Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/12/2002
Updated: 12/12/2002
Words: 812
Chapters: 1
Hits: 561



Story Summary:
Draco tries hard to convince himself that he hates Hermione by writing a list of the things he hates about her. But when the list falls into Hermione's hands...

Author's Note:
To our friends, you-know-who-you-are

Draco Malfoy was trying very hard to convince himself that he hated Hermione Granger. Lately, it seemed, he couldn't make any snide remarks when she was near, and he turned, well, not exactly red, but less pale, whenever she was around.

Now he was at a table in the library, working furiously on a list of things he hated about her. The problem was that he liked her. It would have been easy last year, but now he was in sixth year, and his hormones had kicked in.

Fifteen things I hate a lot about Hermione Granger

  1. The way she wrings her hands when she's nervous.

  2. The way she's always the best in everything (it's either her or Potter).

  3. The way she's every teacher's pet (Except for Snape, of course!)

  4. The fact that she actually had the guts to slap me!

  5. The way she bites her lip when she's tense.

  6. The way she brushes hair out of her face.

  7. The way her bag is so heavy that it's practically bursting.

  8. The way she insists on carrying her bag on only one shoulder.

  9. How she's a Mudblood and proud of it.

  10. She insists on wearing red when she looks so much nicer in blue.

  11. The way she always distracts me when she enters a room.

  12. The way no one else gets distracted by her (I think she targets me).

  13. The way her teeth are just so perfect and it's all my fault.

  14. The way her hair is just so bloody bushy!

Hell. He was stuck on number fifteen. And number fourteen was so pathetic. He was really bad at this. Suddenly, he had an idea.

  1. The way she always avoids me, like I'm some kind of an insufferable git.

No, that was stupid. It made it sound like Draco was in love with Hermione, so he erased it with a bit of magic.

  1. The color of her bag.

There. He'd done it. It had taken him the better part of three hours, but it was worth it. It was official. Draco Malfoy hated Hermione Granger. Now to spend about a week to think of at least one reason why he liked her. He wrote it at the back of the sheet of parchment.

At least one Reason Why I love Hermione Granger:

There. Now to wrack his brain for that one reason. Uh-oh. Draco's stomach flip-flopped. It was too easy. He had the one reason. He had, in fact, a hundred reasons. But one was enough.

1. Everything about her.

It was official. Draco Malfoy had a major crush on Hermione Granger.

Aarrgh. Why was life like this? Draco crumpled up the piece of parchment where he had written his two lists, and tossed it behind his shoulder. Unfortunately for him, it landed at the feet of the very person he did not want to read it.

Hermione picked up the crumpled ball and looked at it curiously. Draco cringed inwardly, and felt himself redden. He felt his heartbeats quicken, but then he realized he didn't write his name on the parchment. He felt so much better.

Bloody hell. He did write his name! It was just a small doodle on the side of the paper, but it said 'Draco and Hermione forever!' It was even with hearts and everything. Feverishly, Draco gathered up his books and dumped them in his bag. He got up and was about to make his way to the door, when he saw Hermione redden. She had almost reached the bottom of the list, and would see the one reason why he loved her. He quickly hid behind a bookshelf.

Hermione looked around the library, scanning it for Draco. He was nowhere to be seen so, smiling slightly, she made her way to a table and sat down.

Draco peered out from behind the bookshelf, and, seeing that she wasn't looking, made a mad dash to the exit.

Later on that evening, when everyone else was at dinner, Draco sat up in his dormitory and sighed. How could he have been so stupid as to throw his list right at her feet! He briefly thought of suicide, because he couldn't bear the thought of the whole school finding out.

Making his way to the window, Draco savored the cool breeze on his face. He saw a bird flying outside, and was surprised when it came towards him. It was his brand new phoenix, Mione. She gave him a note. It said Draco Malfoy on the front. It was Hermione's neat print.

With trembling hands, he hastily opened the envelope. A small piece of paper fell out.

Five reasons why I avoid Draco Malfoy

  1. Because he's an insufferable git.

  2. Because he always insults me.

  3. He always calls me 'Mudblood'

  4. He makes me blush and stammer.

  5. I love him, but I don't want him or the whole school, to know.