Severus Snape
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 95,208
Chapters: 22
Hits: 23,076

Blood (thicker than) Water (but what about) Lemonade?


Story Summary:
Everyone hates Snape. Snape hates everyone, and prefers to keep it that way. After all, he's got some pretty dark secrets ... but what happens when a tragic death leads to an unexpected adoption and a new student for Hogwarts? How long can Snape keep his secrets from the new kid? How long until she finds out for herself? And what happens when she meets a certain Scarhead we know and love? Drama, romance, death, and defeat compliment this story about having to what's right in a world of wrong.

Blood Thicker Than Water 20

Chapter Summary:
Hogwarts is slowly going under...
Author's Note:
Sorry- only one chapter right now. I'm sort of tied up with other things right now (exams, shudder), but they're over tomorrow, so I'll be able to write more.


A Surprise From the Ministry

The next day was pretty normal, whatever was considered normal during those days. The four spent their class time worrying about recent events, too tired due to lack of sleep to pay much attention, then headed down for supper in the Great Hall around six. It was dark out already, as it was January.

They entered the Great Hall, found seats, and picked quietly at their roast and black eyed peas. Nobody really felt hungry lately either.

Well, if You Know Who was trying to break our spirits, he's done a damn good job, Avril thought miserably. Everyone in the school who wasn't a Slytherin was either mourning for the loss of a friend or family member, worrying about the welfare of their friend's, or feeling the misery of the others.

Snape's warning to Avril hadn't helped matters where she and her friends were concerned either. She meant to question him about it tomorrow morning; they had Potions first.

"Avril," Hermione said, propping her Arithmancy book against her nearly empty plate, "we've Arithmancy tonight, don't we?"

Avril nodded, gulping her pumpkin juice- the only thing she seemed to be able to swallow. "Yeah- we've got that test on theory." She gave an intended shudder and turned to Harry. "Oh, and we're also scheduled to be in the library at seven thirty for a play meeting. I don't know if that's still happening, though. I mean, Angelina won't show up."

Ron rolled his eyes. "Wow, Avril you've thought of everything, haven't you? Yes, it might be a bit difficult for her to come back from home for a stupid Quidditch meet."

Avril ignored him; he had been like that all week with her and strangely enough, she wasn't bothered. She knew how upset he was about everything- he had every right to be, and had no problem accepting that.

Harry glanced around briefly and noticed that the Hall was particularly full that night, as six was the normal time for people to go and eat. In fact, it seemed as though the entire school was eating in the Hall at the same time. Harry looked to the right and saw Cho sitting alone at her table, a little ways away from her usual gaggle of buddies.

Cho had recently stopped waving when she saw him, and basically stopped speaking to him all together since Christmas. Harry couldn't help but wonder if it had anything to do with Cedric's death. After all, it hadn't been announced or anything, but it was a well-known fact that his had been the last death before Voldemort's official rejuvenation. It had made him even more infamous than before.

Avril checked her watch and looked up. "It's almost six thirty, guys. We should get ready to go back up. Unless," she added with a small smile, "you plan on eating that," she pointed at Harry's piece of roast, which was quickly getting stone cold.

Harry pushed the plate away and grabbed his bag. "Nope, let's go."

Suddenly, there was a loud BANG as the Great Hall's doors were flung open and Cornelius Fudge strode into the Hall (which had gone very quiet).

He was being followed by six Wizards in robes of deep plum.

"Those are Hit wizards!" Ron hissed across the table to Harry, as they slowly sank back into their seats. "From the Magical Law Enforcement!"

Fudge himself was wearing his usual pinstriped trousers, and his lime green bowler hat was wedged tightly onto his head.

"What are they doing here?" Hermione whispered to Avril, staring curiously, along with the rest of the school.

Fudge began to stride towards the High Table, followed closely by the Wizards.

Dumbledore stood. "Ah! Cornelius," he asked in a lukewarm tone, eyeing the Hit Wizards, "is there anything I can help you with?"

"No, thank-you, Dumbledore," Fudge answered curtly.

"Then may I be so bold as to inquire what you're doing here? Dumbledore came down from his seat, his face hard.

"I'm here on official business, Dumbledore," the Minister declared coldly, his eyes scanning the Great Hall and High Table. "I'm looking for Severus Snape."

Avril's heart stopped briefly.

Almost half the school turned their heads towards her, while the other half continued to watch, shocked.

Dumbledore's eyes flickered briefly to the seat where Snape was sitting. He was half hidden by Professor Sprout and McGonagall's hat, which looked as if it had been placed there intentionally.

"Perhaps we should take this somewhere else, Cornelius," Dumbledore said pleasantly, "somewhere less public."

"No, Professor," Snape said loudly, getting to his feet. McGonagall looked as if she were trying to pull him back down. "How can I help you, er, gentlemen?" He curled his upper lip at the Hit Wizards standing behind Fudge.

Fudge didn't answer. Rather, he nodded at Snape. The next instant, three Hit Wizards were beside Snape, and the other three were at the foot of the platform, their wands out and ready.

"Severus Snape, you're under arrest for associating with He Who Must Not Be Named and his attack on the Ministry," Fudge announced, making sure the school could hear.

They could.

Avril made to jump to her feet, but Harry grabbed her arm. "Wait," he muttered, eyeing the armed Hit Wizards warily.

The Hit Wizards bound Snape with some sort of wire from their wand ends. Snape looked as if he were fighting the impulse to break free, but gritted his teeth instead while his hands were tied tightly behind his back.

Avril caught his eye and saw no panic, no surprise.

The Wizards finished and began to pull him down from the platform.

As they passed Avril and Harry on their way to the door, one of Snape's bound hands opened and dropped a folded bit of parchment at Avril's feet.

Avril scooped it up and pocketed it, her eyes still on the scene.

"They can't take him," Avril muttered viciously.

Fudge bid Dumbledore a brusque good-bye before leading the Wizards holding Snape away.

Dumbledore, however, followed, along with McGonagall and a large population of other teachers and students.

"They can't take him!" Avril said louder, standing up before Harry could grab her. She began to march down the aisle, her fists clenched and her face set.

Harry exchanged glances with Ron and Hermione, then jumped up after her.

They followed Avril as she elbowed her way through the crowd of spectators, finally breaking out front. Fudge was standing off to the side, jabbing his finger at Dumbledore. He was talking in a low voice, so the crowd couldn't hear, and the Hit Wizards were standing by the door, waiting.

Avril spotted Snape and stepped forward, only to be pulled back by Hermione.

"Remember what he told you," she said, her eyes on the Hit wizards, "don't make a scene!"

Avril again yanked her arm away, but made no move toward Snape.

Hermione was right. He had specifically told her to keep a low profile.

Instead, Avril tried (like the rest of those assembled) to hear what was going on between Dumbledore and Fudge.

"I assure you, Cornelius, Professor Snape has had nothing to do with this ordeal, besides the solace he has provided to students who have suffered," Dumbledore said firmly.

"I have explicit proof Dumbledore," Fudge blazed, his bowler hat falling askew, "that Snape has had a great deal more to do with the attack than you or I know of. It is my duty and to my interest that those who are responsible are punished for their crime. If Snape's been involved, then he too must be punished."

"What proof do you have?" Snape asked, raising his voice and wincing with pain as the wire cut into his wrists.

"Enough to put you away in Azkaban for a long time Snape!" Fudge retorted, pushing his red face close to Snape's pale one.

Harry, who was torn between feeling bad for Avril and jumping for joy at the departure of his least favorite teacher, glanced at Avril. She seemed to be in shock, her face was white and she was trembling uncontrollably, her dark blue eyes fixed on Snape. Harry sighed mentally. Celebration would have to wait. Someone needed to do something- for her.

"Let's see this proof!" he shouted from the crowd, moving slightly behind a burly Slytherin, hiding from view.

The Slytherins took this up willingly, shouting and whistling at the Minister of Magic.

If Fudge was red before, it was nothing to what shade his face was now. He stood for a moment, staring in disbelief at the crowd of people (mostly Slytherins and those sympathetic to Avril), his mouth opening and closing like a fish. Then, with a curt nod to Dumbledore, and an angry scowl to the rest of the school, Fudge took his Hit Wizards and left the school. Harry got a glimpse of the grounds when the doors opened, and was positive he saw two or three Dementors hovering near the gate. Once the doors had shut, Dumbledore raised his hands for silence, and the mob quieted.

"Please, return to your dormitories," he ordered. "Evening classes and meetings will be excused. I now ask the teachers to gather in the Staff room for a meeting."

Avril stared at Dumbledore for a moment, unable to think clearly.

What had just happened?

Is that what Snape had meant? Had he known that this would happen?

Did that mean he was guilty?

Harry turned and saw Avril standing very still at the bottom of the main stair. He stepped down and took her arm.

"C'mon, Avril," he muttered, glancing around at the sea of students, who were all climbing the stairs, "there's nothing you can do right now."

Avril barely nodded and followed.

As they climbed the stairs, no one spoke.

Hermione was encircling the past events in her head, unable to bear how hard this had been on her friends. First, Ron's dad, which was obviously dreadful, then Avril. Somehow, this was slightly more devastating.

It's because no one likes Snape, Hermione told herself. Avril was one of the only people to take the time to listen and get to know him. She chanced a half-glance at Avril, who looked hopelessly lost and confused.

Maybe Harry was right, Avril thought bitterly, maybe I was in denial. I never even saw it coming. Uncle Severus never really said anything. He denied it when I asked him about it, but Harry and I saw him from under the Invisibility cloak and he was wandering around after midnight. What was he doing? Avril looked at Harry, as if expecting an answer.

If I ask him about it, he'll probably say I told you so, she thought. God! I've been such an idiot.

But then again, Dumbledore didn't look convinced he was involved in anything. Oh, what am I going to do?

Harry too, was thinking about Snape, but was more concerned about his friend's well being than the condition of the spiteful professor. She must be really shocked, he thought, she was totally in denial. But, there's the proof. Damn Snape. This time last year I'd be thrilled about something like this. Now there was Avril to feel sorry for, and he had to pretend to be upset.

Ron's mind was not on Snape. To be honest, he found the Potion Master's departure should have happened long ago. No, Ron was thinking about the only thing he had been thinking of since Christmas day. And that was his father. What had happened yesterday? he asked himself, the sound on the howler... what was it? The thought made him shudder. Quickly, Ron glanced around to see if Hermione had seen. She had recently taken to speaking with a soft voice around him, and Ron found it annoying. He wasn't the one being held captive. He didn't need help, his dad did.

They climbed through the portrait hole a few minutes later, and found that everyone was going to bed.

Avril doubted they cared much about Snape. After all, one couldn't exactly say he had been friendly toward the Gryffindors.

She knew that Ron, Harry and Hermione would probably pretend to be bothered, but would find it difficult to actually feel the perturbation Avril felt.

They just didn't know him the way she did.

Granted, Avril thought, having changed into her pajamas and climbing into bed, he hasn't been very nice to them either. Was I the only Gryffindor he pretended to tolerate? I wonder why. Was he like You Know Who? Did he hate all Gryffindors? Was he only pretending to hate me?

Avril lay awake for a long time after that. Strangely enough, she didn't cry. No, what Dumbledore had said to Fudge had planted enough faith inside her being to prevent her from being too worried about Snape. But still... She knew what Azkaban was like; she had heard enough stories from her mother, who had been raised here. Avril tried not to think about what Snape might be doing now, but it was difficult. What was he doing now? Was he cold? Hungry? Scared?

Probably not, she reminded herself, if anything Harry said is true, he's most likely been through more frightening things before.

Avril stared at the ceiling of her canopy and closed her eyes. She was in a warm, comfortable room, surrounded by friendly, kind people, and yet, she had never felt so alone.

Her parents were gone, her friends were suffering losses of their own, and now her uncle, the one person she had grown closest to during her time at Hogwarts, was gone.

True, Snape was caustic and often irritable, but he had understood when Avril had lost her parents. He had understood (understandably) when Avril had hated Harry. Avril hadn't missed how his eyes, usually so sharp and cold, softened when she smiled at him. She remembered how proud he had been when she'd been presaged as a Lamia. She could still recall what he had said when she had confessed her fear of failing the Quidditch team at the first game.

"I cannot lie to you," he had said in his usual monotones tone, "I'm a Slytherin fan. I never cheer for Gryffindor. In fact, I want nothing more than to have them lose every match. But," he had added, taking the time to look up from his work, "I also know that I am an uncle, and it's my duty to encourage you, or something similar. So," he had patted her head in a sarcastic way, "good luck, Pumpkin."

This had concluded in Avril laughing and ducking away. Laughing was not uncommon when she was alone with Snape. This didn't mean he joined in- he was often the one dishing out the cynical humor. Avril was the one who laughed.

Avril clenched her teeth and rolled onto her stomach, burying her face in her pillow.

Don't think about him, she told herself fiercely. He's evil. He lied. You should have listened to Harry. He was trying to warn you- he's the real friend. You should have trusted your friends. If you had, this wouldn't have come as such a shock. Besides, you should be worrying about Ron's dad right now. He's a good person. He matters.

Tears pricked her eyes as Avril was reminded of how Voldemort had ruined yet another of her Christmases. This time, Voldemort had outdone himself. He had hurt her friends. Next to that, Avril would have chosen a lifetime of Christmases alone.