A Tangled Web (Post-DH)


Story Summary:
When Voldemort lures Harry Potter to the Department of Mysteries, the life of Severus Snape starts to get REALLY complicated. This story includes MAJOR SPOILERS for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This story is in part a re-write of my (abandoned) pre-DH story of the same name which is incpompatible with DH canon. Parts of it may therefore seem familiar to readers of that story.

Chapter 06 - The Dark Lord's Plan

Chapter Summary:
Severus Snape is summoned to answer Voldemort's question, and learns of a secret plan.

Chapter 6: The Dark Lord's Plan

Saturday night found Severus back in the dungeon laboratory, carefully filling bottles with freshly made potions and lining them up neatly on a tray to take up to Madam Pomfrey the following day. Granger's injury required she take no less than ten potions daily, and while most of them were stocked in the infirmary's stores, Madam Pomfrey had, naturally enough, not expected that she would need enough to cope with the aftermath of a battle against Death Eaters. Severus had spent the better part of the day replacing those, and in larger quantities than previously envisioned by the mediwitch.

Nor was this the only additional work that the fallout from Thursday night had created for him, Severus reflected. As the task at hand required less than his full attention, his mind ran over the things he still needed to do before the end of the school year. It had fallen to Severus, as Theodore Nott's Head of House, to arrange matters for the boy following the arrest of his father. Fortunately, it seemed that an aunt, Theodore's deceased mother's sister, was willing to accept guardianship of her nephew until his majority, or his father's release from Azkaban. But Severus still needed an owl from her formally confirming her intentions before he put the boy on the train back to London.

The whirlwind of activity had left the laboratory rather worse for wear - the workbench was spattered with liquids in assorted colors, a dusting of dry potion ingredients covered its surface and the floor below, and various tins and jars of ingredients were arrayed on the shelf above, that needed to be returned to their locations in the storage closet. And in the morning there was another potion to make - for one of the ten potions Granger was taking had to be made fresh. Finally, with the last week of term beginning, there was end-of-year grading to finish up.

A searing pain, shocking in its intensity despite long familiarity, suddenly burned on the inside of Severus's left forearm: the Dark Lord's summons. He set the long-necked bottle in his right hand carefully in its place, before striding rapidly out of the room, pausing only to grab a hooded cloak off the hook next to the door.

His mind, moments ago cataloguing the mundane demands on his attention, must shift to other priorities now, Severus knew; his continued usefulness surely depended on the performance he was about to give. As he made his way out of the castle, Severus reminded himself of his immediate goals. Sell the Dark Lord of the story he had made up with Dumbledore to explain the Order's rescue of Potter, convince the Dark Lord of the danger of continuing to enter Potter's mind, and see whether it remained in his power to save Emmeline Vance, who had found herself in the wrong place at he wrong time as a result of information he had provided to the Order. Though if she yet lived, Severus doubted it was in a condition even the best Healers at St. Mungo's could do much to improve....

Clenching his fists and jaw, he pushed the feelings this last chain of thought invited ruthlessly aside, though he could not slow the rapid beating of his heart. He passed the main doors of the castle without breaking his stride, swung the cloak over his shoulders, and raised the hood over his head. As he descended the stone steps beyond the front doors of the castle, he forced his ragged breathing to slow as he fought to make his mind the blank slate he needed it to be before he began the careful construction of the tissue of lies and truth that must serve to divert the Dark Lord's suspicions.

Once of out the gate, he spun on his heel and Disapparated, as always ignorant of the destination to which the Dark Mark would pull him. He Apparated into the presence of the Dark Lord, stopped himself awkwardly in mid-spin, and dropped immediately to his knees, head bowed.

"Master, I have come at your call," he said.

He waited, motionless, for the Dark Lord to respond. He had not managed to see yet whether others were present, but recognized the location by the familiar pattern of the faded Oriental rug, all that he could see at the moment.

"You know why you are here," Voldemort said quietly.

"Yes, My Lord," Severus agreed, keeping his head bowed. "You wish to know what I have learned from Dumbledore of the events at the Ministry last Thursday night, and of the aftermath."

"You were at Hogwarts that night," Voldemort stated.

"Indeed, Master," Severus said.

"You knew Potter had left the school," Voldemort said, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"It seemed likely he would try, after receiving the vision you sent, Master," Severus explained. "Potter spoke of it to me that afternoon."

"Where was this?" Voldemort asked.

Severus raised his head to face the Dark Lord, inwardly steeling himself as the slit-pupilled eyes, their reddish glow an indication of anger the Dark Lord was not yet revealing, met his own.

"My Lord, he was caught by Dolores Umbridge trying to use the Floo in her office," he said, allowing the Dark Lord to see his memory of the little scene. "Potter spoke of the vision in obscure terms; only two people present besides his little gang understood anything, as far as I know."

"Who was the other?" Voldemort asked.

"Draco Malfoy, My Lord. He confided to me later that he realized Potter was talking about his godfather," Severus supplied.

"Could young Malfoy have communicated with someone else?" Voldemort asked, his voice eager.

It seemed the Dark Lord wanted to blame Draco for this. Doubtless an expression of his continuing anger at Lucius. Recent events could only have increased his anger, Severus knew, and Lucius himself was for the time being out of reach, having been arrested and sent to Azkaban by the Ministry. He hastened to disabuse the Dark Lord of the notion. If nothing else, his own quickness to clear others ought to suggest his consciousness of his own innocence...and the thought of encouraging the Dark Lord's anger at a student in his care, one he had seen grow up from infancy, sickened him.

"You think Draco sent word to Dumbledore, Master?" Severus asked. As he spoke, he sensed the touch of the Dark Lord's mind on his, sorting through images of the Slytherins in Umbridge's office, and his conversation with Draco in the hallway. "That's not possible. Potter's gang hexed him and locked him in Umbridge's office, where he remained until I rescued him. Afterwards, he went to the dormitory for the night."

"Perhaps you sent word to Dumbledore," Voldemort said.

It had not taken long for him to bring them to the point. Severus felt the blood drain from his face, and as his weakness had betrayed it anyway, he permitted his expression to reflect his fear for the first time in the conversation. "I, Master?" he asked, his voice hoarse, barely more than a whisper.

"How else did the Order come to be at the Ministry?" Voldemort asked. His eyes narrowed as he gazed intently at Severus, awaiting his response.

"You think they were sent by me!" Severus said, as though horrified realization had suddenly dawned, the words pouring out of his mouth. "No, My Lord, no. Over the past months, I have worked to further your plans. After all I have done, I consider myself fortunate to have managed to convince Dumbledore that I never figured out Potter's cryptic warning."

A memory of his meeting with Dumbledore following the Ministry disaster would have to serve, and Severus allowed the Dark Lord to see it.

"I gave you no orders regarding my plans, Snape," Voldemort said. "How, then, do you claim you have furthered them?"

"Dumbledore sensed your presence in Potter's mind, on an occasion shortly before Christmas," Severus explained. "He feared your influence on the boy, and ordered me to teach him Occlumency. I could not refuse the order, yet I knew this would not be your will, Master. You could never have lured Potter away if he had learned."

He spoke with all the sincerity he could muster, and allowed the Dark Lord to read the truth of his words. It always helped to have some truth on which to anchor the lies.

"You sabotaged the lessons and Dumbledore never suspected you?" Voldemort asked.

"I was fortunate in my student, Master," Severus replied smoothly. "He has no more talent for Occlumency than he has for any other subject, and has the arrogance to suppose he does not need to do anything I suggest. He never practiced on his own, nor could he hide this fact from Dumbledore, when I complained of it."

He called up a sampling of memories, of Potter yelling petulantly at him in his office or sulking at him uncooperatively, and faced the Dark Lord's probing gaze unflinchingly. A long silence ensued as the Dark Lord weighed the story.

"Then why was the Order there?" Voldemort asked.

Severus wondered whether this meant that his claim of innocence had been accepted.

"Rotten luck, I gather," Severus said bitterly, "though Dumbledore called it good fortune. The Auror Shacklebolt, an Order member, made a late visit to his office," he continued. "Not finding the Ministry's night guard at his post, he thought to check on Emmeline Vance. She was the Order's guard by the Department of Mysteries. Finding her gone as well, Shacklebolt went to Headquarters, led the Order members present back to the Ministry, and notified Dumbledore. Vance is still missing, Dumbledore tells me."

It would prove a dangerous lie if Shacklebolt ever fell into the wrong hands, Severus reflected. Another risk made necessary by Potter's escapade, for the truth would be unforgivable in the eyes of the Dark Lord, who had bent his energies on the problem of gaining the prophecy for a year only to lose it in the end. Fortunately Shacklebolt was reputed a skilled fighter and not very likely to be taken alive. This was why Severus had chosen him, naturally.

"Dumbledore can read the newspaper to learn more of Vance," the Dark Lord said with a cold laugh that sent a shiver down Severus's spine.

He curled his lip in the expected response to the sally, though his stomach twisted inside him. That did not sound good. Though, as she had been missing for forty-eight hours, confirmation that she was in the Dark Lord's hands was no surprise.

"So, you pretended ignorance to Dumbledore," Voldemort said.

"Yes, My Lord," Severus explained. "Dumbledore was impressed with the evidence of my devotion to the safety of the Potter brat when he found me in the forest early Friday morning, tired, bedraggled, and oh so worried. It made him that much more amenable to my tale of woe once he asked why I had not warned him of Potter's vision."

Silence fell, as Voldemort's eyes bored into Snape. He waited for the decision. Would he be believed? Would the Dark Lord's inability to catch him in a lie permit him to slip out once more?

"Enough about that matter," Voldemort said, finally. "Before you leave, have you anything further to report?"

"There is something, My Lord," Severus said, mindful of Dumbledore's request. "I learned something you should know regarding the Potter boy over the past months."

Voldemort's face grew intent, and he fixed his glowing red eyes on Severus's face. Severus again made eye contact.

"I saw a memory of Potter's, during his Occlumency lessons," Snape recounted. "A memory of Rookwood, kneeling before you as I am now, in this very room."

"Rookwood's face was in the newspapers with the others," Voldemort said dismissively.

Severus concentrated, trying to recall what he had seen in Potter's mind. He raised his eyes to Voldemort's.

"Here, Master, is what I saw," he said. "I believed it to have been a true memory of yours, for Potter has not seen this room, surely?"

He could feel the Dark Lord's gaze boring into him, and after the Dark Lord withdrew his probing, Severus saw his snakelike eyes had widened in surprise at what he had seen.

"In addition, My Lord, there was one time he caught me off guard and managed to see a few of my memories," Severus added. "Nothing important, childhood reminiscences, but surprising nonetheless. It suggests that what little talent he has for mental magic lies in Legilimency."

Voldemort nodded his head in consideration.

Encouraged by this reception, Severus ventured, "If Potter manages to blunder into something significant, My Lord...the connection might prove to be a double-edged sword." He paused for a moment, then added for good measure, "I doubt even Potter would fall for an implanted vision again." He had done what he could with Dumbledore's idea. It certainly looked as though the Dark Lord was taking this seriously.

"Indeed, perhaps I have gained what I could already," Voldemort said. "So, what has Dumbledore been up to since?"

"Master, as I believe you know, he resumed his position at Hogwarts Friday morning. After inquiring about my actions that night, he confirmed the arrest of eleven of the twelve Death Eaters present at the Ministry, all but Bellatrix, as well as the death of Black, the disappearance of Vance, and the proof of your return. I know him to have met with Fudge today, though I know not about what. He seemed ill disposed, at supper tonight. His orders for me are to learn what I may of changes to your plans, now that your return is public knowledge, and to seek news of Vance."

Voldemort listened to this account without interrupting it.

"Very well. You may confirm we have captured her, that my plans to infiltrate the Ministry proceed apace, and that he may expect my Death Eaters to cease the restraint which I had imposed on them while my return was in doubt."

"I am pleased to hear it, My Lord," Severus said smoothly, "and to provide what information I may glean from the Order to assist-"

"The details of these plans need not concern you, as your post remains Hogwarts," Voldemort said coldly. "Dumbledore, too, ought to accept that as a reason for you not to know the particulars."

Severus nodded his head, as a nagging worry began to take root in his thoughts. His post at Hogwarts would logically preclude his active participation in Imperiusing Ministry officials and the like, but Voldemort knew well that the Order had members at the Ministry. His information, at least, ought to have been sought, unless...

"I have, however, made a new plan which does concern Hogwarts, and thus, you," Voldemort continued, and Severus hastily focused his full attention on this change of subject. "You are to speak of it to nobody, least of all to Dumbledore."

"I would be pleased to assist," Severus said silkily, covering his moment of distraction.

"Your assistance is not needed at present," Voldemort said. "I will secure the services of another at Hogwarts."

At present? Did the Dark Lord mean that his assistance might be required later? And who was this other person?

"I would not, however, have you inadvertently interfere with the mission, as you did with Quirrell's," Voldemort added.

"I had no idea -" Severus began.

"Which is why I am fully informing you of young Malfoy's task, so you can be sure to stay out of his way," Voldemort interrupted. "I have decided he is to kill Albus Dumbledore."

For a moment Severus's face registered his shock. That Voldemort would like to rid himself of his adversary was no surprise, but expecting Draco to succeed at such a task was ridiculous.

With a sinking feeling, Severus realized The Dark Lord did not mean Draco to succeed. Draco had no chance acting openly, and secretly - it still seemed unlikely. And of course, Draco would not now have the advantage of surprise, though this argument was hardly one Severus could present to the Dark Lord.

"He will surely fail!" Severus exclaimed. "Alone, untrained, against a powerful and skilled wizard nearly ten times his age?"

"His aunt can train him over the summer," Voldemort said.

"With all due respect to Bellatrix, My Lord-"

"Are you questioning me, Snape?" Voldemort said dangerously.

Severus bowed his head in submission. "Never, Master," he replied softly.

"I want you to keep your hands clean for the present. If Draco succeeds you may remain at Hogwarts and continue to serve me as a spy," Voldemort said.

"And if he fails, My Lord?" Severus asked. It sounded as though the Dark Lord did not expect him to stay around if Draco failed.

"That would be unfortunate," said Voldemort. "I suppose I would have to take other measures."

Severus's stomach churned as he realized what those other measures might be, as he suspected the Dark Lord meant him to realize. Draco would fail, he and his parents would suffer the Dark Lord's wrath, and the task would fall to him. If he was not to assist Draco, he did not need to know Draco's mission-a simple order to stay out of Draco's way would have sufficed. And yet the Dark Lord had just told him. It was a test. He could fail it by preventing Draco's assassination attempt. On the other hand, if Draco failed, he would fail it when he did not himself carry out the order. His time as a spy was running out.