The Last Sanguimagus


Story Summary:
Severus finds himself up to his neck in intrigue, bothersome students, and two new teachers that complicate his already complex double life. The Dark Lord's powers threaten them all. The Last Sanguimagus is a sixth year fic that follows Harry, Severus, and a new teacher through Hogwarts. Sixth year, SS/OC, canon-compliant through OotP.

Chapter 37 - Aftermath

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 37: Aftermath. When a new teacher arrives at Hogwarts, Severus must face some difficult truths. Severus deals with the aftermath of the Death Eater meeting.

The Death Eater meeting had descended into pure chaos. Severus tried to tune out the arguing and shouting of the others as he knelt next to the still-writhing Dark Lord. It had taken considerable effort to put out the dark red flames. Lucius was attempting to take control of the situation, but was being thwarted by a near-crazed Bellatrix, who insisted upon laying siege to Hogwarts. Severus looked up from the hideously burnt flesh of his master at Peter Pettigrew, who was fretting.

"Will he be all right?" asked Peter.

"Yes," answered Severus curtly. Based on the Dark Lord's grave condition, he had only one choice.

Lucius had disentangled himself from Bellatrix's rabid ire and leaned over Severus.

"What will you give him?" said Peter.

"The Salus Potion is the only option," said Severus.

Lucius gasped. "He is that badly injured?"

"What is the Salus Potion?" asked Peter.

"It's a very strong healing potion," answered Lucius in a worried tone.

Severus withdrew the glimmering vial from his travelling potions case. As he did his fingers brushed against another vial, containing one of the strongest poisons he had ever brewed. Tempting, but it would never work. The Headmaster had warned him against it years ago. The Dark Lord could not be killed in any usual way. No, we must wait for Saint Potter, he sneered to himself.

He pulled out the cork in a practiced fashion. "Help me incline him," he ordered Peter, who timidly obeyed. Severus's skin crawled to be so near the Dark Lord. He tipped the vial into the cruel mouth, drawing out his wand and relaxing the throat so that it would be swallowed.

Within moments the Dark Lord's scorched form began to restore itself, the white flesh reappearing, the damaged skin sloughing off. Lucius murmured something appreciative under his breath. Severus was wary, however.

"Why isn't it healing all of the damage?" asked Peter quietly.

"It is meant for humans," frowned Severus. "I may have to modify it...his physical makeup contains serpentine qualities now..."

The Dark Lord's opened his eyes. "What...has happened..."

"The blood witch used some trickery," said Lucius angrily. "Look." He held out a small, bloody nail. "She had these in her arm. Removing them triggered a mass Stunning Spell."

"Clever," said the Dark Lord. His red eyes focused on Severus. "What potion...did you use?"

"The Salus Potion, my Lord," said Severus, trying to stay calm. "But it does not appear to have healed you fully."

"No...I can still feel...the damage," came the creature's reply. "The flame she conjured..."

"I must return to the lab and brew a second variation," said Severus. "I will return as fast as I am able."

"Yesss..." hissed the Dark Lord. "Lucius?"

"Yes, my Lord?"

"Scour the Forbidden Forest. She can't have gotten far..."

"Yes, immediately, my Lord." Lucius straightened up and left, giving orders to some of the other Death Eaters to accompany him.

Severus swiftly stowed his potions case and strode out of the hall. He pulled his travelling cloak on and within moments he was out of the manor. It was dark and cold out. He Apparated to the Forbidden Forest as soon as he was able.

He was quite familiar with the woods. Many of the ingredients for his potions were only available in the wild, after all. He began to walk, attempting to organise his thoughts into a cohesive report for the Headmaster.

There was so much to report. They'd have to call an Order meeting. Azkaban was nearly emptied, and someone was apparently suppressing the Daily Prophet because nothing had been printed about the matter. The Dementors were gone. The Dark Lord was accepting initiates into the Death Eaters again, and Marcus Flint was the first to respond to the call.

How long before other Slytherins joined? How long before he would have to be doubly on guard, with Death Eaters in his classes and at meetings...

Someone coughed. He whirled around, trying to pinpoint the source. One of the others, no doubt...He moved cautiously. Another cough. He took a step.

A brilliant flash of red light arced past him, striking the ground erratically.

"Sarah?" he said.

"Traitor," she gasped. "Stay away..." She raised her wand again, but only sparks came out.

If he brought her back to the Dark Lord, he'd be rewarded richly. It could go a long way towards dispelling any doubts that might have lingered...No. He could not. What little it might buy him would not be worth her enslavement. Plus it would deliver the Painstone directly into the creature's hand.

"I told you...stay away..." She coughed again.

"Just listen to me," he said softly. "I'm not here to take you back."


"There is too much to explain here. Let me help you to the castle."

"Go away."

"Don't be daft. I'll help you..."

"You'll take me back to...Lucius."

He took a deep breath. At any moment one of his fellow Death Eaters could find them. "I won't. We need to hurry...they're looking for you."

"You're looking for me too."

"I'm not looking for you," he said coldly. "I need to fetch something from my office."

Abruptly she fell to her knees. He took a few more steps towards her. She looked terrible. "Don't," she said weakly.

"I will take you to the castle," he said firmly. "I will accept your apology when we are inside."

She looked up at him, an odd expression on her face. "My apology?"

"Yes," he said. "We need to go. Now." He took her arm and tried to pull her to her feet. She was shaking. "Can you walk?" he said, concerned.

"No," she said. "I can...go alone." She coughed again.

Anger rose in him. "Don't be stupid." He murmured a spell, conjuring a stretcher.

Her eyes rolled back into her head, and he barely caught her, nearly wrenching his back. He swore. "Mobilicorpus," he said through clenched teeth. Her body floated up obediently and he deposited her on the stretcher. He looked closer. She looked terribly pale, but he did not have the time to rifle through his potions. He would leave that to Poppy.

He noticed that she had stolen a Death Eater cloak. From the elegant satin lining he guessed it was Lucius's, which reminded him that he had to return. Quickly.

He had to get to Hogwarts, and he had to avoid the other Death Eaters prowling the Forest. He racked his brain for his best concealment spells.


Author notes: Thank you so much for reviewing. It is wonderful to get so much feedback. You guys are so make me want to write constantly!