The Awakening of a Magus


Story Summary:
In the summer after the Triwizard Tournament, Harry suddenly awakens to new powers and a new look. However, the powers of a Magus aren't so easy to control, and they don't make life easy. Voldemort is much more powerful than ever. Some new characters come into the picture, some old characters will not survive, and other old characters will learn a new outlook. No slash, O/C but no Mary-Sue, light R/Hr ship, possible other light ships, lite Harry/Tonks

The Awakening of a Magus 15 - 16

Chapter Summary:
In the summer after the Triwizard Tournament, Harry suddenly awakens to new powers and a new look. However, the powers of a Magus aren't so easy to control, and they don't make life easy. Voldemort is much more powerful than ever. Some new characters come into the picture, some old characters will not survive, and other old characters will learn a new outlook. No slash, O/C but no Mary-Sue, light R/Hr ship, possible other light ships. - This file: Chapter 15: ‘Wasn't that supposed to be a Secret?’ and Chapter 16: ‘Plans and experiments’
Author's Note:
Author Notes, Some Answers to Reviewer Questions, Credits and Local Canon (spells and characters of the 'Harry Magus' universe added to the 'Harry Potter' universe) can be found on website . (warning ... local spoilers on website.)

The Awakening of a Magus
Chapter 15 - Sat, Jul 22 - Day 2
Wasn't that supposed to be a Secret?

Harry stood there, watching his best friends and surrogate family just stare at him. Finally, he said softly, "If it would make you feel better, I could shift to what I used to look like ..."

"NO!" yelled Ron, echoed by a /* NO! */ in Harry's mind.

Harry laughed, then rubbed his head. "Ok, ok, you're giving me a headache, Ron! Professor, who's the best person these days to train a mindspeaker?"

Dumbledore smiled, looking at Ron. That last mind-yell had even reached him, though much more quietly than Harry heard it. "Well, since true mindspeakers are so rare, I would have to say that you will have to train Ron yourself, Harry."

Then Dumbledore sent, /* Nice diversion, Harry! */

Harry answered in kind. /* Hey! It's true! Just because it can ease the shock of finding out about me ... well, I take what I can get! */

"Ron is a mindspeaker?" Hermione gasped, torn between looking at Ron in joy and glancing at Harry ... an older-looking, quite handsome Harry.

Ron started looking happy, then began to doubt. "Not funny, Harry," he said, looking dejected.

Harry looked hurt and said quietly, "Do you really believe I would lie about something like this? Make a joke about something so special? Listen to me, Ronald Weasley! I came here scared to my toes, having to keep a secret like this from the closest thing to a family I've ever known. I put up all the shields I've got so I wouldn't sense anything from any of you. Only two things could get through those shields: a member of the Magus circle ... or a true mindspeaker. There isn't any doubt. Besides, I think someone else heard that last yell of yours." Harry looked at Dumbledore, who nodded.

Hermione began, "Yes, I remember reading ..." then she stopped, looking sheepish. Here she was ready to lecture on mindspeaking with a fully functional mindspeaker standing ... now sitting right next to her.

Harry laughed, a genuine laugh it seemed he hadn't had in ages. "Hermione, go right ahead. Maybe he'll believe you. Besides, you have more practice being the expert."

Hermione blushed, then started again. "Well, as I recall, when the mindspeaker gift first begins, the only people the speaker can reach are other true mindspeakers or someone who is part of a mindspeech link, like those in a Magus circle or some other link created by a ritual. Eventually, you'll be able to reach anyone in your range, and pick up on the directed thoughts of familiar people, though to a lesser degree. The strength of the gift determines how far the range extends." Hermione decided to try something. /* Did I get that right, Harry? */ hoping that Harry had relaxed his shields enough to hear her.

Pleasantly surprised, Harry answered, /* Right on the facts, and right on the technique. Very nicely focused, especially for a non-speaker. But then you have such a well-organized mind. I hope Ron can learn that part quickly. */ Then, aloud, he said, "Well, Ron, do you believe Hermione and Professor Dumbledore?"

Ron began to grin, though he almost had tears in his eyes. "A mindspeaker? Whoa! I don't know any mindspeakers, well, before now. Mum? Dad? Why are you looking at me so funny?"

Molly and Arthur were brimming with pride and with relief that their youngest son finally had something he could call his own, something to convince him he was more than the youngest brother of Whoever-Weasley, or Harry Potter's shadow. Arthur finally said, "Son, I don't believe there has been a mindspeaker on either side of the family for generations, including side branches of the family tree. You're even more rare than an animagus, I believe."

After several minutes of talking about mindspeakers, and how Ron felt, Hermione glanced at Harry. He was sitting back in his chair, watching the excitement with quiet pleasure. He had tipped the chair on its back legs and put his hands behind his head. This position shifted his loose clothing so that it clung to his shoulders and upper arms and chest and ... Hermione almost stopped breathing and thought, My God! He's turned into a hunk!

When Harry glanced at her and suddenly sat up straight, blushing slightly, Hermione also started blushing and got a bit angry. /* You're listening! */

Harry returned, /* You're broadcasting ! */ Then they both looked at each other and broke out in a fit of giggles.

Hermione finally caught her breath and said, "You ... you ... you Magus! Trying to make us forget the secret you were hiding."

Ron suddenly realized that Harry had diverted attention from himself to give Ron the spotlight, and knew that he could finally let go of resenting Harry's uniqueness. /* I guess you can't help being Harry Potter, can you? Well, I guess I can't help being your friend, if you'll have me. */

Ron could feel the relief that Harry was deliberately broadcasting to him as Harry answered, /* All the way, when you're ready. */ Ron was a bit puzzled at that choice of words, but decided to leave it for now.

It was Molly Weasley who finally said, "Well, someone tell us how it all happened!"

Seeing the strain Harry was under, Dumbledore offered to relate much of the last 24 hours. /* If I get to something you'd rather keep quiet for now, let me know. */ Harry agreed gratefully. Here and there, someone would interrupt and ask Harry a question, but mostly they just drank in the Story of the Seventh Magus ... Dumbledore was actually quite a talented storyteller.

When he came to the part about the animagus forms, Harry had to refuse for now to show them dragon form. Even mini-dragon form would be too noticeable, and he wasn't sure he could go straight to the smaller version anyway. But he did show them the panther and butterfly that he had shown Fudge. Then he gave each one a choice of animals for him to try. Molly asked for a songbird; Arthur chose a hunting dog; Hermione asked for an owl; Ron just said, "Anything but a spider!" which broke everyone up. For Ron, Harry did his wolf shape.

As Dumbledore continued with the story, Harry was slowly beginning to accept that ... they accepted this. Sure it was a shock, as it had been for him, but now that he had let his shields relax he could feel the lack of fear; the lack of distrust. He was still Harry, even if he was Harry Magus. They had quickly even accepted his different appearance.

During the story, both Ron and Hermione kept sending little digs via mindspeech, especially a teasing /* What? You *saved* Snape? */ Ron was beginning to get the hang of focusing and not 'shouting' as he grew more confident. Harry almost started laughing as he thought of the three of them exchanging comments during classes that the others couldn't hear. Maybe he should see if he could determine separate frequencies for different groups of people, like one for the adults and one for the kids ... he had one foot in both worlds now.

Near the end of the story, Dumbledore mentioned the dispensation they had gotten for Harry. In a flash, Hermione figured out, "Is that what you meant by 'transportation to be arranged'? You're going to get your apparition license!"

Ron exclaimed, "No fair!" but was laughing.

Just then, Harry sensed someone coming. "Uh oh! More Weasleys coming. Look, it's not that I don't trust the others, but I think it would be best if we just kept things to ourselves for awhile. May I use a security spell on the four of you for now? Please? And I'll shift back to old Harry." As they agreed, and watched him shapeshift into the Harry they had known before today, they each felt a touch of the power of a Magus in their minds, and awe mixed in with the varying types of affection each of them had for Harry.

Dumbledore dispersed the privacy wards just when voices were heard outside. As Fred and George came bounding in and saw Harry and Dumbledore, the conversation turned to discussion of Arthur's new position and the mysterious Magus known as Darius to some. And sometimes Harry still heard teasing from his two best friends sending thoughts at him, and he smiled in relief and joy.

Dumbledore and Harry had just returned to Dumbledore's office, (Albus let Harry apparate them straight in ... he'd just have to get used to the sliding feeling,) when McGonagall came in muttering. "Albus, look at this message! How in Merlin's name did Lucius find out about Harry being here?"

They read the message: 'It has come to my attention ...' , 'preferential treatment', 'insist that Draco ...' and finally ' ... Minister Fudge has granted waivers ... ' McGonagall sputtered, "Albus, just what happened with the Minister?"

Dumbledore just said, "Sit down and relax, Minerva." /* Severus, could you come up to my office, so we can report to both of you at once? */ Snape acknowledged and headed for the Headmaster's Tower. "Minerva, as soon as Severus gets here, we'll do a Memorare on the meeting with Cornelius. We can tell Sylvia and Erasmus later when we check in with them this evening."

After Snape arrived, and the briefing was completed, Snape muttered, "Arthur Weasley? Hmm. I hope you know what you're doing." Then he looked at McGonagall, "So, what has you so upset?" McGonagall just handed Malfoy's message to Snape.

After reading the message, he handed it back to McGonagall with, "Fudge is an idiot." Then he continued. "Now don't get me wrong, I have a liking for young Malfoy, even if Lucius is a Death Eater, but this is not the time to have to play games with secret identities like a Muggle superhero." Harry looked at Snape in surprise, wondering how he knew about such things.

Dumbledore had been thinking carefully about the possibilities. "Actually, this could be used to our advantage." At the look of surprise from the others, he said, "Hear me out, please. Severus, since you can no longer spy for us, we could use this situation to pass information and misinformation to Voldemort and his people. It is obvious Lucius wants Draco to spy on the Magus for him and his master. For instance, how do you think Voldemort will take the news that you are still alive and free of the Mark? We could allow Draco to hear that the Magus released you from the Dark Mark. Possibly it could be useful for him to hear some details about how the Death Eaters are being used and tortured at their Dark Lord's whim. He is a bright boy. Perhaps with the right information, he might make his own choices instead of blindly following his father's path."

McGonagall insisted, "If Harry is to train his Magus abilities properly, we will have to have some privacy for the circle. Require that Draco be restricted from certain areas for portions of each day. Among us, we should be able to set up wards to limit where he goes while Harry Magus trains. He can share in whatever training we feel Harry Potter would be capable of, perhaps."

Harry put in, "And maybe we can stage a scene where Draco meets Darius, to head off any suspicions that I might be the Magus. Maybe some illusion to allow him to see both of me at the same time." Harry smiled at that thought. "The Muggles call it Mind Games."

"I have my doubts about this," Snape sighed, "but since you all seem agreed, I'll support the exercise." He paused, then looked at the others speculatively. "Perhaps this could be an opportunity for Draco to learn that being a loyal Slytherin doesn't necessarily mean supporting Voldemort."

Cornelius Fudge was quite pleased with the press conference he had just concluded. He had managed to make himself look good, and by announcing the appointment of Weasley as a Special Deputy Minister, his tail was covered. If Weasley did well with this Magus business, and took care of the Death Eaters and You-Know-Who, then he, as the person who appointed him, could take credit for putting the right man on the job. If Weasley failed, then Weasley could be the scapegoat, and Fudge could blame Dumbledore and the Magus for recommending him. He had done his duty requiring proof on both issues and had gone so far as to create a new department to deal with it. Fudge's approval rating should go up after this one.

Hmm. One of the first things he needed to have Weasley find out is the person who had the almighty nerve to cast an Imperius Curse on the Minister of Magic.

It had been another long day, but Harry thought that this time he might finally get a good night's sleep. They had done another 'Fudge is an idiot' session when they found out about the press conference, but what was done was done.

Sylvia and Erasmus had checked in and been briefed. Though Fudge had announced their transfer, neither Dumbledore nor Arthur had had a chance to ask them. They agreed wholeheartedly and promised to see Arthur the next day to make plans for setting up the new office on Monday. They didn't want to waste any time.

During the storytelling at the Burrow, some aspects of the inner circle pledge and binding had come up, but not everything. Harry thought it would be a good idea to check the next day with those under the security spell at the Weasley household. He would explain in more detail and see if any of them wanted 'in'. He trusted all four of them, though he wouldn't have chosen to ask the others into the inner circle, except possibly Ginny. But it was safer for Ginny not to be involved right now. She still hadn't completely gotten over being used by Tom Riddle two years before.

He looked forward to seeing Sirius and Remus the next night. They were due to approach through the Forbidden Forest one hour after sunset. Harry wasn't sure how he would greet them at first: old Harry, new Harry or Darius.

Sleepily, he lightly reached out to each one in his circle. A soft touch of affectionate response came back from each, in various degrees, in various ... call it 'flavors' ... even his sniping partner Severus Snape, in his own way, though haltingly. Snape wasn't used to receiving affection of any kind, so wasn't sure how to return it. /* Don't worry, Severus, I said you didn't have to like me. */ Harry teased Snape as he fell into a deep dreamless sleep for the first time in a very long time.

Chapter 16 - Sun, Jul 23 - Day 3
Plans and Experiments

"What? I have to go to Hogwarts a month early? Alone? Why?" Draco was sure his father had gone mad.

"You will do as I tell you for two reasons. Because I order you to go and because our Dark Lord thinks that perhaps you can be of some use to him." Lucius' silky voice had a sharp edge to it. "If you think to be worthy of the Mark, you can't always have Crabbe and Goyle to hide behind. The Dark Lord is not pleased at this time, for reasons that are none of your business."

Draco definitely had mixed emotions at this point. He wanted to serve the Dark Lord, but he wasn't sure how to take the 'slam' his father had made about hiding behind others. Did he really do that? He was good enough to serve the Dark Lord by himself! Wasn't he a Malfoy? Of a long pure-blooded wizard line? Yes! He could do this and make both his father and the Dark Lord proud of him, as he deserved.

"What exactly am I being sent to do, Father?" Draco tried to stay respectful and hold in his excitement. Being emotional was unbecoming to a Malfoy, except possibly rage or disgust. Yes, rage was allowed a Malfoy when appropriate.

Lucius paced like a commanding officer as he gave Draco his 'marching orders'. "Harry Potter is hiding out at Hogwarts. They will be trying to teach him enough to protect him from Voldemort, a futile gesture I'm sure. Your first task is to learn everything you can about what Potter is capable of and to increase your own skills as far as you can. Your second task will be to learn everything you can about the Magus, whoever he is. His identity if possible, definitely his capabilities and how he is progressing in controlling his Magus powers. Third, it is likely that Dumbledore will have an important part to play in any plans opposing Voldemort. Anything you learn about those plans will be of assistance."

Lucius continued, "Every Friday night, two hours after sunset, a Death Eater will meet you just inside the Forbidden Forest, just north of the gamekeeper's cottage. The Dark Lord may observe the exchange through your contact. You will report anything you discover. You had better find out something useful within a few weeks, or he will lose patience, and we may both pay a price. Make any mistakes, fail to be of use, and I cannot answer for the penalty he may exact. Do you understand, boy?" Draco nodded. "Very well. Immediately after breakfast on Monday morning, I will apparate with you to the gathering point just outside the Hogwarts shields. You will fly in on your broom. Your baggage will be taken to the tower for you later. Do not disgrace the Malfoy blood within you!"

Harry woke just after dawn, feeling quite rested. As he began to get dressed, he decided he needed to try to get used to his new appearance. Even though he was rather embarrassed yet, he took a good look at himself in the mirror.

Somehow, it didn't seem fair. Most guys would kill to look like this, had worked hours in the gym or at sports every day, and he just became a Magus and it happened by itself. Then, Snape's remark about Muggle superheroes reminded him of some of the comics Dudley liked. Strange, the Dursleys were adamantly against magic as unnatural, but Dudley loved superhero comics. What is wrong with this picture? One of Dudley's favorites was Spiderman, and Harry thought about the classic Spiderman line, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' As cheesy as it may sound, Harry realized that it was more true than he would have ever imagined. Maybe he would be paying a different kind of price to have the strength and power that he was slowly growing accustomed to.

"I need to experiment and find out just what this body is capable of. I hurt Uncle Vernon without even realizing it. I can't risk hurting people because I don't know my own strength anymore." Then, as most any healthy young man would do, he tried a couple muscleman poses in front of the mirror, just for the fun of it, scarcely believing how impressive he looked. Laughing at himself for being silly, he then finished getting dressed, in loose-fitting casual clothes, and headed out of his room, grabbing his glasses on the way out.

Dumbledore was already at his desk, working. "Morning, sir!" Harry said.

"Good morning, Harry. Did you sleep well this time?" Dumbledore looked up at him, smiling, because he already sensed the answer.

"Best sleep in ages. Did you have to ... help out again?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore shook his head. "Not a thing," his Mentor told him.

"Are there any plans for today?" Harry sat down in front of the desk. "If not, there are a few things I'd like to tend to, especially before Draco shows up tomorrow."

"Actually, Harry," Dumbledore gestured at the clutter on his desk, "there are preparations I need to finish before Sirius and Remus arrive tonight. The last two days I was distracted with other matters, as you know. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, I want to meet with the Weasleys and Hermione, preferably here. Can Mr. & Mrs. Weasley apparate with passengers?" Harry asked.

"Probably one person each. If they only need to bring Ron and Hermione, then they should be able to apparate to the gathering point outside the defenses. Then you could bring them in or they could fly in. It's about the circle?" Dumbledore asked.

"I want to explain to them just what's involved. And I was thinking that maybe I can set up separate circles, or separate mindspeech links. If they agree, I'd like Ron and Hermione to join, but it might be better if they were separate from the adult members of the circle, from the faculty and ministry business. And possibly Molly would rather only be linked to Arthur than the entire circle."

Dumbledore thought a moment. "You have a point. People who may be compatible with you may not necessarily be compatible with other members of the circle. In fact, there is a possibility you may have to deal with such a thing between Severus and Sirius. They may just not be compatible for a mindspeech link between them, but each could still be compatible with the rest of the circle, the adult circle you suggested. And yes, I agree the youth members of the circle should probably not be dragged completely into all Magus business at this time."

"Thanks. I needed to know if I was going in the right direction on those issues." Harry paused a moment, trying to find the right words for the next part. "The other thing I'd like to start doing is experimenting with my physical abilities. I don't want to risk hurting anyone accidentally, like I did Uncle Vernon. But we don't have much gym equipment around here, except what's needed for Quidditch training. And Quidditch is more reflexes than strength, really. You see, the idea that a Magus needs an unusually strong body to handle his magic, well, it makes me think that physical conditioning might be appropriate for any wizard or witch, to get the most out of their powers. With Voldemort and the Death Eaters eventually launching attacks, at least I don't think there's any doubt on that, well, the students will need to be able to perform to the best of their abilities. Am I crazy to suggest that Hogwarts needs a comprehensive physical training program?"

"Have you been reading my mind, Harry? No, don't worry, I know you really haven't. That is actually part of the plan I'm working on for ... well the unofficial organization that Sirius and Remus have been trying to revive, that I hope most of the circle will be a part of. Now, Harry! Don't peek." Dumbledore chuckled, as he sensed that Harry was tempted to read what Albus was up to. "This evening, after we've told Sirius and Remus your news, I and they will tell the rest of you our plans, plans which I need to finish. So, why don't you work on your projects ... experiment as you can with your physical abilities. If you plan to try anything major magically, please check in with me first. I believe Sylvia and Erasmus planned to meet with Arthur this afternoon, so you would need to have your meeting with the Weasleys in the morning. Now, off to breakfast. You're still a growing boy!" Dumbledore laughed as Harry made a face at him for that remark, then he returned to his work as Harry left his office.

After breakfast, Harry was wandering around the school. He remembered Dumbledore telling him he could have the run of the place, within privacy limits, after a tour. After a quick mindcall, Dumbledore agreed to let him wander. If he ran into any significant shielding spells, he should check with McGonagall or Snape before attempting to bypass the shields.

As he passed near the entrance to Gryffindor Tower, he saw a familiar face. "Harry Potter!" exclaimed Nearly-Headless Nick.

"Hello, Sir Nicholas!" Harry answered.

The ghost asked, "What are you doing here this time of year, Harry?"

It was then Harry realized there were a couple of security issues they, or at least he, hadn't thought of: the ghosts and also the portraits. "I'm here for summer school. Some special training since I had a couple Death Eaters after me the other day," Harry answered.

"Goodness!" exclaimed Nicholas. "Well, train hard, Harry, and be careful." And the Gryffindor ghost passed through the wall and out of sight.

/* Albus, we have a small problem, unless someone is already working on it. */ Harry sent to Dumbledore. After Harry explained that the ghosts and portraits would probably be witnessing his Magus training, Dumbledore had to agree with Harry that the matter needed to be dealt with soon. Harry asked, /* May I look, carefully, at the school defensive spells? I'd like to see if perhaps some kind of security spell for the non-living residents of the school could be incorporated. I promise I wouldn't actually do anything without your knowledge. */

Dumbledore suggested, /* Ask Minerva and Severus about the spells before and during your examination. They know the spells involved, since the faculty members periodically renew them. That is part of the reason they stayed at Hogwarts for the summer. Especially Severus is well versed in defensive spells, which is why he will be a fine DADA teacher, now that the Mark is gone.*/ Dumbledore paused. /* Would you believe I forgot to tell him he could have the job, now? Suppose you tell him when you talk with him, will you Harry? I need to get back to work now. */

Both professors agreed to meet with Harry regarding the school defensive spells and security issues. They decided to meet in the restricted section of the library so that they could check references as needed. Harry was there first. Since school wasn't in session, there was nothing to keep anyone out and he just went in and began to look around. McGonagall arrived next, and went straight to the stacks to find the journal used to document the defensive spells and their renewal schedule. It was in the spell-protected section, which even some staff couldn't access.

Just as McGonagall was about to access the security spell in the area, she called Harry over. "I want to key you to the security spell in the usual manner. I'm still not convinced that your way of going around such spells isn't actually degrading them." She raised her wand and motioned Harry to stand in a particular spot. "Cognosco!" she intoned ("Be recognized"), and a pale yellow circle appeared over Harry's head, then, extended down to become a cylinder around him. Then the top of the cylinder dropped to become a circle on the floor, which flared, then disappeared.

She then looked at Harry sternly. "By granting you access to this particular spell, you now have access to any general security spell in the castle. Only private security spells are not included. No student has ever had such access, so I expect you to refrain from using this privilege for frivolous purposes." McGonagall was thinking ahead to the school year.

Harry looked serious. "I give my word as Magus that I won't abuse this privilege, Minerva. Harry Potter and friends won't take advantage of it." Then he tilted his head and smiled. "Honest!" Which caused the professor to choke back laughter and shake her head.

By then, Snape had arrived, looking doubtfully at Harry, then sighed and sat down at one of the large tables in the reference area. "All right, Potter. What is this all about?" Harry explained the issues he saw with the non-living residents, to which Snape reluctantly agreed. "So now you want to know about the entire defensive system?"

"And how to renew it and augment it. I already seem to go around it, and I need to know how, and to make sure I'm not degrading it, as Min ... Professor McGonagall suggested might be happening." Harry decided this might be a fun time to sneak in the news. "Professor Dumbledore said you were especially good at defensive spells, which is why you'll make a fine Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this Fall." Harry tried to keep an innocent face on, but couldn't keep the delight from showing.

"Of course!" McGonagall exclaimed. "Now that the Mark is gone, there is nothing to prevent you from taking that position. You will accept it, won't you Severus? Albus is correct in saying you would be excellent in that area."

Snape looked stunned. He looked at Harry to make sure he wasn't joking. Harry could feel that reaction and, just as with Ron, got a bit angry. "Severus, if you think I would joke about something that everyone knows is so important to you ... ask Albus if you don't believe me!" And Harry stood up and took a walk through the stacks to calm down and hide the anger and hurt. He was so distracted, he didn't sense McGonagall come up behind him.

"Harry, it's not that people don't believe you, actually. You have a way of telling people their hearts' desires in such a casual manner, that they doubt their good fortune." McGonagall smiled. "You're trying so hard not to read people too deeply, that you misinterpret the surface emotions. I know it hasn't helped that both cases were people that have mistrusted you in the past, so it's only natural you assume they mistrust you as a person." Harry looked up questioningly at her. "Albus told me his concerns for you yesterday, when you told Ron about his new gift. I think what has happened is that, though your body, your mind, and your magic have strengthened remarkably, your heart is a bit fragile. You've gone through more in your life, and in the last few years, than the vast majority of people will ever experience. Trust us to help you through it, will you?"

Harry nodded, then looked up to see Snape standing just beyond McGonagall, struggling to find the words he felt he needed to say. Harry just took a deep breath, smiled at Snape, and said, "Can we get back to work?" Snape just nodded, looking a bit relieved, and began describing the layers of spells that protected one of the most secure locations in the world.

As they described each spell, and how it was cast, Harry would look for the pattern of that spell in the complex weave that permeated the building and grounds. He marveled at the strength of spells that had been initiated centuries ago, but saw places where he could stabilize and strengthen them even further. He made a note of each area in his mind, then proceeded to the next area, the next layer. Both of the professors, through their circle bond, and through their access to the security system itself, could sense how Harry's mind expanded throughout the system, how he seemed to comprehend the spells in ways they didn't understand.

After two hours, Harry finally withdrew completely from the defensive system, but he still had a faraway look in his glittering eyes, flecks of his purple aura visible with the almost glowing emerald green. He was trying to understand how it was he could slide around and through the spells when he apparated himself and others, whether he was damaging the defenses in any way. He didn't believe he was doing the system any harm, but he wasn't absolutely sure. He finally decided that he needed to take a break for now and revisit the issue at a later time. Maybe if he left it alone, his subconscious would figure it out.

Shaking his head to clear it, he noticed Snape and McGonagall quietly discussing their perceptions of the exercise via mindspeech. "I'm back," he said quietly. "I'll need some time to put the pieces together, and we all need a break, I think. Thank you both for all your help. I'd better let you get back to your own work for now. I'm heading for the nearest fireplace to arrange to see the Weasleys and Hermione next."
