Draco Malfoy Neville Longbottom
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Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 09/04/2002
Updated: 09/29/2002
Words: 61,345
Chapters: 6
Hits: 13,230

Time Shall Not Mend

A.J. Hall

Story Summary:
A thousand years into the future, and half the galaxy away, a bereaved young woman stalks through a high society cocktail party and thinks bitterly: "anywhere but here". Meanwhile, in the most desperate days of the Voldermort conflict, the Dark Lord has unleashed a deadly plague upon the wizarding world. A potion to cure it does exist, but can only be made with a certain plant. Which exists on one mountain in Scotland. A very well defended mountain... Worlds are about to collide.

Time Shall Not Mend Endnotes

Chapter Summary:
In case you wanted to know where the quotations came from, here they are,

Time Shall Not Mend - Endnotes

That which is marred at birth Time shall not mend,

Nor water out of bitter well make clean;

All evil thing returneth at the end,

Or elseway walketh in our blood unseen.

Whereby the more is sorrow in certaine -

Dayspring mishandled cometh not againe.

Rudyard Kipling, Gertrude's Prayer, Limits and Renewals (1932)

Their thin gnat-voices cry

Star to faint star across the sky.

Said to be Rupert Brooke, quoted in The Outward Urge : John Wyndham and Lucas Parkes (1959)

All warfare is based on deception. We cannot enter into alliances until we are

acquainted with the designs of our neighbours.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War (fl. 400-320 BC)

"As the man said, "Any fool can manage a clever man, but it takes a very clever woman to manage a fool"."

Byerley Vorrutyer, misquoting Rudyard Kipling Three - and An Extra, Plain Tales From The Hills (1888) [The authentic quotation reads "the silliest woman can manage a clever man; but it needs a very clever woman to manage a fool"]

"Draco, this is Elli. The Tertium Quid"

Byerley Vorrutyer, misquoting Rudyard Kipling At The Pit's Mouth ("Once upon a time there was a Man and his Wife and a Tertium Quid")

A double-headed eagle, surrounded by elaborate curlicues, bearing on its breast a small, square ended ellipse with a single vertical stroke through it.

The house badge of Faberge, jewelers to the Imperial Russian Court.

"And I have heard of some people who were once in a - somewhat similar - position."

Bocaccio, The Decameron , begins with ten Florentine nobels exiled to the countryside outside Florence by the effects of the Black Death, telling each other stories to pass the time.

" For God's sake let us sit upon the ground,"

"And tell sad stories of the deaths of kings" : Shakespeare, Richard II

"The patriot fights for his countryside," Rudyard Kipling, The Ballad of Boh Da Thone.

" -totally on the warpath and off to find a peasant she could rend tooth and nail"

But the She-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail -

For the female of the species is more deadly than the male; Rudyard Kipling, The Female of the Species.