The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Sirius Black
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 10/03/2002
Updated: 10/22/2003
Words: 76,969
Chapters: 22
Hits: 7,112

Harry Potter and the Black Secret


Story Summary:
What do we know about Sirius Black's past? Not a lot, not until his daughter comes to Hogwarts, completely unaware of her significance to the coming war, and how her disastrous relationship with a certain Slytherin will be. Drama, Romance, Pain and an end to the war... or is it?

Chapter 01

AU, set in Harry's sixth year, written in between GoF and OoP, but some references added from OoP.

Words: 1,565
Hits: 1,463
Chapter 02

“Its for the best,” he said, “but we’re going to have to tell her the truth soon. It’ll be better coming from us than from him. Where is she, is she safe?” “At Hogwarts, she arrived this morning. Dumbledore will keep her safe for now.” “Good, the less people who know about her the better. I’d never forgive myself if I became responsible for my own daughter's death.”

Words: 2,375
Hits: 293
Chapter 03

“Its for the best,” he said, “but we’re going to have to tell her the truth soon. It’ll be better coming from us than from him. Where is she, is she safe?” “At Hogwarts, she arrived this morning. Dumbledore will keep her safe for now.” “Good, the less people who know about her the better. I’d never forgive myself if I became responsible for my own daughters death.”

Words: 3,335
Hits: 274
Chapter 04

“Its for the best,” he said, “but we’re going to have to tell her the truth soon. It’ll be better coming from us than from him. Where is she, is she safe?” “At Hogwarts, she arrived this morning. Dumbledore will keep her safe for now.” “Good, the less people who know about her the better. I’d never forgive myself if I became responsible for my own daughters death.”

Words: 2,860
Hits: 344
Chapter 05

What do we know about Sirius Black's past? Not a lot, not until his daughter comes to Hogwarts, completely unaware of her significance to the coming war, and how her disastrous relationship with a certain Slytherin will be. Drama, Romance, Pain and an end to the war... or is it?

Words: 2,668
Hits: 243
Chapter 06

What do we know about Sirius Black's past? Not a lot, not until his daughter comes to Hogwarts, completely unaware of her significance to the coming war, and how her disastrous relationship with a certain Slytherin will be. Drama, Romance, Pain and an end to the war... or is it?

Words: 4,094
Hits: 242
Chapter 07

What do we know about Sirius Black's past? Not a lot, not until his daughter comes to Hogwarts, completely unaware of her significance to the coming war, and how her disastrous relationship with a certain Slytherin will be. Drama, Romance, Pain and an end to the war... or is it?

Words: 2,813
Hits: 223
Chapter 08

What do we know about Sirius Black's past? Not a lot, not until his daughter comes to Hogwarts, completely unaware of her significance to the coming war, and how her disastrous relationship with a certain Slytherin will be. Drama, Romance, Pain and an end to the war... or is it?

Words: 3,463
Hits: 264
Chapter 09

When I first met Ron, he was so insecure about himself. He had six older brothers to compete with, a sister who would always be special because she was the only girl, and his best friend was Harry Potter.”

Words: 5,569
Hits: 296
Chapter 10

“This doesn’t change anything sweetheart,” his mum had said.

Words: 4,389
Hits: 305
Chapter 11

Perfection. Merry Christmas all around the Wizarding world. Everything is as it should be, but in true fiction style, it can't last forever. This chapter is Christmas Day, the one day where nothing can go wrong. The last day of happiness has come.

Words: 3,160
Hits: 297
Chapter 12

Summary of the fic so far: Sirius had a daughter, but she's more than she seems and her secret is about to get out. The aftermath of a perfect Christmas and the beginning of the end.

Words: 4,123
Hits: 274
Chapter 13

This Chapter reveals Kristines Secrets. Her most well kept is discovered, and her most private is shared.

Words: 2,865
Hits: 277
Chapter 14

Okay, Chapter 14. Left you with a cliffhanger in Ch13, so here you go, the outcome of that rather nasty incident. Plus some background info on Draco's home life is revealed, and a little titbit on the founders. Want to know more, well read the story then!

Words: 3,436
Hits: 245
Chapter 15

Time has passed and life at Hogwarts is calm. But you know what they say about the calm....it comes before the storm.

Words: 3,106
Hits: 267
Chapter 16

Sirius Black has a daughter, but she doesn't know that she has Sirius Black as a Father. Kristine has come to Hogwarts, and her life which had just been put back together is falling apart. Secrets are dangerous things, especially when they get out.....

Words: 5,135
Hits: 248
Chapter 17

The final battle has begun, and things don't look good. Kristine, the daughter of Sirius Black, is back, but there is something different. Prepare for death, carnage and the bloody truth that is pain, loss and war.

Words: 3,576
Hits: 192
Chapter 18

Right, this is chapter eighteen and I am not rewritting my whole fic to accomadate for the OotP (even though it's great!), so if it helps you get a grip on my fic then you can think of it as a bizarre dream :) In this chapter the events of the summer are revealed, Snape is actually helpful and angst all around as loved ones are lost.

Words: 4,391
Hits: 261
Chapter 19

Right, this is chapter nineteen and I am not rewriting my whole fic to accomadate for the OotP (even though it's great!), so if it helps you get a grip on my fic then you can think of it as a bizarre dream :) In this chapter preparations are being made for the final battle that will take place in the subsequent chapter. The end is nigh...

Words: 4,481
Hits: 243
Chapter 20

Every moment has been leading up to this fight. The final battle, the end of the war. But who will win and who will survive. Who is on which side and can te prophecy come true. Are visions reliable?

Words: 7,285
Hits: 251
Chapter 21

AU, set in Harry's sixth year, written in between GoF and OoP, but some references added from OoP.

Words: 5,076
Hits: 222
Chapter 22

[complete] The final installment of this fic. Previously, Kristine arrived at Hogwarts, the daughter of Sirius Black. Friendships, alliencs, death and destruction. The war is waiting to be won, but who is on which side, and can vistory mean a happily ever after?

Words: 2,245
Hits: 388