Astronomy Tower
Percy Weasley
Drama Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 03/26/2004
Updated: 03/26/2004
Words: 2,757
Chapters: 1
Hits: 687

With Love, Percy.

What is in a name?

Story Summary:
Percy redemption fic. Post-OoTP.``The war is over, and Percy's troubles are just beginning. Overridden with guilt, Percy leaves his home, his family and his life to search for his lost innocence, leaving behind only letters hopefully to heal the wounded hearts he has left behind and help his family to find it in their hearts and forgive him.````WARNING: may become a slash fic!

With Love, Percy. Prologue

Chapter Summary:
Percy redemption fic. Post-OoTP. The war is over, and Percy's troubles are just beginning. Overridden with guilt, Percy leaves his home, his family and his life to search for his lost innocence, leaving behind only letters hopefully to heal the wounded hearts he has left behind and help his family to find it in their hearts and forgive him.
Author's Note:
i've developed a soft spot for Percy since OoTP and somehow felt I should do this, for the sake of my own sanity as well. Just a brief warning, I have every intention of making this a ROMANCE fic, but this may develop into a slash fic, but we'll see what the response is, okay? I'm not wholly convinced to bring back Penelope into his life...

Dear Mum and Dad,

How was the party? Congrats dad, a promotion and an order of Merlin all in one day, that's quite an accomplishment... for any wizard. Funny isn't it? I was supposed to be the ambitious one, climbing steadily to the top, not caring whose toes I stepped on in the process, even my own parents. In the end it was my own toes I stepped on the hardest. All I wanted was to make you proud. So how in the process of being someone who you could have spoken proudly off did I manage to screw up so badly? How did I, who burnt oil till dawn to achieve the highest marks Hogwarts has ever seen, I, who never broke a rule, never let irrationality rule my thoughts, I, who would have given an arm and leg to see you two beaming proudly at me, turn to be a failure instead? Where did I go wrong? What did I do? What didn't I do? When instead did my logic, my sensible thoughts become my ultimate downfall? Why hadn't I seen it happening? How did I mess up? I have pondered it long and hard, I still ponder it as I write but I am nowhere near the answers now then I was when my world began to crumble around my ears.

I'm sorry. God, I wish there was something else I could say. Words to help explain my actions, what I had been thinking, what motivated me to yell at you, accusing you of not being ambitious enough, what drove me to say those words that I knew I could never be take back, yet saying them anyways. Even now, I look in the mirror and I don't know who it is that stares back at me. Is it the Me who wants only to make you proud, is it the Me who walked out on my family when they needed me most, is it the Me who took the word of a certain clueless minister than the wise words of my own father, which one? Too many reflections, but only one mirror.

That's why I have to go. Be with myself for a while. Find out who I am again. What I am, not what I have become. The innocence that had once been before ambition corrupted it. Don't ask where I'm going and don't try to find out either, because I myself don't know where my destination lies. For once I shall go where my heart tells me to and not where my overly sensible mind tells me. To walk the path not taken. See what lies beyond the magical world, and venture into the world Voldermort was so determined to destroy.

Don't worry about me. For what its worth, what doesn't hurt me can only make me stronger. And I am. Stronger, not hurt. But still confused.

It's almost funny that even to the last I still disappoint you, for what Gryffindor would stoop to such cowardice by writing a letter than facing up to his fears.


The unexpected has happened. I have no words left to say. It was bound to happen eventually, a shame it happens now when there are still so many things that needs to be said. Perhaps some other time. If I am still welcomed.

With love...

Dear Bill and Charlie,

You may not believe me, but on the rare occasions that I wish I wasn't me, I would wish to be you. It doesn't matter who really, as long as it isn't me. But self pity was a luxury I couldn't afford, so my musing never really lifted off the ground. Sad really, for if I had allowed it to take shape, perhaps it would have all ended differently. I would have liked to be more like you two but I never wanted to be like you two. Confusing aren't I? Since I am in the mood for self confession, I will admit this; for years I always thought myself to be better than both of you. Bill was head boy as well, but I was the better of us two, the real epitome of authority, and I didn't chose to throw away a perfectly good chance for prestige by running to the far side of the world and chase dragons instead of snitches. Gosh, I never knew I was such a comedian. But I suppose I was proud. Proud of myself that I was the only Weasley brother who didn't want to live up to the reputation of his brothers. I thought I had all you had and so much more. I never bothered with friendship for I learnt from both of you how fickle fame and popularity really are. Honestly, how many of your "friends" from Hogwarts still keep in contact? Charlie, once you decided you weren't going to be a quidditch superstar and mingle with the rich and famous, who of your large clique of "pals" hung around? Or Bill, after your decision that you wouldn't be the next Minister of Magic and instead a tomb raider, how quickly did your popularity drop? See, I was better than you. I didn't need friends or anything similar. I had me, and that was enough to ensure that I would one day be... well, Minister of Magic.

In the flash of self realization, I see now that I wasn't better than any of you, just more pompous. Another joke, my I am crossing over aren't I? And since we are opening our hearts here, or at least I am, I suppose I could admit that I had been a trifle angry at you two as well. Betrayed that you had left me to play big brother, as you both set off into the world, creating your own lives that didn't involve us, completely at ease with your decision, while I was still struggling to realize who I was and looking after my needs much less the twins, Ron and Ginny. I know, I'm being silly (everyone has a first at something). I also know that if I had but asked, you two would have returned to my side no questions asked. But I didn't ask, no my pride would never allow such show of weakness. Hah! Another joke! How funny I should speak of not showing weakness when here I am writing a letter when I should instead be telling all this to your face. I hear my true calling now, to be a stand up comedian. Sarcasm never worked well on paper did it?

But now that I think about it, you never... really gave up on me did you? I was nothing any of you were, not the cool Head Boy, not the quidditch legend, hell, Fred and George are embarrassed to be related to me. But I never felt any of those vibes from you. You never really let me be what I had wanted others to let me be. Didn't see what I wanted to be seen as. Perhaps, you saw what was beneath my layers? Or is it wishful thinking on my part? The twins, and Ron had given back as good as they got it. I won't be naïve to say that the "banter" between myself and the twins were non personal, that each prank they subjected me to or each insult I threw back at them had not been malicious in intent. Even with Ron, conversations between us were cold at best. But you just took me and my ostentatious self in your stride, letting it all bounce of your skin and treating me... well, with tolerance I suppose. Perhaps it's because you two are never around often enough to really care, but I like to think that perhaps it's because you actually like who I am. But if that's not it then please don't tell me, let me have at least this lie to live by.

All that has a beginning has an end, and this the end of my old life. So I hope you will understand why I must go, leave our family and, am I foolish to think this, bring pain to our parents with my sudden departure. But you see, I need to find a new beginning so I may live again. Please pardon my melodramatics; it's been a long day. I shall end this drabble now, for I know there are still many tombs to raid and dragons to tame, and I have taken too much of your time as it is. But for what its worth, you two have been the best big brothers a guy could have and if I should be so lucky to have a second chance with our siblings, I will do it right, just the way you did it. Take care, Bill, Charlie, and thank you.

With Love...

Dear Fred and George,

I suppose if there was anyone I owe an apology to, you two would be it. Keeping in mind the time span of your concentration, or lack there of, I'll make this brief. I'm sorry I was never the brother you wanted. I am sorry I wasn't outgoing, wasn't fun, popular, and most of all, I am sorry for never truly appreciating the intelligence behind each and every one of your "jokes" despite being the butt of many of them. Where I should have praised you for your amazing accomplishments, I instead offered mockery and disdain. Instead of admiration, I gave scorn. And I assure you, no one could regret those moment of stupidity on my part more than I do now. Yes, I see now what I didn't then. I see that you have succeeded where I have failed. In truth, you two have emerged the better man. Or men, in this case.

I had always thought I knew what was best for you. That if you would give me but one second, I could enthrall you with tales of honor and valor, the joy of reaping the hard earned benefits of ones harvest. I had the words all in my head, all ready to be shared with you. I would make you see what you could lose with all your pranks and the wasted time that resulted from all your playing and not working. I would have coerced you into the ministry, and show you how the satisfaction of waking in the mornings and know that you were an upstanding citizen in your community. A respected member of society. What a joke. I think of all the pranks ever pulled on me, this tops the list. The icing on the cake. And the best part, it wasn't even a planned joke but handed to you on a silver platter. It wasn't something that you two spent nights huddled before the fireplace, planning, plotting, devising another way to humiliate the prissy prick you unfortunately call brother. God, you must be wetting your pants with laughter right now, and perhaps were I still there with you, I'd probably be joining you. Not in mirth but more in irony. But alas, I am not, and is such a chance wasted.

Well, here is something for you to savor till our next meeting, a letter so cowardly written when no doubt if the roles had been reversed you would be before me, in person, letting me know what lies in your heart. Alas, that is not so, and courage is not any that I have to spare at this moment, so I leave you instead with this letter. Burn it if you will, no one wishes to remember a spineless brother. I wish you all the luck with your business, and yes, that was sincerely given. I have no delusions about you liking me. Yes, you love me, which comes with the package, but you don't have to like to love someone. But believe this, no longer do I look down upon you, my dear twin brothers, but now, I look up to you and all that you have achieved. I hope our paths will meet, and perhaps by then I would have gathered enough courage to tell you how proud I am of both of you.

With love...

Dear Ron and Ginny,

I still remember the apprehension pulsing through my veins when I watched the two of you sit under the sorting hat, and the proud swell in my heart when the two of you skipped to your places at the Gryffindor table. I made a promise to myself those two nights, a promise to be the supportive and protective brother, the one who would guide you through your years in Hogwarts, the voice of rational in moments of distraught, and most of all, your friend as well as brother. I had so much hope for the both of you. I would mould you into respectable young man and woman, calm and passionate; I would train you to be like me. In the end, I was neither none nor did any that I promised. And though I regret the lost years, I am thankful that at least my failure has some beneficial values. I didn't succeed in making you into me. For I realize now that success isn't about top marks, or being made head boy, it's about staying true to yourself. To rise above all expectations and hope and still coming out the person you want to be. Do what you want to do and not because you're expected to do it.

Ginny, how you have shown me that size truly doesn't matter. You, who have suffered a tragedy that in the worst of my nightmares, I could not possibly imagine. You, who had hovered on the brink of death, only to come out of it a stronger person. You show bravery in the face of fear and you give compassion while others hate. The youngest and smallest in the family yet, you have a heart bigger than all of us. You take the badgering that comes with being the youngest, yet you give unconditionally. You support Harry because you know how much it means to Ron, and you love. Absolutely, with no reservations, no ulterior motives. Even me. You love even me. And for that I thank you. And on the bitter and cold nights that are sure to come my way, I will hold on to that warmth that is your love and absorbed the strength from it to make it another day. I will hold on to it until the day when I can see you again and know that I am worth every drop you have given me.

Ron, I was angry with you for your antics with Harry Potter, putting yourself in situations of life and death, fighting a battle that wasn't yours , being nothing more that a sidekick, the shadow of The Boy Who Lived. God, how wrong I was. I see the truth now, you aren't his sidekick, the block of wall between Harry and Voldermort, but you are the strength behind Harry. You are the desire that drives Harry to fight the battles that to others, to me, seemed suicidal. You are the Boy that the Boy Who Lived lived for. Am I making sense? If you are confused, then let me rephrase it. I had once told you that Harry would be the barrier between you and success, that he would be the broken step preventing your rise to the top of the corporate ladder, well, I was wrong. Your place is by Harry side, not behind him, not in his shadows, but by his side, and having remained there despite all obstacles thrown your way, you have truly achieved what I have only dreamt of. Complete and absolute victory. You have reached the top of the ladder, my brother and nothing will ever throw you from it.

I hope that you can one find it in your hearts to forgive me. Forgive me for letting you down, and forgive me for being a coward, a disappointment of a big brother. An insult to the Gryffindor name, for even to write this letter, I had to summon what's left of my feeble courage, so if I had actually stood before you and repeated the words... well, it would have destroyed me. Good luck with your studies, Harry and Hermione as well, and Ron, undoubtedly, you shall be the best Head Boy Hogwarts will ever have the honor of having.

With Love...


Author notes: How is it so far? There is a next chapter coming up: Percy finally comes home after his unannounced leave of absence. But has the lapsed time been enough? Will his family forgive him... or will he leave again and this time to never return??