The Last Sanguimagus


Story Summary:
Severus finds himself up to his neck in intrigue, bothersome students, and two new teachers that complicate his already complex double life. The Dark Lord's powers threaten them all. The Last Sanguimagus is a sixth year fic that follows Harry, Severus, and a new teacher through Hogwarts. Sixth year, SS/OC, canon-compliant through OotP.

Chapter 69 - Front Page News

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 69: Front Page News. Severus finds himself up to his neck in intrigue, bothersome students, and two new teachers that complicate his already complex double life.

Severus had barely taken his seat at the Head Table when Aurora thrust the day's Daily Prophet in his hand. "I haven't even poured my tea," he said irritably.

"Breakfast can wait," she said ominously.

He glanced at the headline, and his blood ran cold.

Hogwarts Teachers Suspected of Dark Magic. He turned to look at her in shock. Aurora had a grim expression on her face. "It gets worse," she said. "Read it."

He scanned it quickly, his scowl deepening. Though the article didn't contain any names, it hinted broadly enough that any reader would know who the suspects were. There was a worrying amount of detail involved, and his breath caught as he read a sentence that neatly implied that he had been a willing follower of the Dark Lord, and still might be, and another that claimed that Sarah's past was less than pristine.

Lucius had already made the first move. Lucius, and someone at Hogwarts. Draco, or Silas, or Nott...any of them could have leaked this information. Severus gave the paper back to Aurora and tried to unclench his jaw. This was only the beginning. He heard Pomona say something in a hushed tone to Aurora.

"What are you going to do?" asked Aurora, turning back to look at him.

"The papers can say what they like," he said, sneering.

"And Sarah?"

His felt a pang of worry. "She is fully capable of handling her own affairs."

"If she's involved in the Dark Arts..."

"What exactly are you saying?" he said coldly.

Aurora looked worried. "I don't know," she said finally. "There's just so much going on...and with You-Know-Who gathering power and allies...I just wonder about her."

He went absolutely still for a moment. "You think Sarah is his ally?" he asked angrily. "I suggest that you keep your wondering limited to things that you might actually know about, like planets."

"That wasn't what I was suggesting at all." She glared at him. "The parents are going to be in an uproar when they read this. She's drawn too much attention to herself, and she's put a lot of pressure on the school."

"The Headmaster will support her," he said, unclenching his hands and pouring a cup of tea. "I see no further reason to discuss this."

Aurora frowned and turned back to Pomona, who shrugged.

His breakfast was ruined. He barely ate more than a few bites before he stormed back to his classroom.

His morning class went no better. The Slytherins watched him and whispered behind his back, and only the threat of docking points quieted them. The centre of his back itched every time he turned to add something to the board.

He sat down and spent the last ten minutes of class worrying about the article, until he resolved to see Silas during the break and try to flush him out. It was a rather direct tactic, but it might work.

The bell rang, and he strode off down the halls. Finding Silas's door, he opened it forcefully, not bothering to knock.

Silas's office was quite tidy and lined with an assortment of plaques praising his teaching methods, his Defence skills, and the achievements of his students. Severus scowled as the ginger-haired man greeted him cheerily. "What brings you to my office on this morning?"

Severus gestured, and the door closed. "Spoken to anyone interesting lately?" Severus asked casually. "Perhaps you've had a memorable conversation with one of the teachers...or a house-elf...or the Daily Prophet..."

"Ah," said Silas, his smile growing even wider. "You've seen the article. You think I leaked information about you to the press. That explains this unexpected visit."

Severus sat down in one of the chairs, keeping his expression neutral. "Not taking credit for such a thorough exposé? I'm surprised, really."

"I haven't."

"Yes, I saw that their source was anonymous."

"I mean I haven't leaked any information."

"It wasn't you who mentioned my assortment of...what was it...'highly illegal and extremely dangerous substances'?" Severus frowned. "And Sarah...what about 'the echoes of Dark Magic possibly in her past'? Nearly poetic. I was impressed."

"A woman from the Prophet interviewed me, yes," he said, crossing his arms and resting his elbows on the desk in front of him. "But I said none of those things. It was an interview about Hogwarts and my students."

"Exercising discretion, Silas? How surprising."

"I don't care what you think of me, Severus. You're a Dark Wizard, whether the Headmaster believes it or not, as is your paramour, and you won't convince me otherwise. Your opinion, as such, is worthless."

"She is not my paramour," he said coolly, "and neither of us actively practices the Dark Arts."

"She's a Sanguimagus," said Silas flatly. "She uses a Dark Artefact of some sort. My Dark Detectors have sensed it before. The sooner she leaves Hogwarts, the better."

"She's not leaving Hogwarts. In fact, she will be presenting herself to the Order on Saturday."

"Yes, I've heard," said Silas, frowning. "I've tried to explain her obvious unsuitability to the Headmaster, but he seems quite set on allowing her the chance."

"She would be of more use to the Order than a hundred of you." Severus sneered at him.

"Don't be ridiculous." He looked affronted. "She can't be trusted. You've let your emotional involvement cloud your judgment. And if we're speaking now of those who are of use, then you might want to examine your own role closely now that your double life has been exposed."

"Yes, and you would know how to expertly assess contribution, being such a vital part of the organisation. Tell me, have you contributed anything at all besides a bit of light entertainment since you've joined?"

Silas flushed. "I don't need to justify my place in the Order to you."

"Only to the Headmaster," said Severus. "I doubt that he'll take kindly to your article."

"As I explained before, it is not my article. I suggest you look to your own House for that." He smiled nastily. "While it still is your House."

"Don't be absurd," spat Severus. "Only the Headmaster has the power to appoint or remove a Head of House."

"The Headmaster...or the Board of Governors."

Severus suddenly felt ill. He stood up. "Stay away from the Daily Prophet."

"Had you heeded my advice and stayed away from Sarah Tanner, you would have little to fear from the Prophet," said Silas, stroking his goatee.

"I highly doubt that," snarled Severus. "You have been a thorn--"

"Again, I had nothing to do with the article, as I have said. I am merely pointing out that your involvement with her compromised your position as a spy within You-Know-Who's organisation and led to your eventual expulsion, thus losing the Order's only direct source of information. Had you left her alone, there would likely be little in the papers about you, because you would still be in your double role."

"There were a number of things that could have led to the end of my mission," said Severus. "I was under rather heavy scrutiny--"

"Hence, the need for further caution," said Silas. "But instead, you slipped up, due to Sarah's involvement."

Severus had been seen bringing Sarah to the castle after she had been injured, a direct contradiction to what he had told the Dark Lord afterward, and it had been one of the primary reasons he had been caught. "I am not on trial here," he seethed.

"Perhaps you should be," said Silas.

They both stared at each other for a moment until Severus whirled around and left, angry beyond words.


Consciousness was slow in returning. Sarah knew she was in her bed at Hogwarts, but she had the strangest feeling, as if the castle was breathing, inhaling and exhaling, slowly and rhythmically. She floated on a grey sea, calm and smooth, mist surrounding her, the faint taste of salt on her tongue.

The feelings faded, and she struggled to open her eyes, only to slip into a dream about marking essays. She woke again, and her body responded sluggishly to her attempts to sit up. Her eyes felt as if they had been petrified. She rubbed at them half-heartedly.

She blinked a few times, and looked around. She had slept for a very long time; it was well after breakfast.

She would have to thank Severus for his potion. Hours of dreamless, sweet slumber, a sleep that had restored her.

She got out of bed, still feeling groggy, and realised that she was quite hungry. A quick charm or two, her winter robes, her worn leather boots, and she emerged into the office, feeling better than she had in months. A tray sat on her desk, complete with breakfast, and she smiled, once again impressed with the house-elves.

After her late breakfast she made her way to her classroom, bringing up the lesson for the day and finding the correct stack of essays. The door opened, and students began to trickle in. As the last was seated, the bell chimed, and she waited a moment for them to open their books and settle in.

Only they seemed hesitant, which was a bit odd. This was a seventh year class, filled mostly with overachieving Slytherins and Gryffindors who wanted an extra subject, despite the lack of N.E.W.T involved. Many of them were staring at her outright, and some were whispering. There were even a few missing.

"What is going on?" she demanded.

There was another long pause, and then Miss Roberts brought a Daily Prophet up to the desk and handed it to her wordlessly.

Outwardly she did not react when she scanned the headline. Inwardly, she cringed. At this rate she would have the shortest employment ever of any teacher at Hogwarts. She placed the paper on her desk and flicked her wand to the board. "Today's lesson will involve a review of proper Purposing, as we're going to cover doubling an amulet's Purpose next week. If you've read chapter eight, then you'll understand the basic--"

"Professor Tanner?" said Miss Roberts uneasily. "Aren't you going to, well..."

"If you are referring to the article," said Sarah coolly, "then I feel that I must point out that it has nothing to do with defensive talismans. As I was saying...understanding the basic principles behind Purposing is very simple. Purposing--"

"It says you're a Dark Witch!" Miss Roberts blurted out.

Sarah frowned. "What I am is your Talismans instructor." The girl looked upset. "I am going to teach you about preparing for double Purposing now, and I expect no further interruptions." She turned back to the board and heard the sound of books being opened.

"An amulet is a precise piece of work, and requires concentration, as you all know. An amulet with more than one Purpose requires far more than twice the concentration, however." She began to lecture the class, noticing that most were not paying attention to her words, and were regarding her nervously.

The end of class couldn't have come soon enough. She couldn't help but wonder if it was her last lecture.

Released from their seats, the students scrambled to get out of her classroom. She made her way to the Great Hall for lunch, and most students gave her a wide berth.

The Head Table was rather quiet. She took her accustomed seat, and found that someone had left a copy of the article on her plate. She looked it over again, paying particular attention to the wording this time. It did not name her outright, but there were enough clues to make it obvious that it was referring to her, and that she was a Sanguimagus. She poured herself some tea, wondering what the next move would be.

"Wonderful day we're having," said Minerva, apparently determined to end the uneasy silence.

"Quite," said Silas. "Remarkably warm for October, though that will change by the end of the week, mark my words."

"What do you think, Severus?" asked Minerva. "Snow?" He made an irritable noise. "Yes, I quite will snow this weekend."

"There's nothing like a dusting of snow to bring out the child in us all," said Silas fondly.

"For some it takes a great deal less than others," said Severus smoothly. Silas glared at him.

"Have you heard what's happened at the Ministry?" asked Minerva. Severus looked at her. "You'll be interested in this, I'm certain. After all, it's the sort of ingredient Potions brewers dream about." She smiled at him. "A Lethifold has been captured! The first one in over a hundred years."

Sarah's teacup struck the saucer with a horrible cracking noise. Tea sloshed over the rim, soaking the tablecloth. There was a horrible pressure on her chest, crushing the air from her lungs, and she could not seem to take a breath.

"What's the matter?" asked Minerva, concerned.

"I'm fine," Sarah croaked. She hid her shaking hands in her lap quickly. "I just...I'm fine." She looked over to see Severus staring at her, his expression shuttered, his eyes alive with fear for a brief moment.

Jacek will be able to brew the Lingering Wounds potion.

It was like a burning brand in her mind. The freedom she had felt after years of blood, pain, and the horror of the Painstone would disintegrate. She took careful, calming breaths. She was at Hogwarts, last bastion of Albus Dumbledore. A more well-protected place she could not imagine, though that did not immediately make her feel better.

"I can well understand why you feel such panic," said Silas. "Lethifolds are frightening creatures. But take heart...they are normally found only in South America. It's rare to see one..."

Sarah only stared at her hands, still trembling in her lap, as Silas droned on, oblivious to her disinterest. It is only a matter of time, she thought. He--Lucius--will come for me again.

Author notes: I'm sorry for the long delay! HBP kind of derailed me a bit. But please know that I am definitely going to finish this! We're in the home stretch...another twenty chapters should finish this story. Thank you for sticking with it!