The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Peter Pettigrew
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 09/27/2004
Updated: 09/27/2004
Words: 653
Chapters: 1
Hits: 626

Potter's Premonition

The Dork Lord

Story Summary:
It's little Harry's christening and he's being passed around like a parcel, but he seems to really dislike one of the guests.


"Harry James Potter. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" asked James Potter.

"You would say that, his middle name is your first!" laughed Sirius. He looked down at his newly christened godson. Eight month old Harry loved being held by his godfather, and Sirius loved being with Harry. He spent more time at the Potter's place then he did in his own house. Only business vital to the order could drag him away.

Harry had just been christened at the local church and James and Lily had invited friends and family over after the service. The three other Marauders were there naturally, Dumbledore and Moody had arrived after the service, Frank and Alice were there with their young son Neville and many others had come to celebrate Harry's christening.

Despite Lily's efforts to the contrary, James made a speech to their guests. He had a glass of champagne in one hand and was holding Harry in the other.

"First of all I'd like to thank everyone for coming. It's great to see everyone together after so long. I'd especially like to thank Sirius for consenting to be Harry's godfather. If this young man turns out to be half what his godfather is ....well then we'll all be in trouble."

James got a general laugh from everyone. Young Harry rested his head on his father's shoulder and sucked his thumb.

"At the end of the day, this young lad is why we're all here. Now I'm not one for making long speeches,"

"Yeah right!" called Lupin from the back. There was another general laugh.

"Cheers Remus! So ladies and gentlemen, can I ask you to raise your glasses to Harry James."

"To Harry James," said the crowd in unison as they raised their glasses and drank to Harry's health. Harry felt like a parcel being passed around the room. Alastor had brought his camera and was snapping away at everyone. He got one of Harry with his parents, with Sirius and Remus. He got one of Dumbledore holding Harry, who had got hold of the elderly headmaster's half moon glasses and was trying them on. Albus chuckled, but even he couldn't foresee Harry's importance. All he had was Sybil's prediction.

Harry was then passed to Peter Pettigrew and suddenly the young tot burst into tears. His wails caught the attention of everyone in the room, making Peter feel incredibly self conscious. Harry seemed determined to get away from Peter. Lily came and took Harry, who quickly stopped crying. He buried his face in his mother's jumper.

"What's the matter with you? Ssh, there there. Sorry Peter, he doesn't usually do that. He must be tired."

"Oh, it's alright Lily, I just don't have a way with kids like you do."

Sirius had been the last of the guests to leave. Lily had almost kicked him out at wand point when Harry nodded off and needed to go to bed. She carried her infant son up to his room and laid him down gently in his cot. He made soft breathing sounds as he slept. She found James in their room getting changed. She threw off her shoes and sat down on the bed beside him.

"Did you notice how Harry started crying when Peter held him?" she asked him.

"I think everyone in the room noticed. What's your point?"

"It's almost as if there was something about Peter that he didn't like, and I mean really didn't like."

"He was just tired, like you said. Besides, what is there about Peter to not like? He's harmless." James ran his fingers through his wife's hair and kissed her tenderly. His hand found its way into her blouse and was exploring thoroughly. Lily put her fears aside as she lay back, embracing her husband. Meanwhile, far away, Peter Pettigrew was bent over with pain as he clutched his left forearm. It was burning.

Author notes: This was just a one shot idea I had. I'd been playing around with it for a while so please review.