Blaise Zabini/Draco Malfoy
Draco Malfoy
Alternate Universe
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/24/2007
Updated: 10/28/2007
Words: 12,846
Chapters: 3
Hits: 703

The Goblet of Fire


Story Summary:
And then Dumbledore cleared his throat, and read out... Draco Malfoy? A small problem occurs with the infamous Goblet of Fire. Draco suddenly find himself competing in a world famous tournament. And he was hoping for a quiet year.

Chapter 02 - Chapter Two

Author's Note:
Thanks again to Cat for Betaing.

Chapter Two

Draco became increasingly uneasy over the next few weeks. The day of the first task was looming ever closer and, although he would never admit it to a single soul, he was beginning to get nervous. At one point he completely lost his nerve and ran up to Dumbledore's office to beg his way out. The griffin had given him some trouble until he'd remembered the password from the last time McGonagall had dragged him up here.

"Chocolate frog," he said. The staircase began to move. Draco silently congratulated himself, but when he remembered he was there to back out of the tournament, his expression fell again.

As he reached the top he could hear voices coming from Dumbledore's office. He raised his hand to knock when suddenly he recognised one of the voices.

"Why?" snapped Snape. "Why was Draco's name in the goblet?"

"What makes you so sure I know?"

"I saw your face when it came out. You were surprised it was him, but not surprised it was there. What are you planning?"

"I am not planning anything."

"Then why did you put Draco's name in the Goblet of Fire?"

Outside, Draco froze. Dumbledore had put his name in the goblet?

"How did you know?" Dumbledore sounded surprised.

"A Slytherin first year saw you. He'd been set on watch to see which names went in the goblet. He saw you step over the age line and drop a pile of names in. I want to know why."

There was a long pause from inside the office before Draco heard Dumbledore sigh. "Very well; I suppose I will have to tell you. You are aware, I presume, that there is a dark force within Hogwarts. I have been aware of it for a while, but I can't work out who it is or what their purpose is. I could only conclude that it involved both the Triwizard tournament and Harry."

"It seems you were wrong; Draco was chosen."

"No. I fixed a charm on the Goblet. Harry's name was entered under a false school and a powerful spell was performed on the goblet to convince it that said school existed. I knew that this person would have some kind of plan but I still have no idea what it would've been. I had one hope to get Harry out of it. I entered the names of every single member of his year under the same school in the hope that another would be chosen."

"You put my student in danger just to get yours out of it!" Snape seemed to have found his voice. Draco was standing open mouthed. He had beaten Potter... he had beaten Potter.

"It wasn't like that."

"What was it like then? Because from here it looks like you're quite happy to get Draco killed as long as Potter isn't harmed!"

"Mr Malfoy is in no danger: the tournament is perfectly safe."

"Perfectly safe? You know as well as I do, Headmaster, that the tournament is no safer this year than it has been in years past. When it comes down to it, it is very likely that the champions will all die."

"How dare you suggest that I might allow the death of one of my students?"

"What do you care for Slytherins? You've taken as much from us as you could over the past few years. The house cup has been ours by right for years."

"I would not dream of setting one house over another." There was a bark of cold laughter from Snape. Draco had to agree with it. Dumbledore had been setting Gryffindor over Slytherin for years.

"I'm warning you now Albus." Snape's voice was low and cold. "If Draco is harmed in this tournament then I will not be teaching in this school anymore." Draco heard footsteps then the door was flung open and Snape stormed down the stairs without seeing him. The door shut behind him and Draco moved away from the wall and headed down the stairs. There was no question of quitting now. He would take part in the tournament and he would win. He could prove to Dumbledore that Slytherins could beat Gryffindors any day. The corridor beside the griffin was deserted. Draco switched into ferret form and ran back to the common rooms. He changed beside the door at the same moment as Pansy stepped out. She looked at him.

"Either I really have gone mad or Moody got to you again," she remarked. Draco glanced at his feet uncertainly.

"Can I... can I tell you something."

"Does it involve a strange twist of magic by which you've gained the ability to turn into a ferret?"

"Yeah... well, that was pretty much it really."

"Can I see?" Draco obligingly changed into ferret form and back again. Pansy examined him for a few moments before speaking. "You make a very cute ferret. We could call you... Snowy."





"NO!" He paused. "Alternatively you could call me Draco."

"Who are we calling Draco?" asked Blaise, walking up behind them.

"Draco has this stupid idea whereby we call him by his name. I told him it wouldn't catch on."

"Not a chance." Draco punched Blaise in the shoulder.

"Have you found anything out about the tasks yet?" he asked them both.

"It's bad news; the tasks changed every year. We can't find anything to suggest what you might be facing."

Draco looked up. "Does that mean we don't have to research anymore?"

Blaise sighed. "No, we're not researching anymore."

"I feel a third batch of badges coming on."

"You haven't sold half of the last batch."

"The third batch will be special."

The next morning Draco's life got even better. Not only were the new and improved S.P.E.W badges selling like hot cakes but Rita Skeeter's article was out. There was a small piece on the third page about the Triwizard tournament but filling the front cover was a picture of Harry. Draco opened it and began to read. Within seconds he was happily quoting at anyone who would listen.

"Listen to this: 'I know You-Know-Who won't hurt me because they're watching over me." He gave a cackle of laughter. "I cannot wait until Potter sees this."

There was a Hogsmeade visit the Saturday before the first task. The few weeks running up to it had been fantastic for Draco. He only had to mention the article around Potter for him to turn bright red.

"Since when have you been one of the top students in the school, Potter? Or is this a school you and Longbottom have set up together?"

"Shut up, Malfoy."

"You mock me with your words. Oh, Pansy please hold me. Harry Potter told me to shut up. Life isn't worth living anymore."

"You think you're so funny, don't you?"

Draco smirked. "I'm sorry, I forgot you had no appreciation of humour. I makes sense seeing as you spend so much time crying your eyes out over your dead parents. Not that they were much when they were alive..."

Next thing he knew Potter was on top of him punching him repeatedly. Draco swore loudly and lashed out with his legs, throwing Potter off.

"Come on, Pansy," he muttered, turning towards the dungeons.

"That's right, run to Professor Snape!" Draco spun around.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Potter went rigid. Draco turned on his heel and stalked away. Pansy glanced at Potter, shrugged and followed Draco.

Ron ran up and performed the counter charm. Harry stretched his limbs out, eyes dark as he watched the doorway where Malfoy's pale head was disappearing.

"I don't believe him."

"Hogsmeade tomorrow," said Ron quickly, holding Harry back. "Get something from Zonko's for him." Harry was shaking with barely suppressed rage.

"He'll be in Hogsmeade though."

"Well... yeah, but..."

"I'll wear my invisibility cloak."

"Isn't that... you know... a bit over the top.

"No." He grabbed Ron and walked away.

Draco left Hogsmeade early the next day. He'd hoped it would be fun, a chance to relax, but there were people everywhere and his head hurt and he didn't want to think about the task even though everyone else was.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Draco turned around and saw Theo walking towards him.

"He didn't come; had homework to do."

"Ah. Do you want to go for a drink?"

Is every boy in this school gay?

"No, I'm fine. I was going to head back to school."

"Do you want me to walk back with you?"

"N... yes. First, could you go pick up my cloak from The Three Broomsticks."

"Sure." Theo hurried off towards the pub. Draco left Hogsmeade quickly, taking a little-used road. He arrived back in the common rooms and promptly slumped beside Blaise.

"Theo was coming on to me," he whined. "It's probably just because I'm a champion."

"Probably, especially considering he's going out with that Hufflepuff." Draco pulled back in shock.

"A Slytherin is going out with a Hufflepuff. Why did no one tell me?" He paused. "I need to kill the Hufflepuff before this madness goes any further."

"And that is why no one told you."

"Yes... but Theo's going out with a Hufflepuff! Do you understand that?"

"I also highly doubt he was coming on to you."

"Why? What's wrong with me?"

"Let's put it this way, Theo's Hufflepuff is called Hannah."

"Oh." Draco was briefly silenced. "Maybe he's bi."

"Maybe." Blaise pulled Draco down from where he was sitting up, still in shock. "Anyway, you're taken." Draco rested his head against Blaise's neck and spoke the words he would never let anyone else hear:

"I'm scared." His voice was barely a whisper. There was a short pause. Draco felt Blaise's hand on his shoulder.

"I know." Draco closed his eyes.

Pansy entered the common room a few minutes later with Theodore, Crabbe and Goyle. She saw Blaise and stormed towards him. "Did he get back alright?" Blaise glanced at her, and touched a finger to his lips, nodding to where Draco lay. Pansy looked down at where he was curled up against Blaise.

"He's sleeping," said Blaise quietly. "He hasn't been sleeping well."

"The first task."

"He can't do it." He paused. "And he knows he can't do it." Pansy pulled up a chair and sat opposite Blaise, Theodore slumped beside her but Crabbe and Goyle remained standing, like sentinels. Anybody who entered the common room was glared at sternly until they left.

In the centre of the circle of friends, Draco slept.

Draco was walking past the library when he next saw Potter. He looked tired, his dark hair if possible even messier than normal. Draco forced himself to look away and speed up; he was already late for class.

"Diffindo." Draco's hand immediately went to his bag, but nothing had split. He looked around and saw Potter hiding his wand and looking up at Diggory. They moved close together and muttered. For a second Draco wanted to hurt them both, then he turned and walked to class, trying to keep his steps even. He pushed open the door to the Transfigurations class and slipped in.

"Sorry I'm late, Professor."

"Five points from Slytherin. Sit down Mr Malfoy." Draco slipped into a chair next to Blaise. Blaise pulled out a small scrap of parchment.

What's wrong? he wrote.

Nothing, Draco replied.

You sure?

I'm fine

Why were you late?

Saw Potter

Any trouble?


Draco rested his head on Blaise's shoulder. Blaise sighed and pushed Draco away. Draco leant his head in his hand and stared blankly at McGonagall as she explained some kind of spell.

"Are you sure you're okay?" asked Blaise when McGonagall had set them the task of turning a cactus into a pin cushion. Draco raised his wand reluctantly.

"I'm... fine." He sighed. "I don't know."

"What was Potter doing?"

"He was... with Diggory." Blaise nodded knowingly.

"Of course."

"What do you mean? Potter and Diggory aren't gay, are they?" Blaise put his head in his hands.

"Draco, not every boy in this school is gay. Diggory fancies the French girl and Chang from Ravenclaw."

"And Potter?"

"Potter, as far as I'm aware, shows no interest in either gender." Blaise raised his wand. "Eraugo." The cactus sat on the desk. Draco pulled it towards him, looking somewhat happier.

"Eraugo!" he said, waving his wand. The cactus changed into a pin cushion.

"Well done Malfoy." McGonagall was suddenly there. "That was almost as fast as Hermione." She smiled at him and walked away.

"I bet Hermione got house points though," muttered Draco angrily, slouching in his seat. "I can't believe McGonagall favours her house so much."

"Dragons." Cedric looked around at Harry in surprise.

"I'm sorry?" he said.

"Dragons, the first task is dragons. They have four, one for each champion, you have to get past them."

"How did you find out?"

"Does it matter?" Harry glanced around. "Look, I haven't got long but could you tell Malfoy? He won't know otherwise and he won't listen to me." There was a short pause then.

"Yeah, yeah, course I'll tell him."

"Thanks." Harry ran off. Cedric watched him go then repaired his bag, slinging it over his shoulder.

"I don't fraternise with Slytherins," he muttered angrily, before walking into the Charms classroom.

Draco sat, staring at the breakfast in front of him. He felt sick. Charms had been terrible; whatever he did he couldn't get the hang of the summoning charm. "Accio potatoes." But they remained on the other side of the table. Blaise picked them up and passed them to him.

"You need to eat."

"I can't do this."

"Nevertheless, you need to eat." Draco ignored him. He wanted to curl up somewhere and hide. The food on his plate seemed to be mocking him. He pushed it away.

"Imagine it's a Quidditch match and it's Potter you're about to face. You need to eat so you can beat him." Draco cast Blaise a withering look.

"I never beat Potter."

"Well...then...imagine it's Hufflepuff."

"Diggory's in Hufflepuff."


"Where are Crabbe and Goyle?" Blaise sighed.

"They're just coming," he said. Draco looked up and saw Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy moving towards him. Pansy sat opposite but Crabbe and Goyle stood behind him.

"Excited?" asked Pansy brightly.

"No," snapped Draco.

"You should eat something," she continued.

"Please leave now."

"He's nervous," said Blaise, putting a hand on Draco's shoulder.

"No I'm not," snapped Draco, pushing it away.

"Draco," came Snape's cool voice. "Are you ready?" Draco gulped and, clutching his wand so hard his knuckles turned white, stood up.

"Yes sir."

"This way then." Snape began to walk out of the hall. Draco moved forwards slowly to follow then felt a hand grip his wrist. He turned and saw Blaise looking at him. Blaise stood up and kissed him gently.

"Good luck." Draco forced a small smile and nodded. Blaise released him and Draco turned and followed Snape out the hall.

"Right," said Snape as soon as they were out of sight of the great hall. Snape pinned him against a wall.


"Right, I'm not allowed to tell you what you're facing or how to deal with it. Just remember, you only have to get past it. Don't bother hurting it if you don't have to. They have poor eyesight, they can't see overly small objects but they're protective. Completely protective. If you get the... object... you're not out of danger. Stay alert until the... thing is subdued."

"You're making no sense."

"Just... trust me, Draco." For a second Snape looked pleading. "Please." Draco pulled out of his grip.

"Let's just get this over with."

Snape led him to a tent and held open the flap. Draco stepped inside slowly. Dela-whatsit was sitting in a corner, for once not tossing her hair or showing off. Krum looked pretty much the same as ever and Diggory was pacing up and down. Occasionally he cast an uncertain glance at Draco who returned it with a glare. Now he was away from his friends he would have to act his calm, sophisticated self better than ever before.

"Draco, there you are," said Bagman enthusiastically.

"There I am," Draco agreed. Bagman looked stupid. His robes were yellow and black stripes and they didn't fit him properly. Looking around Draco saw that the rest of the champions had ditched their robes in favour of something easier to move in. It suddenly struck him that Cedric was very good looking. He remembered Harry moving closer...

He forced that image out of his mind.

"Well, now you're all here its time to fill you in," Bagman said. "When the audience had assembled I'll be offering you this bag from which you'll pull a model of what you're about to face."

"Can't you just tell us?" asked Malfoy coldly.

"Well... this ways more... well... its tradition. Anyway." He put on a dramatic voice. "Your task is to collect the golden egg." Diggory nodded once, his eyes flicking to Draco again. Draco leant against one of the tent poles, trying to look cool and collected.

"Why are you still in your robes?" asked Diggory suddenly.

"No one told me not to be." To his surprise Diggory looked away quickly. "Were you supposed to tell me?"

"No," he said quickly. "No, I assumed someone else would."

"And it's time." Bagman opened the purple bag, holding it out to Dela-thing. "Ladies first." She slowly reached a hand into the bag and withdrew...

Draco swore silently. There, sitting in the palm of the girl's hand, was a tiny model of a green dragon. She didn't look at all surprised. In fact, neither did any of the others. Krum went next, pulling out a crimson dragon.

Please no, please God no.

Then Diggory reached in and withdrew a third. It was an interesting shade of blue-grey but Draco barely registered that. Dreading his fate he reached in to the bottom of the bag and withdrew an ugly, spiny covered, black dragon. It might have been his imagination but it looked a lot more dangerous that the others. There was a small number four around its neck.

"Well, there you are. You have each selected the dragon you will face and the numbers refer to your order. Mr Diggory, you're first, just go out when you hear a whistle. All right? Now... Malfoy... could I have a quick word? Outside?"


"I just need to talk to..."


"Ah, alright then. Okay, Well, when you hear the whistle then Mr Diggory." He turned and left the tent. Draco sat abruptly down on the floor, afraid his legs would collapse under him if he didn't. He knew he should be trying to think of a strategy but all that seemed to be going around his head was Oh please help me there's a dragon out there, look a dragon, I can't do this, dragon, someone help me, DRAGON!!!

"You okay?" asked Diggory suddenly. Draco stared at the dragon model in his hands and didn't reply; he didn't think he could.

A whistle blew. When Draco looked up he saw Diggory vanishing out the flap. Krum was staring at the blank wall of canvas as if it contained all the dragon-killing advice in the world.

Maybe the dragon would only be the size of the model. Maybe it was all a big hoax and there wasn't a dragon at all. Maybe the noises coming towards them now weren't actually happening.

This isn't happening this isn't happening this isn't happening.

Fifteen minutes Draco sat there, listening to Bagman's commentary growing steadily worse as Krum paced up and down and the French girl shook.

"Very good indeed! And now, the marks from the judges."

Marks? Judges? Does no one tell me anything?

Then Dela-dela was gone and it was just Draco and Krum alone in the tent. Draco looked up and briefly met the champion's eyes. Krum nodded at him. Draco shrugged and put the model down on the grass in front of him, staring at it with unfocused eyes.

"Draco," came a hiss. Draco looked up in surprise. Krum had gone and the tent flap was swaying slightly. Pansy slipped in through the opening on the opposite side. She dropped a pile of clothes in front of him. "Hurry." Draco shrugged out of his robes and pulled on the clothes: a pair of dark trousers and a white t-shirt with a snake on the front.

"Okay," said Pansy. "We haven't got long so listen close. Cedric's idea was stupid; he turned a rock into a dog and tried to sneak past the dragon. He got burnt. The French girl used a cool spell to put it in a trance but I couldn't hear the words she used. She got burnt too. I dunno what Krum's doing."

"What can I do?"

"I don't know." Pansy was wringing her hands uncomfortably. "I don't know the first thing about dragons."

You only have to get past it, don't bother hurting it...they have poor eyesight, they can't see small objects.

"Pansy, I have an idea, but it'll only work if you can distract every single person in the stadium for a few seconds."

"I think I can do that."

"And one more thing..."

The whistle blew a few minutes later. Pansy had left to rejoin the others in the stands, taking the dragon model and Draco's robes with her. Draco pushed open the tent flap and stepped out into the sunlight.

There were hundreds of faces staring down at him from huge stands. Draco shook a few strands of hair out of his eyes, mostly to try and ignore the huge black shape in front of him

It was slightly larger than the model... well... quite a lot larger. The dragon was crouched over a clutch of eggs, wings half furled and yellow eyes fixed on him. When it moved its tail it created yard-long gouge marks. Draco gulped and swore softly and fluently under his breath until he'd calmed down slightly. The crowd had been making a lot of noise but the sound had faded now. The silence was expectant. Even Bagman was quiet, poised to speak.

Draco raised his wand up, meeting the dragon's eyes.

The stadium drew in a breath as he opened his mouth.


Showers of red sparks appeared in the distance, on the other side of the dragon. Malfoy raised an arm, face seeming shocked.


As the whole audience turned to see, Draco switched. The white ferret, coloured black by Pansy, ran across the arena, past the dragon to the eggs. The horntail looked surprised that he'd disappeared and, when the stadium looked back, there were many gasps of shock. Looking up briefly as he ran Draco saw Snape standing up angrily, Blaise looking around wildly and Pansy, sitting back with a smug smile. Turning back he realised he was beside the eggs. Hiding behind one, he changed back. To the audience it looked like he'd appeared from thin air. There was a smile on his face he reached out for the egg.

Which was, of course, when the dragon's tail gashed into his arm. Crying out he gripped the egg with his other hand, pulling it close to his body.

"I did it! I got the egg!"

Funnily enough, the dragon didn't seem to care. It moved over him, opening its mouth to burn him to a crisp.

Then twelve shots of red light hit the dragon hard and it fell, Draco dropping and rolling out of the way as it crashed beside him. He looked up and saw a man with red hair holding out a hand to help him up.

"Sorry about that," he said coolly. "Charlie."

"Draco," panted Draco.

"Cool." He smiled. "Looks like your friends are coming over." Draco looked around and saw Blaise running towards him. Next thing he knew he was being crushed. He put his arms around Blaise slowly.

"You scared me, Draco," Blaise said. "Never do that to me again."

"I won't have the chance if you keep suffocating me," Draco replied coolly.

Blaise laughed breathlessly and moved away. He pulled Draco's arm towards him.

"Ow," said Draco as he moved it. "Ow... ow... ow..."

"Come on; we need to get you to a medical tent."

"What about my score?"

"They won't give it for a while. Come on." Draco shrugged and allowed himself to be dragged away, waving to Charlie as he went.

Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and most of the other Slytherin fourth years arrived while Draco was in the tent with Madam Pomfrey muttering about dragons and healing his arm. Blaise sat beside him, glaring enough to keep all the others at a reasonable distance.

The front of the tent opened and Snape stepped in. Draco remembered his advice, met his eyes and smiled.

"I see you survived," remarked Snape, slightly uncertainly.

"Unfortunately for you. You now have to live with me for the next three years."

"All my hopes are ruined. I come in here to say they're announcing your scores now, if you want to see them." Draco stood up and nodded.

"Come, my devoted followers." He walked towards Snape and, just as he was walking past, said quietly, "Don't leave. I'll be fine in the tournament. We can punish Dumbledore another way." Then he stepped into the arena to the roar of the crowd with the Slytherins following and Snape watching him in amazement.