The Last Sanguimagus


Story Summary:
Severus finds himself up to his neck in intrigue, bothersome students, and two new teachers that complicate his already complex double life. The Dark Lord's powers threaten them all. The Last Sanguimagus is a sixth year fic that follows Harry, Severus, and a new teacher through Hogwarts. Sixth year, SS/OC, canon-compliant through OotP.

Chapter 27 - DA Meeting, Interrupted

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 27: Another DA meeting, with an unexpected interruption. Severus returns from a Death Eater meeting.

Harry surveyed the room, and was happy to see that most of the DA were nearly caught up on the review of the spells that they had practiced last term. Neville was doing so well that Harry ended up asking him to help partner Cho, as she had fallen behind a little. The Disarming Curse could be performed without a hitch by everyone present. The Impediment Curse was also progressing very well. It wasn't quite as easy as it had been in the Room of Requirement, where everything was provided so easily, but they were managing. Even Professor Tanner had come through by somehow procuring cushions for the lesson despite being given such short notice.

Hermione and Ron were practicing the Stunning Charm with good results. "Harry," said Hermione when she saw him. He stopped. "I saw Moaning Myrtle in the Prefects' Bathroom today."

"Really?" he said, watching as Luna's Disarming Curse flew off and struck Neville instead of her partner.

"She was hiding in a corner," she added.

"That's great," he said distractedly.

"Great?" asked Hermione. "Well, it certainly means we have more privacy in the second floor bathroom. But I just wonder why she chose to leave it."

"Who cares?" said Ron irritably. "I say we're the luckier for it."

Harry had to agree. Myrtle was annoying, and if she had chosen to haunt another room in the castle--especially a room that he didn't have to visit--then he was happier still. He walked over to Ginny and corrected her pronunciation. Besides, Myrtle was a ghost. He couldn't see why it would be of any concern that she had changed haunts.

He let a little more time elapse, and then called their attention again. "I'd like to cover the Shield Charm today," he began. "I know that we've gone over it in our regular classes, but it's a really handy spell to know, and it helps to practice." Hermione nodded in agreement. "All right, stay with your person will be casting the Shield Charm when the other casts--"

There was a knock at the door. Harry looked at Professor Tanner. "Enter," she said.

The door swung open, and Professor Marten walked in. "Ah, Sarah..." He trailed off and looked at the students.

"Er," said Harry. "We were just..." He could feel the heat rising in his face.

"Ah, the little Defence Against the Dark Arts organisation," he said, fingering his goatee. "I was wondering who was hosting your meetings..."

"Is there something you wish to discuss?" asked Professor Tanner.

"Well, yes...but it can wait. Oh, don't let me disturb you in the least, Mr. Potter. Please continue. I am certain that it will be quite...educational." He sat down in one of the chairs, and turned an expectant face towards Harry.

Harry looked at Professor Tanner, who was staring at him, offering no help whatsoever. "Er...well, the Shielding" He faltered. The entire group stared at him, and he suddenly couldn't recall the spell.

"I've seen it used," said Hermione determinedly. She shot Professor Marten a look that was nearly a glare. "It really is helpful. The incantation is Protego."

"Yes," said Harry, regaining his balance. "The wand motion is this." He demonstrated it briefly. "It blocks or deflects spells, and it can come in handy. You need to cast it either just before or while the other person is casting--" He broke off when he realised that Marten was standing next to him now.

"What Mr. Potter says is factual enough," said Marten. "However, I wonder if any of you have read through your textbooks and can understand the magical theory behind this charm. There are a variety of things to consider when casting it, such as momentum, distance, placement--"

"Yes, we've covered that in class," said Harry. "We're just going to practice it against different spells now. Partners, decide who is casting the Disarming Charm and who is casting the Shield--"

Marten turned to him, aghast. "Surely you're going to cover Ogden's Rule of Distance for Shielding Charms!"

Harry couldn't remember Ogden or his rule. " We're just going to practice the charm."

"I daresay that this is the worst excuse for a lesson I have experienced," he said stiffly. "If you aren't going to cover essential theory, how can you expect your group to understand what they're doing?"

"I don't want to cover theory," said Harry, gritting his teeth. "This is practice. We get enough theory in class."

Silas flushed at that. "And what good is practice without understanding its purpose? Why, that is ludicrous!"

"Silas," said Tanner. Unnoticed, she had walked up next to them. "This is an extracurricular group organised by Mr. Potter, and he has the right to decide its lesson plan."

He seemed put out. "I have a right to know what they are being taught. I am the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher here at Hogwarts, and as such they fall under my jurisdiction."

"This is an extracurricular group, and it falls under the jurisdiction of the supervisory teacher and the Headmaster," she said evenly.

"Ah, yes," he said. "The Headmaster. I'm certain that he will be quite interested to hear what is going on here."

"He said we could have our group as long as we had a chaperone," broke in Harry.

"But did he approve your choice?" asked Marten. "Have you gone through the proper channels, as you should have? Did you consider that Professor Tanner's subject is actually a subset of Charms and that she is ill-equipped to monitor this group?"

"," said Harry, feeling distinctly embarrassed.

"Ah, I see," said Marten smoothly. "Very well, I'll just pop into the Headmaster's Office and have a little chat with him..." He walked out of the classroom, looking distinctly displeased.

Hermione looked upset. "What are we going to do? Oh, Harry, why didn't you ask Professor Dumbledore?"

"I just...he didn't say I had to," said Harry, feeling equally upset.

"I'm certain that it will be fine," said Professor Tanner. "Now, it is getting late, and nothing more can be accomplished tonight. You should return to your dormitories."

No one spoke as they put the classroom back in order. Harry felt defeated when they reached the Fat Lady.

"Dragonhide gloves," said Neville. The portrait opened and they entered the common room.

"Listen, mate, I'm sure Dumbledore will approve," said Ron, trying to cheer him up.

"If Dumbledore hadn't wanted Professor Tanner to chaperone the DA, he would have said so," said Hermione firmly.

Still, he couldn't help but get in bed and stare at the canopy, unable to sleep, doubt welling up in his mind.


Severus wrapped his cloak tighter and cursed, for what felt like the thousandth time, the Apparition guards that prevented him from simply appearing at the front doors. Time and time again he had to endure the cold, the wet, and the danger of the Forbidden Forest. He shivered. The warming charm he had cast had worn off quicker than he would have liked, but he had no time to stop and respell it, nor did he want to draw any more attention to himself at this time of night.

The meeting had been another waste of time. He had learned no useful information. Worse, he had ended up revealing a good deal more about Silas. He cursed inwardly. He almost wished that the Dark Lord would just take the nasty little bastard and be done with it. It was bewildering, this undue interest. Certainly Silas was a competent teacher, but it seemed ridiculous to be focusing so heavily on his everyday habits.

At least Lucius had returned, which deflected some of the considerable attention that had been placed upon him all too often as of late. The blonde-haired wizard was to be restored to his position on the Board of Governors, much to the distress of Dumbledore and his supporters. Lucius would be able to supply more crucial information about Hogwarts than Severus ever could. He had looked fully recovered from his stay in Azkaban, and had mentioned the soiree on Friday night. Severus promised to come. The evening had passed quickly after that, and he had been dismissed early. Again.

He stumbled suddenly and nearly fell. The terrain was difficult enough during the day, but at night it was near impassable. He dared not bring a light with him and call attention to himself, which made it even trickier. At least Hagrid's hut was within view now. He came out of the forest with a near palpable sense of relief.

"Evenin', Professor," said Hagrid quietly. He was going into the forest.

"Good evening, Hagrid," he replied. He noticed the crossbow in the half-giant's hand. What could he possibly be doing in the forest this late at night? He pushed those thoughts out of his mind. He needed to see Dumbledore, and he needed to sleep. He shivered again as he reached the doors. Turning, he looked back into the evening fog. There was no sign of Hagrid or his awful canine companion. He entered the school, mentally readying his report.


Author notes: Thank you Lindsay for trying my fic. Hope you keep reading!