Angst Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/05/2001
Updated: 10/30/2001
Words: 173,859
Chapters: 12
Hits: 46,966

Dracaena Draco


Story Summary:
In the months following the end of the ill-fated Triwizard Tournament, the usually indomitable Draco Malfoy is thrown into a situation that will change his life for ever. In a time when nobody is quite what they seem, can the Dark Side really be divided? The first story of three in the Dark Descending Trilogy.

Chapter 01

Fic Summary:

Words: 11,119
Hits: 19,882
Chapter 02

Fic Summary:

Words: 9,660
Hits: 3,362
Chapter 03

Fic Summary:

Words: 12,834
Hits: 2,865
Chapter 04

In the months following the end of the ill-fated Triwizard Tournament, the usually indomitable Draco Malfoy is thrown into a situation that will change his life for ever. In a time when nobody is quite what they seem, can the Dark Side really be divided? The first story of three in the Dark Descending Trilogy.

Words: 12,495
Hits: 2,648
Chapter 05

In the months following the end of the ill-fated Triwizard Tournament, the usually indomitable Draco Malfoy is thrown into a situation that will change his life for ever. In a time when nobody is quite what they seem, can the Dark Side really be divided? The first story of three in the Dark Descending Trilogy.

Words: 13,166
Hits: 2,398
Chapter 06

In the months following the end of the ill-fated Triwizard Tournament, the usually indomitable Draco Malfoy is thrown into a situation that will change his life for ever. In a time when nobody is quite what they seem, can the Dark Side really be divided? The first story of three in the Dark Descending Trilogy.

Words: 11,805
Hits: 2,223
Chapter 07

Fic Summary: In the months following the end of the ill-fated Triwizard Tournament, the usually indomitable Draco Malfoy is thrown into a situation that will change his life for ever. In a time when nobody is quite what they seem, can the Dark Side really be divided? The first story of three in the Dark Descending Trilogy.

Words: 15,955
Hits: 2,058
Chapter 08

Fic Summary:

Words: 16,658
Hits: 2,044
Chapter 09

Fic Summary:

Words: 12,725
Hits: 1,848
Chapter 10

Fic Summary:

Words: 17,964
Hits: 2,601
Chapter 11

In the months following the end of the ill-fated Triwizard Tournament, the usually indomitable Draco Malfoy is thrown into a situation that will change his life for ever. In a time when nobody is quite what they seem, can the Dark Side really be divided? The first story of three in the Dark Descending Trilogy.

Words: 17,823
Hits: 1,672
Chapter 12

Lucius Malfoy’s diabolical plot is falling apart around him. The spirits are fighting back. The thrilling conclusion to Dracaena Draco …

Words: 21,645
Hits: 3,365