The Awakening of a Magus


Story Summary:
In the summer after the Triwizard Tournament, Harry suddenly awakens to new powers and a new look. However, the powers of a Magus aren't so easy to control, and they don't make life easy. Voldemort is much more powerful than ever. Some new characters come into the picture, some old characters will not survive, and other old characters will learn a new outlook. No slash, O/C but no Mary-Sue, light R/Hr ship, possible other light ships, lite Harry/Tonks

Chapter 47

Chapter Summary:
In the summer after the Triwizard Tournament, Harry suddenly awakens to new powers and a new look. However, the powers of a Magus aren't so easy to control, and they don't make life easy. Voldemort is much more powerful than ever. Some new characters come into the picture, some old characters will not survive, and other old characters will learn a new outlook. No slash, O/C but no Mary-Sue, light R/Hr ship, possible other light ships. This file: Chapter 47: ‘Plans and the Results of Plans’
Author's Note:
Author Notes, Some Answers to Reviewer Questions, Credits and Local Canon (spells and characters of the 'Harry Magus' universe added to the 'Harry Potter' universe) can be found on website . (warning ... local spoilers on website.) The website is a bit behind (chap 35 as of Jan05), but still lots of info.

The Awakening of a Magus
Chapter 47 - Tue, Aug 8 - Day 19

Plans and the Results of Plans

Albus Dumbledore woke suddenly, disturbed by a strong sense of unease with overtones of pain. It was just before 2 am. He was unable to pin down the source of his discomfort at first. He finally realized that he wasn't feeling his own emotions, but those of another. He carefully reached across the Mentor bond to find that Harry was trapped in a sea of emotions ... foreign emotions ... his old link with Voldemort was engaged.

Not knowing for certain if the linkage was still one-way, he decided it was safer to avoid mindspeech. He hurried across his office to Harry's room, and called softly through the door. He thought he heard a faint groan, and entered quickly.

Harry was tossing and turning, tangled in the bed sheet, sweating heavily, snatches of groans and whimpers escaping at intervals. He was surrounded by a faint purple aura, except for his scar, which was pulsating with a sickly green glow. Dumbledore reached carefully over to Harry to lay his hand over the young man's heart. The purple aura seemed to welcome his touch. "Harry, come back. Wake up, child," he spoke softly but urgently. With his other hand, he carefully reached out to the glowing scar. At first, his fingers burned and stung, but as he willed comfort and protection for his charge, the green glow receded, and Harry's agitation subsided. He gently brushed the sweaty hair from the young man's face, and was relieved to see those striking eyes blinking at him.

"It's back," Harry stated the obvious in a rough whisper. Dumbledore conjured a glass of water and passed it over. From old reflexes, Harry found himself reaching toward the night stand for eye glasses he no longer needed. Quietly, Dumbledore related what had brought him to Harry's room, and what he had observed. "It was jumbled," Harry reported, "probably because of shielding on both ends. Voldemort was both exceptionally happy and terribly angry." He sat up carefully, still a bit dizzy but recovering quickly.

"Is it still a one-way connection? Was Tom aware of your presence?" Dumbledore asked, his eyes missing their twinkle in his concern.

"There was a flicker of puzzlement just after I 'arrived', so to speak, but he was distracted by his Death Eaters." He paused a moment to focus on his chaotic vision-memories. Then he reported, "I think there was an initiation. I didn't see it, but there was talk ... they were celebrating. I think Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott were Marked tonight, with a 'new and improved' version of the Mark that can be hidden from most means of detection. And Voldemort was ecstatic about getting a true copy of the Barabbas. It seems he also recently acquired a Grindelwald journal. I caught something about a Dark Fortress."

Dumbledore paled, but indicated that Harry should continue. "I got hints of some new alliance, and intense anticipation, but before I could see any details, someone came in to report on our rituals. At least one of the observers is ... was an unmarked servant. I couldn't see him clearly, since Voldemort considered the man's identity beneath his notice. That's when he got angry ... very angry. He ... I don't know what else to call it ... mind-raped his servant to get every detail of both rituals. The Founders' Rite infuriated him, discovering that Draco and Hermione could claim Founders' Blood, and were so strong during the ritual. He called someone over to bring him the Barabbas. It was either Malvina or her mother, I think, by the voice ... he didn't look at her, only the manuscript. He went ballistic ... I think he read the list of Klaatu-shah, so he knows about Severus and Draco now."

"Apparently the main ritual was even flashier and more impressive than I realized," Harry continued, "because he was incredibly upset at seeing how much power we all were able to handle, how much the ritual accomplished. He put the observer under the Cruciatus for several minutes, then got impatient and just AK'd the poor fool. The next person that tried to approach him got another Crucio ... that's when you woke me up. I think you must have wakened when the Avada Kedavra was used." He sat quietly a moment, then jammed his fists down at the mattress ... which ripped, sending feathers flying. "I thought I was done with these visions." Then he noticed the damaged mattress, pulled his hands free, and sheepishly repaired it with quick flicker of magic. "What is it about this 'Dark Fortress' that's upset you so badly?"

"The Dark Fortress is a magical citadel," the headmaster began quietly. "It is unplottable; it cannot be located except by those of the Serpent's Blood. Legend has it that the location varies, or that it doesn't even completely exist in our universe. Considering that Klaatu himself probably did not originate in our universe, that isn't surprising. Only a Klaatu-shah can command the Dark Fortress, which may have been the only reason I was able to defeat Grindelwald all those years ago ... he was only Klaatu-mehr. It contains artifacts, grimoires, even entities of great power, very dark power. With the Dark Fortress at his disposal, Voldemort's power will increase dramatically beyond what he already commands, and select followers can be granted control of some of that power."

"The Klaatu-mehr?" Harry asked. Dumbledore nodded. "So, we need Severus or Draco to study the Barabbas. At least we can know which people can share in the benefits of this fortress. Hopefully, we can keep some of them on our side, share some of the spells in the manuscript so we can design defenses for the Aurors."

"Exactly my hope," confirmed the weary headmaster. "Come morning, I'd like you to link with Draco to read and memorize the list of Klaatu-mehr as a start. We must also discover all we can about the Dark Fortress. We have, after all, two Klaatu-shah among our allies. I know you'll be busy preparing for the remainder of the ritual and finalizing the furnishings for the Great Hall and other areas. For now, try to get a bit more rest. I know you need little sleep, now, but ..."

"You're right. I need to reinforce my mental shields and get at least a couple hours of good sleep," Harry agreed as his Mentor stood and headed for the door.

"You are correct in another matter, Harry. The ritual today was far more impressive than you imagine." Dumbledore smiled, the twinkle beginning to return to his eyes. "We progressed fully twice as far as I had hoped, and I'm sure that those who watched will never forget the impact of seeing the sheer power that Darius expended, hour after hour without faltering. All of us who joined in the ritual are stronger for the experience, especially your classmates during the Founders' Rite. Their magic seems to have strengthened and matured, as you will likely be able to sense when you see them next." Just as he was closing the bedroom door to leave, he added, "Sleep peacefully, my boy."

This Tuesday morning breakfast would probably be the last meal held in the smaller room adjacent to the Great Hall. Immediately after, the seating that was dwarfed by the now-greater Great Hall would be lengthened, duplicated, filling the hall to handle at least three times its former capacity. Each House would have two rows of tables, oriented as usual. The staff area in the front would become a group of tables, with senior staff seated in a wide raised horseshoe wrapping around two other long tables at floor level, still perpendicular to the student tables. The two tables within the horseshoe would have seating all around, instead of on one side facing the students, as the senior table did. That table would seat Dumbledore and McGonagall for Hogwarts in their usual positions, the heads of the merged schools, some to-be-determined department heads, and the Heads of House, leaving all other faculty and staff, and occasionally the student assistants to fill the other two tables.

Incoming staff were scheduled to begin arriving Wednesday, as were some current Hogwarts students. Transfer students were scheduled to begin arriving on Friday. The House Heads were already planning some orientation workshops and recreational events for the transfers, with the assistance of current students. Some of the events would be thinly-disguised evaluations for some of the physical training and DADA courses, so that those with comparable ability could be placed together. Though points would not be awarded or taken until the actual start of term, detentions were an option if disciplinary action was needed.

Those whose primary language was not English would be provided with language charms that the faculty and prefects would cast for those not yet able to do for themselves. Hogwarts was a British school, and the transfers accepted that English would be the 'official' language, though the foreign-speakers could speak their native languages outside of classes and other Hogwarts business. Transfer students could continue school organizations unique to their previous schools, but were required to allow new members who were truly interested in joining them. All students would be sorted into one of the four Hogwarts Houses, unlike the previous year, when visiting students for the Triwizard Tournament kept themselves apart.

And neither students nor staff who bore the Dark Mark of Voldemort would be permitted at the school unless they submitted to its removal by the Magus the day they arrived.

Draco had approached McGonagall that morning, uncharacteristically tentative, regarding Harry's suggestion that he follow up on his idea for a course on 'Introduction to the Wizarding World for the Muggle-Raised'. After blinking away her astonishment, she enthusiastically directed him to meet with the Muggle Studies professor, Edison Bell, to discuss ideas for a lesson plan, plus choose some current Muggleborn and Muggle-raised students to share the obstacles they had faced their first year in the wizarding world. McGonagall privately hoped that input from the Muggleborns might improve the quality of the Muggle Studies curriculum, which was sadly out of date and often outright ridiculous, based on students' comments after Muggleborns discussed the course material with their wizarding-raised counterparts.

Now, Draco was going through a 'me-and-my-big-mouth' stage, wondering why he had set himself up for such a major task. I know, I'll blame Potter, he joked to himself as he approached the dining room. Then he stopped suddenly, shocked at what his Scanning senses were showing him.

"Move over, Draco, I'm hungry," groused Savannah from behind him. He continued on to the table, looking from one person to the other, especially the students. Everyone who had been a part of the rituals seemed to have a more intense magical presence than before. His fellow students, in particular, showed a much larger proportion of 'active' magic, compared to 'potential' magic than he would have sworn they had the day before. And those who had funneled power for their respective Quadralis groups ... Severus, Dumbledore, and Black ... seemed literally energized. He realized he was feeling pretty bloody good today himself, but he had thought it was more psychological than actual. Now, he wasn't so sure. As he blinked to try to shift his senses back to 'ordinary', he saw Dumbledore watching him, then nodding with a small smile.

/* So, it isn't just my imagination, is it Draco? You see a difference after the ritual, */ commented the headmaster mentally. /* When Harry arrives, please check what progress he has made, if you would, please. */

Draco nodded slowly, then settled in to begin eating quietly, until he was joined by the remaining occupants of the Slytherin dorms. "Good morning, all. Is everyone holding up after yesterday?" he asked, particularly looking across the table at Trevor Nott, who had been knocked out by his cousin, and to his left at Savannah who had been abandoned by her brother.

"Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say," answered Savannah, bravely attacking her breakfast, though you could tell she felt betrayed by those she had grown up with. "At this point, I just want school to start."

Draco reached over to her a moment to squeeze her hand in reassurance, as he nodded in agreement. Then someone plunked down in the seat to his right. Turning, he saw Rachel Dragonrider. Raising an eyebrow, he smirked a bit, "So, am I the only one of the Founders' offspring who ended up in the right House?" he drawled.

Rachel glared, and deciding to ignore the comment, instead looked him over carefully, saying, "Y'know what? You need to lose the gel, Malfoy. That look is so five decades ago." Then she proceeded to put together a fairly healthy plateful of food and have her breakfast as she talked to Neville who had also arrived.

"Ooooo!" squealed Savannah. "Score: Rachel - one, Draco - zip, zero, nada!" Her instincts told her that these two were going to provide a great deal of entertainment in the weeks to come. "She sure is both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw," she smirked.

"Shut up, Firstie," Draco muttered, half affectionately, half irritably. Now, why did it matter to him, getting shot down by the American witch? Contrary to what he would have people believe, it wasn't his first such experience, but he usually just shrugged it off with the thought that they weren't worth it.

Savannah wasn't ready to drop the topic just yet, so she commented sweetly, "Doesn't Harry's House match his blood? I read that the Potters had Gryffindor blood."

"He doesn't count," Draco grumbled. "He was almost put in Slytherin, and I meant those of us in the Founders' Rite yesterday," he amended, trying to dig himself out.

"Spilling secrets, are we, Malfoy?" teased the voice of the aforementioned Potter. Draco glanced up and engaged his Scanning senses. The only way to tell if it was Harry or Harry2 was by magical signature, or by trying mindspeech. His identification of the Doppelganger was confirmed by a mindvoice, /* Wotcher, cousin! */

Returning his attention to Savannah, he continued. "I would think that Potter would be honored to have been considered for the illustrious House of Slytherin," declared Draco, ignoring the object of their discussion. Then, without turning, since he could sense a hugely concentrated magical presence just behind, he asked, "Wouldn't you agree, Darius?"

"Don't drag me into this, Draco. I'm just here for breakfast," smirked the Magus. "Morning, everyone! Hi, Harry." He couldn't resist addressing his look-alike as he moved around the table to sit next to Harry2, across from Draco and Savannah. He glanced at Draco oddly for a moment, then at Neville, Ron, and Hermione. /* Sweet Merlin! Draco, are you also sensing the stronger auras you-all are sporting? I mean, 'Mione is suddenly ready to learn her animagus form. Everyone from the Founders' Rite, plus those who did the power feeds, are practically sizzling with energy, and you ... Lord have mercy! I think you're on the verge of a first stage wizarding transformation, maybe because you were the only one who did both. Could the rituals have done all that? There isn't any other explanation! */

Dumbledore, who had warned him about just this occurrence, interjected, /* Certainly the rituals themselves played a part, but, I'm afraid, the primary key to this puzzle is the involvement of your Magus powers. Since your classmates are still adolescents, the joining with your magic, whether in the keystone-energy of the Founders' Rite, or in the power feeds to the Quadralis groups and anchors, that magic ... stimulated and matured their potentials beyond their years. Ronald's seventh-son heritage is nearly as potent as Founders' Blood, by the way. And, as you observed, Draco took key parts in both rituals, so we will need to watch him carefully for the next few days for power surges. Draco, I see that the Scanner's traditional blind-spot is at work here. Harry, suppose you show Draco your Scans of the ritual team, including him. Draco, would you show Harry your Scans, including his? */ Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling in overdrive, and his expression showed how much he felt these advances would help their cause.

After sharing impressions, recalling what their auras looked like previously, and comparing their counterpart's reading of themselves with the readings of the others, both Darius/Harry and Draco stared at each other in shock, and whispered, "No way!" Their friends' questions were prevented by the entrance of quite a few owls, and the bright greeting of one Addie Periwinkle.

"Perfect timing!" she commented wryly as she saw the flurry of owl post arriving. She approached their area of the table. "The morning editions are in, and I have proofs of those publications that will be delivered around noontime. Witch Weekly and Teen Witch Weekly are both doing special editions. I'm afraid that Darius and the students will be deluged with fan mail and requests for interviews. The Daily Prophet couldn't decide whether their front page should depict Darius, the Founders' Rite, or progressive shots of Hogwarts itself, so they decided on a special Collector's Edition ... three different covers aimed at different audiences, and a special price if you buy the set." Those at the table who had just received their own copies of the Daily Prophet were gasping and muttering as they glanced toward Darius and the teens.

Addie handed her new employer the first version. Over three-fourths of the cover page was filled with a wizard photo of Darius, blazing with power as he floated into position and began collecting and funneling the raw energy that would fuel the ritual. The headline: 'The Dawning of a New Age ... the Age of the Seventh Magus'. The second version depicted the defining moments of the Founders' Rite, using an interesting technique that interspersed close-ups of each participant with a wide-angle view of the group. That headline: 'So Mote it Be ... Founders' Blood Securing Our Future'. The third version depicted a wizarding version of a time-lapse sequence, a morphing 'slide-show' of images of Hogwarts, over the five hour period, showcasing the startling changes in its structure, and declaring, 'Hogwarts: A New Look for a New Era'. For each version, the two stories not depicted on page one appeared on page two ... along with an ad informing readers of the availability of framed, high-quality versions of the three cover photos, plus close-up versions of Darius and each of the teens, plus Harry as an anchor, for the special price of 5 galleons each, 3 for 10 galleons (standard) or 10 each, 3 for 25 (deluxe).

Seeing a few of the photo subjects choking with mixed emotions, Addie laughed. "Oh, the framed photos weren't my idea, but I approved it ... only if 15 percent of the price was donated to a charity to be designated later this week by the ritual team. You can't stop publicity like this ... all you can try to do is gain some control of the situation and guide it along a productive path. Though I haven't agreed yet, I've been contacted by several publications for autograph sessions. I already refused public appearances outside the school, or, for Darius, the school or the Ministry. I have some ideas I'll go over with you later, like limiting the autographs and auctioning the specially autographed portraits for charity. I think, Harry, this may be a new experience for you ... since you had a less-central role in the main ritual, and weren't part of the Founders' Rite, you're actually getting only a portion of the attention ... except for those wondering why you didn't have a larger part. We may actually need a press release of some kind to give an explanation, so start thinking about what that will be, since I don't have an answer myself to that question." She looked at Harry sharply, knowing they still had secrets from her, and understanding the need, but also conveying how those secrets made her job harder.

Harry2 looked at Darius, who nodded as he stood. "Albus," asked the Magus, "may we borrow your office for a quick meeting, please?" At the headmaster's assent, he continued. "Addie, there are a few explanations remaining. This is as good a time as any to take care of them. Sirius? I'd like you to join us, please." /* I think Addie would appreciate your support, since some of this might be quite a shock. */ "I'll take the four of us straight up to save time, though it will be safer if you're standing." Darius smiled at Addie, Sirius, and Harry2. Sirius and Harry2 grinned as they grabbed just one more piece of toast and indicated they were ready.

The next moment, they stood in the headmaster's office. Darius smirked when he noticed that Sirius wasted no time sitting on one couch close to Addie. He and Harry2 sat down facing them. "Do you want the public explanation first, or the real one, Miss Periwinkle?" he asked with mock formality.

"Give me the BS first, so I can decide if it will fly," she said after a moment. As Darius and Harry2 looked at Sirius to provide the story, she chuckled. "Oh, yes, Sirius, you are so good at BS, aren't you. Well, go on, m'dear."

"Well, one excuse, though weak, is that the Founders' Rite was more balanced with two male and two female descendents, so Rachel took the Gryffindor spot. However, that doesn't explain why Harry was just an anchor, when students with less power and experience were part of the Quadralis groups." Glancing at Darius and Harry2, he clarified, "I think Addie will confirm that the public impression of Harry Potter is that of a fairly powerful young wizard, especially after the tournament and surviving Voldemort's rebirth as you did. Which is why there won't be too much surprise when we say that," Sirius turned back to Addie, "Harry Potter is going through wizard-transformation. That's the reason for the dramatic changes in his appearance and abilities over the summer." Back to the two wizards, "Though wizard-transformation is rare, it occurs far more often than Magus-transformation, obviously. There are perhaps a handful or two alive at any one time who have experienced it to some degree, though some more strongly than others. I'm not sure if it's exclusive to Founders' Blood or not ... Albus would probably know ... but all those I know of fall into that category, though not all of Founders' Blood experience it. It's no big secret among the old families that the Potters have Gryffindor blood, so it should be a perfectly acceptable explanation."

Addie nodded, concluding, "And during transformation, their magic can have periods of instability and surges ... something that would be detrimental to most aspects of a ritual." Looking at the wizard in question, she finished, "Putting you in a passive, anchoring position is a brilliant way to safely utilize your powers. Very good, Darius. And though I realize that revealing this will bring more attention to Harry, I don't believe it can be avoided for long ... a most acceptable and exciting explanation." She then glared at the wizards sitting around her. "Now, after that, it boggles the mind what the real reason could possibly be."

Sirius pointed at Harry2, saying, "You first, I think." Once the transformation from Harry Potter to Nymphadora Tonks had completed, Sirius gently addressed the woman beside him. "Adelaide Periwinkle, this is my cousin, Nymphadora Tonks, but just call her Tonks or you will be mightily sorry," he grinned. As Addie stared at the Metamorphmagus, she tried, but couldn't voice the obvious question ... then where's Harry? "Addie," Sirius said, trying to catch her attention, "Sweetheart, are you ok? Look over at Darius for the rest of the answer." He didn't even realize the endearment he used, but the others did and smiled. Then Darius Magus shifted to his natural form of Harry Magus, completing the explanation.

And for the first time in her life, Adelaide Periwinkle fainted, right into the arms of the man she loved.

After setting up a time later that morning with the Muggle Studies professor, Draco hesitantly approached the group of girls still at the table, who were getting happily acquainted. "Excuse me, ladies." He tried to project assurance without arrogance. "Hermione, Rachel, I was hoping you might be willing to assist me in a Hogwarts project a bit later this morning." Yes, that was the best approach ... emphasize Hogwarts more than 'assist me'. Both students looked at him, but so far, without hostility. Good first step. "I'm meeting with Professor Bell to work on lesson topics for a possible new course, an overview of the wizarding world for those who have little to no experience with us."

"Meaning Muggleborns, I suppose?" Hermione asked sharply. "What has that got to do with a Malfoy?"

"Well, it was partly Potter ... Harry's idea. May I sit and explain?" Draco requested quietly.

Hermione was cautious, sometimes uncertain when she was dealing with the 'old Malfoy' or the 'new Draco'. She glanced at Rachel, who, though new to the group had already noticed the varying behavior of a young man who was trying to overcome old habits. It was Rachel who gestured for him to take a seat.

Savannah asked, "Do you need for us to leave, Drake?" gesturing at her friend Michaela.

"No, 'Vanna, only if you want to or get bored," he said with an affectionate smile, that became more tentative when he looked back at the older girls. "Yesterday, when we were in Diagon Alley, it came up how Harry was so clueless about so many aspects of wizarding culture. Easy, now, I don't mean it as an insult," he assured Hermione, who looked ready to hex him. "It's just a fact, one that it seems Hogwarts has overlooked. You're great at learning such things from books, but most 11 year olds aren't." Did he just compliment the know-it-all? Yeah, he did, and it didn't kill him. "I asked McGonagall this morning and she suggested I recruit Muggleborn or Muggle-raised students to contribute about their 'period of adjustment'."

Turning to Rachel, he continued. "As I understand, the Americans are more integrated into Muggle society, so I thought you could be a help, too. Plus, you can help with differences between British and non-British wizarding customs, with all the foreign transfers coming in. I don't know who is supposed to teach, but I'm supposed to work with Bell on all sides of the issues and put together a proposal. What a Muggle-raised student needs to learn about wizarding society; what a non-British student needs to know about British wizarding society; and ..." glancing at Hermione with a smirk and whispering, "and what wizards really need to know about Muggle society, instead of the crock that Muggle Studies is currently presenting."

"And what makes you think it's a crock, Draco?" Hermione asked curiously, still stunned from the compliment he had paid her. "What would you know about Muggles?"

"As much as I hate to say it, Father was right about one thing ... the concept of 'know thy enemy'. That may be the first thing that really caught my interest in Darius, because he said the same thing. To people like my father, Muggles and Muggleborns are the enemy, and we need be thoroughly educated about them, though Merlin forbid we ever respect them for what they've accomplished. Personally, I'm grateful I was able to shake off the unreasoning pureblood propaganda before it was too late." Before things got too serious, he quipped, "Of course, I'm also an expert on wizarding society, which is why I'll be advising Harry on political and social behavior as he begins to move in the higher strata of society," /* both as Harry Potter and as Darius, */ he added to Hermione and Rachel with a calculated glance.

"Uh, Draco," Michaela interrupted hesitantly. "Could I maybe help, too? I mean, I had a Muggleborn friend at Durmstrang last year ... you know how few go there, so she didn't have many friends at all ... and maybe I could tell about all the things I had to help her with, just to get by. Her name is Tanya Richter. I hope she comes here and gets sorted to Hufflepuff, too."

Rachel added in, "And she can give some insight into the Durmstrang transfers. I think you should include her, Draco." The girls decided they should all participate, especially when Michaela commented on how clever and well organized Savannah was, and how they just couldn't leave her out.

She called me 'Draco', he thought fuzzily as the girls took over the plans for the meeting. She must not be too mad at him anymore. Bloody hell, why should he care? She was an American, she was a Gryffindor in Ravenclaw House and a sixth year at that. But why did he remember something odd just ... clicking between their magics during the ritual? Why did he want her approval? Why was he going to wash the gel out of his hair before the meeting with Bell?

The rest of the morning was busy for everyone. Draco and the girls met for two hours with Edison Bell, and the initial course proposals were surprisingly thorough. They had even managed to, very diplomatically, steer Bell into changes for the Muggle Studies courses. He had admitted, grudgingly, that he never seemed to be able to find the time to update the material, but there were so few opportunities to safely study Muggles. The idea of getting assistance from Muggleborn and half-blood students hadn't occurred to him, and he was delighted at the prospect. He privately decided to approach the headmaster on acquiring at least part of Hermione's student assistant time.

Darius, accompanied by various staff members, worked his way through Hogwarts providing furnishings in the enlarged and newly-created areas. They began with the Great Hall, then the library, the Hospital Wing, the dormitories, the current classrooms and the gym. As soon as the library's furnishings and new bookshelves were completed, Trevor, Neville, and Harry2 assisted Madame Pince in spreading out the existing books, and flagging them as 'Hogwarts-owned' with a charm. Then they began flagging and shelving volumes that had begun arriving from other school libraries.

Addie, Pol Jones, Sirius, and Kingsley Shacklebolt had been steering the observers to the Quidditch pitch since mid-morning. The press coverage seemed to attract even more people than the previous day. They had, in fact, had to interrupt Darius to ask him to expand the stands to allow for the increased crowd. It was fairly straightforward duplication of what was already there, and he used his memories of the location of last summer's Quidditch World Cup as a model.

It was about an hour before they planned to resume the ritual to complete the changes to the main building. Addie had already provided the reasons why Harry Potter wasn't taking a more active part. She had refused the press access to the young wizard on that subject until the next afternoon, when an 'open house' was planned to allow people to see some of the interior work beyond the Hall. The current Hogwarts population was finishing lunch in the Great Hall, feeling dwarfed by its new expanse, even at the head tables, where they still allowed the students to join them. Dumbledore was addressing the group.

"I wish to thank everyone for their hard work so far this week, especially our newest students who have so generously offered their assistance," he smiled in the direction of said students. "We have completed two-thirds of the main-building expansion rituals, and should be able to complete them in three hours or less. The Quidditch stands have been completed ahead of schedule due to our many visitors. Expansion of other exterior areas will be less complex, and we should be able to raise additional greenhouses for Professor Sprout either tomorrow or the next day."

Pomona Sprout responded with, "Here, here!" which caused laughter all around.

Dumbledore continued, "Beginning tomorrow morning at breakfast, we will begin operating in most respects as though the school year had begun. Students will be sitting at their House tables and living in their House dormitories, which will be password protected. Those who will be moving out of the Slytherin dormitories should have their belongings packed before breakfast so that the house elves can deliver them to their new rooms. As I had announced earlier, a Sorting will be held each evening for any new or transfer students that arrive that day. Many returning Hogwarts students will arrive tomorrow, some on the Hogwarts Express, which will run at the usual time, and some who will arrive via apparation with their parents throughout the day. Faculty and staff should be arriving all day, though I've been informed the heads of the merging schools wish to arrive tonight and should be present at dinner."

His gaze passed over the adults at the table, which included Addie, Pol, Sirius, Remus, and Kingsley. "As one of the Prophet's headlines stated, Hogwarts is beginning a new era, though it pains me that the reason for this coming-together is fear of Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lord Voldemort." There were less flinches than he had expected, which heartened the old man. "This is the last time we have together before the new Hogwarts community begins ... I would like to propose a toast ... yes, including our students." As everyone raised a glass or goblet, he declared, "To old companions and new beginnings ... may the future be a bright and secure one."

As they joined together, from a 150+ year old headmaster to an almost-12 year old student, they knew that this was something they held in common ... their desire for a secure future, and there was a sense of being bound together in this purpose. And it was comforting.

"Before we begin taking our positions for the rest of the ritual, there is an announcement I would like to make. Hogwarts will be hosting two students in a contemporary apprenticeship program. Both students are particularly gifted with special skills and abilities, and due to their family situations, an apprenticeship would provide them with the extra support they will need during their training." He looked at Snape to signal him to go first.

Snape stood from his position at the head table and addressed his soon-to-be apprentice at the lower table. "I, Severus Malachai Snape, certified Master in Potions, Defense and Dueling, and Blademaster, descendent of Salazar Slytherin, do invite you, Draco Salazar Malfoy, of the House and blood of Salazar Slytherin, to be my apprentice, to learn what I have learned, to renew in me the joys of that learning, and to assist me in my duties to Hogwarts and to the Light, for as long as the arrangement is beneficial to us both."

Draco stood, smiling at his guardian, proud and openly happier than any had ever seen him. In a firm, quiet but carrying voice, he answered, "I, Draco Salazar Malfoy, of the House and blood of Salazar Slytherin, do willingly and gratefully accept your invitation to be your apprentice, to learn what you have learned, to share my joy in such learning, and to assist you in your duties to both Hogwarts and to the Light, for as long as the arrangement is beneficial to us both."

Draco then stepped away from his seat and approached Snape. He took out his wand, and laid it across both his hands. With his silver-gray eyes locked on penetrating black eyes, he went down on one knee, offering his wand to his Master. Snape took the wand, grasped Draco's hand to raise him up, and pulled him into a strong embrace as everyone applauded and cheered. Handing his apprentice's wand back, he said, "Your room in my quarters should be ready shortly after the ritual is complete. The house elves will move your things during dinner." He smirked and gestured to Draco's former seat. "Now finish your lunch, Apprentice, you have a busy afternoon ahead of you."

Tonks/Harry2 had already been warned of the coming ceremony. Since it was just a ceremonial public declaration, and not magical ritual, it wouldn't hurt for her to participate instead of the real Harry. Harry2 was ready and waiting for the headmaster to begin their short ceremony, which he did as soon as Draco had returned to his seat.

"I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, certified Master in Transfiguration, Charms, Defense and Dueling, descendent of Godric Gryffindor, do invite you, Harry James Potter, of the House and blood of Godric Gryffindor, to be my apprentice, to learn what I have learned, to renew in me the joys of that learning, and to assist me in my duties to Hogwarts and to the Light, for as long as the arrangement is beneficial to us both."

As Harry2 stood to perform his part of the ceremony, he could feel Harry's mind link with his own. With the quiet, soft smile that was becoming such a familiar part of this transformed Harry Potter, Harry2 began, with Harry's mental voice echoing to everyone in the Magus circle. "I, Harry James Potter, of the House and blood of Godric Gryffindor," /* do willingly and gratefully accept your invitation to be your apprentice, */ "to learn what you have learned," /* to share my joy in such learning, */ "and to assist you in your duties to both Hogwarts and to the Light, for as long as the arrangement is beneficial to us both." Then Harry2 approached Dumbledore and performed the same ceremonial pledge as Draco before him.

After embracing Harry2, and mentally embracing the real Harry, Dumbledore announced, "This evening, your room in my tower will be ready for you. Darius has been staying there, but will be setting up a suite in one of the new towers as quarters and training area with extra shielding in case of accidents." Dumbledore glanced pointedly at Darius, who blushed slightly in embarrassment, bringing laughter to everyone there. In actuality, the room in Dumbledore's tower would be magically linked to the new Magus Tower's bedroom, so that it could be entered from either area. Also, Draco's room in Snape's suite would be linked to the Magus Tower to allow easy access to the shielded training area there.

As those not part of the ritual were dismissed to the Quidditch pitch, Darius signaled to those present who were in his Circle or the Order of the Phoenix (which now included Addie Periwinkle) that he wanted to meet for a moment. They drifted over to the smaller dining room, and took seats in the lounge area. Dumbledore then asked, "What is it you have on your mind, Darius?"

"Well, after yesterday's experience, I'm fairly sure that I can continue the power feed today and also do some remodeling work that isn't in the school plans." After a pause, he explained, "The Order needs a secure headquarters, some place that we can ensure is accessible only to Order members and known allies. It would have meeting facilities, living quarters, an area for both physical and magical training, complete potions lab, library, dining and medical facilities, possibly a kind of 'war room' for directing larger operations. I think I can do much of the layout this afternoon while the teams finish the ritual on school areas. We can set up special wards keyed to your magical signatures, specialized portkeys, and I can furnish and stock the area as I am doing for the school. I have the perfect area to set it all up, too." Darius had a rather wicked gleam in his eye, just waiting for someone to be the 'straight-man'.

It was Ron who fed him the question he was waiting for. "It sounds like you're describing some location on Hogwarts grounds, but where could you set up something like that without anyone noticing?"

"Oh, I think I have the perfect place to set up a headquarters for those who are opposing the Dark Heir of Slytherin." He paused for effect.

"Where else, but the Chamber of Secrets?"

The afternoon progressed without incident. The Founders' Rite was not repeated, but the castle expansion ritual proceeded as it had the day before, beginning with the rising of the Magus high above the castle, then proceeding with the re-establishment of the Quadralis groups, the anchoring and the power feeds, and the processing of the first of the remaining 15 parchments. During the next three hours, while the rest of the ritual team finished their work, Darius mentally traveled down, down to that hidden area below Hogwarts, beneath the Hogwarts lake.

As he had sensed during a preliminary scan of the area, it was far more extensive than he had seen in his second year. We need to harvest that basilisk for ingredients, he mused as he sent some of his power out to physically and magically reinforce the existing structure. He identified rooms that Slytherin had apparently used for those same purposes he had listed to the order: living, training, library, potions, and medical. In some cases, he expanded the existing rooms; in others, he designed new rooms and moved the contents of the old ones.

He sealed the entrance from Myrtle's bathroom, both magically and physically. He mentally searched every nook and cranny, looking for secret entrances. He found a tunnel to the Forbidden Forest, but it was likely that Tom Riddle hadn't found it, since it appeared undisturbed for centuries. That tunnel was also sealed off. There was a spot in Slytherin's living quarters that was a 'pocket' in the anti-apparation wards, allowing someone who knew of it to slip in undetected. He closed that as well, dispersing the magic that allowed it to exist. There would be no physical access remaining, in or out of the Chamber, both to protect the Order headquarters and the school above. He began the wards with powerful anti-apparation and anti-portkey wards, plus Dark Magic detection. There would be fireplaces throughout, but no floo-access, and only certain fireplaces would be set up to allow restricted firecalling, or firecall-forwarding from designated locations, such as Arthur's office in the Ministry or the headmaster's office.

In the same way he had keyed his Circle to the Hogwarts wards, he began to key current members of the Order, his Circle and the rest of the Weasleys to the wards here. They would be able to apparate or portkey out from any part of the headquarters. Inbound travel would be restricted to designated areas in the headquarters, such as the dining and lounge areas, training area, and medical facilities, similar to the gathering point near the school, but which only allowed keyed people (and beings) through. If anyone attempted to enter that wasn't keyed, either alone or with a keyed person, the outsider would be rerouted to an isolation room, where they could leave as they came, or could wait to be released by the Order.

As the visible and secret remodeling concluded, the ritual team released the power feeds they had been using. This time, they completely released the Quadralis bindings and the mindspeech 'circuit' that had been set up only among those in the ritual. Everyone was still in one or more other linkages, such as 'the Circle' or 'Hogwarts'. The team disbanded for refreshments and rest in the Great Hall (it was too early for dinner). Again, after about a half hour, the lingering observers and press were allowed in the Great Hall. Addie had already declared 'no autographs', but pictures were allowed if the subject was willing. There were quite a few teens and young adults nearly begging to have their pictures taken with Darius or the student members of the ritual team. There was even one couple who had attended Hogwarts with the Marauders who asked for a picture with Sirius and Remus, then spent some time reminiscing about some of the classic pranks from those days. The outsiders were finally cleared shortly before dinner, to allow the team to freshen up.

As dinner time arrived, so did the headmasters and headmistresses of the merging schools. The last of these to arrive was Madame Maxime, who formally, though reluctantly, asked that Beauxbatons be accepted as part of the school merger. As expected, Dumbledore graciously welcomed her and her school's population to Hogwarts. She then looked over to Darius and Draco, and in her thick French accent and a slightly choked voice, told them, "It is not that your wonderful work on the school's wards was inadequate. Not in the least, monsieurs. It is that there is too much fear among the staff, the students, their parents. There would be always some doubt, you see? How can children learn in such an atmosphere? No, not at all. So, here we can join together to learn and to protect, yes? Your warding will ensure that the grounds are protected so that we have a place to return when this time is past. And for that, you have our most heartfelt gratitude, Monsieur Magus, Monsieur Malfoy."

The Weasleys and Magus Circle had been invited to join them for dinner, and Ginny had brought her trunk to move into the dorms that night. Erasmus had to decline the dinner invitation. /* I'm on escort duty with Fudge tonight. He won't say where he's going, having one of his cloak-and-dagger attacks, and I have to work with that idiot Dawlish. Fudge won't allow Sylvia, since she needs to rest after the rituals, and I have to agree. Just save me some dessert, okay? */

After dinner, those not staying at the castle bid the residents goodnight. About half of the residents had retreated for a good night's sleep, and the other half were preparing to, when every member of the Magus Circle experienced a tearing pain. Whether physical, mental, magical, none could define, but all were in a daze. Except for the Magus.

In a blaze of purple lightning, his body convulsed, and in a voice that echoed throughout the school and even the grounds, he screamed.


And collapsed.

(to be continued)