The Last Sanguimagus


Story Summary:
Severus finds himself up to his neck in intrigue, bothersome students, and two new teachers that complicate his already complex double life. The Dark Lord's powers threaten them all. The Last Sanguimagus is a sixth year fic that follows Harry, Severus, and a new teacher through Hogwarts. Sixth year, SS/OC, canon-compliant through OotP.

Chapter 06 - A Day in Diagon Alley

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 6: A Day in Diagon Alley. The Trio spend a day in Diagon Alley in preparation for the new school year.

There was a loud knocking at the door, and Harry sat bolt upright on the bed. He crossed the room swiftly and had his hand on the doorknob when he remembered that he must be cautious.

"Who's there?" he asked.

"It's us! Open the door, Harry!" came Hermione's impatient voice.

He unlocked it and swung it open, and was greeted with the immensely cheering sight of his two best friends. They both immediately trapped him in a hug, and he suddenly felt warm and happy. Behind them stood the Weasley parents and Ginny, who rushed forward and added to the hug.

"It's good to see you," said Harry, meaning every word.

"We've been so worried!" said Hermione, finally breaking away from the hug. "Honestly, Harry, if Professor Dumbledore hadn't explained things to us we'd have tried to break you out of there weeks ago."

"Dumbledore explained...what?" said Harry. Anger rose within him, sure and sharp. "He told you to stay away?"

"Well, not exactly," fidgeted Hermione. "We--well, we can discuss it--later, when there are fewer--ears."

"How many O.W.L.s did you get, mate?" said Ron eagerly.

"I don't know, actually," admitted Harry, turning to him. "I've been a little...under the weather." He looked at Hermione, who looked away.

"You don't know?" asked Ron, completely surprised. "You haven't opened the letter yet?"

"No." He pulled it out of his back pocket. "But we can open it now..."

"Oh, yes, Harry, let's open it!" Hermione leaned forward.

He ripped the envelope open and pulled out the letter. There was a brief message that he ignored, and then he read aloud:

"Charms...Exceeds Expectations.

Transfiguration...Exceeds Expectations.


Defence Against the Dark Arts...Outstanding."

"Most of the DA received an Outstanding in the Dark Arts exam," smirked Hermione triumphantly.

"Care of Magical Creatures...Outstanding.



History of Magic...Poor.

Potions...Exceeds Expectations." He looked again at the last mark. Exceeds. Not Outstanding. He suddenly realised that Snape would never let him into his N.E.W.T. level class with that mark, and felt the urge to rip the essay into shreds. McGonagall had made it quite clear that he needed Potions to become an Auror, and now he could feel his dream slipping away. It was all because of the nightmare of last term. If only he could have one school year where someone wasn't trying to kill him or his friends--if only he could have a normal, safe life--

"Look, Harry," said Ron excitedly, "we got nearly the same marks in everything! Except I did better in History of that was..."

"Maybe Dumbledore will let you retake the exam," suggested Hermione.

"He should," said Ginny firmly.

"What did you get in Potions?" If Ron had gotten an E as well, then they would both be picking new careers. He felt cheered by that thought.

"Er--an O." Ron looked embarrassed. Harry stared at him, speechless.

"Yes, and we're so proud of you!" Mrs. Weasley attempted to plant a kiss on his cheek, but Ron managed to get away. "And you too, Harry! Considering all that happened..." Embarrassed, her voice trailed off. Harry looked at the ground, trying not to think about it. "We really must be off," she sighed. "We have so many errands to run, school things to buy--Harry, where is your trunk? Arthur will take care of it for you."

"It's in my pocket. Professor Dumbledore shrank it for me."

"Oh! Well, then, let's get going! We have so many books to purchase--I hope they still have enough copies of the Talismans book--not taught that often--"

"Can you believe it?" said Hermione excitedly. "We're only the second students in a hundred years to take this class! I can't wait. I've found several other textbooks about different amulets and charming methods. And I'm sure that Madam Pince will be able to recommend others. Really, this is such an opportunity."

"The way she's been going on, you'd think they were teaching us to turn snails into Galleons," said Ron to Harry. Hermione closed her mouth with a snap, and gave Ron a dirty look. "At least we won't have Divination anymore," he continued cheerfully. "I won't have to make up any more rubbish about what I see in your tea leaves."

"I wonder who the new Dark Arts teacher is," mused Harry.

"At the rate we're going, he'll probably be a vampire," said Ron. Ginny giggled.

"You haven't asked me about my marks," said Hermione crossly.

"Why should he?" said Ron heatedly. "He knows you got all Os."

"What marks did you get, Hermione?" asked Harry.

She gave Harry a happy look. "Twelve O.W.L.s! I was a bit worried about a few of the Transfigurations and I thought my Cheering Charm explanation was a little short, but I received all Os! Just like Bill and Percy--"

Ron groaned. Mrs. Weasley looked stricken for a brief second, and then pasted a cheery smile on again. "We'll just pop into Flourish and Blotts first, and then nip over to Madam Malkin's for Ginny." She breezed on as if nothing had been said.

Harry nodded, unsure of what else to say. Obviously Percy was still avoiding his family.


Flourish and Blotts was the most crowded they had ever seen, and Harry had difficulty squeezing in through the door. He gave Hermione a puzzled glance.

"The letters came so late this year that nearly everyone has to shop today," she said breezily before plunging into the crowd.

"Why don't you and Ron pick out your books," said Mrs. Weasley, "while I help Ginny find hers. Oh, Harry, I went to Gringott's for you as well." She handed him a small pouch that jingled. "I think that should cover everything. Come along, dear," she said to Ginny.

"What are we supposed to get?" frowned Ron, scratching his head. "I don't have the list."

"I have mine," said Harry. "We need the new spellbook for Sixth Year, and there's a new Defence book, and that Talismans book." He pulled out the list and studied it briefly. "Let's go over here--I think I see Seamus--that must be where our books are stacked."

Ron nodded and followed him as they attempted to navigate the press of students. Several first years stood in his way, looking bewildered and nervous, and Harry was surprised at how small they looked. It was hard to believe they'd ever been that short. Ron had shot up again during the summer, and was now taller than Mrs. Weasley, and even Harry had put on an inch or two. He remembered the first time he'd ever been to Diagon Alley, purchasing school supplies with Hagrid, and felt a wave of nostalgia. Voldemort hadn't seemed real yet. Magic hadn't seemed real either, and now both were a part of him in ways he hadn't foreseen.

He was so intent on getting to Seamus that he didn't notice as a short man stepped in his way and nearly ran into him. He looked up at Harry and frowned. "Careful now!" He had thinning gingery hair and a small ginger goatee, and he wore a brown checkered suit that seemed at least one size too small. He stared at Harry's forehead, and looked surprised. "You're Harry Potter," he exclaimed eagerly.

"Er--yes," said Harry uncomfortably.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," said the man, seizing Harry's hand and pumping it enthusiastically. "I am Professor Marten, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts. Your name is legendary among Dark Arts professors, I must say." He turned to Ron and surveyed him critically. "And you must be a Weasley."

"Ron Weasley," said Ron.

Hermione had reappeared at his elbow. "Er--Professor Marten, this is Hermione Granger," Harry said, feeling self-conscious.

"Pleased to meet you, Professor," said Hermione.

"I must say, Dumbledore informed me of your little club," said Professor Marten. His smile did not falter but it seemed suddenly less friendly. "I do hope that my instruction will be up to your standards."

Harry felt his face grow hot.

"Everyone he tutored received an E or an O," said Hermione airily.

"Harry was brilliant," said Ron at nearly the same time.

"Ah. Well, I will endeavour to replicate Mr. Potter's exceptional teaching methods," he said, with a trace of sarcasm. "I bid you good day, Mr. Potter, Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley." Giving a mock bow, the short man walked away.

"What was that about?" asked Ron, peeved.

"I was afraid of this," said Hermione glumly. "Of course he feels threatened by Harry. And the DA."

"We need to get our books," urged Harry, noticing Mrs. Weasley across the room with Ginny's list almost completed. Ron and Hermione followed him further into the store. To Harry's relief, all of the textbooks were still available, and he and Ron both returned to Mrs. Weasley with everything they needed.

"Where are yours, dear?" asked Molly, turning to Hermione.

"Oh, I already have them all," answered Hermione. "They made for wonderful reading during the summer."

Mrs. Weasley looked surprised, but, as she was next in line, turned and placed Ron and Ginny's books on the counter to be rung up. "This took less time than I expected," she said over her shoulder to the children. "Would you like to visit Fred and George?"

"Yes!" they all said in unison.

"After all, Harry hasn't seen their shop," she added, rummaging through her pocketbook for the sum. "It isn't very big, but they've put quite a bit of effort into it," she said with grudging pride.

"It's brilliant!" enthused Ron. "Wait 'til you see it."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "You do realise that, as prefects, we'll be subjected to whatever horrors they think up all school year."

"Oh, that's right," said Ron, suddenly looking apprehensive.

"At least you'll know how they work," said Harry. "I'm sure the inventors will help you out."

"Or give us free samples," said Ron hopefully.

"More likely than not, they'll make you test subjects for their latest product," said Ginny.

Harry put his stack on the counter and paid the flustered clerk. Getting his change and wrestling the books under his arm he followed them out into the brilliant midmorning sunshine.

They wandered down the street, and Harry took in the familiar sights and sounds of Diagon Alley with a sense of delight. He felt oddly free again, as if he had spent the summer underwater. I hope Dumbledore will have time to speak to me again soon, he thought. There were so many unanswered questions.

They rounded a corner, and Harry gasped.

"Wait 'til you see the inside!" gushed Ron.

"Wow!" said Harry. In front of him was Fred and George's joke shop, squeezed in between two other buildings that seemed to glare disapprovingly at it. A sign proclaiming "Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes" in bright orange with a small number ninety-three flashing underneath dominated the space above the door. Even more impressive were the two life-size glowing figures of Fred and George flanking the sign and demonstrating the merchandise. They were currently engaged in setting off fireworks, much to the delight of the small crowd of children watching. As Harry looked, the apparition of Fred turned and winked at him.

The windows were filled with eye-catching displays of every kind, with one devoted entirely to their collection of consumables. Placards explained in bright letters the effect of each snack. Harry just stood, open mouthed, as the George figure suddenly demonstrated a particularly noisy trick Howler.

"C'mon!" urged Ron gleefully. "Let's go in!"

It was crowded inside, and Harry saw Fred and George behind the counter with Lee Jordan frantically trying to wait on all of the customers. He noticed Mrs. Weasley whispering something to Mr. Weasley, a smile on her face. Harry felt relieved that she seemed to be warming up to the joke shop now that it was successful.

"Look at this!" said Ron enthusiastically. "They've been experimenting--this is one of their newest--a portable ice-skating rink. Like their portable swamp--can you imagine this in a corridor? Everyone sliding like mad--"

"Ron! Look!" interrupted Ginny. "They have new Wildfire Whiz-Bangs--there's a lion for Gryffindor, a snake for Slytherin--they roar and everything!" Hermione looked at her disapprovingly. "Oh, Hermione, they're fun! I hope George gives me one."

"It's...amazing," breathed Harry. "It's better than Zonko's."

Ron grinned widely. "And they'll do custom work, if you know what I mean..."

Hermione looked horrified. "Oh, no, just what we need. The prefects are going to go insane this year!"

"Glad I didn't make prefect, then," said Ginny airily. "I've got to keep my wits about me for the O.W.L.s."

"You're not a prefect?" asked Harry. She shook her head and looked away.

"Harry!" said one of the twins. "So good to see you here! Anything special you're looking for?"

"No, not actually," began Harry, but never got a chance to finish the thought because he was immediately dragged around the store and given an exhaustive tour from Lee. Ginny tagged along, bouncing excitedly from display to display. By the end his hands were full of dungbombs and fireworks, and the twins rang up his purchase with a special discount "for a fellow mischief-maker".

"Are you ready for lunch?" beamed Mrs. Weasley.

Harry's stomach growled, and he realised he had missed breakfast somehow. "That would be great, Mrs. Weasley," he said.

"Yes, you look terribly thin, Harry dear," she said. "Come along, Tom mentioned he had quite a meal in store for us. Hermione--Ron--" she called out to the two, who were arguing over a particularly large display of Doubly Disastrous Dungbombs. They turned and followed them out the door.

Tom greeted them warmly, and the meal was better than he imagined. He filled up his plate three times with all the delicious edibles, and Mrs. Weasley took them to Fortescue's for ice cream afterwards.

"I couldn't eat another bite," groaned Ron, looking morosely at his half-eaten sundae. Ginny was still attacking her own dessert, while Hermione was flipping through Ron's copy of Protecting Yourself: The Defensive Art of Amulets. "I'm stuffed."

"Who were you talking to in the bookstore?" asked Ginny.

"The bookstore?" said Harry, puzzled.

"That short man. In the checkered suit."

"Oh, that was the new Dark Arts bloke," said Ron, still staring at his rapidly melting ice cream with a longing look. "Seemed a bit...I dunno..."

"Pretentious," snorted Hermione as she suddenly stopped at a page with an illustration of a dog wearing a collar. "He doesn't like you, Harry. I just hope that he won't be as much trouble as that horrid Umbridge woman."

"No one could be as much trouble as her," shivered Ron. "Nasty as they come."

"At least we'll be able to play Quidditch this year," said Ginny brightly. "I'm really looking forward to trying out for Chaser." Harry realised with a start that he hadn't played for nearly a year. Even though he figured they'd let him back on the team again he still felt a thrill of fright at the thought of someone else taking the Seeker position.

"What's so great about that book?" demanded Ron.

Hermione looked up, nonplussed. "For your information, it is a very practical and detailed primer for creating defensive amulets. Professor Dumbledore was right to enroll us all in this class. We're going to need them--they protect against all kinds of offensive magic. There are some that block the Impediment Curse...some that reflect hexes back on the caster--"

Ron whistled. "Sounds helpful."

"So everyone in the DA was automatically put in the class?" asked Harry.

"Didn't you read the letter? Only sixth and seventh years can attend it. The magic is very complicated. First you have to ensure that the item you are turning into an amulet can contain the magic. Then you have to mold it into a proper receptacle for magic energy." Hermione's eyes practically glowed with excitement while Ron's glazed over. Harry's spirits fell. Obviously it was going to be a difficult class.

"I wonder if they'll offer it next year as well," mused Ginny.

"I suppose it depends on the teacher," said Hermione, closing the book.

Mr. Weasley approached them. "We still need to stop at Madam Malkin's," he said brightly. "Are you all ready?" They rose to their feet, Hermione closing the book and carrying it under her arm. "We'll be staying here tonight with you, Harry, and then tomorrow we'll get to King's Cross to see you off."

King's Cross, thought Harry. Hogwarts. Home. He was suddenly very happy.
