
Bad Faith by Ace

Set around or before 2010 in Muggle London, a chance encounter between Draco Malfoy and the infamous Harry Potter is on a collision course to disaster. Everything bad you can think of in excess, fraud, deception, generous throwing about of money...

Words: 53,672
Chapters: 7
Hits: 11,831
Vol de Mort by Ace

The absence of life. The flights of death in Draco's life and the lies that shape it. A hand brushing against lace socks. A heel piercing a wing. A fall.

Words: 937
Chapters: 1
Hits: 583
Speedball by Ace

Costa del Sol, Spain: a senseless murder sparks a violent reaction none could have foreseen. Power. Money. Drugs. And in the background, somebody is looking to bring it all down.

Words: 3,874
Chapters: 2
Hits: 1,066
Fistula by Ace

And maybe he is right for once. Like any good Slytherin, he knows the winning side, the quick slide-step of changing positions and the calculated eye for potential. You’re too soft, a pimpled Slytherin prefect tells him, leering from a few feet above... On kissing Florence behind the greenhouse, future Death Eaters, and Slytherin pyschology.

Words: 2,617
Chapters: 1
Hits: 583