Where'd You Go?

Woolly Bladder

Story Summary:
Harry left for unknown parts, leaving her lonely and bittter; but Ginny gave him forever anyway. Little did she know the promises she made would come back to haunt her in the worst way when she finds solace in the most unlikely of people in an war-torn world. Keeping a promise has never been this hard. Harry/Ginny/Draco.

Chapter 09 - Chapter Nine. Chase Away the Sanity

Chapter Summary:
More insight into the mind of Draco Malfoy, and the kiss that sends both him and Ginny into another world.
Author's Note:
It's no secret that I've employed a lackluster updating system, and I'll be the first to admit that. Well, I'm trying to change now. The last chapter left at a cliffie but I hope this chapter makes up for it ;) Thank you again to my betas Indie and Shannon, whoo are such fountains of inspiration and support, and to you of course - the readers. Where would I be without you?

Chapter Nine. Chase Away the Sanity

Cus it's a bittersweet symphony, this life.

--"Bittersweet Symphony," The Verve

Kissing Ginny Weasley was both heaven and hell at the same time, and Draco was a fool to do it. He would have liked to think it was just to shut her up or prove a point - both of which he was sure he had just completed. Yes, that's what made him kiss her, but what was it that made him snog her senseless?

Maybe because he could think of little else since their last kiss. Her soft lips that were faintly sweet, her rich, fiery hair that seemed to have a personality all its own, and the way she held her own against him; these were the thoughts that took over his mind about her instead of the loathing he usually felt. Life was so much better when all he felt towards her was simple loathing.

Because she was definitely right about one thing - he didn't hate her. He couldn't even bring himself to hate her. If he wasn't Draco Malfoy and she wasn't Ginny Weasley...if he wasn't on the fringes and she not firmly in the Light...if it was another time and place...they might have even been friends. Possibly more. But none of that was true.

And yet...there was no denying that when their lips met, it was electric. He went from slow, experimental kisses to completely drinking her in like a man in a desert did to water. He couldn't get enough of her. And apparently she couldn't either because she placed her hands on either side of face, as if to keep him there.

There was a tiny voice in his head that was screaming for him to stop, reminding him of the dreadful consequences if anyone ever found out. And even if they didn't, why would he want to snog a filthy blood-traitor anyway?

It was getting easier and easier to ignore that voice when Ginny was placing little fluttering kisses all over his face and gave a cat-like lick on his ear. Draco couldn't help but give a little moan and started rubbing his hands up and down her arms. He eased her off the bench so that she could be level with him. He inched his hands along the milkiness of her skin, pushing her jumper up as he went. As he reached past her elbows and his cold fingers touched her upper arms, he felt her shiver.

It was pleasing to know that she shivered because of him. He felt a perverse sense of satisfaction that he had his hands and lips all over Potter's girlfriend, and it overruled the slight disgust he felt about desiring anything Potter had ever touched.

Draco had the sudden urge to mark her as his. He lifted her head and looked into her eyes, so she would know his actions were deliberate. There would be no question later about the effect he had on her.

Ginny's warm brown eyes were smouldering and probably reflected his own. Draco swooped in and attacked her lips while Ginny embraced him just as fiercely. He strayed down to her jaw and then finally lingered on her neck. She threw her head back and moaned in appreciation.

Ginny dug her nails into Draco's shoulders so hard that she knew it had to hurt, but he never gave any indication of it. He completely filled her senses to the point where she could barely think, and when she did, it was only to think of him.

"Ginny," he murmured huskily against her neck. He was sucking on her, and she felt scalded by his touch there, so contrary to his usually cold hands. Ginny herself felt like she would melt.

"More," she urged.

Draco nipped and sucked on her, and Ginny knew she didn't ever want him to stop. She thought she heard him say her name again but couldn't be sure.

"Ginny!" Her eyes popped open. This time she knew she was being called, and it was most certainly not by Draco but by her father.

"I'm coming," she yelled. Ginny didn't even allow herself to look in his direction before she pushed herself off the floor and fled out the room. She only just paused in front of the mirror to tidy her hair before she noticed--

"You might want to cover that," the mirror said wryly.

"No kidding," Ginny replied, anxiously jabbing the huge red spot on her neck with her wand. She finally just rolled up her jumper to cover it and hoped for the best.

Damn him! Ginny thought furiously.


Ginny wasn't sure which Draco she was most uneasy around: the Draco that completely ignored and hated her, or the Draco that sent her sly looks across the table and took every opportunity he could to touch her. Every time he bumped into her as he passed by or brushed his hands with hers as she reluctantly passed him the peas (which she happened to know he hated), it sent a flutter of something to go haywire in her stomach.

On Christmas Eve, the Weasleys barely went through the motions of putting up a tree and a few random decorations. Nobody's heart was in it this year, not even Mrs. Weasley's. It seemed rather foolish to go about with holiday cheer when there were people dying everyday all around them.

Christmas Day came with a definite gloom. So few of Ginny's brothers were in attendance, and it was reminiscent of the time when only Bill managed to come home for Christmas. Fred and George stopped by and stayed for a few hours, which cheered them all up a tiny bit. She even caught Draco curving his mouth a mere fraction of an inch which Ginny took as a smile at one of their jokes.

Dinner was an odd affair. Ginny, her parents, Draco, and the twins sat down to it, but throughout, different members of the Order dropped by for a quick plate before they were off again. First McGonagall came over and filled them in on how she was trying to appeal the decision about Hogwarts closing. They all knew how Dumbledore would have wanted it to stay open.

Next came Tonks, who kept shooting looks between Ginny and Draco, and Ginny had to make violent motions with her hands to get her to stop. Luckily, Fred and George were too busy stuffing their faces to notice. She would have never heard the end of it otherwise.

Even Lupin stopped by, and she saw him and Tonks holding hands. Ginny thought their relationship was one of the sweetest things ever, and she wished them all the happiness that they deserved and could find.

As happy as she was for the extra company, it only seemed to cement the fact that this was a Christmas unlike any other, for all the wrong reasons. All Ginny could do was hope that next year would be better.

"Dinner was delicious, Mum," Ginny said as she helped her mother clear the table.

"As usual," her father said with a small smile and helped as well. Ginny took a good look at both her parents and was saddened to see how haggard and beaten they looked. Her father's hair was steadily thinning and was starting to turn white at the temples. And where her mother's figure had always been pleasantly plump, she now had the appearance of someone who lost a great amount of weight in a short amount of time without even realizing it. Both of them looked the worse for wear, and Ginny knew few people felt the pressures of the war more than her parents did.

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley, everything was delightful. Thank you for the meal," came the charming (and to Ginny's ear's, very slimy) voice of Draco. All three of the Weasleys looked at him in surprise, though Ginny looked at him with more suspicion than anything.

Mrs. Weasley actually looked touched. "Why thank you, Draco. That's very kind of you." Ginny felt sick to her stomach.

"Would you like any help with the dishes?" he asked innocently.

"I--" she said before he gathered up the rest of the dishes and walked them into the kitchen.

Ginny stared at her parents. Her mother looked rather pleased while her father just shrugged.

"He's up to something," Ginny said, narrowing her eyes at the kitchen door. "He's sat with us everyday for dinner and has barely said a word, and now all of sudden he's willingly taking on chores and handing out compliments like libraries lend out books."

"Don't be so quick to judge him, Ginny," her mum scolded. "It is Christmas, after all. You never know, maybe he's had a change of heart."

"Change of heart my arse," Ginny muttered mutinously.

"You may as well go help him," her father said to her as he put his arm around his wife. "And I never thought I would say this, but maybe your mother is right about him. I understand he's been horrible to our family these past few years, but we're all he's got now. Just remember that you still have all your loved ones while he has nobody."

"But--," Ginny sputtered.

"Now," Mrs. Weasley said firmly as they both walked out the dining area, leaving Ginny to stew.

It was so easy for her parents to take his side! They weren't privy to his hateful tirade just a few days ago. They weren't the ones that got lost in his sensual kisses or entertained the most traitorous but enticing thoughts...

"Are you coming?" Draco poked his head out the kitchen door, one eyebrow raised as if he could read her thoughts. Damn him again!

Ginny said nothing but pushed past him, her head held high. She would not let him get to her. She directed the dirty dishes in the sink with her wand and set the sponge scrubbing. Ginny leaned against the counter and folded her arms.

"You can dry," she said succinctly.

"Thank you for that privilege," Draco said dryly. He came over to the counter and leaned against it as well, mimicking her pose.

"What are you doing?" Ginny asked him.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Merely waiting for the dishes to be washed."

"Not that," she said with a scowl and looked at him with disdain. "I mean what's your game? Why are you suddenly being nice to my parents?"

Draco put his hand on her arm, and she instinctively flinched. "You don't want me to touch you? You didn't mind it the other day."

"That was a mistake," Ginny said curtly.

"I think we both know it wasn't," Draco said softly in her ear.

He watched the emotions play on her face and inwardly smirked. She was playing right into the palm of his hand.

Draco's plan was so simple, and yet, so effective. He would make the little Weaslette fall for him, and hard. Then he would break her pathetic little heart, and she would go back to Potter as damaged goods. It would be the ultimate revenge, and he would have a little fun in the mean time.

And it was surprisingly very easy to ignore the voice questioning who would really end up hurt in the end.

So there you have it. I hope the kiss lived up to the hype. And if you notice, I wrote more in Draco's pov, for those who can't get enough of him.