The Last Sanguimagus


Story Summary:
Severus finds himself up to his neck in intrigue, bothersome students, and two new teachers that complicate his already complex double life. The Dark Lord's powers threaten them all. The Last Sanguimagus is a sixth year fic that follows Harry, Severus, and a new teacher through Hogwarts. Sixth year, SS/OC, canon-compliant through OotP.

Chapter 71 - Confessions: Part One

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 71: Confessions: Part One. Severus brings Sarah to an Order meeting.

Severus walked swiftly up to the doors of Hogwarts, his mind whirling. The Order meeting had progressed to the last item on the agenda, and the Headmaster had sent him to fetch Sarah for the Order's interview and vote on her acceptance. He scowled as he strode across the entrance hall, and the few students loitering there suddenly found they had to be somewhere else rather quickly.

He felt a shiver of apprehension pass through him as he stopped at Sarah's office door. Privately he had told the Headmaster that he felt there was no possible way that Sarah would be voted into the Order; it was an exercise in futility. Being a Sanguimagus would be too much for them to accept. He knocked and opened the door.

Sarah was sitting at her desk with an expression of concentration on her face that changed to surprise as she looked up. "Time has passed more swiftly than I realised," she murmured. The misshapen silver pendant was on her desk, and she touched it with the tip of her wand once more, the expression on her face pensive.

"Are you prepared?" he asked.

She stood up, slipping her wand in her pocket. "Yes," she said quietly.

There was a rush of cold air from the corridor as he opened her door again, and she followed him out. "Your cloak," he said. "It's snowing out. Quickly, we haven't much time."

"I don't have one." She flushed slightly.

"I'll get my spare," he said, turning and walking swiftly to the dungeons, cursing inwardly at the delay. His extra cloak was in the wardrobe, and he summoned it, giving it a quick airing with his wand. He raced back up to find her waiting at the doors, and he handed it to her.

"Thank you," she said, pulling it over her shoulders and hooking the clasp. It was a bit too long for her, but he didn't have time to transfigure it. As he opened the door he noticed Nott staring at them from the marble stairs.

The snow had just begun to fall, and they walked into the forest in silence. The overcast sky gave the trees a gloomy air and increased his feelings of unease. Her eyes were filled with worry as he offered her his arm. "I shall Apparate us to the location," he said quietly, and she nodded.

The cold air swirled about him as he concentrated on Grimmauld Place, and when the noise and sensation had faded he opened his eyes. Sarah's arm was still threaded through his, and her other hand gripped his forearm. "We're here," he said, carefully pulling his arm free. He fumbled in the pocket of his cloak for the scrap of parchment the Headmaster had given him.

She took it in hand, frowning as she read the address. "A Fidelius Charm," she murmured, looking up at the house curiously.

"They're expecting us," he reminded her, and she began to walk towards the old stone steps. "The entryway...there's a portrait of the former owner, and she's rather ill-tempered, so it's best if you're quiet." He tapped the door with his wand. It opened, the hinges grating, and she took a tentative step in. She looked even more wan than usual in the gloomy glow of the gaslights in the foyer.

Lupin was waiting for them, and the corner of his mouth quirked up as he looked pointedly at the cloak she wore. "Hello Sarah," he said pleasantly. She turned toward him, an expression of puzzlement on her face. "It's a pleasure to see you again. I'm not sure if you remember, but we had Transfiguration classes together." He took a step closer after glancing in the direction of Mrs. Black's painting.

"Transfiguration..." she mused. She was quiet for a long moment. "Your name...Romulus? No, wait...Remus."

"Yes. I can take...your cloak," he said, the faintest grin appearing, "and if you're ready, we're all waiting for you." She put one hand to the clasp but paused, turning to look at Severus hesitantly, and then back to Lupin, who approached her with one hand outstretched. Severus took his own cloak off and was just about to send it to a side room when she suddenly took a panicky step backwards and collided solidly with him, nearly pushing him into the troll leg and knocking it over. He grabbed hastily for it and just managed to stop its fall.

"You're a lycanthrope," she said in horror.

Severus turned to see a look of sadness flit across Lupin's face. "Yes," he said.

"In school--those days you were sick--you were a werewolf, even then." She was no longer pushing back against Severus, and he rebalanced the troll leg.

"Yes." Lupin paused for a moment. "May I ask how you guessed so quickly?"

"Your blood is infected." Her hand went back to the clasp and opened it. Severus took the cloak from her and sent both of them to the side room.

"Ah," said Lupin softly. "You seemed shocked; Severus must not have..."

"...warned her of you?" said Severus, sneering. "I should have."

"You are...part of the Order, then?" asked Sarah.

"Yes," said Lupin. "I've been a member of the Order since its beginning, when Voldemort first came to power." He looked at Severus, smiling infuriatingly.

"Time is wasting while we contemplate your virtues, Lupin," said Severus coolly.

Lupin stared at him for a moment longer, but then nodded. "If you'll follow me," he said, turning towards the back of the house.

She took a deep breath, and looked at Severus. "Shall we?" he said. She nodded and they walked into the kitchen.

"Molly, if you would cast another charm on the door," said Lupin.

"Where is the Headmaster?" asked Severus, noticing the empty seat at the head of the table and suddenly feeling uneasy.

"He was called to an emergency meeting at the Ministry," said Minerva.

Severus could feel his stomach clench. Without the Headmaster it was entirely futile. He wondered if they would even let her speak.

"We've decided to go ahead with the interview and the vote, despite his absence," said Silas, and there was a calculating look to his face that Severus did not like at all.

"Albus left his vote with Remus already," added Minerva.

Molly Weasley finished casting an Imperturbable Charm on the door. Most of the Order were seated at the long wooden table; Lupin was seated in the Headmaster's chair at the head of the table. Sarah hesitated for a moment, and then took the opposite way around to the two empty chairs in the middle of the far side, and Severus sat down next to her.

"Our next order of business is to decide whether or not to include Sarah as a member," said Lupin. "Could you introduce yourself, please?"

"My name is Sarah Elizabeth Tanner," said Sarah. She appeared calm, but Severus knew her well enough to see the subtle signs of her unease. "I attended Hogwarts and worked for the Ministry at one time. I believe that I would be of assistance to your Order."

"That's for us to decide," said Moody. "I have questions I want answered first."

Kingsley sat across from Severus, nodding. Silas sat to Kingsley's right, and Severus narrowed his eyes as Silas stroked his goatee. "Perhaps a bit of history would be helpful," suggested Emmeline Vance. "After all, some of us know little...or nothing...about you."

"She's a Sanguimagus," said Moody.

Emmeline stared at Sarah. "A Sanguimagus?" she echoed, looking nervous.

"What exactly is a Sanguimagus?" asked Bill Weasley, frowning.

"The Sanguimagi work magic with blood," said Emmeline. "At least, that's what I've heard."

"I thought they died out years ago," said Molly.

"Salazar was a Sanguimagus," said Moody gruffly.

"What does the blood do, exactly?" asked Bill, looking puzzled.

All eyes turned to Sarah. "Blood magic is a primitive form of magic," she explained. She paused, and then seemed to realise that she was expected to continue. "Witches and wizards couldn't...they had no method of casting spells directly, at first. Someone discovered the secret of using blood, which carries some of a wizard's power.

"There were certain wizards and witches who seemed to have better control over their blood than others. They called themselves the Sanguimagi. They began to experiment with blood, both their own, and that of others. While they were exploring the limits of blood magic, other wizards were creating the first wands, which were greatly superior to blood magic. The Sanguimagi were reluctant to give up their art, however, and continued to practice it, creating a schism between the two groups.

"Blood magic has many limitations. Many of the spells require physical contact. It is much more tiring than wand magic. It requires a source, which, even if it is not your own blood, is still draining. It loses effectiveness quickly over distances. Most spells can be performed faster and with fewer difficulties with a wand."

"Why use it at all, then?" asked Bill.

"There are some things that can be accomplished with blood magic that cannot be accomplished any other way," she said slowly. "And if one is a Sanguimagus--"

"Wait...anyone can perform blood magic?" asked Emmeline.

Sarah nodded. "The basic spells are very simple. Anything more complicated, however, requires a...deeper control over the power in blood, and for that you must have a predisposition--"

"So not just anyone can be a Sanguimagus," said Silas thoughtfully. "How is it that you became one?"

"It might be better if Sarah explained her background first," said Emmeline. "I think that all of these random questions are distracting us from the purpose. I'd like to hear her story and find out more about her life."

Lupin nodded. "I agree. Sarah? Would you mind? Perhaps you could begin with what happened once you left Hogwarts."

Sarah looked hesitant, but began to speak. "I left Hogwarts and began to work for the Committee on Experimental Charms. I ended up being...unable to work and--"

"'Unable to work'?" said Moody with a snort. "There's more to that."

She stole a quick glance at Severus, and he understood, then, that she had been trying to avoid speaking of the attack. He gave her the barest of nods. Most of what he had done was already known to the Order, after all.

"Sarah, we can't judge whether or not you are a good candidate for the Order unless you are truly honest with us," said Emmeline.

Sarah looked down at her hands for a long moment. When she looked up again, there was a look of determination on her face. "I will tell you, then. But I must have your assurance...your promise that any information you hear tonight will be kept in confidence, and that you will not seek any legal action against me for what I reveal to you."

Some of the Order members looked puzzled; others looked taken aback.

"I promise," said Lupin. "I will keep this information confidential."

"I will, as well," said Minerva firmly.

A few of the other Order members also agreed, and Sarah waited, looking tense, as the rest spoke their promise, some more reluctantly than others. Silas sounded irritated as he said the words.

"We have all agreed," said Lupin. "Now, if you would continue?"

Sarah nodded, and was quiet for a moment, and Severus could see that she was still uncertain about sharing her story. "While I was in my seventh year at Hogwarts," she said haltingly, "my mother was killed. She worked for the Ministry, in the Magical Creatures Department. She was fluent in the giants' language, and often spoke with them, especially about Ministry business. It became clear that they were fighting for the Dark Lord, but she wouldn't give up on them. She felt that they could still help the Ministry, and that she could convince them to turn back from his side. My father, who also worked in the Magical Creatures Department, was opposed to this idea, and felt that her work was futile. She ignored him, and continued her trips.

"She was wrong, and they killed her on the Dark Lord's orders." Severus wondered that she could speak so dispassionately. She almost sounded as if she had used the Painstone recently, but one look at her eyes and he could see the pain.

She continued. "I left Hogwarts after taking my N.E.W.T.s, and began working for the Charms committee. One of my colleagues had been a fellow Hogwarts student, and was quite talented at Herbology. He often experimented with plant extracts, and mentioned that he thought he'd seen a ghost haunting the woods. When he described the area, I realised that it was precisely the spot where my mother had been murdered, and I became determined to speak to her, if it really was her ghost.

"My father warned me against it. Those were difficult days, and he felt that it would be quite dangerous to look for her, especially because it was within the giants' lands. I told him that I would be ready to Apparate at a moment's notice, but he was not convinced.

"I began to search the area in my free time. My colleague had mentioned that he had gathered the plants at twilight, so every day I would Apparate there at that time, and look for her. I would linger long into the night.

"One evening I was attacked by Death Eaters, and...after that I was unable to work." She paused suddenly, as if unable to continue.

"You were attacked?" said Emmeline. "Does this have something to do with your abilities as a Sanguimagus? Is this where they manifested themselves?"

"Who attacked you?" asked Moody, his magical eye focused on her. Severus forced himself to stay still, though he knew exactly what Moody was doing.

"Lucius Malfoy," said Sarah quietly. "Walden Macnair."

"Severus Snape," added Moody.

Several of the Order members looked at Severus with shock on their faces. Molly clapped her hand over her mouth. Severus felt anger building within him. Moody was doing his best to tar Sarah, and would not stop at the opportunity to take a jab at Severus as well.

"Yes," said Sarah. "After the attack, I was left with wounds from Malfoy's Slicing Charm, wounds that could not be healed."

"Wounds from a potion." Moody's magical eye focused on Severus.

"The Lingering Wounds Potion, to be precise," said Severus, folding his arms across his chest. "A rare and difficult thing to brew. Lucius applied it to her cuts."

"Lingering Wounds?" asked Arthur, looking disgusted.

"Let her continue," said Lupin. "What happened after you received these wounds?"

Sarah grimaced. "After the attack, I was constantly in pain. My father sent for nearly every potions brewer in England. None of them could help. He combed Europe, Asia...he approached anyone of note who would make the trip. After they all failed to cure me, he continued searching, and found less experienced brewers, and brewers with less-than-reputable reputations. He spent a fortune on cures of all types. None of them worked. I was slowly becoming resistant to pain-relief potions, and eventually only the most powerful and costly had any effect.

"The last charlatan claimed to have an astonishing new therapy. He was quite passionate about his cure. But it didn't cure anything. Instead, it permanently damaged some of my memories. After that, my father turned away any new 'Healers.' In moments of lucidity, I wondered how I would be able to continue my life. I couldn't support myself, and the potions I was ingesting were draining my father's Gringotts account at an alarming rate.

"One evening a man knocked at our door. He spoke to my father alone. When I inquired later, my father told me it was another ridiculous theory, and to pay no mind. But I could not forget the sound of the man's voice. He hadn't been a showman, performing for the opportunity to obtain Galleons. He had sounded frank and serious.

"He stopped by again and again. I begged my father to allow me to speak to him. He refused, but I had noticed that the silver was beginning to disappear.

"I made up my mind to speak to the man. One day while my father was gone I heard a knock. I crawled out of bed and made my way to the door. He was my age, handsome, and he did not seem surprised by my appearance. His introduced himself as Emil. He handed me a small piece of paper with a location written upon it and said that if I wanted to end my pain I should Apparate there, and his master, the master of the house, would see to it that I had whatever I needed.

"I asked him what this master could possibly want in return for giving such a service to me, and he smiled, and said that it was between me and his master.

"I kept the address to myself, but in the next few days the furniture in the dining room vanished, and I noticed how threadbare and haggard my father looked. I told him that I could not burden him any longer, and that I was going to take any chance that I could. He..." Sarah suddenly broke off.

Molly looked at her with outright sympathy. "Perhaps we should skip this part," she said kindly.

"I think it might be important to the tale, Molly," said Silas. Severus stared at him contemptuously. Silas was clearly hanging on every word, and would no doubt use them all against her in the future.

Sarah had composed herself again. "We...argued, and I agreed to come back after meeting with Emil's master. My father was not happy with this, but finally consented.

"I left the next day. I was in pain, because I had purposely taken a smaller dose to render myself more lucid. His master's house was quite large and fine, but once I was shown inside, I was surprised to see that it seemed rather...shabby. It must have once been grand, but fallen into disrepair.

"I was shown into a room that held a table covered with bottles of potions. I recognised most of them as advanced pain-relieving potions, expensive and rare. I sat and waited, and eventually Emil appeared. He said that his master was not ready to speak to me that day, but I should take a potion with me as proof of his good will.

"I was hesitant, but Emil urged me to do so, and I picked one and went home again. I showed it to my father, but he was unconvinced. He didn't want me to return. I felt I had no choice, as to stay would ruin him. I visited Emil at his master's house each day, and each day I brought home another potion.

"At the end of the week, I was shown to a different room. There was a table with a rich meal arranged upon it. Emil came in and said that I would meet his master shortly. We spoke for a few moments, and then he left, reappearing moments later with a well-dressed gentleman. Emil introduced him to me as Erich Grindelwald."

The reaction at the table was instantaneous. Molly gasped aloud in horror. Several of the Order members began speaking at the same time. Lupin half-rose out of his chair.

Only Moody looked unsurprised.

"But...wouldn't Grindelwald...wasn't he dead by then?" asked Bill, once calm had been restored.

"Emil's master was the nephew of the man Headmaster Dumbledore killed," said Sarah emotionlessly. Severus felt uneasy at this news.

"Grindelwald's nephew?" said Bill in disbelief. "And he wanted to help you? I don't understand."

"The name did alarm me," Sarah said slowly. "But he did seem to genuinely want to help me. He said that I would be assisting him in his research. I was frightened and left. But then, night...I remembered his potions, and his kindness...and I could not shake the guilt I felt in my father's house. The next day a goblin came to pay my father a visit, and my father wouldn't tell me what was said."

Severus felt guilt form anew. Without his Lingering Wounds potion, none of this would ever have happened.

Sarah continued, and there was pain in her voice. "To look to a man named Grindelwald for was unheard of. The very name was an abomination. But to live in pain...I spent the next days in utter misery, trying to decide what to do.

"I had spent a year in bed, entirely dependent on my father. I knew that I could not continue that way. There was nothing further he could do...on that path there was only one option left that would save him from utter ruin, and I couldn't do that. My only choice was Grindelwald. If I could truly assist him with his research somehow then it would be a trade, and I would take each day as I could. My mind was made up, but I knew my father would not understand.

"I packed my few possessions and came out into the parlor to tell him that I was leaving. I told him that I was going to become Grindelwald's assistant and that he would provide me with the potions that I needed.

"He was horrified. He was furious. We quarreled for hours, until we both were shouting at each other. He told me that I could not possibly trust Grindelwald, that it was insane to even consider it, that he would extract a terrible price for my help. He told me that I'd end up dead, or worse.

"I told him that he had no choice in the matter, and that I was going to Das Herrenhaus, and that there could be no other decision.

"He begged me to stay. He said that there was always hope. I could not see it, though, and I said things of which I am not proud." She paused for a moment, looking regretful. "As I stepped over the threshold he told me that I was not his daughter any longer, and not to return.

"Upon reaching Das Herrenhaus I wept. Emil comforted me and said I had made the right decision, though I could not see it."

To be continued

Author notes: I'm very glad that people are still reading! I've worked very hard on the new chapter. It ended up so large that I've broken it into parts. A giant thank you to Odd Doll for beta'ing, and a giant thank you to those reading and reviewing! I appreciate it tremendously!