Astronomy Tower
Sirius Black Severus Snape
Slash Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 46,598
Chapters: 24
Hits: 16,612

Love Potion HP

Tavalya Ra

Story Summary:
Snape and Sirius have always shared an intense, mutual hatred, but never before have they been obsessed with each other. Whether it's love or lust, they're both disgusted by it. Someone is playing cupid, but is it fate, Dumbledore, or Voldemort?

Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
Severus Snape and Sirius Black have always shared an intense, mutual hatred, but never before have they been obsessed with each other. Whether it's love or lust, they're both disgusted by it. Someone is playing cupid, but is it fate, Dumbledore, or Voldemort?
Author's Note:
Thank you to Stacey of "Thin Line" for beta-reading, Anna for indulging and encouraging this insanity, and Simeone for loaning me her copy of "Goblet of Fire", without which, I never would have been inspired to write this ridiculously long and thoroughly disturbing story.

Chapter Sixteen: Small Comfort

"And this is the tale in full?" Dumbledore asked. The twinkle in his eye had taken on a strange, almost suggestive, quality.

Sirius chanced a glance at Severus. "Yes," he answered, a tad too uneasy. "I can't think of anything else."

Dumbledore nodded, more in acknowledgement than acceptance. True, Sirius and Severus had presented a somewhat edited version of last night's events to the headmaster, but why should Dumbledore suspect such? Just how much did he know of the occurrences at Hogwarts?

Not everything, Sirius thought. In October, he thought we were fighting not... well, I don't suppose one could really call that night "sleeping" together...

He hoped that Dumbledore's suspicions were no more than that. His self-control concerning Draco had been severely lacking and he doubted the headmaster would look favorably upon Severus willingly invoking the Dark Mark.

"So," said Dumbledore with finality, "it has begun."

Sirius clutched Severus's hand. Unlike last time, he did not shove it away, but gripped it in return.

"Where is Remus now?"

"In our cabin," answered Severus. "He'll transform tonight, but I brewed his potion. He is safe."

Dumbledore nodded. "We'll keep him there until after the moon. I'll have a room in the castle prepared for him."

"With all due respect, Headmaster, are you sure that's wise?" he questioned. "I know my Slytherins. They can be a nasty lot when they want to be and if they see Lupin..."

"The students will not know of Remus's presence," he assured him. "There are many little known, little used passages to the castle. I had anticipated something of this nature. I'm afraid Remus is only the first of many whom Voldemort will force to seek refuge at Hogwarts."

He paused. "It is apparent that Draco Malfoy will not be returning to Hogwarts. Even if he were, I would consider having him expelled. Gentlemen, what do you think should be done?"

"I think he should be kidnapped and separated from his father so he can have his head sorted out," voiced Severus. "But it's doubtful anyone will succeed at that."

Sirius only stated, "They should both be sent to Azkaban."

Dumbledore looked at him sharply. "I'm much surprised you would wish that fate upon anyone, Sirius, especially a child. No, I was not referring to the Malfoys. I wish to know what you think should be done about yourselves."

"What do you think should be done?" Severus asked quietly.

"This situation is much more serious than I had anticipated," said Dumbledore, "and I think extreme measures might be warranted. Severus, Sirius, I must ask you to choose a Secret-Keeper."

Sirius felt himself turn icy. "What?"

"Just for the summer," Dumbledore continued. "You and Severus will go into hiding..."

"Is it really that serious?" Severus whispered.

"You might have died last night. Yes, it is that serious."

"But the Fidelius Charm! The last time it was used..."

Sirius closed his eyes. "Lily and James..."

Dark memories and deep regrets swirled up from the depths of his soul to the front of his mind.

It should have been me. If I had never told them to choose Pettigrew... It should have been me. It should have been me, and I will always pay for that.

"I offered to be the Potters' Secret-Keeper," said Dumbledore, "and now I make the same offer to you."

A strange and tense stillness pervaded every corner of the room.

"You and Sirius are the only people I trust," said Severus quietly. "When will you perform the Charm?"

"At the end of the school year. Then in September, you will return to Hogwarts and next June I will cast the Charm again if necessary."

Severus nodded.

Dumbledore continued, "I want you to neither confirm nor deny any rumors concerning Draco Malfoy's absence, no matter what their stories entail. And Sirius, I do not want Harry to know what happened last night."

"Can we tell him Remus is here?" Sirius asked.

"Only if necessary. I trust your discretion."

Severus stood up. "I'm late for my first class. I'll see you after school, Sirius. Thank you very much, headmaster."

"Be very careful, Severus," Dumbledore cautioned. "No more late-night excursions into the forest."

Severus nodded and left.

* * *

Draco Malfoy's sudden disappearance spawned a series of rumors. The Slytherins' tales all spoke sympathetically of impending danger and bravery. The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws' were much more critical and the Gryffindors' unabashedly vicious. The Gryffindor rumors, however, were also the closest to the truth.

Within the week, Crabbe's and Goyle's parents pulled them from Hogwarts. Twelve other Slytherins followed. Severus recognized all of the family names. They were of Death Eaters.

* * *

Wearily, Severus surveyed the empty classroom. Shards of glass rested in noxious puddles which bubbled and changed colors as they spread and engulfed the powders and other liquids strewn across the floor.

Even with the presence of the Weasley twins, he never had anticipated such chaos and discord from his seventh-years. Nor had he dreamed that the source would not be the Gryffindors, but rather, the Slytherins.

My own House, he reflected bitterly, then realized, Voldemort's House.

They knew. By some strange clairvoyance, the Slytherins were aware that Draco's disappearance was linked to Severus. He had felt the keen eyes of his vipers cut into him sharply as he passed through the halls, but never had he supposed the situation would become so extreme.

I can't head this House anymore, he thought. They're all fools- they have no idea what their actions mean!

He closed his eyes. He did not want to believe it, but perhaps it was true. Perhaps to be a Slytherin was to be cursed to the Darkness...

"Professor?" a startled voice inquired.

Severus opened his eyes. Harry Potter was carefully wending his way around the puddles, across the room to the Potions Master's desk.

"What are you doing here, Potter?" Severus asked sharply. "You don't have Potions this period."

"I know," he agreed. "But the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor said it was okay."

Severus narrowed his eyes. The DADA teachers always developed an affinity for the boy... but in each instance, the results had been near disastrous.

"What do you want?" he demanded, sneering. Just because he shared a bed with Potter's godfather did not mean he had to like the child.

"I..." he began, then hastily blurted, "Does- does Draco Malfoy's disappearance have anything to do with... You-Know-Who?"

Severus spoke on reflex. "Say Voldemort, Harry."

"I usually do to myself," Potter confessed. "But most people get uncomfortable-"

"I am not one of them," Severus snapped. "I refuse to live in fear of a name."

No, I'll just live in fear of everything else about him...

He clenched his fist, suppressing a shiver. He would not tremble- not in front of Harry Potter.

"Well... is he?" Potter prodded. "Is Voldemort the reason Draco Malfoy is gone?"

He hesitated. Dumbledore's adjuration to Sirius no doubt applied to himself and the headmaster had ordered he speak nothing concerning the rumors. Yet, if Draco's departure meant all that Severus feared, that the child's future as a Death Eater was sealed...

Know thy enemy. It was one- perhaps the first- adage of survival. To deny Potter the knowledge...

But Potter would not keep it to himself. He would tell Granger and Weasley, and in short order the entire Gryffindor Tower would be abuzz with the news that Professor Snape himself had confirmed the most vicious of their rumors.

"I don't know, Harry."

Potter bit his lip, but nodded.

"Do not concern yourself with it," Severus warned. "You have a test on Tuesday and possibly a Quidditch match on the twentieth."

Potter gave him a startled glance. "Possibly, Professor?"

"Slytherin has lost a Beater, its Keeper, and of course, its Seeker," he replied. "I don't know if they can be replaced in time."

"Professor..." Potter took a deep breath. "Professor, if Malfoy's disappearance did have something to do with Voldemort... you would have told me, wouldn't you?"

Severus blinked and gave him a cold, indifferent glare. "Mr. Potter, I don't think I need to elaborate just how presumptuous your statement is. If it were true- and I assure you it is not- why would I ever share such knowledge with a student?"

"Sorry, Professor," the boy mumbled. He retreated from the room.

* * *

Severus had only one comfort now, and that was Sirius. They rarely bickered and when they made love, it was less violent and more desperate. They shared the ominous sense that at any moment, something might come which would tear them apart.

In the dark of the night, Severus shivered as Sirius caressed him tenderly and whispered, "I'll never let them hurt you. Never."

Severus closed his eyes. "But what can you do if they try?"