Astronomy Tower
James Potter/Sirius Black
Slash Romance
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/29/2002
Updated: 05/05/2002
Words: 3,619
Chapters: 2
Hits: 2,736

A Change of Heart

Trinity Black

Story Summary:
After an interesting game of truth or dare Sirius and James’ viewpoints of each other are changed. With their friends opinions changed how will Remus and Peter react and what about Lily? Snape also features quite strongly as well as my take on the Whomping Willow incident.

Chapter 02

Author's Note:
My first fic on Fiction Alley. I love to know what people think so leave a review or e-mail me. WARNING: This fic does contain slash (J/S) but it isn’t the most important element of the fic so if it isn’t your thing please don’t read. This is my first ever Slash fic and I hope I did alright.

Lily was sat watching as everyone slowly poured into the hall at breakfast. She had been early this morning as she had been attempting to complete her potions essay and the Gryffindor common room still smelt of dungbombs. Among the last people to enter the common room were the culprits in setting of the dungbombs; the Marauders.

They were already joking around about something and their laughter could be heard from all over the Great Hall. Lily groaned as James and Sirius took seats to her right and Peter and Remus opposite. “Morning Lily,” Sirius said, “Don’t have to act so happy to see us you know.”

“Either I must be a really good actress or you’re really stupid if you think that I’m happy to see you.” Lily replied.

“I’ll give you a clue,” Peter said, “Sirius is stupid.” At Lily’s glare he added, “Not that I think you’re a bad actress.”

“You might not think she’s a bad actress but we all know you’re a suck up.” Remus added, “Although I will agree with you that Sirius is stupid.”

“I’m not stupid.” Sirius said disgruntled, “If I was stupid I would be in Slytherin.”

“Now, now Black, that’s not very nice,” Snape said appearing from nowhere, “Everyone knows you’re only here because the sorting hat couldn’t decide where to put you and put you in the worst house.”

James grabbed Sirius’ arm to stop him attacking Snape on the spot. Snape just smirked and walked back over to the Slytherin table with the jug of pumpkin juice he had came over for. “You don’t want to do that,” he said to his boyfriend.

“OK, I’m done with breakfast; I’m going to think of something to do to get him back.” Sirius said getting up.

“Fine, let us know what were doing later.” James said.

“See ya,” Sirius said bending down and kissing James briefly on the lips.

Lily looked shocked at this, as did most of the other students. Sirius left without saying a word. James didnÂ’t do anything and he certainly didnÂ’t look shocked, Lily also noticed Peter and Remus didnÂ’t look shocked either.

Lily was going to say something to the boy sitting next to him but decided against it as he had carried on eating. Lily had known them long enough to know not to disturb them while eating.

After a pretty uneventful Wednesday, full of boring lessons and talkative pupils, Sirius and James walked down to the Quidditch pitch to have a quick game of catch, on brooms.

James threw the substitute quaffle towards Sirius who caught it almost expertly before throwing it back. “We did the right thing right?” Sirius asked before darting over to where James had thrown the quaffle.

“What thing?” James asked curiously.

“Letting everyone know, I mean even if people weren’t at breakfast they’ll know by now. People have been talking about us all day.” Sirius replied hurling the leather ball at James.

“You did it, not me. But for the record yeah I think it was the right thing to do. Show we’re not ashamed of it.” Sirius just smiled at James.

“I’ve just thought of something.” Sirius said looking at James.

“Do you want me to tell the Daily Prophet?” James joked.

“No, not really, I was just thinking that the Slytherins are going to have a field day in Potions tomorrow.”

“Since when do you care what Slytherins think?” James asked.

“I don’t it’s just I have enough trouble concentrating in there without this. I mean it’s hard to resist the urge to just go and dunk Snape’s greasy head in whatever potion we’re making, or just have a fist fight with Rothwell.” Sirius explained.

“Ahhh, don’t worry about that I’ll have to keep you occupied won’t I?” James said with a slight smile on his face.

“You do that, you’re probably good at it.” Sirius said. With that the couple carried on playing until the Ravenclaw team kicked them off the pitch for their practise.

While James and Sirius were occupying their time playing around Remus had decided to do something more productive; study. He snuck into the library not wanting to alert Madam Shadow, the librarian, of his presence; she didnÂ’t like him very much. Not since he decided to conduct research into pranks with James, Sirius and Peter a couple of weeks ago. Remus headed over to the Charms section of the library and grabbed a book on illusion charms which he thought might have been useful. He looked around the library for an empty table. There wasnÂ’t one, third years appeared to be taking up most of the tables. Remus wondered silently to himself if they had some form of important test soon. His eyes found an almost empty table, almost empty because it had Lily Evans sitting at it.

Strolling over to the table Remus sat down, “What you doing?” he asked quietly.

Holding up her book Lily replied, “Defence against the Dark Arts, I am completely lost on this stuff about acromantulas. What about you?”

“Charms, I am completely hopeless.” Remus replied, pointing at the book, “I can help you with that though.”

“Well I can help you with Charms, if you want.” Lily offered.

“Thanks, hey I don’t suppose you could help me with my Potions as well could you?” Remus asked.

“Potions, you must be joking. There is one subject that I am worse at than Defence against the Dark Arts.” Lily said laughing.

“You and me both,” Remus said laughing as well. He shut up pretty quickly though as he realised that all the third years surrounding them were looking at them with murderous stares.

Remus and Lily studied quietly for a while and eventually both got all their homework done, including potions. Lily got up and started to walk towards the door. Turning back she asked Remus, “You coming back to the common room?”

“Yeah actually, mind if I accompany you?”

“Not at all, I’d prefer it; I want to ask you some stuff.”

As Remus and Lily were walking down the corridor Remus asked, “It’s about James and Sirius isn’t it?”

“Yeah, are they joking around or what?” Lily asked curiously.

“I think the answer would be what. They really do like each other, a lot by the way things are going between them.” Remus replied.

“Do you think it’s weird?” Lily asked.

“Nope, I have been hanging around with them for too long to think stuff like that’s weird. Besides they’re too good friends to lose over something like that; unless they want me to join in of course.”

“I think it’s really cool how good friends you all are.” Lily told the tall boy.

“Thanks, I think,” Remus said. They carried on walking towards Gryffindor tower talking about some of the things the Marauders had done within the last year.