A Tangled Web (Post-DH)


Story Summary:
When Voldemort lures Harry Potter to the Department of Mysteries, the life of Severus Snape starts to get REALLY complicated. This story includes MAJOR SPOILERS for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This story is in part a re-write of my (abandoned) pre-DH story of the same name which is incpompatible with DH canon. Parts of it may therefore seem familiar to readers of that story.

Chapter 07 - The Problem of Draco

Chapter Summary:
Draco is not happy about his father's arrest, Albus is concerned about finding Horcruxes, and Snape reports on his meeting with Voldemort.

Author's Note: This chapter includes a scene from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Ch. 38, "The Second War Begins". The dialogue in that scene is therefore all Rowling's.

Chapter 7: The Problem of Draco

One of the potions Granger's injury required needed to be made fresh daily. It was this that had occupied Severus Sunday after breakfast. A glance at the clear, amber liquid in the cauldron assured him that he was finished. Taking a small bottle off the shelf, Severus carefully ladled it into the bottle and stoppered it, before tucking it into an inside pocket of his robes.

He extinguished the flame under the cauldron, and spent a few minutes cleaning out the cauldron, putting his ingredients away in the proper places in the cupboard, and sweeping up bits of ingredients and spilled potion with a flick of his wand before heading up the stairs to Madam Pomfrey's office. As he climbed the stairs to the Entrance Hall and opened the door, he heard Potter's voice.

"...I expect they will," Severus heard. "Still, at least everyone knows what scumbags they are now."

As Severus stepped through the door, he saw Potter whip his wand out and train it on Malfoy. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, he saw now, were the intended targets of Potter's remark, and it did not require any context to understand that the "scumbags" to whom Potter referred, however justifiably, were the fathers of those boys. Malfoy's hand had flown towards his pocket, but Potter's quickness, which reminded Severus unpleasantly of his father's at the same age, was too much for Draco. Crabbe and Goyle, Severus noted without surprise, did not even react.

"Potter!" Severus said, pitching his voice to carry across the Entrance Hall.

Potter turned toward him, wearing a mulish expression.

"What are you doing, Potter?" Severus asked coldly, as he walked up to the group of boys.

"I'm trying to decide what curse to use on Malfoy, sir," said Potter. His rare use of proper address only served to underline his cheek, as the boy doubtless intended, judging from the hostility of his tone and look

Severus held his gaze, but as angry images of the boy's godfather started swimming in the boy's mind, Severus broke eye contact.

"Put that wand away at once," he said curtly. "Ten points from Gryff-"

He had looked up towards the giant hourglasses on the walls, to observe the effect of his taking of points. Severus smiled, as he saw that no rubies remained in the glass.

"Ah. I see there are no longer any points left in the Gryffindor hourglass to take away. In that case, Potter, we will simply have to-"

"Add some more?"

Professor McGonagall stood framed by the open doorway to the castle. She was leaning heavily on a walking stick, he saw, but it appeared that her injury had healed sufficiently that it had not prevented her from ascending the stairs to the castle's entrance. Her tartan carpetbag was clutched in her other hand, and her face showed no sign of strain from the long walk to the castle. Having noted these particulars, Severus was pleased to conclude that her recovery was nearly complete.

"Professor McGonagall!" he said, striding forward to greet her. "Out of St Mungo's, I see!"

"Yes, Professor Snape," said Minerva, as she shrugged off her traveling cloak. "I'm quite as good as new. You two - Crabbe - Goyle -"

She beckoned them with her stick, and they shuffled awkwardly towards her at her command.

"Here," she said, thrusting her things at the boys, "take these up to my office for me."

They turned without a word and stumped away together in the direction of her office.

"Right then," said Minerva, as she observed the status of the Gryffindor hourglass, with considerably less amusement at the sight. "Well, I think Potter and his friends ought to have fifty points apiece for alerting the world to the return of You-Know-Who! What say you, Professor Snape?"

"What?" blurted Severus, caught off-guard by this suggestion. She intended to reward the boy for his reckless and unnecessary escapade? He could have been killed! Surely, even a Gryffindor could see.... Evidently not. "Oh - well - I suppose..." he said resignedly.

"So that's fifty each for Potter, the two Weasleys, Longbottom and Miss Granger," said Minerva, and rubies cascaded into the bottom bulb of Gryffindor's glass. "Oh - and fifty for Miss Lovegood, I suppose," she added as an afterthought. A number of sapphires fell into Ravenclaw's glass. "Now, you wanted to take ten from Mr. Potter, I think, Professor Snape - so there we are..." Ten rubies rose back up into the top glass.

"Well, Potter, Malfoy, I think you ought to be outside on a glorious day like this," she continued.

Potter thrust his wand back into his robes and headed out the door without a backward glance. Severus was not sad to see him go. Since he had learned of the Dark Lord's plans for Draco, he had hoped for a chance to sound the boy out before the end of term.

"A word with you, Malfoy," Severus said, as Draco sought to follow Potter's example. "If you will excuse us, Professor McGonagall."

"Certainly, Professor Snape," she said with a smile. "I shall go put away the things your students were kind enough to take up for me."

As she headed for the marble staircase, Draco stood in the open doorway looking resentful as he watched Minerva ascend to the first floor, her stick clunking rhythmically on the steps. Severus joined him in the entryway.

He glanced down at Draco, reminding himself to choose his words carefully. If it was still possible to keep the boy from entangling himself in the Dark Lord's plans, this might be his only opportunity to do it. His thoughts were interrupted.

"Potter is insufferable. He was gloating about putting my father in jail!" Draco said in a fierce undertone.

"Nonetheless, Draco, it was not prudent to go looking for a fight with Potter under the circumstances," Severus replied just as quietly.

"The circumstances? You mean my father in jail? I'm not ashamed of it!" Draco retorted, rather too vehemently for Severus to believe the sincerity of the sentiment thus expressed.

Praising Lucius's service did not appeal, and would not serve anyway, Snape decided. His goal was to keep the boy from following the father's footsteps.

"Potter is, for the time being, the darling of the press and the public," Severus replied with a quelling look. "You have your reasons not to care for him, but there is no call to advertise them."

"Before, nobody was supposed to know that...that he had returned," Draco objected. "Now-"

"Things are likely to heat up, yes," Severus confirmed. "Though not at Hogwarts. Dumbledore and the Ministry will see to it. You'd do best to keep your head down and focus on your education-"

"My father fought!" Draco interrupted.

"Lucius is a fully qualified and highly skilled wizard," Severus pointed out reasonably. "Yet even he failed in his mission-"

Draco flushed.

"He failed, because he did not know Dumbledore was coming! Isn't knowing that your job?!" he blurted out angrily.

"How could I know, with Dumbledore on the run from the Ministry?" Severus asked pointedly. "Lucius would give you the same advice if he could, Draco."

"That's easy for you to say, with him in jail," Draco retorted. "You're not my father-"

He stopped and gave a little wave of his hand. Severus turned, and saw Crabbe and Goyle approaching the top of the marble staircase.

Draco took a step towards them as they began stumping back down the stairs, and Severus grasped his arm. Draco jerked free and said in a loud whisper, "You think you're his favorite, now that my father is in jail, and I should take your advice. But my father'll be freed, and then you'll see...."

Severus watched, his heart heavy, as Draco rejoined his friends. Easier prey for the Dark Lord would be hard to find, alas. The boy wanted revenge, and had no conception of the dangers that awaited him, from the side at which he would so eagerly throw himself. With a sigh, he headed up towards the infirmary and Madam Pomfrey's office.


Locket, ring, cup, snake ... Albus recited the list to himself, yet again, as he ran his finger absently over Fawkes's crest. The Phoenix, perched gently on his forearm, crooned softly, a calming sound. His feathers shimmered in the light of the afternoon sun that streamed in through the tall window. Any, or, hideous thought, all, of these items, Albus deemed, would be considered worthy of housing a fragment of his soul by Lord Voldemort. Ever since Harry had destroyed the diary, an object Albus did not doubt had been a Horcrux of Voldemort, and not the only one, Albus had pursued his researches into Tom Riddle's past, seeking clues as to what other objects he might have made Horcruxes, and where they might be hidden. With Voldemort's return official, and a second reign of terror sure to start soon, it was past time for Albus to move into the next stage of his plan - the actual location and destruction of the remaining Horcruxes.

The difficulty, of course, was making sure he destroyed then all before he told Harry the final, dreadful truth he must one day learn. Albus hoped the boy might survive the removal of that final piece of Voldemort's soul, but whether or not he did, it was too awful to consider that he might send the boy to his possible death, only to discover that Voldemort remained immortal still. The information Albus needed to discover, urgently, was how many there had been.

He even knew the most likely source of that information, the only other person he had managed to discover who was aware of Tom Riddle's interest in Horcruxes. Horace Slughorn was in greater danger than ever now that Voldemort was free to act openly. That he might be killed before he could be persuaded to divulge the true memory, without the omissions and alterations he had so obviously made to it to make himself look better in the one he had shared with Albus, was a nagging fear. Dumbledore could only hope to protect Slughorn here, at Hogwarts. Which meant bringing him back to teach Potions. And that meant moving Snape to DADA.

Just for a year, Albus reminded himself. He would make that explicit in the offer - Severus could resume Potions the following year. Yet how to ask him to take the position? The secret of Voldemort's Horcruxes was one Albus would not share with anyone, however reliable they had proved themselves. Albus deemed himself more capable than any for the task, and its discovery could end all hope of ending Voldemort. A wizard who had already made more than one Horcrux could not be expected to hesitate to make more, should his danger become known to him. No, he would find and destroy them all himself.

Albus's eyes twinkled as the answer came to him. Just in time, for there was a firm knock on the door that was probably Severus, come to report on yesterday's meeting with the Dark Lord.

"Come in!" Albus called, as he walked over to return Fawkes to his perch. The golden bird fluted, then fluttered his wings and stuck his beak into his water bowl to drink.

Severus stepped in and closed the door behind him, waiting for Dumbledore to finish.

"So, Severus, you have news for me?" Albus asked, after they had exchanged greetings.

"Yes, I was called to the Dark Lord last night," Severus replied, standing as he waited for the Headmaster to take his seat behind the desk.

"Did you receive any indications regarding the fate of Emmeline Vance?" Dumbledore asked the question, though three days after her disappearance, he had little doubt what the answer would be.

"I can confirm that she was captured, and I believe she is being held in the very house I was in," Severus replied. "I expect her to be killed, eventually, as the Dark Lord joked of your reading of her fate in the papers."

His tone was calm, but Albus saw that he curled and uncurled the fingers of his left hand as he spoke.

"And you do not know where this house is," Dumbledore commented as he lowered himself into his chair, his face grave.

Severus confirmed this with a reluctant shake of his head, and sat down in his accustomed seat in front of the desk.

"Would you say that your story regarding Thursday night's events was accepted?" Dumbledore asked, after a heavy silence.

"I am not certain," Severus replied, "though the Dark Lord said nothing to indicate he doubts it."

"Did you bring up the Occlumency lessons as you intended?" Dumbledore inquired.

"Yes, I did, and I followed your suggestion. He was skeptical, but when I shared Potter's memory of Rookwood with him, it gave him pause," Severus reported.

"That is good news, anyway," Dumbledore commented.

"Yes, we may hope he will stay out of Potter's thoughts," Severus agreed.

"And have you learned aught of his plans?" Dumbledore asked.

"The Dark Lord hinted there would be Death Eater attacks, now that his return is made public. And he confirmed that he plans to continue his subversion of the Ministry," Severus said, "though he shared no details of any plans for this with me. It is true that he envisions no role for me in this plan, yet I sensed his silence might betoken a lack of faith."

Albus sighed. "And the Ministry is ripe for the picking. We can but try to do what little we may to delay these plans, and prepare for the very real possibility that he will succeed in taking it over, then. Was there any other reason you feel you are suspected?"

"Indeed, yes," Severus replied. "He told me of a new plan."

Albus's eyes grew more intent.

"He intends to have Draco Malfoy kill you next year, Albus," Severus went on.

"You say Voldemort was not convinced by your story," Dumbledore commented. "Yet, he has entrusted you with the information that Draco is to kill me?"

"Ostensibly, I was told in order to keep me out of Draco's way," Severus replied. "In truth, I believe he wants to see what I will do with the knowledge. Quirrell was mentioned."

"I see," Dumbledore said. He sat in thoughtful silence for a few moments.

"This is unwelcome news," he said finally. "How best to handle it will require some thought...for which it appears, fortunately, that we have the time. We need to work out a way to deal with Draco, without showing your hand," Dumbledore said. "We should give some thought to how we might accomplish this. What is the plan? How is Draco to kill me?"

"I received no details," Severus answered. "My own orders are simply to stay out of Draco's way. The Dark Lord did mention, however, his expectation that Bellatrix will be training the boy, so I presume she will be assisting him."

"Then that must be your top priority," Albus said. "You will need to learn his plans so that we can make ours accordingly. Perhaps you should approach the boy over the summer."

"That may prove difficult," Severus said, remembering the conversation in the Entrance Hall. "It would have been easy with Lucius around; he would expect me to help."


"Oh, I will work on it," Severus assured him.

"Excellent, I leave it up to you," Dumbledore said.

"I still have some small hopes for the Ministry, as well," Dumbledore went on. "Fudge is shortsighted and too concerned with public opinion, but I should be able to persuade him, or his successor, to increased security measures to prevent persons or dangerous materials from being brought into the school. This ought to help us to delay the implementation of any plan Bellatrix and Draco might make."

As the Headmaster laid out his ideas, Severus wondered what it was that made him feel so reluctant to play his role in it. He considered briefly, and then it dawned on him. Draco. He could hardly let the boy kill Dumbledore; it was his duty to worm his way into Draco's confidence and use what he learned to foil his plans.

Yet, he knew what the price of failure would be for Draco. He had betrayed fellow Death Eaters to unpleasant fates before, Severus reminded himself sternly: Lucius and the others, all in Azkaban because of his warning, Rosier, killed by Aurors while resisting arrest, Karkaroff, though the latter had managed to get himself out of Azkaban, Travers.... The list of names made him no happier.

"Severus?" Albus asked, noting Snape's lengthy failure to respond. "Do you see a problem with my idea?"

"No," Severus replied stiffly.

"You do," Albus contradicted him. "And I want to know what it is."

"The Dark Lord will kill Draco if he fails," Severus said. "But as I will certainly not stand by and allow him to kill you, I will simply have to learn to live with that."

Albus's face relaxed into a smile.

"I would not wish you to learn any such thing, Severus," he said gently. "It was your inability to live with another death that brought you to me in the first place. I, too, am concerned about Draco," he continued. "He may accept the assignment eagerly, but he will learn that killing is not as easy as he supposes. Yet, if we do nothing for him, in the end his choices will be to murder or die. This is why I intend to give him a third choice, when the time comes. I will offer sanctuary to Draco and his parents."

"So this plan of yours is merely to protect my cover, since Draco's disappearance over the summer would certainly be suspicious?" Severus asked.

"Yes," Dumbledore agreed, "not to mention that Draco would doubtless decline the offer at this point."

"Surely there are ways around that?" Severus asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Since we must wait anyway," Albus said, "I would have the boy choose freely."

Severus nodded his head.

"Very well, is that, then, all you have to report?" Albus asked.

Severus nodded again.

"There is a matter I need to discuss with you," Albus said. "It concerns my perpetual difficulty with filling the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Severus raised an eyebrow and waited for Dumbledore to continue.

"Severus, have you ever wondered why I would not give you the Defense Against the Dark Arts position?"

Severus shrugged.

"It was part of my cover story, I assumed," he replied, "an indication that you still suspect me of devotion to the Dark Arts. It has served me well, on occasion."

"Yet you could teach the class," Dumbledore observed.

"Of course," Severus replied confidently. He frowned as he added, "It has not, however, escaped my notice that people who accept that position end up regretting it. I harbor no secret longing for it, and would be content to continue as Potions Master."

"The superstitions that have grown up around the position are indeed well founded," Dumbledore explained. "The position was cursed - by Voldemort himself. The holder of the position is always, by one means or another, forced to leave by the end of the year. For this reason, the appointment would be for only one year. You could move back to Potions next year."

"I suppose this is why you asked Moody to come for a year?" Severus asked sardonically.

"Well, yes, that did not work out too well," Dumbledore conceded. "You, of course, are already believed by Voldemort to be his, so Alastor's fate, at least, is one we can expect you to avoid. Though I don't want to understate the risk, Severus," Dumbledore said.

"I am asking you to take the position, Severus, because of Voldemort's inroads into the Ministry. Their last appointment, with no input from him, was enough of a disaster, depriving most students of a year of learning; what if next year's is under his control?"

Severus paled. The possibilities inherent in such a scenario had nearly played themselves out two years ago, when Barty Crouch had succeeded in delivering Potter to the Dark Lord. Even after Potter's remarkable escape, Crouch had nearly succeeded in killing the boy himself. The stuff of nightmares...Severus recalled the recent bad ends of others who had taken the job. Possession by the Dark Lord, death, permanent memory loss, abduction and imprisonment under the Imperius Curse, the Dementor's Kiss-discovery by the Dark Lord of his ongoing betrayal could mean any or all of those, and was a risk he was already taking.

"You'll do it, then," Albus said with a smile.

Severus gave a curt nod.