Harry Potter Ron Weasley Sirius Black
Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 07/02/2002
Updated: 07/02/2002
Words: 1,493
Chapters: 1
Hits: 2,637

Adventures in Hogsmeade

Aaron Andronicus

Story Summary:
Harry, Ron, and Hermione are almost over with their 5th year, ``and are in Hogsmeade. Harry and Hermione are now dating, and Ron feels slightly ``left out, so he has a conversation with Madam Rosmerta at the Three Broomsticks. ``Some funny stuff, with some romance on the side.

Chapter Summary:
Harry, Ron, and Hermione are almost over with their 5th year, and are in Hogsmeade. Harry and Hermione are now dating, and Ron feels slightly left out, so he has a conversation with Madam Rosmerta at the Three Broomsticks. Some funny stuff, with some romance on the side.

Adventures in Hogsmeade

Ron was sitting at a table in the Three Broomsticks, alone. His two friends, Harry and Hermione, were off in another part of Hogsmeade, shopping, or perhaps they had found a private place to snog. Ron didn't care. He had wanted some time alone.

Harry and Hermione had been dating for several months now, and they were all over each other every chance they got. Ron had gotten tired of this, so he decided to leave them for a while, 'to let them have some time alone,' he had said to them. He'd get back together with them around 3:00, when they'd be meeting Sirius.

But really, he had wanted to spend some time by himself. He had a lot of thoughts to ponder over, including his homework, what to do on his date with Hannah Abbot later that day, and contemplating his current relationship with Harry and Hermione.

The two of them had gotten very close since they started dating, and sometimes, he felt shut out. There were times when Ron wanted to scream because he felt like his two best friends were ignoring him, and didn't like him anymore. But he knew, deep inside, that they did still like him, and that he couldn't live without them.

Madam Rosmerta approached his table with his Butterbeer. Ron took it, his face turning slightly red. He had always had a small crush on Rosmerta. As she was about to leave he suddenly said, "Rosmerta, could you join me for a while? I'd be delighted to talk to you, and I am feeling somewhat lonely."

"Sure," Rosmerta replied. "I'd love to join you right now. Wait a moment while I get myself a Butterbeer." She paused, then said, "You're paying, of course."

Ron laughed out loud for the first time in days, and so did Rosmerta. He took a couple sickles out of his pocket and gave them to Rosmerta, saying "Thanks for the joke."

Rosmerta left, and came back a minute later with another Butterbeer. She sat down across from Ron and said, "What would you like to talk about?"

Ron thought about it for a moment, then asked, "How's business?"

Rosmerta shrugged. "It's all right. Ever since the return of You-Know-Who, when the Dementors came back to Hogsmeade, my nighttime business has been in decline, but I still get plenty of customers during the daytime. And then there's the weekends when you guys are allowed to visit." She paused then added, winking, "I'm making a lot of money off of them Hogwarts suckers."

Ron laughed again. "You must be one of the funniest people I've ever met."

"Thank you," Rosmerta said, blushing. "I think, though, that perhaps you are laughing because it is me you are talking to?"

Ron looked at her. "What do you mean by that?" he asked.

"I mean that it's been obvious to me since the first time I met you that you have a crush on me."

"You're very observant," Ron said, blushing again. He paused, then continued, somewhat more quietly, "And you're very pretty, too."

"Thank you. There aren't a lot of people who think so anymore. My husband's about the only one who thinks so. Most people think I'm just old."

"Age is a beautiful thing, then," Ron said, patting her on the shoulder.

"Thanks," she said, smiling.

"Who's your husband?" Ron asked.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Professor Severus Snape."

Ron looked at her moment, and then realized that she wasn't joking and accidentally spat some Butterbeer back into his tankard. "Why are you married to that.... jerk?"

"It was an arranged marriage. I admit, Severus probably wouldn't have been my first choice for a husband, but he's always been there to support me, and love me when I most need it. He really has been a good husband to me. Sometimes, I think I'm the only thing in this world he doesn't hate." She paused. "I love him."

"O.K., I suppose you have a right to your opinion," Ron said.

"Where are Harry and Hermione? They're usually with you when you're in here," Rosmerta asked, changing the subject.

"I needed some time away from them. They've gotten very close to each other since they started dating, and sometimes I wonder if I'm still important to them. I needed some time to think about that," Ron said, quietly.

"You're still important to them," Rosmerta said reassuringly. "They were here earlier looking for you. They said they were worried about you"

"Why would they be worried about me?" Ron said in disbelief.

"They've noticed that you seem rather distant lately. They think something is wrong with you."

"Perhaps I have been ignoring them as much as I've thought they were ignoring me," Ron said with a sigh. "I wish it could be like it was before, when we all shared an equal affection for each other. But I suppose it won't be quite like that ever again. I might as well get used to it. Thank you, Rosmerta."

Rosmerta finished her Butterbeer. "Thank you, for such a wonderful conversation." She got up and kissed Ron on the forehead. "I must get back to work now. Have a nice day."

"You too, Rosmerta," Ron said, somewhat sadly, as he watched her leave. He would have liked to continue talking to her, but he knew what he had to do. He had to find Harry and Hermione, and apologize to them. He finished his Butterbeer and left the Three Broomsticks, looking at his watch. It was almost time to meet Sirius

Meanwhile, Harry and Hermione were in Gladrags Wizardwear, looking for a new robe to get Ron, one that he could wear for his date.

"Harry," Hermione said, holding up a bright blue robe with a large orange streak on the left side. "Do you think Ron would like this one?"

"No, that would probably be a bit too Ravenclaw for Hannah. Let's look for one with some yellow on it," Harry replied.

"How about this one, then?" Hermione now held up another robe with red, blue, yellow, and green stripes on it, and an emblem on the back. "It has all the house colors on it."

Harry looked closely at the emblem on the back. "Hermione, that's the Malfoy emblem. See where the old blond dude with a snake on his shoulder and a sword in his hands is stomping on the Badger, Lion, and Eagle? That's Salazar Malfoy."

She put it back quickly. "How did you know that?"

"I read it in a book called "Emblems of Major Wizarding Families and their Meanings". Don't you ever read, Hermione?" Harry said with a grin.

"Ha ha," Hermione said.

"How about this one?" Harry said. He was now holding up a beautiful purple robe with yellow stripes on the back.

"Yes, let's get that one," Hermione said.

"Good. Then we can find a nice secluded spot where no one can find us, and we'll..."

"As tempting as that is, Harry," Hermione said with a grin, "It's almost 3:00. We'll be needing to meet Snuffles soon."

"Right," Harry said, feigning disappointment. He then gave Hermione a long kiss on the lips, and then they paid for the robe and left, holding hands.

Ron stood near the edge of Hogsmeade, where they were supposed to meet Sirius, waiting for Harry and Hermione. He was starting to become slightly impatient when they finally arrived.

"There you are!" Ron said. "I've been waiting for you for several minutes."

"We thought you might want a new robe for your date with Hannah. So we bought you this one," Harry said, holding out the bag with Ron's robe in it.

Ron took the bag and took out the new robe to look at it, almost moved to tears by Harry's generosity. He was about to thank Harry, when an familiar but unexpected voice said, "How did you manage to afford those robes, Weasley?" It was Draco Malfoy.

"Where's Crabbe and Goyle? Have they finally decided they had enough of you, Malfoy?" Ron said menacingly.

"They're somewhat ill today, and couldn't come..." Malfoy suddenly stopped and gasped, looking past Ron at something.

Ron turned around and saw that Sirius had now joined them in dog form. And he realized that Sirius in his dog form really did look like the Grim. So he winked at Harry and Hermione and said to Malfoy "What are you looking at, Malfoy?"

"You mean you don't see that horrible dog behind you? You must see it!" Malfoy screamed.

Ron turned around and looked again and said, "No, I don't see any dogs. Do you Harry?"

Harry looked behind himself now too and said, "No, I don't see any dogs, either, Ron."

"It's the Grim!!!" Malfoy screamed, and he ran away in fright.

After he was a ways off, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, all broke out into laughter, and they left together, following Sirius.