Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 05/26/2003
Updated: 04/24/2010
Words: 157,237
Chapters: 45
Hits: 26,773

Blood of Mud, Wing of Bat


Story Summary:
Twenty years post-Hogwarts, Hermione is married to Chudley Cannons Beater Ron Weasley and working for successful inventor Sibyll Trelawney. Then she is asked to work with Draco Malfoy. Can her job and marriage survive the test?

Chapter 14 - Virginia Weasley and the Very Many Owl Headache

Chapter Summary:
Twenty years post-Hogwarts, Hermione is married to Chudley Cannons Beater Ron Weasley and working for successful inventor Sibyll Trelawney. Then she is asked to work with Draco Malfoy. Can her job and marriage survive the test?

Chapter 14: Virginia Weasley and the Very Many Owl Headache

Dear Ginny,

What is going on over there? I heard Malfoy attacked Hermione! And Nesbitt was there, so you'd better get him to tell you everything. Is she OK? What happened? Did Nesbitt kick Malfoy's ass for him? Give me details.


Dear Ginny,

I haven't heard anything from you. I can't get an owl through to Hermione either. I want to come home to see what's happened but I'll be tied up in practice until at least day after tomorrow. Owl me.



I heard they might be moving up the raid sooner. Do you have any idea if this is true? Do you have any idea when they're planning on doing it now? You know they'll never tell me, not in a thousand years. Love you.


Dear Ginny,

Of course I wasn't writing just to get information about Malfoy out of you. Give me some credit for loving my own daughter and wanting to know how her life is going!

I am very glad to hear that Daschel is considering you for that promotion. I know you don't want your being related to anybody to affect your career, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt if I put in a good word for you just this once.

Speaking of Malfoy, I realize that you don't receive assignments related to him and that you and Pansy don't discuss him. But if you did happen to hear something of value, you would tell me... right?

--Love, Dad

Dear Ginny,

Hello dear, how are you? I hope Arthur remembered to mention how proud we are of you. I hope you do get that promotion. I am sure you deserve it! I was writing because Arthur and I thought it would be nice to ask Ron and Hermione to hold another of their delightful barbecues sometime soon. What dates would you be available to attend? Do pick one when Pansy will be busy. I don't want to insult her by not inviting her, but you know how strained things get when she comes with you. I love you, dear, and so look forward to seeing you again.

--Love, Mum

Dear Ginny,

You aren't ignoring my owls are you? I'm hearing these crazy rumors that Malfoy didn't attack Hermione at all, but was actually having tea with her. And being nice to her. Where do Aurors fit in then? What's going on? Tell me.



How nice is nice, anyway? He wasn't hitting on her, was he?


Dear Auntie Ginny,

Thank you for the letter. I just looooove getting letters. Your job sounds very exciting. I think I would be scared to be a real Auror. You must be very brave. But how come you live in an apartment and not a house? Also, how come you live with my worst enemy's mom? You're my favorite aunt so I like you anyway though.

My friend Megan Chafferty says that you like girls instead of boys because you had too many brothers and Grandma didn't spend enough time with you when you were little. I think my friend Megan talks too much and makes most of it up. I told her that and she stomped on Booboo's tail and made him screech and climb up the curtain! She is so mean sometimes.

But my friend ShellyBellie Longbottom says that I'm just jealous because Lucia's mom sent her a real chocolate Auror with moving parts that even screamed when she bit off his foot. ShellyBellie is totally wrong though. I am soooo not jealous of mean old Lucia. She's stuck-up and bossy and likes to pick on me all the time. Also she is in Slytherin where they put all the bad people.

--Love, NellieBellie

P.S. Is Lucia's mom my Auntie too? And if so, shouldn't I have gotten an Auror also?

P.P.S. Also, I don't want to marry a girl even if I do have too many brothers and sisters. Is that OK?

P.P.P.S. If mommy left daddy and married Lucia's dad instead, would that make Lucia and I half-sisters?

Dear Hermione,

I'm a bit worried about Nellie. Look at this letter she sent me. Maybe you'd better sit her down and have a chat with her about a few things. I'm not trying to tell you how to be a mother, just suggesting....


Damn it Ginny,

Now I know you're ignoring me! This isn't fair. I have a right to know what's going on with my own wife. What's Hermione gotten herself into? I know you know a lot more about that Malfoy git than you let on.


This isn't funny, Ginny!

I still can't get an owl back from Hermione. At least tell me if she is OK.


Miss Weasley,

You've been an excellent Auror and a wonderful asset to Special Operations. As you know you're under consideration for the Squad Leader position that will open up at the beginning of the year. I have every hope that we'll be able to select you for the job. In the meantime, though, things are heating up with the Draco Malfoy file. I'm well aware of the potential for conflict-of-interest in your case which is the only reason I have kept you strictly away from those operations. That way there will be no question of your lack of interference, even among the skeptics (of which I assure you I am most emphatically not one). It would not hurt your position at all if you were able to volunteer any additional information of which we might not be aware, however. So if anything occurs to you, please owl me immediately. Thank you.

Daschel Duncan
Supervisor, Special Ops

Dear Mother and Ginny,

Thank you for the chocolate Auror. I especially liked the insults he yelled when we pretended to curse him. They were very inventive! The whole common room was in shrieks of laughter until Professor Treberg barged in and told us to keep the noise down. What a grouchy old stick.


That's it, I'm coming home.
