Astronomy Tower
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/06/2003
Updated: 02/23/2004
Words: 6,516
Chapters: 8
Hits: 4,695

Willow's Story

Abby Kellogg

Story Summary:
Willow knows she is different. She always has. After her parents let something slip she goes off on quest to find her real identity.

Willow knows she is different. She always has. After her parents let something slip she goes off on quest to find her real identity.

Words: 750
Hits: 1,519
Chapter 01

Willow has always thought that she was a perfectly normal human teenager. Well, that was before. Before her parents had a 'slip of the tongue'. Now she is bound on a trip of self discovery. It's set in Harry's 7th Year and Ginny's 6th Year.

Words: 927
Hits: 633
Chapter 02

Willow has always thought that she was a perfectly normal human teenager. Well, that was before. Before her parents had a 'slip of the tongue'. Now she is bound on a trip of self discovery. It's set in Harry's 7th Year and Ginny's 6th Year.

Words: 1,176
Hits: 422
Chapter 03

Willow has always thought that she was a perfectly normal human teenager. Well, that was before. Before her parents had a 'slip of the tongue'. Now she is bound on a trip of self discovery. It's set in Harry's 7th Year and Ginny's 6th Year.

Words: 891
Hits: 401
Chapter 04

Willow has always thought that she was a perfectly normal human teenager. Well, that was before. Before her parents had a 'slip of the tongue'. Now she is bound on a trip of self discovery. It's set in Harry's 7th Year and Ginny's 6th Year.

Words: 637
Hits: 410
Chapter 05

Willow has always thought that she was a perfectly normal human teenager. Well, that was before. Before her parents had a 'slip of the tongue'. Now she is bound on a trip of self discovery. It's set in Harry's 7th Year and Ginny's 6th Year.

Words: 906
Hits: 429
Chapter 06

Willow has always thought that she was a perfectly normal human teenager. Well, that was before. Before her parents had a 'slip of the tongue'. Now she is bound on a trip of self discovery. It's set in Harry's 7th Year and Ginny's 6th Year.

Words: 538
Hits: 409
Chapter 07

Willow has always thought that she was a perfectly normal human teenager. Well, that was before. Before her parents had a 'slip of the tongue'. Now she is bound on a trip of self discovery. It's set in Harry's 7th Year and Ginny's 6th Year.

Words: 691
Hits: 472