Severus Snape
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 95,208
Chapters: 22
Hits: 23,076

Blood (thicker than) Water (but what about) Lemonade?


Story Summary:
Everyone hates Snape. Snape hates everyone, and prefers to keep it that way. After all, he's got some pretty dark secrets ... but what happens when a tragic death leads to an unexpected adoption and a new student for Hogwarts? How long can Snape keep his secrets from the new kid? How long until she finds out for herself? And what happens when she meets a certain Scarhead we know and love? Drama, romance, death, and defeat compliment this story about having to what's right in a world of wrong.

Blood Thicker Than Water 21 - 22

Chapter Summary:
Avril finds out all about the Thaumaturgism spell books, reads the note from Snape, and meets someone unexpected.
Author's Note:
Ok, this is a little longer than last times- I've had a major brain wave- thanks to Tyler (thank you SOOOOOO much)



Snape's departure didn't have as big an effect as one would have anticipated on the majority of Hogwarts. Sure, Slytherins were outraged (those bastards look for any excuse to piss and moan), and a few Gryffindors (them being Harry, Ron and Hermione) pretended for Avril's sake, but all in all, the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs didn't seem too devastated.

Potions were canceled for the time being, while Dumbledore looked for a replacement, and a spare was put in its place. Hermione used this extra free time to scour through more books looking for information on the Thaumaturgism spell books. She found that putting her mind on something else took the pain caused by the recent events, and worked very seriously. Harry and Ron spent this time sitting quietly by the fire, talking little and thinking about Voldemort's threats. a lot of people were on edge; according to Voldemort's threats, there were two days left before he started killing off the hostages. And, as he had so clearly stated on the Howler, Mr. Weasley would be the first to go.

Dumbledore still hadn't resigned, and Fudge wasn't even thinking about it. No, he was bent on arresting as many people as he could- "a pointless practice", was what Hagrid had put so bluntly. Dumbledore tried to post the school on all the latest news, but there was hardly any. Voldemort didn't keep in touch. He sent a Howler again that morning, with three words in it.

"Time's ticking, Dumbledore."

This had left the school feeling very hollow. No one spoke during meals- some didn't even come to meals. Classes were taught almost nothing- Teachers had too much to think about, and many students didn't show up anyway. Harry, Ron and Avril didn't.

Avril spent her free time sitting in the Common Room, in front of the fire. Regardless of the given evidence, Avril still couldn't find it in her heart to think of Snape as a Death Eater. It just didn't seem right.

That afternoon, the four were sitting in the comfy chairs in front of the fire. It was Potions time, and Hermione was immersed in a large book that seemed to be falling apart, muttering to herself. Ron and Avril were staring into the fire, both overcome with hopelessness. Harry was staring too, but his mind was reeling over a number of questions that needed answering.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Dumbledore!" he said, standing up. "I'm going to speak with Dumbledore," he told his friends. Avril looked up, interested. "I'm coming with you."

"What about you guys?" Harry asked.

Hermione smiled at them, the sort of sad, 'Yeah, see you later, whatever,' smile seen a lot in Hogwarts those days, but shook her head. "I've got a lot of reading to do," she said, and went back to her book.

Ron felt he didn't really have the physical nor the mental energy, so he only nodded. what he didn't tell his friends was that he blamed the Headmaster. Dumbledore had asked the Weasleys to aid him in his fight against Voldemort, and in doing so, had put his family in danger. Ron had nothing kind to say to that man.

"No thanks," he replied quietly. "I'll just stay here."

Harry shrugged. "All right then. See you." He grabbed his Invisibilty cloak from his dorm then rejoined Avril in the corridor. She looked puzzled.

"It's an extra caution," he explained. Avril nodded but said nothing.

They walked to the office quickly.

"Why do you want to come?" Harry asked Avril.

"I want to know what's going on, Harry," Avril answered, "I need to know. I can't stand waiting, not knowing what's going on."

Harry nodded, understanding.

Avril gave him a sideways look. "What about you?"
Harry shrugged. "I've got some questions for him. I need to know what's going on too."

They reached the statue, and Harry remembered he had no idea what the password was.

"Er, Cockroach Cluster?" he tried feebly.

The Gargoyle didn't budge.

"Blood Pop? Sherbet Ball?"

Avril watched Harry quizzically. Before she could inquire as to why Harry was blurting out the names of candy, a voice made her jump.

"Miss Ardree? Mr. Potter? Is there something I can help you with?" Professor McGonagall had appeared from around the corner, looking older and worn than ever.

"Er, yes," Harry looked reluctant to speak with anyone but Dumbledore, "I need to see Professor Dumbledore."

McGonagall sighed. "I'm sorry, Potter, but Professor Dumbledore's very busy, what with all that's been going on. I'm afraid he's quite unavailable."

Harry looked furious, but forced a painful, understanding smile. "Are- are you going to see him right now?" he asked.

"McGonagall nodded. "Yes. I have some rather important things I'd like to discuss with him- so, if you'll excuse me-"

Harry and Avril moved out of the way, but McGonagall didn't move, looking at them expectantly.

Harry grabbed Avril's arm and led her away.

"See you tomorrow Professor," he said as they rounded a corner.

Once hidden from sight, Harry leaned his back against the wall to listen.

Avril still hadn't caught on.

"That was awfully nice of her, to just brush us off," she was saying, folding her arms angrily over her chest. "What if we had something really important to tell Dumbledore? She probably wouldn't believe us. After all, we're just stupid kids. No one listens-"

"Shut up!" Harry whispered, pulling her beside him against the wall. "Listen."

Harry peeked around the corner as McGonagall stepped up to the gargoyle and spoke clearly to it "Jolly Rancher."

Shaking her head at the ridiculous password, McGonagall stepped through the doorway and disappeared.

Harry grinned at Avril.

"Very clever," she said as they slid down onto the floor.

"Now all we have to do is wait for her to leave," Harry said, pleased with his own quick thinking.

They waited for about thirty minutes, speaking in low voices.

"I hope she hurries," Avril said. "I'm tired, and the floor's really hard."

Harry didn't reply. He looked over his shoulder at a noise. McGonagall had left Dumbledore's office and was heading their way.

Harry hastily whipped out his cloak and threw it over he and Avril.

"What the-" Avril began, but Harry clapped a hand over her mouth.

McGonagall stopped suddenly right in front of them, not moving.

Harry held his breath, not daring to make a move. Under the cloak, Harry and Avril exchanged terrified glances. If McGonagall caught them, not only would they be given a detention, but they wouldn't be able to see Dumbledore. Not to mention the fact that the cloak would be confiscated.

McGonagall stood there for what seemed like an eternity, then reared back and gave an enormous

sneeze. She sniffed, wiped her nose with a tissue drawn from thin air, and continued walking.

Harry waited until she had turned the corner before taking his hand off Avril's mouth and pulling the cloak off.

"C'mon," he muttered, pulling her up, "before she comes back."

They once again approached the gargoyle and Harry tried the password.

"Jolly Rancher," he said, watching it doubtfully.

The gargoyle got up and jumped aside.

A few moments later they were outside Dumbledore's large mahogany door.

Harry knocked.

They waited a few minutes, then the door opened, and Dumbledore smiled at them. It was a worn smile.

He looked a decade older; every inch of his face seemed to be creased, and his startlingly blue eyes were old and worn looking.

"Ah, Mr. Potter, Miss Ardree, I was wondering when I'd be seeing you," he said, stepping aside to let them in.

Avril gazed around the office, which hadn't changed much since her last visit in the beginning of the year. By the door, on a golden perch sat a magnificent Pheonix.

It was Fawkes.

"Hey Fawkes," Avril said quietly, holding out her hand and moving so Harry could enter the office too. He didn't seem to notice the Pheonix.

"Hullo Professor, er, I- we have some questions-"

"I would be delighted to answer them as soon as you sit down and let me drink some tea. It's been a long day."

Harry and Avril both lowered themselves into chairs in front of Dumbledore's desk.

Dumbledore whirled his wand around for a moment, then a tray of cakes and tea appeared on his desk.

"Please, help yourselves," he said, sitting down.

"Thank-you," Avril said, taking a cake.

Harry ignored it and remained waiting for Dumbledore to finish his tea.

After a few moments, Dumbledore set his tea cup down and pressed his fingertips together.

"Now, Harry, what is on your mind?"

Avril reached for another cake.

Harry drew in a breath. "I want to know... what are you doing for Mr. Weasley? There's only a few more days left before-"

Dumbledore nodded. "Yes, I've realized that, Harry. I plan on resigning as Headmaster tomorrow morning."

"And Fudge?" Harry asked, leaning forward.

Dumbledore sighed. "I am afraid that that man has failed to see the severity of the situation, and if he is, he is going about it all wrong. No Harry, Cornelius has decided to ignore Voldemort's threats."

Avril, who's mouth was full of cake and jam, flinched at Voldemort's name.

Harry was furious. "What do you mean? He can't just ignore Voldemort! He's got hostages- employees of Fudge! How can he just ignore Voldemort?"

Avril swallowed and frowned. "Can we take the intense names down a notch please?"

Harry ignored her.

"Professor, Fudge just can't choose to not do anything. He's the Minister of Magic!"

Dumbledore closed his eyes, looking pained.

"Ah, if only he were to think that way Harry. Unfortunately, Fudge feels that our magical society would be lost without him, and refuses to resign."

Harry stared at his feet, fighting mad. How could Fudge be so stupid? Why couldn't he see the situation they were in? Why couldn't he just roll over and die?

After a time, Avril, who was by now on her fourth creamie cake, spoke up.

"So, what are we going to do?"

Dumbledore sighed again, rubbing his forehead.

"As much as we can, but even that isn't much," he replied. "Not only is Fudge not cooperating with Voldemort's demands, but the Thaumaturgism spell books are out of my reach."

Avril sat up. "Professor, I was meaning to ask you- what are the Thaumaturgisnm spell books?"

Dumbledore stared Avril straight in her dark blue eyes, which by now, because of Snape's departure, had begun to develop smal gray flecks.

"If you wish to know Miss Ardree, you must pay close attention," Dumbledore said, his face appearing even more gray and aged.

Harry looked up with interest.

Avril nodded, reaching absent-mindedly for another cake.

"The Thaumaturgism spell books are a collection of the most complex and powerful spells known to the wizarding world," Dumbledore said, his voice low and grave. "They were produced by a group of the most dark wizards ever known: Falco Mirack, Tyurur Norfrate, Jovelt Hex and Salazar Slytherin. These four wizards worked tirelessly to create a set of books for the Heir of Salazar- the other three were his minions, you see. In the books (four- one for each) they set the spells they thrived in. Some were spells they had practised and perfected, and some were spells they had designed and created themselves. All of them were malicious and destined for ill-use against others."

Avril had stopped eating; a cake was halfway up to her mouth, but had stopped, and was being held up in mid-air. Harry's sharp green eyes were fixed on Dumbledore, taking all the new information in.

"Thaumaturgism spell books were finished within a year. Before this occured, however, Falco Mirack was cast out by the other three. No one is sure why, but it has been said that he tried to persuade his companions to discontinue the creation of the books. The precise reason is unknown, but apparently they disagreed and forced him away. They burned his book and all the spells inside it. As Falco had poured his very soul into his book for the past year, this made him very angry, and he went to Godric Gryffindor."

Harry suddenly drew in a sharp breath, unaware that he had been holding it.

Avril remembered that there was food in her hand and she shoved it in her mouth, chewing slowly, as if she were afraid to miss a word.

"Falco told Godric of the other three's plan, of how they intended to hide the books in keep for Slytherin's heir, how the heir would use them against all good and decent. Of course, Godric would have nothing to do with this, and with the help of Rowena, Helga and a number of allies he confiscated the spell books and put them in safe keeping. Slytherin and his associates were furious. They looked everywhere for the books but to no avail. Gryffindor had sent them somewhere where they would never think to look."

Avril swallowed with great difficulty. Her mouth was dry and her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Where?" she croaked, spraying her lap with dry crumbs.

Dumbledore smiled- for the first time in days.

"It's funny you should ask, Miss Ardree," he said, leaning back in his chair. "The books were sent across the seas- to Canada."

Avril raised her eyebrows. "Really?" She looked very surprised.

"I didn't know that."

Dumbledore shook his head. "That doesn't surprise me. Hardly anyone did. It's not something you would be taught in school, is it?"

Avril shook her head. "No."

Dumbledore glanced up at the clock ticking beside Fawks' cage.

"I'm afraid, Mr. Potter, Miss Ardree, that it is time you return your dormitories. I have a nauseatingly large amount of work left to do before I retire to my bed, and I have not yet begun to make a dent in it. Goodnight."

Harry stood up, knowing he should feel satisfied, yet still not sure if all his questions had been answered. There was still a blank in the back of his head, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it.

"Thank-you, Professor," he said, backing toward the door. "C'mon, Avril," he said meaningfully, fighting not to glare at her, as she had managed to pocket a couple more cakes.

"Can you meet me back at the Common Room Harry?" Avril asked, biting her bottom lip. "I need to talk to Professor Dumbledore- just one second, ok?"

Harry glanced at Dumbledore, who nodded. "Er, all right. I'll see you later then."

He turned and exited, closing the door behind him.

Avril turned to Dumbledore.

"I know you're really busy, but something's been eating me up inside, and I really really need to ask you about it."

Dumbledore, who had hardly had a decent night's sleep in a month, who was being forced to resign as his position to save lives, who was being expected to work miracles, found it difficult not to smile at Avril.

"Indeed? Can it be compared to the way you've been eating my cakes? Is it perhaps the reason you've been 'packing it away'?"

Avril flushed a brilliant red and touched the bulge in her robe pockets. "I... guess you could say that."

Dumbledore sat back down behind his desk. "Please, continue," he said.

"Right, well, I've been wondering..." Avril couldn't quite think of the way to say it- she was half afraid of the answer. She took a deep breath. "WasmyuncleSeverusreallyaDeathEaterandifhewaswasheguiltyofwhatFudgearrestedhimfor?"

Avril exhaled, and eyed Dumbledore warily.

Dumbledore sighed again. "I was wondering when this would come up. I was sure Severus spoke to you, but clearly, he hasn't."

Avril went red again. "Well, we talked, if you can call it that. But then- remember? You came in."

Dumbledore folded his hands on his desk. "Yes, I do recall that particular incident."

He stood again, and began to pace steadily behind his desk.

"As I'm sure Severus never will find the courage to speak with you about this, I might as well educate you. I do not know exactly how much you know, so I will tell you everything.

"During school your mother and uncle were in seperate houses. Your uncle was a Slytherin, as you can very well surmise, and your mother was a Gryffindor. Your uncle was slightly disagreeable with quite a few students in the school, and Sydney was a very well liked witch. Yet, still, despite her social standard, Syndey did not hesitate to associate with her twin no matter what her friends said. Severus learned to depend on her when he was upset, and I daresay he was upset quite often, due to reasons beyond my accurate knowledge.

"When they graduated, your mother met a young man in Hogsmeade, so Severus has told me, and left with him to Canada. There, she had a daughter," he gestured to Avril, "and took up her career as an Auror. She unknowingly left Severus to the mercy of his parents, who had always felt he was unacceptable due to his placement in Slytherin. Though he would never admit it, not in a thousand years, Severus was crushed. He no longer had a sister to go to when things at home became unbearable, though Sydney had written before, with news of her new life. "

Avril was listening, scarcely daring to breath. She had never heard this story before, but it explained a lot of things.

"I believe that Severus was feeling hurt and alone- human emotions that many students here at Hogwarts would believe impossible- and searched for a way to hurt his sister back. That's when he met Voldemort."

At Avril's shocked and angry face, Dumbledore leaned forward.

"You must try and understand, Avril. Neither one was in the right, neither one was in the wrong. Sydney left Severus to be alone. He had no friends- only her. Sydney loved him- they were twins- yet she wanted desperately to have a life full of adventure and romance. Your father offered her that, if she would return with him to Canada to be an Auror. It was all that Sydney had ever wanted. Severus only wanted to make her as angry at him as he was at her. Never, in all his days, would Severus hurt her."

Avril only nodded. Her head was spinning an endless yarn of questions and assumptions.

"Severus joined Voldemort and his troupe of Death Eaters, as they offered him companionship- a way out of his parent's home, and a way to reap revenge on Sydney, as as an Auror, she would be working against him. Severus didn't need to be asked twice. He was made a Death Eater inside Voldemort's Inner Circle. A few people he knew from school, and felt accepted and no longer alone."

Avril squirmed slightly. The sensitive and emotional story was making her slightly uncomfortable.

Dumbledore didn't miss it.

"I apologize, Avril, but I am only piecing together what I have heard from friends of your mother, and what Severus has confided in me."

Avril managed a smile, but the look of uncertainty in her eyes made Dumbledore relucant to continue.

"Perhaps you should express your current thoughts on what I have said."

Avril licked her lips, preparing to speak as she had never spoken before.

She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

It seemed that her brain had temporarily shut that section down, preventing her from being able to express what was going on in her mind.

She tried again, focusing.

"Uh, er, uh," she drew in a deep, slow breath. "Why... would he do something like that? Didn't he know that if he joined them he'd probably end up getting mom killed or something?"

Her voice had reached somewhat of a strained pitch and she was looking extremely troubled.

Dumbledore took off his half- moon spectacles.

"After a time, Severus realized that very concept, Avril. He grew up, per say. He knew that he was on the wrong path and returned to our side. He came to me for forgiveness and offered to work as an operative against Voldemort."

Avril looked relieved. "So he forgave Mom?"

Dumbledore held up a hand.

"No, not quite. They still weren't speaking. You see, by becoming a Death Eater, he gave Sydney every reason to feel angry and threatened. That, is a long and humorous story."

He looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Well, it's not so much humorous as it is long, but it is one to be told for another time. Now, if you would excuse me-"

"Wait!" Avril protested, holding her hands out as if begging for more time. "What about yesterday? Why was Uncle Severus arrested? He wasn't guilty- was he?"

Avril held her breath, fearing the answer.

Dumbledore put his spectacles back on and walked to the door, stroking Fawkes.

"I have complete and utter faith in your uncle, Avril. I do not believe that he was guilty for the charges against him. I would trust Severus with my life, and I am going to do anything in my power to get him out of Azkaban."

Avril grinned, relieved beyond words. Dumbledore's opinion was enough for her. Then she stopped smiling.

"When do you think we can get him out?"

Dumbledore looked grave. "I'm afraid that due to the stubborn conviction of the Minister of Magic, no time in the near future."

Avril nodded. She understood.

She was still relieved that Snape wasn't guilty. Dumbledore's opinion was good enough for her.

"Thank you so much Professor," she said, unable to suppress a smile.

Dumbledore merely nodded then reached for the door.

It swung open before he touched the knob. Slowly, Dumbledore turned to face Avril.

Avril walked out of the office, and turned. "Goodnight Professor."

Dumbledore smiled.


She almost skipped down the revolving stairs, stumbling in the process, and practically ran back to the dormitory, where she told her friends what she had just heard.

Afterward, they were silent. Hermione had long-since put the research away, as Harry had already told her and Ron about the spell books. A few minutes ago she had felt somewhat relaxed and at ease- about as much at ease as you could feel when your best friend's father was being held captive.

Now, she had an entirely new thing to think over.

Avril stood in front of them, smiling and waiting for a reply.

Hermione glanced at Harry, who widened his eyes, indicating for her to say something.

Before she could, however, Ron spoke up. He had been acting very petulant toward Avril lately, for no reason other than the fact that he was in pain and needed someone to take it out on.

He was aware that Harry and Hermione wouldn't accept something like that, and so he turned on Avril, who was too polite to say anything.

"And you're happy?" he demanded, "Have you forgotten that he's still in Azkaban? And what about my dad? In your excitement have you brushed him off too?"

He looked so angry that it took Hermione by surprise.

"Ron-" she began crossly, ready to give him a blast.

"It's okay," Avril interrupted. She turned her gaze, which was now much less cheerful, to Ron, who's ears were bright red.

"I haven't forgotten, Ron."

She glanced around the room at her other friends and sighed.

"I- I'm going to bed now. See you in the morning."

She smiled a half smile at them, then went up to bed.

Harry and Hermione turned to stare at Ron, who's face flushed to match his ears, and blurted "well she couldn't just stay in that little fairy world forever, could she?"

Hermione crossed her arms. "But you had to burst her bubble right then and there, didn't you?"

Her expression softened.

"Ron, we know that you're really worried about your dad, but we all are."

Ron rolled his eyes, apparently unconvinced.

Harry held his head in his hands. "Ron, she's your friend. She likes you. She's always liked you. Why are you being like this to her?"

Ron looked uncomfortable. Before, no one had said anything. They had just cleared their throats and looked the other way. Now he was being confronted and didn't have a good reason at all.

"Shut up, that's why," he said, and it would have been humorous if he hadn't meant it.


Snape's Note

Avril lay in bed awake for a long time after everyone else fell asleep, mulling over what she had found out that night, trying to sort the information into categories that her brain could handle.

Ok, so Snape wasn't a Death Eater, but he was still in Azkaban.

In an attempt to sort out more memories, Avril recalled everything she remembered from the night he'd been arrested.

They'd been eating dinner, then Fudge had come in.

He'd sent his officers to arrest Snape, and they'd pulled him down the aisle. Then-

Avril sat bolt upright. She'd almost forgotten!

In the semi-darkness, she looked around. She flung her curtains open and dug around in her wardrobe, looking for the robes in which she had pocketed the note from her uncle.

"Please, don't tell me it's in the wash," she muttered frantically, digging through the closet.

"Yes!" she whispered triumphantly, turning the pockets out of one of her Hogwarts robes. A small bit of parchment, folded tightly to prevent the chance of it being seen fell from the right pocket.

Avril stooped and picked it up, then returned to her bed, drawing the curtains around her.

Fumbling slightly, as her hands were quivering with curiosity, Avril unfolded the parchment and read:

Pumpkin, (Avril grinned slightly at his sarcastic nickname for her)

I hope that you never have need to read this note, however I will write it regardless, as preparation is imperative. You may be inquiring as to why I've been taken to Azkaban, and at Dumbledore's recommendation, I will tell you. As a youth, I was part of Voldemort's inner circle. This is something that I regret with every fiber of my being. I want you to know that. I returned to Dumbledore's side a long time ago, but many people have remained unconvinced, Fudge included, as you can very well see. I assure you however, that I had nothing to do with the attack, other than my secret acquaintance with a member of the circle. That is how I knew of the attack before anyone else, and that is one of the reasons Fudge suspects me. I need you to understand that, as I am sure there are some things that have been said about me that were anything but flattering to my reputation (what reputation?)

Avril grinned at this; her smile seemed almost permanently attached to her face- though she was being reminded of how much she missed Snape.

I hope you understand everything I've told you. If not, see Dumbledore. I assure you, I will be back, possibly sooner than you think. All I ask of you is that you stay out of trouble before that happens. I know Potter, and I am aware of his craving for adventure. If remaining safe means staying away from him, I must ask you to do so, as much as it pains me. "Yeah, right," Avril whispered, still smiling.

One more thing Avril: unless you don't already know, the Thaumaturgism spell books are books containing powerful and dangerous spells. They were created especially for Voldemort, and once found, will be used with ill intentions. But, the only thing holding him back is the fact that he does not know where they are. They are in Canada, Avril. Where exactly, I don't think anyone knows. But, they are safe. That is all you need know about them. I ask you again, stay out of trouble. And for Potter's sake, tell him to leave this one to Dumbledore. Not everyong expects him to be a hero.

Take care of yourself,


Avril stared at the note

Well, this would've been really uselful a few hours ago, she thought, feeling as if she;d just had a conversation with Snape himself, and missing him profusely.

Avril lay back down, and gazed at her canopy. The spell books sounded very dangerous, according to Snape and Dumbledore, and she hated to think what You Know Who would do if he found them. But, she also hated to think what he'd do to the people who were being held captive if he didn't get them.

The problem was, they were in Canada. No one else knew where they were, just in Canada.

Hell, even Voldemort probably knew that.

The thought of Canada made her think suddenly of her parents. They had been more than Aurors to the Ministry- they had been secret keepers for people on the run, intelligence for the Minister (which meant they spied on dark wizards) and had always been trusted to keep important things safe.


Avril sat upright again, her eyes wide.


Avril threw back her blankets and almost ripped her curtains down in an attempt to reach Harry. she scrambled across the balcony and burst into Harry's dormitory, collapsing at his bedside.

"Harry! Wake up!" she said frantically, shaking her best friend awake.

"Avril, wha?" Harry yawned, sitting up much slower than Avril had.

"Harry- that's where I've heard of them! I knew I'd heard of them before!"

"Avril- slow down!" Harry said, now aware that the situation was serious.

"What have you heard of before?"

"The spell books, Harry!" Avril replied, fighting not to scream. "The Thaumaturgism spell books!"

If Harry had been confused before, it was nothing to what he felt like now.

"Avril, we found out earlier tonight- don't you remember?"

Avril shook her head. "No, Harry- I know where they are. Almost exactly where they are!"

Harry gripped his sheets. "Where?"

"My parents were Aurors, Harry. But they were trusted with a whole big amount of things besides. Like secret keeping, and hiding things in our manor!"

Harry was listening with apt attention, barely breathing.

"Things like spell books- the Thaumaturgism spell books! I remember my dad saying something to Mom about them about a year ago or something. He said 'Sydney, how long do we hve to keep these Godforsaken spells? Just thinking about them gives me the heebee jeebees!' and then, Mom said 'as long as the Ministry wants, Ray. It's imperative to keep the Thaumaturgism's safe. You know that.'" For a moment, Avril looked sheepish. "I was listening from the stairs. That's a totally different sotry all together. But see? They might still be there!"

Avril's face was shining with realization and pride.

Harry twisted his sheets between his fingers.

"I guess. But how do you know they might still be there?"

Avril looked thoughtful. "I don't- not really. But if I were to tell Dumbledore-"

"Not tonight, Avril," Harry yawned, laying back down. "It's two in the morning. Wait til later."

Avril agreed and returned to bed, but didn't sleep. Her mind was tired, and didn't think as clearly as she would have done in the morning, but the thoughts going through her mind were favorable.

This was great.

They could give them to Voldemort and free Ron's dad, and then Ron wouldn't hate her, and then Dumbledore could kick Voldemort's ass, and get the books back. Then, Snape could come back, and everything would be like it was.

This was great!

Unfortunately, Avril had missed, in her excitement, the sound of tiny, scurrying feet following across the floor back to her dorm, then under her bed, and failed to see the kitten-sized rodent disappear through a hole in the wall beside the wardrobe. For the rat, what had been a simple desire to watch the girls get undressed turned out to be a lot more beneficial- for him.


The next day Avril, who had slept in due to a late night, was awoken by Ron and Harry the next morning.

"Avril!" Ron exclaimed, sitting on the edge of her bed, "wake up!"

Avril opened her eyes to a grinning face full of freckles.

"Ron? What is it?" she was lightly groggy, but knew a happy face when she saw one.

"My dad!" Ron replied happily, "he's at the hospital- the hostages were let go!"

Avril sat up.

"You're kidding!" she choked, unable to believe the good news.

Ron shook his head.

"No, I'm not!"

Avril's face suddenly fell. "Why? Why were they let go?"

Ron shrugged, but began bouncing on her bed.

"Who cares? Maybe old You Know Who's getting soft in his old age!"

Harry pulled Ron off her bed.

"Get dressed," he said. "We've got to see Dumbledore." He added, in a lower voice so that Ron wouldn't hear- "if Voldemort's set them free, he may have figured out the books' hiding place on his own."

"Right," Avril said, getting out of bed.

Harry and Ron waited outside for them.

Ron and Hermione were too busy celebrating to notice what Harry and Avril were talking about, nor when they left abruptly.

Together Harry and Avril raced to the office they'd spent an hour at the previous night, blurted the password, and burst through the door.

To their immense and utterly shocked surprise, Dumbledore wasn't the only person in the room.

This is impossible! Avril thought. No way can I be awake right now. Outloud, she only said two words:

"Mom? D-Dad?"