James Potter Lily Evans
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/23/2005
Updated: 02/23/2005
Words: 3,300
Chapters: 1
Hits: 931

The Art of Grief


Story Summary:
The wizarding world is on the verge of the first war. A war that will alter so many lives with sadness, bravery and most unforgiving of all, death. Even though love burns brightly, the future is dark...and it's coming, whether you're ready or not.MWPP.LJ

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
And so the six children met, each hoping that they would all be friends in Hogwarts, but yet never realising how their lives would be dramatically changed over the next seven years, or how short the lives of certain people were to be.

Story title: The Art of Grief

Chapter one: Good days pass


The freshly woken redhead screamed, raising her hands up to shield her face. Immediately, footsteps could be heard along the hallway as the girl's parents rushed to the aid of their youngest daughter. The fear on their faces turned to confusion as they watched an owl swooping down upon their daughter as she shrunk towards the wall, hoping that somehow she would blend into it.

"Calm down Lily," Daniel Evans said with a chuckle, "You're scaring your new friend."

"Friend? Friend! Dad help me, would you?" Lily begged.

In response Daniel Evans stretched out his right arm, on which the owl swiftly landed, before he removed the letter from the bird's beak using his free hand. Lily sighed in annoyance. Her father had always had a gift with birds.

"Lily, dear, are you alright?" Sophie Evans questioned her panting daughter.

"Yes, mum. I'm fine ... I'll be getting up soon," she responded, before noticing the envelope in her father's hand.

"The owl was carrying the post?"

"So it seems, Lil. Some very odd friends you've got. Here you read it."

* * * * *

Adriana Hathway held the letter with shaking hands. She hoped her father had not heard the racket that the owl had made, or there would be hell to pay. She never really understood why her father hated her so much, she just wished she could be with her mother. Her mother would never have used magic to curse her the way her father did. Luckily, she had been able to escape the cruel man by walking out on him.

With her heart in her throat, Adriana turned the envelope over and there it was. The purple wax seal bearing a coat of armour, a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake surrounding the large letter 'H'. This was her ticket to freedom, her chance to leave her violently controlled life. A chance to make friends -- real friends, meaning they were not the children of her father's consorts.

Adriana could not wait to go to Hogwarts. All her life she had been waiting for this letter and here it finally was. Here was the opportunity to find out more about her mother and maybe even the chance to contact her again. She could barely remember her mother, because her father had burnt all the pictures of her. All Adriana could really remember was that day -- the last time she had ever seen her mother. The scene replayed in her mind.

"You bitch, how dare you talk to me like that? CRUCIO!" her mother had avoided that curse, and had already begun to edge toward a five year old Adriana.

"Get away from her, you Mudblood-lover. You don't have the right to be a Pureblood, I will make you pay for your disloyalty!" And with that, he shot another curse -- a deadly curse.

This time there was no moment to move, but her mother was a brilliant witch and she had immediately cast the 'protego' shield before backing toward the door.

"I'm leaving, I won't be a shame to you anymore," she cried, "and I'm taking my daughter with me!"

"Over my dead body you will!" he screamed, before he began to shoot the three illegal curses at her in rapid succession.

Adriana's mother, however, ignored her husband and attempted to edge her way toward her young daughter. Abruptly the curses stopped, and she turned toward her husband in surprise, only to discover his wand was now pointed at his daughter.

"Go any closer to her and I'll kill her," he threatened, a cruel smile grazing his sharp features.

Adriana's mother was torn. She loved her daughter to the extent that her world revolved around her. Her daughter did not deserve to die just because of her selfish mother, she deserved to grow up and live a happy life.

Seeing that she had no choice, Adriana's mother moved away from her only child, grief evident on her face. No sooner did she do so that she was once again dodging curses, as her husband began to fire at her again.

As she reached the door, Adriana's mother turned toward her daughter, while creating a shield to deflect her husband's curses.

"I love you Adriana," she mouthed, before slamming the door behind her.

Now here was her chance -- her opportunity to get away. With tears of joy glistening in her eyes, and with an overwhelming feeling of happiness filling her heart, Adriana Hathway finally began to open her letter.

* * * * *

Out fell two yellow parchments, which he dived upon quickly. Ripping the first open he skimmed it, before whooping with joy.

"YES!" he shouted, pumping his fist into the air, "Hogwarts, here I come!"

Throughout his childhood James Potter had heard his parents' stories of their days in Hogwarts. They referred to them as the best days of their lives. Not that James held their opinions in high regard. After all, their lives were not really that interesting anyway. James' father was the Minister of Magic, while his mother, many referred to, as the force behind the man. He knew both of them would be delighted to have their youngest child sent off to Hogwarts, following in the steps of their eldest child Michael and their only daughter Caitlin.

Without further thought James jumped out of bed and hurried out of his spacious room into his sister's wing of their large, roomy mansion. On arriving outside her bedroom, he flung open the door and ran in shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Caty, Caty I did it. I'm coming to Hogwarts with you!" he announced before jumping onto his sister's bed, and commencing to hit her with a pillow.

"What ... Jay... it's too early ... go back to bed!" she responded as she blearily rubbed at her eyes.

"But Caty, I made it ..." James repeated, but was interrupted by a new voice coming from the door.

"Jay if you were planning to annoy our darling sister this fine morning you should have told me! You know I'd love to help. Anyway, what was your shouting all about? You made what?" said the young, dark haired man standing by the doorway.

"HOGWARTS ... I'M GOING TO HOGWARTS, MICKY!" James shouted to his brother at the top of his voice, and also conveniently for him, straight into his sister's ear.

"Wow Jay congrats ... now you can take over my position of embarrassing Caty, seeing as I'm not going back," responded James' brother cheerfully.

"Yeah ... well done," added Caty sleepily. "Now can we go back to sleep?!"

"No way!" said her brothers in unison and as James proceeded to jump up and down on his sister's bed in excitement and anticipation, little did he know that another boy gave a totally different reaction upon receiving the Hogwarts letter.

* * * * *

Sirius Black groaned in annoyance at the letter he now held in his hand. He had half hoped he would be a Squib, because then, he would not have been expected to follow into his parents' footsteps. For he -- much to his resentment -- was a Pureblood, and pride, in the Pureblood wizarding world, was as important as wealth.

Of course, he reflected sarcastically, the Black family seemed to already have both, in excess. Nevertheless, Sirius hopped off his bed and trudged down the stairs to tell his parents the 'good' news. After all they were bound to find out eventually.

Sirius pecked his mother on the cheek, before greeting his father good morning, as was expected of him. The only response he received was a grunt.

Well, here goes, he thought as he mentally prepared himself.

"Mother, father, I've been accepted to Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts, boy?" his father repeated, "I was hoping you'd be accepted to Durmstrang. Karkaroff's running a good institute up there, no Mudbloods accepted."

"But he'll be in Slytherin, of course," his mother countered, still ignoring Sirius' presence, not that Sirius expected her to act differently. "There'll be no need to associate with those people."

"Well I supposed it'll have to do. The boy has been accepted and he has to be taught somewhere. You'd better make us proud, boy!" he added abruptly, turning to face Sirius.

"I don't want you ruining the prestigious family name! You're a Black. You're better than the others and don't you ever forget that!"

Of course, Sirius thought sarcastically. That's what it's all about -- family honour! Boy, would he be glad to get out of this place.

* * * * *

Now Remus Lupin on the other hand, was being hugged by his tearful mother. Or rather, in Remus' opinion -- he was being squashed by his mother.

"Maybe you should let poor Remus go, dear!" John Lupin suggested, reaching over to pat Remus on the back as Natalie Lupin finally let go of her only son.

"I can't believe it. I never thought you'd be accepted, not with your condition!" Natalia squealed.

"We have to go and buy your stuff. You need a cauldron, your uniform, your telescope, your hat, your gloves ..."

"Yes dear, I think we get the jist!" John Lupin said cutting off his wife.

"Better get moving son," he added, casting an amused look at Remus who was smirking at his mother's unusual behaviour.

Remus ran upstairs to fetch his jacket, while his father wiped away the tears of joy that trickled down his wife's face.

"It's really happening, isn't it? I can't believe he's going to Hogwarts," she whispered quietly.

"Shh honey, I know it's the opportunity of a lifetime," John soothed her.

Remus heard these words as he quietly came downstairs. He might not have had the best luck in the world with his condition, but he certainly knew he had the best family a boy could ask for.

* * * * *

"Oh Peter, I'm so proud of you!" said Natasha Pettigrew.

"Your father will be too when he returns!"

"I'm proud already, what more is there to be added to my pride?" asked a voice from the doorway.

"Dad! I made it! I'm going to Hogwarts!" announced Peter, as he ran to hug his father.

"Ahh, the best days of my life those were, much easier than being an Auror these days. You'll have a good time there son," replied Samuel Pettigrew.

"So do you think we should celebrate?" Natasha asked her husband, in an attempt to tease Peter, "surely Peter wouldn't want us to do that!"

"No!" agreed Samuel Pettigrew with feigned seriousness, as his son jumped up and down frantically, in an attempt to get his father's attention. "Why on earth would Peter want a Double Chocolate Mint Sundae from Florean Fortescue's?"

Finally their young son could take no more, "DAD! MUM! So not funny! Of course, I want some ice cream!" cried Peter loudly.

"Hmmm ... I suspected as much!" laughed his young mother. "Let me just fetch my purse and we'll be off."

* * * * *

Diagon Alley was teeming with people. As all the Hogwarts letters had been sent out, many parents and soon-to-be first years were rushing around in the attempt to purchase all the items on the school list.

Lily Evans glanced around in shock. Never had she seen half of these items, and now here she was contemplating buying them. She stared in fascination at the owls perched in cages outside the Magical Menagerie.

Even Sophie Evans was having trouble controlling her excitement.

"Come on Lily, we have to get you your wand," called Mrs Evans. "oh that's going to be exciting."

"Do stop dawdling Petunia, dear!" said Mr Evans to his elder daughter.

"I know its fascinating, but we do really have to get this all done today."

Petunia Evans was Lily's older sister, and as she glared around at this new world that her sister was entering her jealousy increased.

Why couldn't it be me? she asked herself, as a small part of her mind reminded her how lucky her sister really was.

But Petunia was not the type of girl to feel happy for her sister, instead she began to try to convince herself that she did not want to be a witch, because they were weird and unusual, and she did not want to be a 'freak'.

Yes! She told herself. I'm normal and that's how I want to be, there's nothing freakish about me, Petunia Evans.

* * * * *

As James and his parents, went from shop to shop, James' excitement increased.

"Jay dear, if you get anymore excited, you'll be bouncing off the walls!" Noted his mother in amusement. "Don't you think so Robert?"

"I have to say, I agree," said Mr Potter as he turned to greet the man in front of him.

"Morning John, fine day it is today. Your boy's off to Hogwarts then, eh?"

"Indeed, minister," replied John Lupin. "Seems like only yesterday that he was a toddler."

"Oh, it's always like that. It seems like only yesterday that our Michael was born, and now he's already out of Hogwarts and it's James' turn to go there" sighed Fiona Potter, James' mother.

"Oh! Good morning Samuel, Natasha!"

"It's lovely to see you again Fiona," greeted Natasha Pettigrew.

"I assume you're here for the same reason that we are?"

"Shopping for our son's school necessities?" questioned Natalia Lupin.

"Yes, just finished, actually!"

"Excellent, well why don't we go and have a cup of tea together?" suggested Mrs Potter, "The men will spend hours talking about events at the Ministry, and I think the boys can wander around on their own."

"Great idea, mum!" cut in James.

The three women handed their sons some money, before leading their husbands off towards the café.

The boys stood there awkwardly, before the thin, sandy-haired one announced, "I'm Remus Lupin."

"James Potter," replied the equally thin, black-haired boy, before turning to the short, plump, brown-haired boy to his left.

"P...P...Peter P...Pettigrew," stuttered the last boy and so the boys went off to have ice cream, deep in lively conversation.

* * * * *

Adriana was by herself in Diagon Alley. On hearing of her acceptance to Hogwarts her father had simply replied, "About time," before announcing that he would be unable to come with her today as he was entertaining guests.

For most children, this would have been heartbreaking; all by themselves watching other children spend quality time with their parents, but Adriana was used to it. She walked quietly from shop to shop, answering questions from inquisitive shop owners politely, until she stepped out of 'Flourish and Blotts' and collided with a petite red-head.

"I'm so sorry," both girls cried in unison before smiling shyly at each other.

"I'm Lily Evans," the red-head mumbled quietly. "What's your name?"

Adriana was a bright, young witch. She knew just by looking at the smartly dressed man and lady standing behind Lily that they were Muggles, and therefore Lily, the girl who had just introduced herself, had to be a Muggle-born. If her father had been there now, he would have never permitted her to talk to Lily but, as Adriana quickly reminded herself, he was not, and here was an opportunity for her to make a friend.

"Adriana Hathway," she eventually replied, smiling less awkwardly. "Would you like to join me for some ice cream?"

Lily glanced pleadingly at her parents who quickly agreed, and the two girls set off. On arriving at the café Lily ordered a 'Double Chocolate Chip Sundae', while Adriana took a 'Peppermint Delight'.

However, no sooner had they sat down that Adriana noticed Mr and Mrs Black; two of her father's associates, along with their sons Regulas and Sirius. She attempted to shrink down into her seat knowing that if they noticed her, and found out that Lily was a Muggle-born, they would be sure to tell her father and then there would be trouble.

Unfortunately for her, however, they had already spotted her and were rapidly making their way over.

"Adriana, so wonderful to see you again," greeted Camellia Black, with a smile, although her eyes remained as cold as ever. "I'm afraid I've never met your friend."

"Lily Evans," announced the petite red-head, sticking out her hand.

But neither Mr nor Mrs Black took it.

"Evans? That's not a Pureblood name, so then you must be a Half-blood?"

One look at Lily's face, however, assured Sirius that she was not, clearly it also said the same thing to his parents, because Nicholai Black turned to Adriana and said, "Come Adriana, you have no business associating with Mudbloods!"

Adriana would have liked to talk to Lily, but dared not disobey the Blacks, so she gathered up her shopping, being careful never to glance at Lily, and obediently followed Camellia Black out of the shop.

Adriana was upset, here she had had an opportunity to make a real friend, but it had been ruined. Camellia Black, however, misinterpreted the reason for her feelings and so made an attempt to soothe the girl.

"Do not worry, it is not your fault you spoke to the Mudblood, you didn't know. Be more careful next time!"

But by now Adriana had had enough so she gathered up her courage.

"Actually I did know," she blurted out quickly, before she walked swiftly away from the Blacks, knowing there would be trouble when she returned home.

Sirius watched this exchange between the Hathway girl and his mother in surprise. Here was a girl who felt the same way he did, and as she walked away he felt a new admiration for her, and was sure that they would become friends at Hogwarts.

* * * * *

In the meantime, Lily was confused and upset as to what had just happened. What had she done wrong that that family did not like her? She sat there in solitude, absently eating her ice cream as she contemplated.

* * * * *

On the other side of the ice cream parlour, the three boys -- Remus, James and Peter -- had watched the whole scene. James knew of the Blacks and their obsession with purity of blood, therefore he had no doubt as to why they had disliked the petite red-headed girl.

"She looks really lonely. " stated Remus sympathetically.

"Yeah," said James, "she looks like she could use some company, why don't we go join her?"

And so, without waiting for a response from the other two James hopped off the stool, and went to join Lily; his friends following him behind.

"Hi, I'm James," greeted the black-haired boy when he finally reached Lily.

"Do you mind if we join you?"

"We?" questioned Lily, but then on noticing Remus and Peter smiled coyly.

"Sure, have a seat."

"I'm Lily Evans by the way," she added, and then waited expectantly for Remus and Peter to introduce themselves which they swiftly did.

When Lily confirmed, as James had suspected, that she was a Muggle-born, James, Remus, and Peter took it upon themselves to explain the wizarding world to her -- even the obsession with purity of blood that certain wizards and witches held. But these more sinister matters were soon forgotten as they told her of their exploits as children and had her nearly crying with laughter.

* * * * *

And so the six children met, each hoping that they would all be friends in Hogwarts, but yet never realising how their lives would be dramatically changed over the next seven years, or how short the lives of certain people were to be.