Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 05/26/2003
Updated: 04/24/2010
Words: 157,237
Chapters: 45
Hits: 26,773

Blood of Mud, Wing of Bat


Story Summary:
Twenty years post-Hogwarts, Hermione is married to Chudley Cannons Beater Ron Weasley and working for successful inventor Sibyll Trelawney. Then she is asked to work with Draco Malfoy. Can her job and marriage survive the test?

Chapter 30 - Cov Ops

Chapter Summary:
Twenty years post-Hogwarts, Hermione is married to Chudley Cannons Beater Ron Weasley and working for successful inventor Sibyll Trelawney. Then she is asked to work with Draco Malfoy. Will her job and marriage survive the test?

Chapter 30: Cov Ops

Crouching Tigress: You there, Fal?

Fallen Hawk: Yeah.

Crouching Tigress: Ha, thought so. I just saw your guy go into Triple-D.

Fallen Hawk: Is this Crouching Tigress?

Crouching Tigress: Yup.

Fallen Hawk: Is yours in there too?

Crouching Tigress: Since last night, yeah. It's Hermione Weasley.

Fallen Hawk: Well, here I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out why he'd be going in there. I wish somebody would've told me.

Crouching Tigress: Hahaha!

Fallen Hawk: This definitely hasn't been my morning. Have you ever tried to follow someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with the Public Portkey system halfway across England?

Crouching Tigress: Hahaha, no…. Where are you?

Fallen Hawk: You have to guess.

Crouching Tigress: Roof?

Fallen Hawk: Hell no, that would be too convenient.

Crouching Tigress: [laughing some more] I'm looking. It's got to be somewhere high up. Window sill?

Fallen Hawk: No, they're all spiked up and down this street.

Crouching Tigress: Some traveling pigeon-proofing salesman made good money one year, haha.

Fallen Hawk: Ha, bloody ha.

Crouching Tigress: So where are you?

Fallen Hawk: Look lower.

Crouching Tigress: Door frame?

Fallen Hawk: Lower.

Crouching Tigress: I still can't see you. Stair railing?

Fallen Hawk: Lower. You're not thinking low enough.

Crouching Tigress: Oh my god. You're on the sidewalk?! You?

Fallen Hawk: Don't you dare tell anyone about this.

Crouching Tigress: [laughing uncontrollably]

Fallen Hawk: I mean it.

Crouching Tigress: Wait… wait… which one are you?

Fallen Hawk: I'll never say.

Crouching Tigress: The ratty one with no tail feathers?

Fallen Hawk: No. You just wait until I catch you!

Crouching Tigress: Hahaha! And to think I wanted to get into the aerial reconnaissance program so badly when I was young. "Fallen Hawk" indeed.

Fallen Hawk: Grrrr!

Crouching Tigress: Hahaha!

Fallen Hawk: Uh oh - got to fly, he's coming out. Alone.

Crouching Tigress: Bye!

[a few minutes pass]

Crouching Tigress: Erm… why isn't he going anywhere? He's not waiting for the Portkey is he?

Fallen Hawk: Oh god. That's what it is! I can't believe it. We're going to be here for an hour and a half.

Crouching Tigress: Why doesn't he just catch the one on Channing? It's only about six blocks from here.

Fallen Hawk: Are you joking? Draco Malfoy trudge that far on his own feet? Heaven forbid. No no, he'll wait.

Crouching Tigress: And he's been doing this all morning? You poor dear!

Fallen Hawk: I'll live. I might strangle him, but I'll live.

[a pause]

Fallen Hawk: And you? Where are you?

Crouching Tigress: Guess.

Fallen Hawk: True. Hmm. Under the black van with no windows?

Crouching Tigress: Please. Too obvious.

Fallen Hawk: Hehe. Oh wait. I see you now. The rubbish bin just around the corner from Ernie's Café. I see your little stripey tail sticking - whoop, and now it's gone.

Crouching Tigress: Hahaha. Here comes my girl. Looks like she's going to stop and talk to him.

Fallen Hawk: They don't like each other at all, do they?

Crouching Tigress: Hahaha, no. Oh, she's going to Ernie's. Great, now I can't see a thing.

Fallen Hawk: So move.

Crouching Tigress. I am.

[after a few moments]

Fallen Hawk: Ha! Alley cat.

Crouching Tigress: Shush now. Alleys make perfectly good stakeout positions.

Fallen Hawk: If you like that sort of thing. But you know, women who lurk in alleys have the worst possible reputation.

Crouching Tigress: Come here and say that to my face, little bird.

Fallen Hawk: Ha, I'd like to see you try me. I'll peck your face off.

Crouching Tigress: She sat right near the window. I can see her perfectly from here. You know, she used to spend a lot of time at Ernie's, a while back.

Fallen Hawk: I believe it. She seems like the type. You should have seen the look on her face when Malfoy was manhandling his elf. Hahaha.

Crouching Tigress: Bleeding heart. The elves love it.

Fallen Hawk: Isn't that the truth.

[a bit of a wait]

Fallen Hawk: So when has Special Ops moved their raid up to? Have you heard?

Crouching Tigress: Rising Hawk hasn't told you?

Fallen Hawk: Hell no. Need-to-know and all that.

Crouching Tigress: It was supposed to be early Wednesday morning, 2:34AM. But they're talking about moving it up again, to early Tuesday morning, because they're hoping to take his Apparition license on Monday.

Fallen Hawk: Who told you that?

Crouching Tigress: Angel Dust.

Fallen Hawk: Well, Angel Dust would know.

Crouching Tigress: Yeah. And - holy moly, this guy drinks like a fish.

Fallen Hawk: Tell me.

Crouching Tigress: It's not even 7AM for cripe's sake. What's he got in that flask? Vodka?

Fallen Hawk: It's whiskey. Ogden's Old Extra Special.

Crouching Tigress: Woo. Out of my price range.

Fallen Hawk: Hahaha, too true. Mine also.

Crouching Tigress: They keep looking at each other through the window.

Fallen Hawk: Haha, I know.

Crouching Tigress: They better watch out or some nosy reporter type is going to print a story about their love affair.

Fallen Hawk: [bursts out in laughter]

Crouching Tigress: Aha, I know which you are now! The one with the gray body and the white wings.

Fallen Hawk: This time. Has to be different every time.

Crouching Tigress: Really?

Fallen Hawk: He pays too much attention to birds. It doesn't seem like it, but he does. When I try to go back looking the same, he stares at me oddly, like he remembers me from before.

Crouching Tigress: But he doesn't know?

Fallen Hawk: Not really. Just notices.

Crouching Tigress: Flies too.

Fallen Hawk: What?

Crouching Tigress: He notices flies too. I've seen him staring at them a couple of times, when we were waiting for Weasley to show up.

Fallen Hawk: Weird.

Crouching Tigress: Maybe all those Death Eater combat drugs all these years have been eating into his brain.

Fallen Hawk: Hahaha I wouldn't doubt it. Psychedelic, man.

Crouching Tigress: Hahaha!

Fallen Hawk: I don't do bugs too often. That's Firebird's gig.

Crouching Tigress: Yeah, I don't do bugs at all. It's the six legs that gets me. I just freeze up and don't know what to do next.

Fallen Hawk: I just don't walk in bug form.

Crouching Tigress: Hahaha. Well true, you can fly.

Fallen Hawk: I stick with two-winged insects though. The ones with four wings are confusing. They haven't even let me solo as a four-winger yet.

Crouching Tigress: So how long you been on Malfoy?

Fallen Hawk: Since they started Operation First Strike.

Crouching Tigress: So, three months, something?

Fallen Hawk: Something like that. And you? I thought you were in Egypt.

Crouching Tigress: They just put me on Weasley two days ago.

Fallen Hawk: I'm surprised they'd put someone of your calibre on her. She's not exactly a challenge is she?

Crouching Tigress: Actually they brought me back here just for this. Apparently they've been having a remarkably difficult time tracking her.

Fallen Hawk: Really!

Crouching Tigress: They go hours at a time having no idea where she is. Like she'll set off on her broom, and they've got a tracing charm on her broom, but then suddenly her dot will vanish right off the maps. But no Apparition record or anything.

Fallen Hawk: Portkey?

Crouching Tigress: Maybe. But owls can't find her either. And they ransacked her house completely last night, after they got the husband out of the way, and didn't find a single Portkey in the entire place.

Fallen Hawk: Animagus?

Crouching Tigress: Maybe, but it's not just when she's flying. They have a whole crew doing an exhaustive search of the records - apparently she sometimes doesn't come out the other side of a Floo when she goes in, or comes out of a floo she never went into. I'm not sure being an Animagus would explain that.

Fallen Hawk: How odd. Extraplanar travel maybe?

Crouching Tigress: She told her boss she was suffering from temporary losses of existential coherence.

Fallen Hawk: Hahaha! You're kidding.

Crouching Tigress: I think she was joking, but her boss really believed it.

Fallen Hawk: That is too funny. I'll have to try that one next time I want to skive off work.

Crouching Tigress: I'll get to the bottom of it though. Once they give me the rest of the data from the records.

Fallen Hawk: Well if anybody can, you can.

Crouching Tigress: Did you hear that?

Fallen Hawk: Hear what?

Crouching Tigress: I just got a relay from Tomcat. He says they're planning to Apparate to St. Mungo's from here. Weasley is going to give Malfoy a ride.

Fallen Hawk: Thank god, he must have been making even himself desperate with that Public Portkey business.

Crouching Tigress: Hahaha.

Fallen Hawk: And here they come.

Crouching Tigress: See you there?

Fallen Hawk: Dunno, I just got a relay from Thunderbird that I need to check in at base.

Crouching Tigress: Well, maybe then. Got to go.

Fallen Hawk: Me too. Maybe I'll see you around.

Crouching Tigress: I suspect you will!