Action Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/17/2002
Updated: 05/19/2005
Words: 57,612
Chapters: 12
Hits: 7,876



Story Summary:
Harry, Ron and Hermione find themselves teaming up with Ginny and Draco to rescue a Durmstrang transfer student from Voldemort's clutches. Draco gains perspective. Ginny grows up. Harry learns some things about his past... and his future. Professor Trelawney is mortally embarassed.

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
It's sixth year - Harry & Co. are knee-deep (as usual) in mystery. The night at Godric's Hollow is told, the reason for Voldie wanting Harry dead is revealed. Draco is forced to choose sides, Ron falls in love, and Harry develops his Voldie-related clairvoyance with the help of a Durmstrang student and two cocky ravens.
Author's Note:
Thanks to SandraSolariaDee for letting me borrow the concept of bronze as Cassandra's bane. Thanks to Eric and Dima (of course) for reading a multiplicity of versions of this chapter. Again, thanks to Abby McD for the addition to the standard disclaimer.

Chapter 10 - Traverse Afar

"Prophet," said I, "Thing of evil - prophet still, if bird or devil!" - Poe's "The Raven"


Hugin and Munin sat atop a gargoyle, peering through the dorm window at Aliset's sleeping figure. She curled in a ball around her pillow, her face set in unhappy lines. The other Ravenclaw girls had tip-toed passed her on their way to bed and were now virtuously asleep themselves.

"Sometimes, I feel really guilty about all this," Hugin muttered, shifting his feet anxiously from side to side. The freezing wind whipped around the corner of the castle, and the ravens huddled more deeply into their meagre shelter. A few large snowflakes landed on Hugin's back; he shook them off dejectedly.

"We all have to make sacrifices," said Munin easily.

Hugin shot his brother an angry look. "The future's not carved in stone, you know."

Munin chuckled. "Too true. But the past is. Usually with a name and two dates."


After the row with Aliset, Ron was too demoralized to go after Malfoy, so he and Harry trudged back to Gryffindor tower. Harry wanted to say something, but felt as though he'd already said enough. Besides, he was hardly an expert on girls.

Ron was quiet as they got ready for bed. Finally, for the first time since they spoke in the corridor, Ron met Harry's eyes.

"I'll have to apologize to her, won't I?" he said, looking glum. "I mean, I'm such an idiot! Just because her talent's been a little off lately doesn't mean she's completely wrong." He groaned and covered his face. "I am such an idiot. How could I talk to her like that?"

Harry fiddled with the edge of his blanket and tried to think of something helpful to say. "She really likes you, Ron. She will forgive you, you know. I bet she's sitting in the Ravenclaw dorm right now, wishing..."

"Wishing what?" Ron interrupted bitterly. "That she'd gone off with Malfoy when she had the chance?"

"No!" said Harry forcefully. "You are the better man and she knows it. She chose you and she's not going to go off with Malfoy now, just because you were, um, preoccupied. Find her tomorrow and apologize. Everything will be fine."

"You think so?" Ron said, looking up. Seemingly comforted, he fell asleep.


Harry lay awake, thinking about how unreliable the second sight could be.

He had it, though, narrow as it was. He couldn't deny it. Every time he connected with Voldemort, he felt it growing stronger. The need to know Tom Riddle better than he knew himself grew more urgent every day.

That was how he thought of Voldemort now: as Tom Riddle. When he had come face to face with the sixteen year-old memory in the Chamber of Secrets, it had shocked him. Until the Dark Lord's return two years ago, Harry had thought of him as a name, finding it impossible to reconcile the dual images of the adolescent Tom with the ravaged, half-human features protruding from the back of Quirrell's head.

It's almost like watching a film. He'd seen Tom grow up. Watched him be both frightened and neglected by the indifferent caregivers at the orphanage. Harry had felt an involuntary pang of sympathy, forcibly reminded of his life at the Dursleys. As he pressed further, all similarities ended, along with his sympathy.

He had been sickened by all that he'd discovered: Tom killing his own father and grandparents, ordering the basilisk to kill Moaning Myrtle. The ravens had guided Harry through it, and their presence was a comfort. After the night he'd seen his parents' deaths, he had had to force himself to use the link. The only thing that had kept him at it was the promise of revenge.

Despite his progress, Hugin and Munin had never let him try to see the present, no matter how often he tried to persuade them. "It's too dangerous," Munin had said flatly.

"What do mean 'too dangerous'?" Harry had demanded. "He doesn't know the link goes this deep."

"We'd like to keep it that way," Hugin had told him. "Eventually, with training - a lot of training you haven't had yet - you'll be able to spy on him at your leisure. Even see what he will do. But without the proper caution... you could give the entire game away."

His last thought before he succumbed to sleep, Harry wondered when the right time would ever come.


Breakfast was a strained affair. Ginny was ostentatiously ignoring her brother, but Ron didn't notice. He was wrapped in his own thoughts. Harry and Hermione also ate in silence, exchanging worried glances across the table. Ron kept looking over to the Ravenclaw table, but as the meal progressed and still Aliset didn't appear, he slumped lower and lower in his seat.

The owl post arrived, and everyone was kept happily busy opening Christmas cards for a few minutes. Ginny received a surprising amount of mail, and was baffled, then outraged at the number of letters from her family.

"Ron! You complete and utter oik!" she cried furiously. "I cannot believe you actually owled mum about Draco. And not just her, but half her Christmas card list! Listen to this one from Fred and George:

Dear Gin - You've clearly lost your mind. We're looking forward to visiting you at St. Mungo's. We've named a new sweet after you and your ickle blond boyfriend: The Ginger Dragon. Makes you blow freezing fire. - F&G

Here's another one, from Charlie:

Dear Ginny - You know we love you know matter what, but take our advice and dump Malfoy before you become a single-mum with a gaggle of scrawny, bad-tempered blond brats. - Charlie"

Ginny tore up the letters and flung them at Ron. "What the hell did you write to them for? I can't even read Bill's letter aloud - I'd get sent up for using language like that! How could you do this to me?"

Harry reached over and plucked up a letter fragment from Ron's plate. "Must be Bill's," he said. "I count four 'gobshites' in one sentence."

Hermione laughed and took one. "Trade you for three 'arsewipes'?" They started trying to reassemble the letter, but a scowling Ginny gathered up all the pieces.

"I'm so glad the two of you find this amusing," she said bitterly. "Sometimes I wish I were an only child, too." Ginny was trying to keep a tight rein on her voice so that it wouldn't carry to the entire Hall, but the Gryffindors at the table were openly riveted.

"Ooh - I didn't know you rated Malfoy!" Lavender said.

"Who doesn't?" Parvati said, giggling. They both turned to look at the Slytherin table where Malfoy was holding court. They giggled again.

"Look, I'm sorry, Ginny," said Ron quietly, looking green. "You're right. I'm not one to tell you how to run your life." He got up from the table and left without another word.

Ginny sighed, no longer as angry as she had been. "What's wrong with Ron?"

Harry glared round the table and the rest of their house made a show of finishing their breakfast. "Ron thinks he's blown it with Aliset. And now he can't find her to say he's sorry."

"Huh," said Ginny. "She probably realized what a selfish prig he is." Folding her arms tightly across her chest, she glared at her brother's empty seat. "Fortunately for him, we girls are a forgiving lot. He'll be okay."


Parvati and Lavender continued to speculate about Ginny, Draco and the Yule Ball. Ginny ignored them as she left the Hall, thinking that if she and Draco ever did have it off, it would be with half the school watching. Forget the 'Runic Retreat B&B', she thought, Better rent the Quidditch pitch.

She stopped in her tracks, blushing and suddenly confused. Oh my lord, I really do fancy him, don't I? She slapped herself in the forehead and moaned. I am such an idiot.

When she stepped into the corridor, she saw Malfoy come out the other door and head towards her. She smiled, surprised at how pleased she was to see him. Maybe it will be okay...

He seemed lost in thought and only noticed her when she stepped in front of him and he bumped into her.

"Better watch where you're going, Weasley," he said coldly. "Might get knocked down the stairs."

Ginny gaped. Looking around the corridor, she saw there was no audience for his nastiness. "What?" she said, biting the word sharply.

"Deaf as well as clumsy?" he said snidely. He was wearing his old, hateful and hate-filled sneer. It had been so long since Ginny had seen it, she'd almost forgotten how sick it made her.

"Draco... if this is about Parvati and her idiot babbling..." Ginny began, but stopped as she saw the expression on his face. Nasty, yes. Cruel, yes. But it was like a mask he was keeping in place by sheer stubbornness. He looked desperate and ill, playing a part and hoping it became real. He's not serious. He just wishes he was. "Okay, Malfoy. What's changed?" she said coolly.

Draco looked shifty. "This has all been a mistake," he said finally.

Ginny cocked an eyebrow at him. "Oh? Decided that there's no execution in your future, have you? That it was all some kind of hallucination?"

He tried to look disdainful. "Of course it was," he said. "And you played on that, didn't you? Thought if I owed you something, you'd get it?"

She laughed contemptuously, shocking them both. "Draco, I was starting to like you. I was starting to care about you. I was ready to take the disappointment of my friends and family for you. Thanks for stopping me." She smiled brightly at him until he looked uncertain and actually took a step back.

Ginny lowered her voice and closed the gap between them. "You are a coward, Draco Malfoy. You are such a coward that you'd rather take the easy way and be evil, than face your conscience." They were almost nose to nose and her voice became a whisper. "Once, I was afraid of you. But since then, I've met real evil. It's full of grand schemes and immortal ambition. You are a cowardly, adolescent henchman-in-training without the balls to do anything except out of fear and envy."

She stepped back and sneered, a perfect copy of his trademark. "You disgust me," she drawled.

Ginny turned on her heel and walked down the corridor. Once she rounded the corner, she ran for the nearest girls' lavatory. Ducking into one of the stalls, she shook with shock and disbelief. When she was done shaking, she burst into tears.

Draco stood frozen and hypnotized for a long moment after she'd gone. His face was so still as to be ceramic, but his eyes stared from their sockets, a dark plea in their depths. He raised one pale hand and passed it over his face, breaking the spell. Ignoring the nausea cramping his stomach, he went off to finish what his father had told him to do.


Hermione had left on some mysterious errand to Hogsmeade, promising to meet Harry at the Three Broomsticks for lunch. Ron had taken sole possession of their room, holing himself up alone with his misery.

Harry had tried talking with him, but Ron had just shaken his head. "I just want to be alone, okay?" So now Harry was milling about restlessly in the common room.

Puttering over to the window, he saw Neville, Seamus and Dean building an obscene snowman in the court yard. It had the traditional broomstick, but was doing something quite unspeakable with it. They had invited Harry to join them, but there was something else he felt he needed to do.

Over the passed few weeks, Harry had become so adept at linking to Voldemort that he could do it almost reflexively. But, taking the ravens' warnings seriously, he had confined himself to the Dark Lord's past. When he woke this morning, he found he had already decided that he couldn't wait for their say-so. Blow this for a game of soldiers, he thought resolutely. I'm ready.

It was time to see what the enemy was up to now.


Aliset wandered the school, hoping to find Ron. Instead, she found Malfoy.

He looked very pale and brittle, a half-smile distractedly assembled on his lips. "Hallo. I was hoping I'd find you." He actually sounded friendly, although the words seemed to come from an internal script.

"Oh?" Aliset said warily. "Why's that?"

He shrugged. "To apologize, I suppose. To make amends." He produced a small, gift-wrapped package from his pocket. "And to give you an early present. Happy almost-Christmas."

She stared at it without taking it. "You got me a gift? I don't understand."

Draco began to look a little peeved. "We got off on the wrong foot. My fault. I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Seeing her still look doubtful, he added, "I'm not trying to cut in on you and Weasley. I'm just trying to be nice. So, could you please open your present and come to lunch with me at the Three Broomsticks?"

Something was nagging at Aliset. Something important, something wrong. Draco looked perfectly sincere, anxious for her to agree. She started to refuse, to back away, but then she remembered how Ron had reacted the night before. Maybe Ron was right. My sight has been faulty lately. Besides, it's a present and lunch. What could it hurt?

She took the package from Draco's out-stretched hand and opened it. Turning the bronze necklace over in her hands, she looked at it closely. "It's lovely," she said slowly. "Thank you."

Draco waved away her thanks. "I thought silver or gold would be... too much, I guess. Not that you don't deserve it," he added hurriedly, "but I'm trying to be friendly, and I thought something like that might give you the wrong impression."

Aliset smiled and put it on. The nagging suspicion vanished instantly. See, she told herself, nothing to worry about.

"Come on," said Draco cheerfully. "Get your cloak. I have a small surprise for you."


Harry sat down in one of the room's many armchairs. He was far more nervous than he had expected, a film of sweat coating his upper lip. The room's too warm. That's all, he told himself sternly.

Theoretically, this wouldn't be any different from what he'd done before, except for the direction. The past was one way, the paths of the future lay in the other. Between them was the ever-changing present. Harry knew he could do it, no matter what the ravens said. Hadn't he done it already in his sleep? His scar ached every time he thought about it, fueling his determination.

Think of flying. And be careful. Harry stared into the fire, slipping into a light trance. The room wavered in the flames and vanished...

Images flickered passed him: Voldemort killing Karkaroff, interviewing Lucius Malfoy... but it didn't have the right feel, Harry knew he had to get closer yet. His breathing slowed to an imperceptible level, his heart rate dropped to half. Distantly, he hoped no one came into the room because they'd surely think he'd died. Then all awareness of his surroundings disappeared... he found what he was looking for...

Voldemort sat on his throne, staring into the fireplace, Wormtail crouching at his feet. "So, Lucius Malfoy's son is ready to do his part at last." The eyes in the inhuman face narrowed with pleasure and anticipation. "Have you made accommodations for our guest?"

Wormtail nodded quickly. "Yes, my lord."

"Good. Another few hours and Karkaroff's protégée will be helping us immeasurably." The Dark Lord was rubbing his fingertips together, but stopped as though listening for something. His eye darted to the corners of the room, looking... looking...

Harry broke the connection with a gasp, clutching his forehead in agony. Had Voldemort been looking and listening for him? He couldn't risk it again. He knew all he needed to.

Still slightly dizzy, Harry staggered as he stood. How he had forgotten the blinding pain when he connected to Voldemort in the present, he didn't know. What he did know was that he hadn't a moment to lose.

He flew up the stairs to the boys' dorm and pounded on the door. "Let me in, Ron!" he shouted. "It's important!"

"Harry! Can't you just -" came a voice from inside.

"It's about Aliset!" Harry shouted back, tugging futilely on the door handle.

Something heavy hit the other side of the door with a thump.

"She's in danger," Harry said.

There was a moment of silence. Then the key turned in the lock and Ron opened the door, looking grim. "Okay, I'm listening."


Ginny met up with Hermione in 'Medusa's Magic Mirrors'. Hermione was examining different sets and anxiously counting the Galleons in her purse. She held a set of two out to Ginny. "What do you think?" she asked.

Ginny shrugged dispassionately. "I don't know. What are they for and why do you need two of them?"

"They're kind of like walkie-talkies or cell phones," Hermione said.

Ginny looked politely blank, so Hermione elaborated. "They're for talking to someone long-distance," she explained. "I thought I'd get one for Harry and one for myself so we could talk to each other over the summer hols. So? What do you think?"

Ginny smiled weakly. "I think that's a great idea, actually. I think he'll love it. After he rails at you over the expense, of course."

"Probably you're right," Hermione admitted, looking at the price tag. She turned her eyes to Ginny and frowned with concern. "Are you alright? You look a little peaked. Draco been wearing you out?" she said slyly.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Yes, if you mean by behaving him like a giant ass and then having a flaming row about it. Ron was right. He is an evil bastard." She sighed and stared unseeing into a hand mirror. "The tragedy is he doesn't have to be." She twiddled with the mirror until it complained of dizziness and she set it down.

Hermione put a sympathetic arm around her shoulders. "Look, Christmas is a terrible time for most people. It's really stressful and your family gets on your last nerve. He's probably just trying to do what's expected of him for the holidays."

"That's what worries me," said Ginny darkly as Hermione took her purchases to the counter.


All the shops in Hogsmeade were doing a brisk business as witches and wizards finished their last minute holiday shopping. A group of carolers strolled as they sang, collecting money for charity. Everything was brightly lit and decked with holly. On one corner, a wizard was roasting chestnuts in a charcoal brazier, the snow melting in a circle around him as the hungry shoppers queued up.

"I've never actually been to Hogsmeade before," said Aliset quietly, staring around the main street in awe.

"Really?" said Draco. "I'll show you around. It's great! But let's eat first. I'm starved." He tugged on her arm. "Besides, one more surprise, remember?"

Aliset grinned uncertainly, allowing herself to be led to the wizards' pub. There was a large carriage stopped in front of it, gorgeous black Belgians in the harnesses. As they approached, the horses stamped the ground and snorted great clouds of vapour. A languid hand pushed away the curtain at the window. A face appeared briefly, and then the door opened.

Aliset stifled a gasp. She had never met Draco's father, although she'd heard his name, but she recognized him instantly. Give Draco thirty years and this is what he'll look like, she thought, impressed despite herself.

"Father," said Draco formally. "I'd like you to meet Aliset Yasnovidashaya." The long Russian name slid off his tongue with no hesitation, making her blush.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Malfoy," said Aliset diffidently. Automatically, she offered her hand.

Lucius Malfoy took her gloved hand gently in his own, and didn't shake it, but kept it far too long for comfort. "I'm delighted to meet you, my dear," he said smoothly. He smiled at his son, his teeth glittering. "I see you gave her the necklace."

Draco nodded, beginning to look slightly uncomfortable.

"Excellent," Lucius said, turning back to Aliset.

With one quick pull, he drew Aliset in close, smothering her in his cloak. He lifted her into the coach and slammed the door. A breath later, the carriage, horses and all, had vanished. From the time they arrived to their abrupt departure, the whole thing had taken less than a minute.


The girls had left the shop and were chatting about their holiday plans, when Ginny grabbed Hermione's arm in a sudden and painful grip. She pointed across the street to the Three Broomsticks. "Look! There's Aliset with Draco."

"Uh oh. Your brother's not going to be happy with this," said Hermione grimly.

They watched until their view was blocked by a black carriage. Both girls gasped when the carriage vanished. Then their jaws fell open as they realized only Draco was left standing in the street.

He seemed quite as shocked as they were. More so even. While the girls watched paralyzed, Draco fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands.


"Aliset's in danger. Explain," Ron said.

Quickly, Harry told him what he had seen through Voldemort.

Ron grabbed Harry by the front of his shirt and began shaking him. "You did what? Are you insane? What if he had realized you were spying on him?" he exploded.

"I just told you, he didn't. But he is planning on kidnapping Aliset. And Draco's helping him do it!" Harry pushed Ron's hands away.

Furiously pulling on his cloak, Ron growled. "Let's find him. I'm going to kill him if it's the last thing I do."

Harry interrupted his march through the door. "We need to find Aliset first and warn her. Then we tackle Draco."

"Okay. Right." Ron hesitated. "But I don't know where she is."

"We'll search the school. Voldemort said a few hours, but that doesn't give us much time," Harry said.

Hurrying out of the dorm and taking the stairs three at a time, they never noticed the two black shadows sitting on the windowsill watching them.

"Showtime," said Munin.


Ginny was the first to move. Before Hermione could stop her, she hurtled herself across the street at the lone Malfoy. Grabbing him by the hair, she dragged his face up so she could see his eyes. His stricken expression made her release her grip and recoil. His face, bleached with shock, was actually wet with tears.

"Draco?" whispered Ginny. "Draco, what have you done?"

He grimaced, closing his eyes. "My father has taken Aliset." He shook his head and wiped his face dry, trying to compose himself.

Hermione came to stand next to them. "Alright, Malfoy. What have you done with Aliset?"

"He's only gone and let his father kidnap her," said Ginny with disgust.

"What?" sputtered Hermione. "Of all the evil, poisonous little..." Words failed her and she drew her wand. Draco looked seriously alarmed.

Ginny stepped between them, sparing Draco a dirty look. "Don't curse him yet. He's going to help us rescue her. Aren't you, Draco?"

He sighed, drained and weary. "Of course I will." He rose stiffly to his feet.

Hermione folded her arms, looking skeptical. "And I should believe this because...?"

Draco and Ginny exchanged a long silent look. Finally, Draco cleared his throat. "Voldemort will lose," he said, sounding embarrassed. "It's only a matter of time."

When it didn't appear that he was going to say anything further, Ginny spoke up. "What Draco isn't mentioning is that there will be an enormous future battle between the Dark Lord and everyone else. Harry kills You-Know-Who and Draco kills Harry. With the Dark Lord dead, all his wizards are defeated including Draco, who gets executed for murdering Harry. Unless, of course, he switches sides before then."

Ginny cocked an ironic brow at him. "Am I leaving anything out?"

Grinding his teeth, Draco shook his head.

Hermione was astonished. "What? How do you know? Kills Harry?" She went for her wand again.

Never taking her eyes off Draco, Ginny stopped Hermione with a wave. "Aliset showed him, accidentally I'm sure, at Halloween. Which is why he's been behaving very oddly for a Slytherin this term. Until very recently." Her voice had been bitingly cold, but now it filled with anger and pain. "Why, Draco? How could you?" Ginny moaned.

Draco laughed caustically, then choked on what sounded like a sob. "I hate her. I really, really hate her. She ruined my life. I have never been as miserable as I've been this term! I - I got angry thinking about it. I didn't know what my father was planning, I agonized for weeks whether... finally, I just didn't care." Unconsciously, he stuck his lower lip out a little bit in defiance.

Ginny thought a pout on a sixteen-year-old looked ridiculous. "Stop sulking, Draco," she snapped. "So, let me make sure I understand this. You helped your dad kidnap Aliset because she saved your life?"

She kicked him as hard as she could in the leg. He fell over, clutching it in agony.

"Idiot," said Ginny.

Hermione grabbed her by the cloak and dragged her back before she could kick him again. "Quit it. We do need him in good working order. Unfortunately." She pressed her fingertips to her temples. "First, we have to go to the owl post office and send a message to Harry and Ron so they don't come all the way out here. We need to get back to the school..."

"Back to school? Why?" asked Draco, rubbing his leg.

Hermione tsked with exasperation. "There's a lot of stuff we're going to need, of course. Harry and Ron, for starters. Also, Harry's invisibility cloak, the mirrors I just bought, our broomsticks, some spell materials..."

"All that?" said Draco, startled.

Hermione smiled a little grimly. Fear, anger and adrenaline were coursing through her. "Well, we have done this kind of thing before, you know," she said primly.


Aliset struggled against the enveloping velvet cloak. An unseen hand gave her a slap around the ear for her troubles. She could barely draw breath through the fabric, the darkness and disorientation adding to the simple terror of being kidnapped.

"I can't breathe!" she cried, her voice muffled. The invisible hand tugged the cloak loose so she could wriggle free.

At last, she emerged from beneath the thick robe. Her hair crackled with static, her face was flushed and damp with sweat. She had been slung onto the carriage's bench seat with the edges of the cloak trapped under her. With determined poise, she extracted herself completely, finally sitting with her hands clasped tightly in her lap to keep them from shaking.

Next to her, cool and unruffled, Lucius Malfoy sat gazing out the window, ignoring her exertions. After a few moments of silence, he glanced at her briefly before turning back to the passing landscape.

The countryside was featureless with snow. It was near impossible to tell where the horizon was, since the sky was almost as white as the ground. "You have not seen much of the English countryside, have you?" asked Lucius, as though they were merely two incidental companions on a train.

Aliset gave him a dirty look, which had no effect because she was staring at the side of his head. He had the aristocratic Malfoy profile and the cornsilk hair that distinguished his son. She really, really hated them both.

Lucius turned to look at her full on. "No questions?" he said with some amusement. "Even though your sight has been negated by that chain around your throat? Aren't you curious as to where we are going?"

Her hand flew to her throat and she tried to pull it off, but the chain refused to break, perhaps because her hand was shaky and slick with sweat. Where is the clasp? she thought desperately. Her fingers scrabbled at it without making any progress.

"You will wear it until I take it off," Lucius said, obviously amused. "A variation on an old theme. Many cultures have designed jewelry that's easy for a woman to put on, but impossible to take off." He looked at her predatorily. "Since I didn't want the slightest trace of magic on it to warn you, I thought the old ways might be best."

With an unmistakable air of self-satisfaction, he turned back to the window. "If there's anything you'd like to know about your situation, feel free to ask." He gave her a side-long glance. "I may even answer you."

Aliset sat sullen and silent, too angry and terrified to speak. There was a lump of icy fear in her chest, and she was sure if she tried to talk it would come out in a squeak. Aliset decided to risk a whisper. "I have no questions."

Her captor smiled. "Still think you have all the answers, do you?"

Aliset closed her eyes in misery. "This has happened before," she replied.


"Isn't there anyone here?" said Ron, frustrated. The entire school seemed deserted. Everyone was out enjoying their holidays.

"Apparently not," sighed Harry, sagging against the stone wall of the corridor. "She must be at Hogsmeade like everyone else."

"So we just wasted our time," Ron said flatly. He kicked at a suit of armor, but it dodged.

Harry shook his head. "We know she's not here. No Draco, either. We would have been stupid to go off looking for them in the village if they turned out to be at school the whole time."

"Or she's been kidnapped already."

"Or she's been kidnapped already," agreed Harry. "But let's see if she hasn't been, first." He took a few paces and looked out the hall window. It was getting late and the sun would start setting soon. "I hope Hermione understands why I didn't meet her for lunch."

He noticed a shape flying towards the castle. As it drew closer, he saw it was an owl. Figuring that it was delivering a letter to one of the professors, he was surprised when it alit on the windowsill and pecked to be let in. Harry opened the window, took the offered envelope and recognized Hermione's handwriting at once.

"Uh oh," he said. "'Mione's sent an owl. Probably bawling me out..." he trailed off as he tore open the letter and read it quickly.

"What?" said Ron. "What does it say?" He moved to stand by Harry so he could read over his shoulder:

Dear Harry and Ron - Don't leave the school! Something terrible has happened and we're coming back as quickly as possible. Meet us in the library. -

Love, Hermione.

"Oh, shit!" Ron said savagely. This time he kicked a leg off the armor and sent it clanging down the hall. Ignoring the empty suit as it hopped after it, his face twisted into a snarl. "I am going to kill that bastard!"

Harry still stared at the letter. "What does she mean by 'us'?" he said, puzzled.


"You've crippled me. You do realize that, don't you?" said Draco irritably, walking back to Hogwarts with an exaggerated limp.

"Stop being such a baby," retorted Ginny.

"Why don't you both stop acting like an old, married couple," said Hermione. "The two of you are giving me a headache."

Draco and Ginny stopped dead in their tracks. They exchanged a look of horror, then turned their stricken expressions on Hermione.

Hermione was unimpressed. She halted as well, hand on her hip, and gave them a very disapproving look. "We're wasting time. Malfoy, your father could be doing who knows what to Aliset, even as we speak. Ginny, don't let Malfoy bait you."

Inwardly, Hermione was thinking: I wish we didn't need him...I can't imagine what Ron and Harry will do when they see him. She winced. Okay, I can. And it's not going to be pretty.

She ducked suddenly as a shadow passed over her head. An impressively large owl swooped low above Draco, dropping a letter in his lap.

"Great," he said dully, looking at it. "Another letter from my father."

"Read it when we get to the castle," said Hermione wearily.


"Stay here? Stay here?" Ron was pacing furiously up and down the aisle between the tables in the library. "I'm supposed to read, or something equally stupid, while my girlf-, while Aliset is being taken to You-Know-Who?"

Harry sat on the edge of a table, kicking his feet back and forth, just as restless as Ron. "Hermione knows what happened. We can't just go haring off with out knowing where Aliset's been taken."

Ron went back to pacing, muttering everything he'd like to do to Draco under his breath. "Choking him to death would be favorite. Or hexing him into next week. Or..." he broke off as the library doors swung open.

Hermione rushed in and threw her arms around Harry. "I can't believe you actually stayed put," she said. Disentangling her arms, she stepped back and turned to Ron. "Are you okay?"

"Who cares? What happened?" Ron said, stopping his relentless pacing. "Has Aliset been kidnapped, or is it something else?" He ran his hand through his hair. "I mean, I couldn't find her anywhere, so when we got your message, especially after what Harry saw..."

"What?" said Hermione, her thoughts obviously derailed. She turned and looked wide-eyed at Harry. "What does he mean?"

Harry took a deep breath. "I saw Voldemort talking to Wormtail. He said that he expecting a guest, Karkaroff's student. That could only mean Aliset, and she wouldn't go willingly. Not only that, the whole thing is being carried out by -"


Ron launched himself across the room as soon as he saw the Slytherin.

Draco was just coming into the library and looked up as he heard his name. He had a brief glimpse of something coming straight at him before he went down to the floor, Ron's hands laced around his throat.


"Wiltshire is lovely area," remarked Lucius. "My family has lived there for centuries." He was looking out the window again, seemingly fascinated by the view.

Aliset ignored him. Not again. Not again. This can't be happening again. She blinked slowly, refusing to shed any tears. Hugin. Munin. Where are you?

"In case you were wondering," said Lucius, perfectly willing to conduct the conversation entirely on his own, "no one will find you. This carriage cannot be traced by magic and my mansion is unplottable. You can look forward to being an extended guest in my household. I imagine my master will keep you in good health."

She wasn't listening to a word. She might not have been able to hear him over the hammering of her heart. I can't go back to being a prisoner, she thought wildly. What will happen to me when Voldemort finds out I'm useless now? What if I never see Ron again?

"I hope you're not blaming yourself for not seeing what was coming," Lucius said, his voice gently chiding. "Draco hadn't the slightest idea of what would happen. He may have had a shrewd idea, of course, he is my son, but it was essential that you be taken by surprise."

Aliset closed her eyes. I'm sick of surprises. I can't take this any more. I have to know what's happening. She opened her eyes again, blank and calm. Once this necklace is off, I will know. And I won't tell Voldemort a word.

She turned her eyes to Lucius. He met her gaze and she had the satisfaction in hearing him falter in whatever he was saying now.

I won't say a word to any of them! she thought fiercely. An image of Harry listening to her talk about Karkaroff stirred in her memory. Thinking of Harry and how she'd unwittingly betrayed him before, she clenched her jaw and made her resolution into a vow:

I will not say a word!


Ginny and Hermione shrieked as Ron and Draco tumbled backwards in a flurry of limbs. "Ron!" Ginny cried. "Let him go, Ron!"

Ron obviously had no intention of letting go. Draco was dragging feebly at his fingers, trying to get free, his face beginning to go purple.

Draco's vision went in a kaleidoscopic swirl of red, black and white. He's going to kill me, he thought, vaguely impressed.

As suddenly as he had gone for him, Ron released him. He stood up, a fine tremor running through him from head to toe. He stared down at Draco, face unnaturally blank, watching without apparent interest as Draco coughed and choked on his first few breaths.

Hermione rushed forward with her wand drawn. "Sanati iugulum," she said softly, touching the tip of her wand to Draco's throat. He immediately stopped coughing, the finger-length bruises disappeared and his face began to fade from its dangerous shade of maroon.

Draco lay flat on his back for a few seconds while he enjoyed breathing like he never had before. He sat up, finally, and Ginny helped him to his feet.

Everyone was silent. Hermione looked at Ron, horror in her eyes. "I - I thought you were going to kill him, Ron," she said, her voice shaking.

"Me too," said Harry. He was staring at Ron as though he were a stranger. "I can't believe you were going to kill him."

Ron's face was still hard and empty. He didn't take his eyes of Draco. Then, making everyone recoil, he laughed. He doubled over with it, laughing as though this were the funniest thing in the world. Ron had tears running freely down his face, and he clutched at his stomach, laughing silently now, shaking soundlessly with it. He managed to get a grip on the edge of the table, pulling himself upright so he could meet Draco's eyes again.

Draco's face now drained of blood. His skin went from a residual, faint flush to chalk white in seconds.

Ginny strode forward and slapped her brother, hard. "Stop it!" she snapped, her voice shrill. "Stop it, Ron, right now!"

Ron had a smile still twitching in his lips. Then, as quickly as Draco's face had paled, the amusement left Ron's face and left it stone hard again. Very deliberately, he took a step towards Draco.

Draco flinched.

The stone mask cracked, and Ron's face twisted. He spat on the floor at Draco's feet. Then he turned to Harry.

"I wasn't going to kill him," he said with disgust. "I had no intention of killing him. We still need him in order rescue Aliset and we can't do that if he's dead."

By this point, Draco had recovered some of his poise. "What makes you think I still want any part of this?" he said furiously. "I didn't come here to get half-killed, you know."

"No," said a soft voice at his shoulder. Draco turned and found Ginny staring up at him, her expression serious. "You came here so you don't get killed. So no one gets killed. Remember?"

"Fine," said Draco, still trembling badly with fear and barely controlled anger. "But if Weasley lays a hand on me again -"

"I'll let him finish what he started," said Harry, sounding as emotionless as Ron had minutes before. He nodded towards Ginny. "She might trust you. Maybe she has good reason to." He ignored Ron's incredulous snort. "Just remember that the rest of us don't. For all I know, this could be a trap. First Aliset, then me. I don't know." He shrugged, as though he didn't care either way.

"It's not a trap," said Ginny. She looked at Draco and faltered. "At least, I don't think it is. But, believe me, Draco stands to lose as much as any of us."

Hermione smiled a little wanly at Harry. "She has a point. And you can always trust a Malfoy's self-interest."


Hugin followed his brother down the long corridor, having come into the castle through a chimney flue. "Y'know, for a second I thought I was wrong about that Ron bloke," he said a little breathlessly as he flew. "I was seriously worried."

"I've solved the mystery! It was Mr. Weasley in the library with his bare hands," cried Munin, finding the whole thing deeply amusing.

"I can feel Aliset straining," panted Hugin. "Can't you?" They turned a corner and headed up the stairs, all the portraits on the wall watching their flight with scandalized glares.

"Yes," replied Munin. "Even with the two of us and the necklace, I can feel it. If she's not careful, she's going to blow the whole thing to hell." Another long corridor, torches guttering in the stir of their wings. "We'll have to keep a more careful watch on her than I thought."


Draco scowled. "Am I going to have to take any more abuse?"

Everyone opened their mouths to reply, but Hermione managed to speak first. "No," she said firmly. "We're lucky you're here to help. Ron's just -"

"Hacked off at me since I helped kidnap his girlfriend," said Draco, rubbing his throat ruefully. "Okay, maybe I shouldn't have been surprised. But are we going to get a plan together, or what?"

Harry took his glasses off and wiped them on his robes. "Where is your dad taking her?"

"Probably to our estate in Wiltshire," said Draco with a sigh. "We really have the best security. The mansion is unplottable and guarded by anti-trespassing hexes; the only way to get on the grounds is to be invited by a member of the family."

"What are you guys? Vampires?" said Ron. "I bet your place is death on Christmas carolers."

"Well, father did enjoy their screams," admitted Draco. "We haven't gotten too many in the last few years." He shrugged.

"I wonder why," said Hermione, rather faintly.

"What else?" said Harry impatiently. "You'll lead us there and invite us in, so anything else we need to know?"

"Draco?" Hermione said sharply. "What about that letter from your father?"

"Bloody hell," Draco said, pulling it from his pocket. "I forgot about it." He scanned it quickly, a frown creasing his forehead.

"What does it say?" asked Ginny anxiously.

Wordlessly, Draco handed her the letter.

Ginny took it and began reading aloud:

"Dear Draco, Congratulations on your first active role in our cause. If you are reading this, you have performed admirably well and demonstrated the faith and resolve I expect of you. Our master will wish to thank you personally. Leave school as quickly as you can without raising suspicion. As you have succeeded so far, DO NOT FAIL ME NOW. Perhaps tonight we may celebrate your becoming much more than family, and welcome you as a comrade."

She let the paper fall to the floor. "Signed, your father, Lucius Malfoy," she finished weakly. "Draco? Does this mean what I think it means?"

Draco looked pinched. "Does my father expect me to turn up tonight and let the Dark Lord burn my death warrant into my arm?" His expression turned savage. "Yes, he most certainly does."