. Second, he's got a necklace everyone wants, but he doesn't want at all. Third, he just might be becoming more Slytherin... over a girl! What's Harry to do?

Chapter 19

Author's Note:
Decided to send both in at once...

Chapter Nineteen: Daily Prophets and Broomsticks

Harry groaned. "He's waking up!" a girl's voice hissed excitedly. It was Hermione. Harry opened his eyes slowly, and the Hospital Wing swam into view. "Harry! You've woken up!" Hermione screamed in delight, stating the obvious. She threw her arms around him.

There was a cough from behind as if someone didn't approve of her behaviour, but was letting it slide. Hermione let go of Harry reluctantly, and Grandmother came into view. She looked quite stern. Harry gulped. Then her face broke into a smile, and she bent forward, muttering, "I can't believe I am doing this..." She hugged him tightly.

"Where's everyone else?" Harry asked.

"Waking up," Hermione said. "They'll be fine. Our team's got really good reflexes. Most of them got injured, but they were all able to dodge the Killing Curses. Icicle did go to the Ministry, but it took the Order a while to find us, since we were on the other side of the forest, and they didn't know where to go. They found us after you... defeated Voldemort. McGonagall saw you two first. We were afraid you were..."

Harry nodded. Hermione went on. "Malfoy and Ron had been protecting you before then, but then Ron got hit with that spell I was hit with in fifth year, and Malfoy was burned and tortured. He's fine now, though," Hermione said quickly.

"What happened to the Dark Magic?" Harry said urgently.

"Relax," Hermione said. "It was destroyed when Voldemort died. It was part of Voldemort, connected to his so-called 'soul'. If he had one. The noise that followed Voldemort falling was horrible, Harry. The Order heard it, and found us, but the rest of us and the Death Eaters had front-row seats to it. There was all this green light, and then screams from every single person he murdered. I... I heard...your..."

"My mum," Harry said.

"Remus was next to me," Hermione said, gulping. "He heard the same screams I did. It was horrible. He went dreadfully pale, and was sick."

Harry gulped. "Harry, darling, can you walk?" Grandmother said.

Harry nodded. "Yeah. I think it was just the energy I used for the curse."

Grandmother smiled. "Yes, let's get you cleaned up, then. You've got soot all over your face... did you know that?" She pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket and began to wipe his face. Hermione gasped.

"Your scar's gone!" she exclaimed.

Harry shrugged. "I suppose so. Voldemort's dead," he said. He swung out of the bed and took the robes Grandmother handed him. He went behind the changing screen.

"Yes, but I thought it would..." Hermione said from the other side of the screen.

Madam Pomfrey seemed to come over. "Miss Granger! Please be a little more quiet while in the Hospital Wing. I'm surprised!"

"Yes, Granger, do shut up. I'm trying to get some sleep after some idiot Death Eater burned my face," drawled a voice that would always annoy Harry, no matter what the person did. "You're being terribly loud."

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry called, struggling with the robes. He couldn't find one of the sleeves. "So are you!"

"Well, Potter, I was beginning to think you wouldn't have to spend time in the Hospital Wing this year, but there you are. What was it last year? Oh, yes, your arm in the Quidditch Cup. That makes it all seven years that you've been in the Hospital Wing at least once. Tell me, at the ISD, are you going to make it three times a year? I've got to see that."

Harry poked his head from behind the screen. Malfoy was sitting upright in one of the beds, managing to look nonchalant, dignified, and sarcastic even with purple burn cream plastered all over his face. He scowled when he saw Harry. "Look at you. You don't have purple crap all over your face," he said.

Harry ignored that remark. "You're going to the ISD?" he said in surprise.

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Of course I am, you twit. Snape and McGonagall helped me hide the Auror application forms. It wasn't enough, though," he added, scowling and pointing at the purple cream. "I'm going after them if my face is ruined. Oh, and you too. Weasley, also, for no reason at all," he said, looking thoughtful. "Oh, and I suppose Isidora as well, since she was the one who roped me into becoming an Auror. And Granger for the hell of it."

Harry shook his head, and managed to find the second sleeve. He emerged from behind the screen. Grandmother rushed over to tidy him up.

"So she's your grandmother," Malfoy said. "And here I was, thinking she was Weasley's grandmother."

Grandmother turned to Malfoy. "Oh, no, Mr. Malfoy. I'm not Nora Bones Weasley, I'm Anne Delacour Potter. Pleasure to meet you, dear."

Malfoy's eyes widened. "You're part veela, Potter?" he said. "Never saw that one coming." He looked at Harry. "You know something, Potter? With the number of times you've been in here, you could probably measure your growth here. Look, the first year, you were this tall..." he said, putting his hand level to the side of his bed so it was about two and a half feet off the floor. "Second year..." he said, raising his hand a centimetre. "Now," he said, raising his hand to the height of four feet.

Harry looked at him. "Stand up, Malfoy," he said. Hermione looked amused. Malfoy stood up. "Unless you're four feet tall, Malfoy, I'm not that short," Harry said, looking Malfoy directly in the eyes. They were the same height.

"Well," Malfoy said.

They were interrupted by a groan as Ron woke up. "Did we win?" he moaned. "Where's Harry?"

"Right here," Harry said. "You all right, mate?" he added.

"Yeah. Ugh... I'm so glad you weren't telling the truth back then. Thanks for saving Ginny," Ron said.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, wide eyed. "Ron? Harry needs to tell you something..." Hermione said uncertainly. They looked at each other again.

Ron's jaw dropped. He looked back and forth between Harry and Hermione. "No!" he exclaimed. "No! No!"

Harry looked at Hermione, surprised. Ron wouldn't take it that badly. "Ron..."

"No! Hermione, how could you? How could you cheat on me? No!" Ron shouted, distressed. "NO!"

Harry and Hermione looked at each other again. Oh, Harry thought. "No, Ron, Hermione and I are not going about behind your back," he said out loud.

Ron looked at him tearfully. "Then what?" he demanded. "What?"

Harry sighed. "Ginny and..."

Ron's gasp cut him off. "Hermione!" he gasped. "How could you? How could you go about with my sister? Hermione, why didn't you tell me you were just using me as a pawn?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "I think, Weasley, what Potter is trying to tell you is that he's the one going about with your sister," Malfoy drawled. "Granger is not going about with your sister. Though that would be rather entertaining," he added.

Ron drooped. "Oh," he said. "Right. Sorry, Hermione," he added. "Oh, well, then that's fine with me," he said.

Harry looked at him. "You're not going to try to kill me?" he said in surprise.

Ron shuffled around. "Well, I decided I didn't really mind too much... better you than someone else, right? And besides, it hurts too much," he explained. He grinned.

Harry grinned back. Hermione promptly burst into happy tears. Ron ran over to comfort her. "Does this happen every time?" Malfoy drawled.

The door to the Hospital Wing opened, and McGonagall and Snape walked in, followed by Lupin. "Harry! You're awake!" Lupin said. "They're waiting for you outside..."

"Who's waiting for me?" Harry said, alarmed.

Lupin smiled. "You're going to have to hold a press conference, Harry. Last time, you were a baby, so Dumbledore was allowed to do it for you. This time, you're an adult, so I think you can handle it."

Harry gulped. "All right," he said. He let Lupin lead him out into the corridor, to the Great Hall.

"There's a lot of reporters," Lupin explained. "Neville's in there with Ginny, holding it temporarily. Are you ready?"

Harry nodded. Lupin opened the door. Swarms of reporters stood in the hall, looking up at the front, where Neville and Ginny were standing at a podium. "...yes, I did kill Bellatrix Lestrange," Neville was saying impatiently. "She tortured my parents."

One of the reporters spotted Harry and Lupin. "Look! It's Harry Potter!" he shouted. The reporters all turned. Neville looked relieved.

"Mr. Potter! Is it true that you used the Killing Curse?" one witch said. "Witch Weekly."

"Mr. Potter! How did you kill him? He was immortal!" a wizard exclaimed. "Arnold Fewler, Daily Prophet."

"Move along," Lupin said. Somehow, he and Harry reached the podium without being crushed. Harry got up onto the podium, next to Neville and Ginny.

"How are you, Harry?" Neville said.

"Great," Harry said. "How has it been up here?"

"Horrible. They keep asking if I killed Bellatrix Lestrange or not. I did," Neville said. "Harry... I used the Killing Curse. I can't believe it." He looked frightened.

"Don't worry about it," Harry said. "It was during that battle. Against her. The Ministry won't hold it against you."

He took a breath, and faced the reporters. "Mr. Potter! Did you kill You-Know-Who?" a witch with fly-away grey hair said from the back.

"Yes, I did kill Voldemort," Harry said.

There was a gasp among the reporters, and many exclamations of 'so it is true!'. A small wizard from the back shouted, "Did you use the Killing Curse?" There were some derisive titters from some reporters, but Harry and the wizard ignored them.

"Yes," Harry said.

"Is it true that Lucius Malfoy was sent after you after Hogwarts was taken?"

"Myself and the team and some friends," Harry amended.

"Is You-Know-Who's true identity Tom Riddle?"


"How did you make him mortal?"

Harry thought for a moment. Finally, he said, "I cannot tell you that."

Flashbulbs went off in his face as the reporters began to take pictures of the three on the podium. Finally, they stopped, and a witch asked, "Is it true that you had to admit to having... an explicit affair with Ginny Weasley in order to save her?"

Harry's jaw dropped. "No," he said.

"Have you had any type of affair at all with Miss Weasley?" a wizard asked.

"That's personal, sir," Harry said darkly. Neville and Ginny looked nervous. Harry felt annoyance course through him. What did the media have that let them ask about things like that? He became angry, like he had many times ever since Sirius died. The air seemed harder to breathe in. The wizard who had asked the question pulled on his collar, gasping. Harry became alarmed, and he tried to become less angry. The wizard stopped gasping. The air seemed cleaner now. Harry shook his head to clear his mind. What had just happened?

"Mr. Potter, can you tell us what your favourite colour is?" a witch in lilac robes asked. Harry raised an eyebrow. Either Neville or Ginny snickered. Harry wasn't sure what his favourite colour was. "Er... green," he said.

"What about this: who is the most attractive girl at Hogwarts?" the witch asked.

Harry looked at her. "What is this for?" he asked.

"Teen Witch Weekly," the witch explained. "Now, who do you think was the most attractive girl to ever set foot at Hogwarts School?"

Harry looked at her in annoyance. "Look, I'm not one to judge. I've only been here for seven years."

"All right. What hair colour do you prefer? Brown? Like your friend Hermione Granger? Or black, like yourself? Or blond? Or red, perhaps? Like many in your family and group of friends?"

"What does this have to do with me defeating Voldemort?" Harry demanded.

"Because," the witch said patiently. "You have many fans among the female population. And the discovery that you are an eighth veela helped in that field."

"Come on, now!" Lupin said, going up to the podium. "This is not time to ask Harry about his personal life!"

"No, it's time to ask me about my social life," drawled a voice from the back. Malfoy strode in, the purple burn cream off of his face. Harry nodded in agreement.

"Ask him what hair colour he prefers," Harry said.

"Blonde," Malfoy said, looking bored. "But my girlfriend has black hair." The witch looked excited, and scribbled the information down on a notepad.

"Draco, are you sure?" Lupin said, stepping aside.

"I enjoy the attention," Malfoy said simply.

"Mr. Malfoy, what will happen to the Malfoy estate now that your father is dead and your mother has been caught with the Death Eaters?" a wizard in the far left called.

"I get it, of course," Malfoy said disdainfully. "What did you think would happen?"

"What is your favourite colour?" the Teen Witch Weekly reporter called. There were many mutterings of 'Good god, woman'.

However, Malfoy said smirking, "Red. Why? That and black. Black because it looks better on me."

The reporters seemed to like Malfoy's arrogance. Harry quickly slipped away, along with Neville and Ginny. They made their way to the Hospital Wing, where Ron was bickering with Hermione yet again.

"No! I will not go to the press conference!" Ron said hotly. "And that's final! They'll ask me stupid questions like 'Who's the most attractive girl at Hogwarts'!"

"No they won't," Hermione coaxed.

"Actually, they will," Harry said. "They also asked me what my favourite colour was."

"Then they are terribly thick and stupid," Hermione said.

"You just repeated yourself," Ron pointed out. "Thick and stupid. They mean the same thing."

"All right," Ron said. "By the way... where's Hagrid?"

There was an uncomfortable silence. Finally, Harry said, "You didn't see? Ron, Lucius Malfoy killed him."

"But... I thought those were just normal curses!" Ron said. "Hagrid can't be dead! It's impossible! He's not supposed to die! That's not allowed!"

"That's what I thought when Sirius fell through the veil," Harry said resignedly. "He's gone, Ron." His voice was devoid of emotion, and Hagrid's death came back into his mind after being pushed away by Voldemort and the annoying reporters.

"He can't be dead..." Ron said disbelievingly. "He just..."


"...can't be dead," Ron said for the last time. It was two days later, and they were on the grounds of Hogwarts. Grandmother had forced Harry into the black dress robes he had worn to the Etiquette Ball in what seemed like another lifetime. Hermione stood bravely on Ron's other side, not letting one tear escape. Harry gulped, and walked forward to deliver his speech.

The enormous casket sat on the cold ground, looking so out of place. Harry didn't dare look at it. He stood in front of the entire population of Hogwarts, and many others... a sea of black. Harry spotted Dumbledore in the back, looking very ill and sitting in a type of wheelchair.

"Hello, everyone," Harry said weakly. "I don't need to introduce myself. I seem to be well known already." There were a few subdued titters at this, and Harry could see Malfoy roll his eyes distinctly. Fudge looked at Harry as if he was up there for his public image. Harry got annoyed by this. He got a sudden idea, and smirked. "And anyone who thinks I'm up here to boost my personal image is wrong, because Hagrid was my friend, and therefore any of you out there who disagree should just go and stick it up your arses. You know I hate being the centre of attention." Fudge looked livid, but was unable to do anything.

"Sorry about that, professors," Harry apologised. "But I had to say that." Bill Weasley gave him a grin and a thumbs-up from the left. Percy looked miffed from his position near the Minister. McGonagall looked amused, however, but Snape looked like he was itching to take points off Gryffindor, as usual.

"Anyway," Harry said. "Hagrid was my first friend from the wizarding world. His past is not well-known, as he only told those who he was close to. He was wrongfully expelled, and also wrongfully put in Azkaban. He was shunned because he was a half-giant. Hagrid went through much pain in his life, yet he still managed to be the kind, friendly, and cheerful good man that he was. Notice I didn't say half-giant. Because that doesn't matter. He was a whole lot better than some people who are wholly human."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he nodded his approval. Many of the people in the audience had tears in their eyes, including Fred and George, though Harry wasn't quite sure that they were real. Hermione gave him an encouraging smile, and Harry smiled back.

"You know," Harry said. "Hagrid was one of the first people I knew from the wizarding world, also. He was the one who brought me to my new home after that night my parents were killed. And he was the one who explained a lot about our world to me when he came to fetch me again, seven years ago. He was my first friend."

Now many of the audience members had true tears in their eyes. Ron was sniffing and trying to make it look like he had dust in his eye.

Harry went on. "When he became our professor, Ron, Hermione, and I were so glad for him. There were many memorable times we spent in his lessons. I'll bet Draco Malfoy still remembers the first lesson."

There was mixed emotions. Crying people got small smiles on their faces. Harry spotted Malfoy sniff, look furtively around, and almost whip his sleeve past his eye, so no one would notice. Harry gulped in order to not start bawling in front of everyone, like he had at Sirius' memorial ceremony. That was an occasion he would rather have forgotten, especially because Malfoy had been there, as family, and he had teased Harry about it mercilessly during their sixth year.

"Hagrid is a hero," Harry said strongly. "He died saving us from the Death Eaters. Without his help, some of us might be dead. Voldemort might still be roaming around. Hagrid was selfless, brave, and honourable. So we, in turn, should honour my good friend and professor, Rubeus Hagrid."

The crowd burst into applause, and Harry stepped down, smiling at his friends, and letting a few tears escape. There was more happiness when Ginny pulled Harry down and kissed him in front of everyone. Strangely, Harry didn't mind the attention for once. It was just him and Ginny. "All right, you two, that's enough!" Ron said impatiently. He sounded happy, though.

"This is what Hagrid would have wanted it to be," Ginny whispered, before pulling Harry down again. Loud catcalls were heard from the Weasley twins, and Harry could distinctly hear Percy's annoyed and disapproving noises. Grandmother didn't move for once. Instead, she stood there, tears running down her face, smiling brightly. McGonagall whispered something in her ear, and the two women began to laugh.

"I agree," Harry said when they pulled apart.

"God, do you two know the meaning of 'find a room'?" Malfoy said. He was friendly sounding, though, and for once, he wasn't sneering or smirking. He was actually smiling. Harry nodded, grinning back. Maybe one day, he wouldn't hate Malfoy like he used to. After all, they would be stuck together for three years as two of four Hogwarts students headed for the ISD. Icicle was the third. Su Li, who Harry really didn't know too well, was the fourth.

"Oh, shut up, Malfoy," Ginny said, smiling. The atmosphere was not what was usually found at a funeral, but it fit, somehow.

"I'm never appreciated," Malfoy drawled, looking hurt and sarcastic at the same time. "Let's go, Isidora." Icicle looked amused. Malfoy turned back around. "By the way, why do you lot call Isidora 'Icicle', anyway?"

"Childhood nickname," Ginny said. "It fits. Ici, for Isidora, and Cle, for Cleopatra, her middle name. Icicle Velour. That and because her favourite robes when we were little were snow-white, with blue glittery trim on the hem and neckline. Pity she doesn't fit into them anymore."

Icicle shot her a cross between an amused look and an annoyed look, and walked away with Malfoy. "So, you're off to ISD1?" Ginny said. Every year, the Auror trainees were sent to a different school building. That year, all the trainees were being sent to ISD1, in Germany, to Harry's knowledge.

"Yeah," Harry said. "What if I push Malfoy into the Black Forest?" he said. "I heard it's ten times worse than the Forbidden Forest, since it has all that ours does, and vampires and hags."

"Fun," Ginny said, grinning. "Malfoy wouldn't die from them, he'd die of them. He's so arrogant, he'll die of the 'ugliness'." Both she and Harry broke into fits of laughter.

"Yes, but according to Snape, so would I," Harry said finally, when he was able to stand up straight. People were starting to give the two extremely strange looks. They calmed down, and looked at each other.

"This is definitely better than sneaking off," Ginny said as she put her arm through Harry's. "Hey, I like this. Better than holding hands," she mused. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Bet Grandmother likes it better, too," he said, grinning at his grandmother, who seemed to be in heaven when she looked at the pair.


"What are all those people doing out there?" Harry asked as he drew back the curtains that was the entrance to the changing rooms. "They're not all students."

"Well, it's obvious, isn't it?" Ron said. "They all know you're going to become an Auror, so it's probably the last match you play, besides charity and all that. They're here to watch you. I know Fred, George, Alicia, Charlie, Bill, and Fleur are here for that."

"Oh," Harry said. Just then, Hermione rushed in, looking like she had run a marathon.

"Harry! Your grandmother... she's brought Dudley!" she said breathlessly.

"What?" Harry said. "How?"

"He must have magical blood in him," Hermione guessed. "He might have gotten a letter too, but his parents might have successfully hidden it from him. Or he has enough to see Hogwarts, but not enough to attend, like a squib. Anyway, the thing is, I found out that he's been staying at the manor since April, and your grandmother doesn't trust him enough to leave him there the whole day."

"Okay," Harry said. "He knows about magic, though."

"But he's never really seen much before! What if the shock of seeing Quidditch kills him? I've read about that happening to squibs with heart problems..."

"Hermione, relax. Why do you care so much? Besides, Dudley does not have heart problems, and I'm sure he can handle it," Harry said.

Hermione nodded, and left. "Dunno why she's so worried," Ron said, shaking his head. "I mean, no need to worry about your whale of a cousin about shock. She should be more worried that he'll destroy the stands with his weight."

Harry snickered. "All right, everyone, it's time to go. Do your best, because Gryffindor's had the cup ever since my third year, and I don't think we want to lose it now, do we?" he shouted.

There were cheers from the team, and then everyone grabbed their brooms, and headed out into the pitch. It was like the World Cup, except Harry was on the field instead of the stands. The stands were filled, and a few had been magically added to fit more people. Malfoy scowled from the other side of the field as many of the people in the stands boo-ed his team.

Oliver Wood's voice came over the megaphone. He had been hired as Assistant Flying Instructor, and was in charge of commentating. "Go Gryffindor!" he shouted. "My old team, you know. And might I say, Harry's done a great job in running it."

Harry and Malfoy faced each other. Malfoy smirked at him, as usual. "Good luck, Potter, you're going to need it," he said.

"I think you should keep it for yourself, though," Harry said. The banter wasn't malicious anymore, though, and they shook hands in a civilised fashion.

"Captains shook hands, and the whistle should blow at any moment now..." Wood said. Harry mounted his broom. He noticed a large group of girls screaming and waving green flags. They're not all for me, he thought, amused. Looks like Malfoy's got himself a fan club now.

Madam Hooch blew the whistle, and fourteen players shot into the air. Harry and Malfoy began circling the pitch, searching for the snitch. Gryffindor was in the lead, so Harry could catch the snitch at any time, as long as Gryffindor would be ahead after he caught it.

"How come you're not playing like the others, Potter?" he heard Dudley call from the stands.

"Because he's Seeker, you fat twit," he heard either Fred or George say, annoyed. "Seekers catch the snitch!"

Harry snickered, and turned back to looking for the snitch. "And Weasley takes the Quaffle from the air... watch out, Ginny! Yes! Crabbe's bludger misses Weasley! She throws the Quaffle... and SCORES! 10-nil to Gryffindor!" A large portion of the crowd cheered in celebration. A few of the Gryffindors in the stands unfurled a large banner with a huge Gryffindor lion on it, roaring and killing a silver serpent with its claws. It really was quite gory. Harry looked away.

Malfoy seemed to be tracking him. Harry shot off. "Potter's seen the snitch!" Wood said excitedly. Malfoy's eyes widened, and he shot after Harry. Harry smirked. Wood had never seen him do the Wronski Feint. He dived, Malfoy following him. A foot from the ground, he shot back up, in a V-shape. Malfoy swore, hit his broom in the ground, and promptly kicked off again, looking annoyed. "And Potter tricks Malfoy with a Wronski Feint! Harry, did you learn that at the World Cup?"

Suddenly, Harry saw a glint of gold to his left. He turned sharply and began to chase the snitch. Malfoy saw as well, and came after it. "Move!" Malfoy shouted, pushing Harry with his side, so cobbing couldn't be called. He moved ahead of Harry.

Harry shot ahead, and pushed back into Malfoy. "You move!" he retorted, shooting forward for the snitch. The snitch sped upwards, so the two Seekers were forced to do a nearly vertical ascent, and then it swooped U-like into the Ravenclaw stands. Harry and Malfoy were forced to follow it, dodging the screaming Ravenclaws as they chased after the tiny winged ball.

A bludger barely missed Harry's head. Goyle leered unpleasantly, his bat still swinging. Euan shot the bludger back at one of the Slytherin Chasers, and grinned when it hit its mark, causing the Chaser to drop the Quaffle. Mark picked it up from below, and started down the field with it. Harry flew after the snitch as it did barrel rolls. He started becoming rather nauseous, and he imagined Malfoy was also.

The snitch stopped barrel rolling, and suddenly flew off, disappearing. Harry and Malfoy hit each other, regained their senses, and flew back to the edge of the pitch. "Aw, the snitch got away, after some wicked barrel rolls," Wood said with a touch of disappointment. "And Evans scores! 20-nil to Gryffindor! Twenty minutes into the game, and Slytherin still hasn't even tried to score yet!"

His remark was met with many scowls and boos from the Slytherin supporters. In fact, Crabbe hit a bludger towards the commentator's stand, making Wood jump out of the way, and McGonagall screech. "Mr. Crabbe!" she said, shaking a finger at Crabbe. "That was highly uncalled for!"

Madam Hooch blew the whistle. Ginny would take the penalty shot for Gryffindor. The Slytherin Keeper leered unpleasantly at Ginny as she flew up to the hoops. Ginny looked unfazed. "Tell me, did Potter choose you because you're his whore?" the Keeper said nastily. Harry's eyes flamed. However, Ginny calmly flew to the penalty line, and with lightning speed, she threw the Quaffle. There was a loud whoosh, like an airplane taking off, and the Quaffle flew through the left hoop without the Keeper even moving.

"No," Ginny said. "It's because of that." She looked at the Keeper in a challenging way, and flew off coolly. Loud cheers erupted from the Gryffindor supporters.

"Thirty-nil to Gryffindor!" Wood said. "That was pathetic! Slytherin didn't even notice the Quaffle come! What kind of Keeper are you, Baddock?" Malcolm Baddock scowled, and made a very rude gesture at Ginny behind her back. Harry started forward, but Ginny turned, and with a look, told him to stop. Harry nodded reluctantly, and began to look for the snitch again.

"And Gordon gets the Quaffle for Gryffindor!" Wood said as David grabbed the Quaffle. "He's good. Of course, the team had some special broomstick training two weeks ago, I've heard. Perhaps all teams should fly through the forest, pursued by Death Eaters. This team seems to be unbeatable."

Goyle cobbed David, which made him drop the Quaffle. Hooch blew the whistle. This time, Mark came to take the penalty shot. "Well, if it isn't the little pipsqueak," Baddock said scathingly. "I say he can throw the Quaffle a total of three feet before it drops." Harry smirked as Mark drew his arm back to throw. With a whoosh, the Quaffle soared over Baddock's shocked head and into the centre hoop.

"Forty-nil to Gryffindor," Wood said. "Come on, Slytherin, this is such a boring game. At least do something."

"Learn your lesson next time, Baddock," Harry said as he flew off. He was about to start his circles when Malfoy grabbed the Quaffle, and began to rush down to the other side of the field.

"Well, I suppose Malfoy's making this more exciting," Wood said, amused. Malfoy dodged Euan and Natalie's bludgers, and threw the Quaffle at a curve. Ron headed for the right hoop, but the Quaffle turned, and instead, it went in the centre hoop. Ron scowled. Wood sighed. "Forty-ten," he said. "But half an hour into the game... that's pathetic! And it was the Seeker who scored!"

Harry spotted a glint of gold. He flew after it. Malfoy spotted it at the same time, and flew after it also. Malfoy was much closer. Harry urged his Firebolt on, accelerating it to its full speed. He imagined that he must have looked like a red blur. He could hear nothing but the wind beating in his ears, whistling its language-less tune. He was neck-to-neck with Malfoy, both of them racing at nearly 150 miles per hour, a few feet off the ground. They both reached out... Harry was about to catch the snitch...

"WHAM!" both Seekers leaned in, and promptly hit each other. Harry lurched forward, and felt something enter his mouth. Both he and Malfoy hit the ground, tumbling over many times because of the impact. Harry got up, and promptly felt sick to his stomach.

He gagged, and held out his hands. The snitch fell out of his mouth, for the second time in his life. How strange, he thought. My first and last Quidditch match ended the same way. Malfoy scowled as Wood whooped in joy over the magical megaphone.

The players all landed, and Ginny ran to Harry, kissing him right there, on the pitch. "Get a room, you two," Ron said sourly. Mark agreed.

The students started down to the field. Hermione reached them first. Ron swung her around and kissed her. "Now who needs to get a room?" Harry said. The Gryffindors lifted the team up onto their shoulders, and began down the path to the castle, cheering and chanting "Gryffindor! Gryffindor!"

Someone started up the old tune of 'Weasley is Our King,' and they went through the tune seven times, once for each player, changing the words so that they fit with the position.

"Party before dinner!" Seamus announced. "The idea is to go down there, completely soused!" The Gryffindors rushed into the Common Room, still laughing and singing in happiness. Seamus and Dean started passing out bottles of drinks. Harry took a butterbeer.

"Toast!" Dean said to all the seventh year Gryffindors. "To all of us! To all the Gryffindor seventh years! May we all become rich and find pretty girls... us blokes, of course. You girls can find yourselves a nice bloke to settle down with," he said, grinning. Everyone laughed. "To all of us!" Dean repeated.

"To all of us!" the rest of them repeated. Even Hermione looked ecstatic. They all took their bottles, and drank them quickly. Lavender crashed her bottle, which Harry suspected had been fire whisky, on the table next to her.

"Yeah! GRYFFINDOR!" she shouted madly. She grabbed another bottle, and chucked that down as well. Harry took a butterbeer, but would not take a fire whisky. He had seen the effects.

The rest of the seventh years began to party raucously (Hermione had to be persuaded by Ron) as someone turned the WWN on, and the Wand Girls' music filled the Common Room. Harry, however, noticed one small fourth year sitting by himself silently by the fire. "Hi, Dennis," he said softly, sitting down across from the now only Creevey boy.

"Hi, Harry," Dennis said. "I just don't want to join in. It was always Colin... well, his impostor, who dragged me into the parties. I liked sitting alone and reading more, but the impostor Colin liked loud things. I can't believe my brother was really killed before I even came here," he added sadly.

"Well," Harry said. "I didn't know him too well, when it was your brother. I only knew him for a few months. But he was always very friendly and nice, and he was always willing to be friends with someone. He and Ginny were good friends since the start. I suppose Ginny might have been too busy that time to notice that her best friend had changed after being petrified. Or she might have thought it was because he had been petrified. But none of us really knew him that well, though the Colin we saw was a good person. You know that, yeah?"

Dennis smiled weakly. "Yeah. Thanks, Harry."

"Anytime," Harry said. Suddenly, Hermione appeared at his side, wobbling dangerously and walking in a zigzag pattern.

"Hi, Harry," she slurred. "Want some?" she held up an orange bottle that had an orange liquid sloshing out of it. "It's really good. Ron gave it to me. Here." She held the bottle out to Harry. "Try some. This is my tenth bottle now."

Harry's eyes widened. "Er... I think you've had quite enough fire whisky now," he said, trying gingerly to take the bottle away. Hermione, however, held onto it like a vice grip.

"No!" she said. She moved closer. "Ron's hair's too bright for me," she said seductively, her eyelids drooping.

"Er..." Harry said nervously. This was scary.

Hermione moved forward, put her fingers in Harry's hair, and then promptly passed out on him. Harry caught her before she sank to the floor. He had forgotten the bottle of fire whisky until it spilled onto his shirt. "Crap," Harry muttered, removing the bottle from Hermione.

Ron rushed over. "Thanks, mate," he said. "I gave a bottle to her, as a joke. I never thought she'd get drunk on the first sip." He laughed nervously, and picked Hermione up.

Harry decided to look for Ginny. He was stopped by a very drunk Parvati and Seamus before he found a drunk Ginny cornering a very frightened looking Mark. "You know, I always had a thing for green eyes," Ginny was slurring.

"Ginny, I think that's enough fire whisky," Harry said, coming up and tugging the bottle from her hand. "How many have you had?"

"That was my fifteenth," Ginny slurred. "I think." She wobbled dangerously, and fell into Harry's shoulder. "I was telling Mark how I like green eyes," she added.

"Ginny, you're going to get into trouble," Harry said. "You're totally drunk."

"No I'm not," argued Ginny. She let go of Harry and stood by herself. "See? I'm not dru-" Her eyes rolled promptly into her head, and she collapsed in Harry's arms.

"And that, Mark, is the reason why drinking fire whisky is not a good idea," Harry said to the boy in the corner. Mark nodded in agreement.


An hour later, it was time for dinner. Because of the unique qualities of fire whisky, all of the people who had passed out had woken up with huge hangovers, and were quite ill and tired. Harry was trying to coax Ginny out of the portrait hole. Ron was working on Hermione. "Come on, it will be suspicious if you don't show up," Ron said. "Everyone stayed for the feast, since Hogwarts food is so good."

"Fine," Hermione groaned. The four made their way down to the Great Hall.

"How come you're fine?" Ginny asked Harry.

"Because Ron only drank one, since Hermione got drunk after one sip, and because I hate the taste of fire whisky," Harry said. "Ron does too, but he's an idiot. Besides, my grandmother's here. And I can't exactly pass out in my salad in front of her, can I?" he said as they entered the Great Hall.

Ginny giggled, then promptly winced in pain. "Ah, headache..." she said. "I'm tired," she added, yawning. They sat down with the Weasleys and Grandmother. Harry was not pleased to see that Dudley was there as well.

"So you do fancy her," Dudley said.

"What if he does?" Ginny snapped crabbily. She groaned and leaned on Harry's shoulder. "I can't eat anything."

Hermione groaned as well. Fred looked surprised. "Why, Hermione, you got soused! And not Ron! Hey, George! Grab your ice skates! We're going ice skating in hell." Ron rolled his eyes.

"And like you've never drank anything in your life," Ron said.

Grandmother sniffed disapprovingly. The soup appeared, and Ginny groaned again. Harry sighed, and began to eat. Suddenly, he noticed Ginny leaning forward from the corner of his eye. She was eating. Good. A moment later though, it became obvious she wasn't eating. "Bloody hell, not in the soup!" Harry exclaimed pulling on Ginny's shoulders.

He looked up at the teacher's table. Snape was watching them questionably. "Not now, not yet, Ginny! Hold on a bit... Snape's watching."

Ginny managed to nod, heavy-lidded. She sat bolt upright. Harry let out a breath and turned back to his soup. A minute later, though, she began to lean forward again. Harry looked up at the teacher's table. Snape was eating. His elbow bumped accidentally into Ginny, and she began falling in his direction.

She landed on his lap. Her left arm swung around, hit the soup bowls off the table, and splattered Harry and Fleur, who was on Harry's other side, with the soup. "Oh, shi-" Harry began. Grandmother quirked an eyebrow. "Oh, crap," Harry said. Fleur sat next to him, utterly frozen, soup dripping off her face. She jerkily took out a handkerchief and wiped her face.

Harry looked down at the top half of his robes. Vegetables clung to the black cloth. He shook his head. George leaned over the table. "Why, Harry, mate! I do believe my baby sister has passed out again! By the way: carrots do make you look better. You should wear them more often." Ron snickered. Harry shot both of them a glare.

"How many bottles did she have, anyway?" Bill asked eagerly. Grandmother shook her head in the direction the conversation was going, and turned to talk to Mrs. MacDonald, Natalie's mother.

"She said fifteen," Harry said, wiping the carrots off.

Bill looked at Charlie. "Ah. Well, Harry, we think you should know that in drunk Ginny language, that means twenty-five."

"Oh," Harry said.

Author notes: See next chapter. Review next chapter too.