The Last Sanguimagus


Story Summary:
Severus finds himself up to his neck in intrigue, bothersome students, and two new teachers that complicate his already complex double life. The Dark Lord's powers threaten them all. The Last Sanguimagus is a sixth year fic that follows Harry, Severus, and a new teacher through Hogwarts. Sixth year, SS/OC, canon-compliant through OotP.

Chapter 17 - A Tense Meeting

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 17: A Tense Meeting. Fudge shows up at Hogwarts with someone interesting in tow.

The weekend had flown past quickly. Severus yawned and ran a hand through his hair. Sunday evening, and he had not even begun to correct the previous week's homework. He looked at the cauldrons he had set up, and frowned. None of them showed any promise. He would have to dispose of them and start anew. He yawned again and realised how tired he was. A stack of homework stared at him accusingly from the edge of the desk, and he muttered something nasty and went to sit down. Dipping his quill in red ink, he pulled out the first parchment. It was so dull that he nearly fell asleep simply reading the title. First year, of course. He dismissed the notion of taking a Pepper-Up usually compounded his insomnia. He blinked a few times and forced himself to concentrate.


Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on their way to Monday morning breakfast. The weekend had seemed to disappear quickly, considering that Harry had spent most of it trying to keep Ginny and Ron at opposite ends of the Quidditch field during practice. They had spent what little time was left trying to finish the huge Potions essay they had been assigned as homework.

"As a prefect, you should know that performing magic in the corridors--" Hermione was saying.

"I know," said Ron wearily as they neared the top of the marble staircase that led to the entrance hall. "But we've done it loads of times. It's a little hypocritical--"

"Shhh," said Harry, suddenly. "Look!" He pointed down into the entrance hall. Dumbledore and McGonagall were walking in from the side corridor with two others in tow. "I wonder what's going on."

"I have some Extendable Ears with me," said Ron eagerly.

Hermione looked worried, but took one anyway. "What is Fudge doing here?" she whispered. They each unrolled the fleshy coloured string and went further up the stairway so that they couldn't be seen. "Who is the woman? Someone should watch for Filch..."

"Shh! Listen," said Harry.

They watched clandestinely as the four stopped.

"Now, Dumbledore," said Fudge impatiently. "Haven't got much time--important business going on back at the Ministry. So let's get down to the matter at hand, shall we?"

"Of course," replied Dumbledore.

"Are you saying that Narcissa Malfoy is the Board of Governors' representative in this matter?" said McGonagall suddenly.

Hermione looked at Harry, frightened. "How did that happen?"

"Yes, of course," said Fudge. "An old family, after all, well respected--"

"Her husband is in Azkaban!" rang out McGonagall's voice.

"Well, you see, his trial is reports indicate that he is most likely innocent. Now, time is wasting--"

"Innocent?" said McGonagall in a tone of extreme disbelief.

"Narcissa has been appointed the chosen representative of the Board of Governors for the task of ensuring the safety and welfare of the children who attend Hogwarts," said Fudge impatiently. "As her own son currently attends this institution, I can hardly see what risk would be involved with the fulfilment of her current assignment."

"To check the protective spells of Hogwarts?" spat McGonagall. "You can't see a risk there?"

"That will be quite enough, Minerva," said Dumbledore quietly. "You will escort Narcissa personally." The thin woman smiled waspishly at her. "Cornelius, if you will be so good as to follow me, the conference has been prepared. I have called the teachers involved, and they should already be in my office."

"What?" said Fudge. "Called them--why?"

"You said you wanted to discuss their backgrounds," replied Dumbledore calmly. "I thought that the best way to accomplish that would be to ask them directly."

Fudge spluttered for a moment. "Very well," he said finally, following Dumbledore towards the marble staircase while Narcissa followed McGonagall to the entrance to the dungeons.

"Roll up the Ears," hissed Harry. "Pretend we just got to the stairs." Ron and Hermione nodded.

Dumbledore walked past them with a smile. Fudge, on the other hand, looked as if he'd just eaten a Sour Tongue Twister.

"Why would the Board need to check things out?" said Ron once they had gotten out of earshot.

"I don't know," said Hermione. "They might be a little afraid, with all of the news coming out about Voldemort."

"I can't believe they'd send Malfoy's mother," mused Harry.

"She's been appointed to the Board," said Ron. "My dad says she's taken Lucius's old spot."

"Which teachers was Fudge talking about?" asked Hermione. They were in the Great Hall now, and she looked up at the table. "Oh, Professor Snape...and Professor Tanner! I knew there was something about her. We know Snape's background already..." She suddenly looked panicked. "Could Tanner be a..." She looked at Harry and Ron.

"Dumbledore'd never let one of them teach," said Ron heatedly.

"I would know if she was," said Harry quietly. "I was there when the--they gathered."

"But are you certain that all of them were there?"

"Everyone except those in Azkaban," replied Harry.

"But there still could be more out there," pressed Hermione. "After all, you said Snape wasn't there. And she could be the one...too cowardly to return."

"Look, I don't know," said Harry. "All I know is that she wasn't there. And I don't think that she's dangerous. The amulet is working, and it was really difficult for her to make. Dumbledore asked her, and she did it. She could have said no."

Hermione did not look entirely convinced. "Fine, Harry," she said as they sat down. "But promise me you'll be careful around her."

"Who?" asked Ginny, looking up from a letter in Mrs. Weasley's handwriting.

"Professor Tanner," said Hermione, filling her glass with juice.

"The new instructor?" said Ginny. "Is she mean, like Umbridge? Oh no, Harry, you can't go and get yourself banned from Quidditch again."

"No, Ginny," said Harry. "We'll explain it later."

"Oh," she said, and went back to the note.

"Why didn't I get a note from Mum?" asked Ron.

"Because you didn't get a detention in the first week," said Ginny, sighing.

"You got a detention in the first week? Ha!" he laughed.

"Apparently you've forgotten the part where you stole Dad's flying car to get to Hogwarts," snapped Ginny. Ron stopped laughing.


Sarah let the stairs carry her up to the oaken doors of Dumbledore's office. Entering, she noticed that it was empty except for Severus, who looked mildly surprised.

"I thought that...I was called by Dumbledore for an early meeting," he said. His black eyes narrowed.

"I was as well," she replied, and carefully sat down next to him. "I wonder where he is."

"He had better get here soon," he muttered. "I have essays to finish marking."

The door opened, and she wished she could turn around to see who had come in, but she was already worn out from the long walk. She waited.

Dumbledore sat down in front of them at his desk, and next to her sat a short man in a green suit. He seemed vaguely familiar. His face was flushed.

"I believe that you are already acquainted with Severus. However, you may not remember Sarah Tanner. Sarah, this is Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic."

"A pleasure," she said calmly. He simply gave her a nod of his head.

"And now...would you be so kind as to explain your visit?" asked Dumbledore smoothly.

Fudge cleared his throat nervously. "Due to current events, I was asked by the Board of Governors to review the background of teachers currently at Hogwarts. After the review was concluded the Board discussed the results and decided that the teachers in question should be investigated more fully."

"And these teachers are..." prompted Dumbledore.

"Sarah Tanner and Severus Snape," answered Fudge. He was sweating. "There were numerous marks in their personnel records that the Board felt seemed to warrant further review. Professor Snape has been involved in the past with--er--the Death Eaters, and Professor Tanner--is--er--has been connected to the Dark Arts."

"I believe," said Dumbledore carefully, "that we have covered Professor Snape's past before, and I see no further reason to delve into it again." Sarah looked at Snape, who had clutched the arms of his chair in a white-knuckled grip and looked as if he wanted to throttle Fudge with his bare hands. "As for Professor Tanner, I have seen nothing to suggest that she is currently involved with, or is practicing, the Dark Arts."

Fudge still looked nervous. "There are rumors, you see, that Professor Snape has--er--rejoined the--the Death Eaters. And there was an anonymous report made quite recently to the Board through a trusted source that Professor Tanner is--er--a, well, a Sanguimagus." He said the word quickly, as if it repulsed him. "The Board is quite concerned that not one, but two Dark Arts practitioners are teaching here at Hogwarts."

"Very well then," said Dumbledore. "I will investigate the teachers myself and send you a full report."

Fudge looked as if he could not understand what he had just heard. "What?"

"If that is what is required, then certainly I will review their teaching records, and interview them personally," replied Dumbledore. "Thank you for your concern."

"You misunderstand," said Fudge helplessly. "The Board wishes that they be reevaluated--"

"Certainly. And who better to reevaluate them than their current employer?" said Dumbledore. "Ah, Minerva has finished showing Narcissa the castle grounds. I believe that concludes our meeting. You did say that you had pressing matters to attend to, did you not?"

"Well--yes--but--" spluttered Fudge. He stood up and looked not a little upset. "Very well, but this is not the end of this issue." He turned and left, his footsteps noisy on the stairs.

"Thank you, Sarah, and Severus, for attending. I hope it did not inconvenience you overmuch. In fact, I believe that there are still a few blackberry scones left at the head table..."

Sarah looked at him. "Thank you, sir," she said. Dumbledore simply smiled and left. She began to rise out of her chair. Severus was already standing, and when she looked at him he seemed furious. He stared at her for a moment, and then whirled and walked off quickly towards the open door, his robes billowing behind him. She heard a muted chuckle and turned to look, but the headmasters and mistresses in the portraits all appeared to be sleeping. She mentally shrugged and followed after Severus.


Author notes: Thank you so much for your great reviews. They are very appreciated. It makes my day to read them. Dr. T: thank you for the constructive made me really doublecheck Hermione to make certain I was doing her justice. She is in uberworry mode now...perhaps a bit OOC...but I'm certain that won't last forever.