Astronomy Tower
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/06/2003
Updated: 02/23/2004
Words: 6,516
Chapters: 8
Hits: 4,695

Willow's Story

Abby Kellogg

Story Summary:
Willow knows she is different. She always has. After her parents let something slip she goes off on quest to find her real identity.

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Willow has always thought that she was a perfectly normal human teenager. Well, that was before. Before her parents had a 'slip of the tongue'. Now she is bound on a trip of self discovery. It's set in Harry's 7th Year and Ginny's 6th Year.
Author's Note:
Thanks to everyone who has supported me while I was writing this fic, at home and at Fiction Alley. You guys are the best ever.

Willow's Story

Chapter 6

"Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength."


"You wished to speak to me, Professor Dumbledore?"

Willow's cloaked head turned towards the boy.

"No. I wished to speak to you. So you're the boy. We finally meet, Harry Potter."

"Why did you want to talk to me?"

The Headmaster looked between the two.

"Well, I take my leave. Goodnight."

He turned and strode out of his office.

Willow looked at the boy.

"You must consider me rude. After all I know who you are and you don't know me."

"Everybody knows me. I'm used to it."

"In any case, I'll tell you everything about me I know. I'm 13, my name's Willow and I'm a Watcher. What a Watcher is, I don't exactly know. Now, I'm here for a very explicit reason. I witnessed a meeting presided by a monster called Voldemort. While I was watching the monster give his minions orders, I felt hatred for this Thing that I had never experienced before in my life for a living creature. Now, Harry Potter, we come to why I am here. After a while, this Lord came to the reason to why he had resembled all his supporters, that reason was you.

"Voldemort knows one way to kill you and control the Wizarding World through you. I'm the only one who can thwart his plans. However, I cannot do it without your help."

"How do you need my help?"

"I need to know who you love to protect them as much as possible. I know that you won't necessarily want to reveal the object of your affection to a stranger..."

"I don't love anyone."

Willow stopped her pacing and spun around.


"You heard me the first time."

"It's simply not possible... The Thing was very clear that you loved someone. Are you really telling me the truth?"

"Of course I am, why would I lie to you?"

"For many reasons, you know nothing about me at all, you just met me after all. Most of the wizarding world apparently despises my kind."

"Well, I'm not most of the wizarding world. What are you anyway?"

"I'm a 'Watcher' if that helps you any. I don't know much about myself, who I am or who my parents were other than I am one of the last of my kind."

"To tell you the truth, I didn't know much about myself either before I came to Hogwarts. I'll help you find out about yourself if you will help me fight Voldemort."

Willow stuck out her hand and Harry took it. "Deal."

The next day Willow entered the Great Hall swathed her cloak, she saw Harry waving her over from the table covered in red velvet. She walked over and Harry made a place next to him for her. The girl opposite from her was a bushy headed brunette who introduced herself with a smile as Hermione Granger. The red headed boy next to her was more hesitant in his greeting, but he grunted out his name just the same.

Ronald Weasley was not happy with this development. Watchers were bad luck everyone knows that. He did not trust this 'Willow' at all.

To Be Continued

Author notes: Okay, this chapter was mostly a dialogue fic. I'm sorry if Ron appears to be biased, but I don't really like his caracter. Now please press that wonderful little red button, you know you want to.