General Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/19/2002
Updated: 07/20/2005
Words: 94,232
Chapters: 21
Hits: 47,676

Harry Potter and the Path to Power


Story Summary:
When Harry returns from Hogwarts things have changed. ``Vernon Dursley is not the man he was (or is he showing his true colours at last).``The Path begins.`` ``Harry must learn that Power comes in many forms and to defeat his enemies he must master them all.````Magic, Politics, Money and Social Status will form the background for a struggle ``that will change Harry for ever.

Chapter 21

Chapter Summary:
5th year AU. When Harry returns from Hogwarts things have changed. Vernon Dursley is not the man he was (or is he showing his true colours at last?). The Path begins. Harry comes of age early because of Dumbledore’s mechanisations. Thrust into power as head of his noble House, Harry has to learn that power comes in many forms. Politics, money, social status and magic form the background for an adventure that will change Harry forever.
Author's Note:
A special thanks goes to my betas who took the time to check my story and my terrible spelling.

Chapter XXI

"I expect my fiancée to be dutiful and greet me at the train station as she should. You know how embarrassing it was for you not to be there after I told the others you were already at Hogwarts? Something I had to find out from my father, incidentally. And what is this ridiculous getup you're wearing? I do not remember giving you permission for this Proctor business."

Blaise did not bother to turn around. She had escorted Slytherin House back to its dormitory and had been about to leave, already past the wall hanging of the councillor that guarded the entrance, and now she was being accosted by her newly acquired fiancée.

"Just because your father bribed and blackmailed mine into this wedding arrangement this past summer does not mean I have to like it. Nor does it mean that I have to be dutiful until we are married, and until that time I suggest you leave me alone, dear," she said in a scathing voice.

She could hear the quick inhale of surprise behind her, but still refused to turn around, not even to see the shock on his face.

"You know that you could hardly expect to do better, there are very few Purebloods with our status.

And I was not pleased with what I heard about you this summer," her fiancée continued. "I had to hex some little twerp that had the audacity to claim he bedded you. He had the nerve to laugh about it in my face. This reflects badly on me. It is your duty to make sure your behaviour is above question, to avoid even the possibility of the implication."

She did not respond, wondering if she shouldn't just walk away. But that would get back to her father and it would mean some form of trouble, even if she did not care very much.

"Well?" he cried out. "At least deny it."

Sod trouble, she thought while she walked away.

"Don't walk away from me; I'm talking to you, Blaise. BLAISE!"


The next day Harry let out a loud yawn while picking at some kippers. He had stayed up late last night, despite his sleepiness, trying to sort the many envelopes, packages and boxes. It had been in vain, though; he hadn't even made a dent.

It was Saturday morning and he had come down for a late breakfast, finding his two friends still waiting for him. Half asleep and not saying very much, he had heaped food on his plate and started eating until he only had his kippers left.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, fine, thank you. I was up later than I had intended. You wouldn't believe the amount of mail that's on my desk. I haven't even gotten through sorting it into type, let alone reading it," he answered without thinking.

"Well, Ron and I could help you this afternoon. And you can tell us all about the last week."

"Yes," Ron said in a bit of a terse voice, "you can tell us all about this Lord Potter stuff."

"You... you know about that?" Harry asked his friends a bit sheepishly.

"Harry, mate, it's been all over the newspaper. You becoming Dumbledore's apprentice, you inheriting the," and now Ron sounded as though he was quoting, "Potter seat on the High Council.

You have some tale to tell."


"... and then he just summoned me before the Wizards' Council. You should have heard Sirius, he was furious," Harry finished the first part of his story.

The three of them were sitting in his room, which Ron had dubbed "Bloody brilliant."

Ron was lying on the couch, lazily reading through a letter. Hermione was at the desk, sorting everything into neat piles.

"But why was Sirius so angry?" Hermione asked.

"I don't really know. Dumbledore kept cutting him off, so Sirius didn't really get to speak his mind, but he clearly thought there was danger."

"But nothing concrete was said? I mean, of course politics present some danger, but how risky can it be? There has to be something more to this," Hermione mused. "If only I knew more..."

"All I can say is that I've been so busy the last week that I've had absolutely no time to think about it," Harry lamented.

"And now with these papers and the coming OWL classes, you'll hardly have much time to spare," Hermione added. "But what I can't stand is that I can't find more than traces of information about the Wizards' Council after the formation of the Ministry of Magic."

"I'm sure Dumbledore will tell Harry when he asks," Ron placated, "and if it really bothers you that much, I'll write my parents and ask them what they know about this whole thing with this council rubbish."

"Harry? I think these boxes are from Gringotts....," Hermione said, completely distracted from what Ron said. She opened the boxes and looked inside. "They seem to be property lists and..." Hermione fell quiet.

"And what, Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Dear Lord," she breathed.

"What?" both Ron and Harry asked while quickly moving towards their friend.

"Deeds, account statements, company statements, asset reviews...

It's... so much." Hermione started to go through several sheets. "Look at this," she murmured, "deed to a residential property in London. A statement for a company that owns a large part of the properties in Hogsmeade... dear Lord... Harry, I think you own the Hog's Head... and here... look at this, you have a share in Gringotts itself."

"Bloody Hell," Ron breathed, "I didn't know goblins accepted partners."

"But I don't understand, what is this?" Harry asked, not willing to accept that everything he saw listed on pages upon pages was actually his.

"It's your inheritance, Harry," Hermione surmised.

"But I already have my inheritance, you saw my vault," he protested.

"Well, no, not according to this," Hermione said, holding up a letter from Gringotts.

Lord Potter,

As in accordance with instructions given to us by Sizon, Entwhistle & Weigel we have transferred into your possession the entire Potter estate as held in trust by Gringotts Wizarding Bank, Private Banking Department.

Subsequently, Vault 687 has been closed and will be once more held in trust for the next heir apparent. Possessions not listed in the original vault inventory have been moved to your personal vault.

We request that you return the key at your convenience.

We assure you that Gringott's Wizarding Bank wishes to preserve its long established relation with House Potter and make any and all services and facilities available to you.

If you have any subsequent questions or instructions, please feel free to contact me or one of my associates at any time.

With the highest regard,

Derag Bloodguard

Vice-President, Private Banking

"What's this Sizon, Entwhistle & Weigel," Ron asked.

"Well, obviously they are some kind of solicitors," Hermione answered.

"Wait, I think I saw a package from them somewhere," Harry said while messily going through several piles.

"Harry! I just organized those," Hermione said, her voice touched with annoyance.

"Hmm, what?" Harry asked while continuing to search. "Oh, sorry," he said, looking at her sheepishly, but not stopping his search. "Ah, I found it."

Harry took out a package with a letter attached to it.

Lord Potter,

We have been informed of your coming of age by the Ministry of Magic Public Records Department and your subsequent claim to your rightful place as Lord of House Potter and hereby recognize it as legitimate unless contested before a full session of the Wizengamot.

We of Sizon, Entwhistle & Weigel have been entrusted with the guardianship of your family name for the past fourteen years. In the accompanying package you will find your Family signet ring.

Also enclosed you will find instructions on how to reach the Potter ancestral castle, as no public records of this exist.

Gringotts Wizarding Bank has been instructed to give you full access to all House Potter's accounts and properties.

Sizon, Entwhistle & Weigel is at the service of House Potter as it has always been during our 500 year relationship.


Pamela Weigel

Senior Partner, full Wizengamot council privileges.

"Wizengamot?" Harry asked.

"The full body of all Magistrates of the law plus the Minister of Magic and several other functionaries," Ron answered, happy to finally know something that Hermione did not. "Dad's testified before them a few times."

Harry turned his attention to the unopened package. After removing the wax sealed paper, a simple golden ring with a flat black stone fell out. He nimbly caught it in his hand and held it up to examine.

It looked old and as if it had seen much use, but the engraving of the seal in the stone was still flawless. It was the same upright dragon as could be seen on the upper body armour that was lying in a corner of his room.

"This is a spelled ring," Harry said before he could really think about it.

The ring drew him. He could feel its magic, could hear the call to slip it on his finger.

"Harry, wait. Maybe you should show it to Dumbledore first," Hermione tried to stop Harry, but he had already put the ring on. It glowed for a brief moment and fitted perfectly.

"Harry, that could have been dangerous," Hermione admonished.

"This ring has been in the possession of my family for countless generations. It is the Potter seal. How could it hurt me?" Harry asked.

"Harry... how do you know that?" Hermione asked.

"Know what?" Harry replied, studying the ring.

"How do you know that the ring has been in your family for so long?"

Harry blinked, looked at her, blinked again, and looked back at the ring, confused.

"I'm... I'm not sure."

"It's the ring itself," Ron said, staring at the ring as well.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"If it's really been in Harry's family for so long, worn by every generation, it will have taken on a magic quality of its own. Not just the spells that are on it, but a deeper... well, memory would be the best word," Ron tried to explain.

"It's been known to happen to old, and I mean really old, magical objects that are used a lot.

My Mum has a set of knitting pins like that; they can almost do the knitting by themselves. They remember how."

Hermione looked at the ring warily. "Well, if you're sure..." She looked like she wanted nothing more than to tell Harry to go to Dumbledore, but didn't dare.


Hermione had sorted all of Harry's letters into categories and had put away the boxes from Gringotts for later.

Harry was intently reading a letter from someone on the Wizards' Council. It was an offer for political support in exchange for use of certain warehouses in London that were his property. The problem was that Harry neither knew who the wizard was, if he did indeed own the warehouses, or even if the offer had any value. Hell, he didn't even know how politics worked in the wizarding world. He really needed to talk to Dumbledore soon.

Hermione was going through a pile of business offers. Apparently, now that Harry was legally of age, a dozen companies wanted his patronage, to use his face, or to publish his story.

Ron was going through letters they had not been able to identify. A lot of them were from random people, speaking for or against him.

"This one supports you, Harry. Says that she hopes you will shake up the Ministry."

Ron opened another letter. "This one's against you; says that anyone that says You-Know-Who is back should be locked up; has a kid at Hogwarts apparently, came home all upset last year."

Ron went through the pile again, trying to find interesting letters. Harry had meanwhile moved on to a letter from the chairman of some subcommittee that wanted to know if Harry was interested in taking up a chair on it when the Wizards' Council was called into session again.

"Hmmm, this one is from Gytha Ogg, says she thinks you are 'a very nice boy', but should not get involved in politics as it is 'not good for the bowels," Ron snorted. "Nutter."

Ron read another letter and stared at it in silence when he was finally done.


"Hmmm?" Harry answered, trying to concentrate on the letter he was reading.


"Yes, Ron?"

"This is a marriage proposal..." Ron said in an incredulous voice.

"A WHAT?" Harry exclaimed, almost falling off his chair. Hermione whipped around with a shocked look on her face.

"A marriage proposal... and it's addressed to you personally."

"Let me see that!" Hermione said, but Harry all but ripped the letter out of Ron's hands. Hermione leaned over his shoulder to read alongside him.

On the top of the letter was a heraldic device. It depicted two sturdy towers connected by a high bridge.

Lord Potter,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Constantine Lord DeSage, Master of Two Towers. I am a member of the ruling council of the North-Western European Magical Community.

It has come to my attention that you have recently legally come of age and are now deemed fit to make your own decisions.

Therefore I wish to express my interest in the possibility of a marriage between our two Houses.

I am the father of three girls, aged 8, 15 and 17. I think you will find all three most suitable for marriage.

All are born of the purest blood, are healthy and capable of birthing heirs.

I have included pictures of all three.

In the interest of possible negotiations to this end, I would be willing to visit you, with my daughters, at your convenience.

With regards,

Constantine Lord DeSage

Second Tier Member of the North-West European Council

Lord of Rotte

Master of DeSage Manor and the Two Towers Citadel

"Bloody hell," Harry said, borrowing one of Ron's catchphrases.

"Oh wow, those two oldest are quite the lookers, Harry," Ron commented, having the pictures in hand.

"This is... he can't be serious," Hermione sputtered. "Harry is much too young for marriage. Besides, this Lord DeSage intends for this to be a political wedding, and Harry can do a lot better in that respect."

Harry turned to Hermione, completely surprised by her words.

"What do you mean, I can do better?"

"Well," Hermione began, "this man is only a Second Tier Lord; that means he isn't terribly important."

Ron and Harry were both staring at her. She seemed to squirm under their looks.

"Harry might be one of the most eligible bachelors in England. Not only is he the Boy-Who-Lived, he has this position and property."

Ron and Harry just continued to stare at her.

"But that's neither here nor there; Harry has more important things to worry about right now than marriage. Let's get back to sorting this mail."


Ron, Hermione and Harry were sitting in Dumbledore's office. Harry had decided to bring his friends along, if only because they had read the half of the letters that he hadn't.

Dumbledore had not objected, but rather, had complimented Harry on his choice of advisors.

They had gone over most of the correspondence that was political in nature, Dumbledore giving advice on most of them. It was incredible how many of the senders he actually knew.

Unfortunately, the most heard advice was to send a polite note and request patience, stating that Harry was going through his affairs at present and would give a more thorough reply as soon as possible.

"Now, I would advise you to find both a seneschal to oversee your estate and someone to run the more practical side of your household. You'll find that it will be growing rapidly. Talk to me in a few days and I may have some recommendations," Dumbledore said. "As for the boxes from Gringotts, I think it a good exercise for you to go through them yourself until you have, in fact, appointed a seneschal."

Harry sighed, remembering the many boxes in his room. He'd have to get someone to do this, no way was he competent enough.

"As you say, sir. I have one last thing to... talk about. I have received... that is to say, there were these letters..." Harry started to stammer, blushing furiously.

"What Harry means to say, Professor," Hermione took over in a brisk voice, "is that he has received several requests for marriage negotiations. I told him he was much too young and should just ignore it, but he wanted your opinion on the matter, sir."

"Oh my," Dumbledore said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, then continued on a more serious note: "A politically expedient marriage has of course always been an effective tool of power, but in this case...."

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingertips together; his eyes became distant for a moment, clearly contemplating the situation.

"No, I do not think it wise to enter into any negotiations just yet, but that advice may change as the world does," he said after several moments of thought.

"What should I tell them?" Harry asked.

"Tell them... tell them that I, as your Apprentice Master, find you too young for marriage but that you are honoured by the request and may consider it when I change my mind."

Harry nodded as a knot in his stomach unravelled. Ron had an amused smile and Hermione was grinning, apparently very pleased with the fact that Dumbledore's advice was the same as hers had been.

"If that is all?" Dumbledore asked with a look at Harry, who nodded. "Then I would like a word with Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley about a few Prefect matters. You may go, Harry, I wish to see you after lunch tomorrow. We will go over your classes then."

A bit surprised, Harry said his goodbyes, got up and left the office


"Now, first of all, to make sure I have not lied, I have an announcement about your Prefect status, Mr. Weasley. I think Professor McGonagall has already informed you that you are, in fact, on probation?" Dumbledore asked, looking at Ron over his half-moon spectacles.

Ron, looking quite uncomfortable with the whole situation, gulped and nodded his head.

"The condition on your Prefect status has been set, Mr. Weasley. If you wish to remain a Prefect in the coming years you will obtain a minimum of seven OWLs."

Ron looked shocked but Dumbledore seemed not to notice. Ron turned to look at Hermione, but she seemed to be thinking of other things.

"You said 'to make sure I have not lied', Professor. What is it you really wanted to talk to us about? And why couldn't Harry be here to hear it? Is it about him?" she asked.

"Ah, Ms. Granger, it is always such a pleasure to converse with an observant young witch. Yes, I did want to talk to you two about something else, and yes, it is about your friend."

Dumbledore looked both Hermione and Ron in the eye, a piercing stare underlying the twinkling eyes.

"I wish for you two to observe Harry as closely as possible. Yes, Mr. Weasley, I know," Dumbledore said before Ron could get a word out, "you do not wish to spy on your friend. But I fear it is necessary."

"Why, Professor?" Hermione asked.

"Why? Yes, why?" Dumbledore answered, seemingly musing. "I am not sure how much Harry has told you, and I may be breaking a confidence, but I feel it is absolutely necessary."

Dumbledore sighed and continued.

"In order to survive what his Uncle did to him, Harry parted his mind; a great feat of magic, I might add." Dumbledore seemed to be looking for words after that.

"Yes, and it worked," Hermione said in a rather high-pitched voice. "He survived and is alright now."

"No, Ms. Granger, not quite. You see, when Harry parted his mind, he protected the core, that which he holds dearest... the rest he sacrificed."

"Sacrificed?" Ron asked with bated breath.

"Yes, sacrificed. I am afraid that those parts of Harry were driven completely mad."

Author notes: If you would like to be informed about the next update join http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PathtoPower
The next chapter is already available there.