Astronomy Tower
Ginny Weasley
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 04/04/2006
Updated: 04/04/2006
Words: 1,070
Chapters: 1
Hits: 662

Bad Day


Story Summary:
It hasn't been the best day for Ginny; what with lousy Snape, stupid Malfoy, Charms complications, broken wands, and boyfriend trouble. And, of course, Harry Potter, who seems to be everywhere lately, when she's trying to ignore him most. What a way to spend what's supposed to be a special day...

Chapter 01 - Bad Morning


Author's Notes: I don't know how I thought this up. I just did. I've been having this weird fan-fiction fever, because of which I've begun writing my first ones, no matter how stupid my ideas seem as soon as I actually write them. Anyway, yeah, this story idea just popped into my mind during Social Studies, so, I thought, hey, why not write it? I'll remind you, I'm only just a beginner, a newcomer to the fan-fiction writing world. I've read about 100 of them, but only written two. Well, actually, I've written about seven, but I'm working on all of them at the same time, so none of them are finished except for one, which I've already submitted. ANYWAY, let me know how I'm doing.


Bad Day

Chapter One: Bad Morning

* * *

Today was a bad day for me.

It all started since... well, this morning. I overslept, due to last night's game of Truth or Dare, and was going to be late for class. Again. The worst part...

My first class was Potions.

I had to drag myself out of bed just to at least have a glimmer of chance of getting to Potions on time. Lucky me, I sleep on the top bunk. And I fell. Hard. I groaned and got up, immediately regretting that I woke up at all.

I didn't even have time to straighten myself up. I just picked up the first skirt and robes I saw, threw them on, and shoved my wand into them quickly, ignoring my scarf completely and walked out, hopping on one foot while trying to tie the shoe on the other. All I could do with my hair before running downstairs and out the portrait hole was pull it back in the messiest half-pony with a broken clasp, leaving chunks of red hair hanging in front of my face.

As soon as I went outside, I couldn't help but slam my palm in my face at not bringing my scarf. "Good one, Ginevra," I scolded myself, "Who leaves their scarf on their bed in the middle of February?! Well, running to class might warm me up anyway..."

It didn't work. I might as well have turned into an icicle on my way to the door, at which, to my absolute annoyance, Malfoy was standing.

"Late for class, Weasley?" he dumb blonde sneered.

"Out of my way, Malfoy," I said. Class was about to start in two minutes, and I was ready to run in while I still could. I tried shoving him aside, but he grabbed by arm, and wouldn't let go.

"Now, now, Weasley, haven't your filthy parents thought you how to respect your superiors? Don't. Be. Rude." He laughed that ugly laugh.

He had quite a grip on me. He's on the Quidditch team, after all. But I didn't care. If squirming and kicking would do the trick... But no. I've never been good at restraining my anger to that. Bat-Bogey-Hexes had always been my specialty, so I pulled out my wand.

I didn't even get to hear Malfoy's girlish scream, though, because that's when I heard the deep, cold voice.

"Ten points from Gryffindor, Weasley," he said. "And detention with me for a week. Now take you seat, you're wasting time."

I grumpily stompped my way over to my assigned seat over by Colin Creevy as I heard Snape sending Malfoy to the hospital wing. For a moment, only a moment, I felt a hint of satisfaction in me, at having been so good at the hex as to have Madam Pomfrey try to lift the hex rather than Snape doing it himself. I must admit, I felt pretty proud.

But that was short-lived, as I heard the Ravenclaw behind me snickering. I spun around in my seat to stare at her, puzzled, but annoyed. "What?"

She simply looked at me and shrugged, the smile not completely gone from her face.

That was when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Ginny," Colin whispered, "you have a little--"

"Weasley!" snapped Snape. "If you like to keep the class entertained, I suggest you wait until AFTER CLASS!"


I spun around, but saw nothing. "What are you talking about?"

"Ginevra," I heard Luna say dreamily, "you have something on your back."

Confused, I tried turning so I could see my back. And sure enough, Malfoy must have managed to jinx my shirt, somehow, in some weird way.

Every few seconds, a message appeared on my shirt. Each time was a different message (it appeared and disappeared, much like the way Tom Riddle's *shudder* diary worked.). At the moment, it was currently displaying a small picture of Dean Thomas, with rearranging letter under it that read:

The Second Best Snogger at School!!! (I'm the best, and you can verify!)

The class burst out laughing, except for Snape, of course, and Luna, who just stared at my shirt, as if it were some fascinating... animal... creature thingy. Anyway, I didn't bother trying to lift the jinx. I've never seen anything like it, so there's no way to even begin thinking up a counter-jinx. It was no use. I couldn't even get out of class to change my shirt, because... well, it was Snape.

All I could do was close my eyes and sigh heavily. I crossed my arms on the table and buried my face in them. It was then that I realized it.

I was in for a very long, very bad day.

* * *

Author's Notes: Weird, huh? I didn't know what kind of spell Ginny's shirt should have, so I just thought of one out of the top of my head. Not a very good one, though, but hey, I needed to finish the chapter. Oh well. If I hear any better ideas, I'll make a few changes. BTW I just love writing in first-person.

I think I'm a one-shot person, since I can't keep the same idea going for a long time as to write a chapter fic, but since this was originally going to be a one-shot and it was too long (and we're just in the morning!), I decided to divide them into parts of the day. So I'll be done in a few more chapters, if I don't procrastinate (which is normal for me). Okay, trailing off again... Let me know what you think!


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