Albus Dumbledore Rubeus Hagrid Minerva McGonagall Severus Snape
Drama Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/27/2005
Updated: 06/26/2007
Words: 104,021
Chapters: 22
Hits: 17,481

The Boy Who Found a Home


Story Summary:
The task of all schools is to educate students. Albus Dumbledore felt there was more to education than teaching the Ministry- decreed lessons; he tried to teach his students how to use what they had both intellectually and morally. The headmaster discovered that preconceived notions don’t always reveal everything to the careless eye; his vision was surprisingly altered by the young Slytherin, Severus Snape.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
The task of all schools is to educate students. Albus Dumbledore felt there was more to education than teaching the Ministry decreed lessons; he tried to teach his students how to use what they had both intellectually and morally. The headmaster discovered that preconceived notions don’t always reveal everything to the careless eye; his vision was surprisingly altered by the young Slytherin, Severus Snape.
Author's Note:
I began writing this story over two years ago and set it aside thinking it would come to nothing. My intentions are that there are three individual stories that are linked together by a common thread. This, the first story, covers Severus Snape’s life as a student at Hogwarts. The second section covers the year after Voldemort’s first fall; while the third section discusses how he came to teach at Hogwarts.

The next several weeks were fairly uneventful and Severus Snape was beginning to enjoy his lessons. Lucius Malfoy found new people to intimidate and ignored Severus. Life in the Slytherin House fell into a regular routine.

Severus discovered he had little patience for most of his classmates; especially in Potions. The other students didn't prepare for classes as he did or appeared generally inept. In fact, they often didn't pay attention to the lesson Professor Warwick was explaining.

Watching the students who did try struggle was pure torture to Severus. Few other students seemed to find the class as mesmerizing as he did. Lily Evans seemed interested enough to try to follow the concepts, though she was inherently incompetent. At least Lily tries more than the rest of the class, but she does just lack the gift.

Lily had nearly destroyed her partner's cauldron earlier in the week while brewing a very simple basic potion. Severus assigned to sit in front of her, heard an ominous bubbling and smelled a sweet scent that signalled an incorrect mixture of the ingredients. He turned to tell her to turn the heat down and add the marjoram to the potion to counteract the mistake.

"Your fire is too warm for the mixture. You didn't put your ingredients in the proper order. Can't you smell it? It's wrong and will..."

"Here we go," said Sirius Black, "Professor Snape is going to lecture us all now."

Severus opened his mouth to respond when Lily's cauldron exploded its contents across the dungeon. Severus, Lily and Megan, her Potions partner, were covered in the viscous hot liquid. The girls jumped from their seats as the hot potion burned them.

Professor Warwick rapidly crossed the room to the two tables with an irritated expression on his face. Raising his wand, he called, "Evanesco!" The remaining potion vanished.

"It was my fault Professor Warwick," Lily quietly whispered wincing at the burns on her hands. "I wasn't paying enough attention to my work."

"Snape was trying to distract her Professor Warwick," Sirius said maliciously.

"Miss Evans, was Snape distracting you?"

"He was trying to..." Lily began.

"Mr. Snape, how many times have I told the class there will be no idle chatter, You are only to speak when necessary to your partner at the cauldron." Professor Warwick interrupted the girl. He waved his wand to a medicinal cabinet on the wall. The doors swung open, and a small pot floated across the room to his hand, which he passed on to the three burned students.

"Five points will be taken from Slytherin, and you, Mr. Snape, will serve a detention for causing another student to blow up their potion. I will not permit you to pester other students in this class." Warwick was livid. "You will remain after class to arrange your detention."

Lily and Megan looked nervously at their professor, expecting to join Severus in the taking of points and detention. When Professor Warwick didn't reprimand them, Megan sighed in relief. Lily was horrified, but she hadn't the courage to rectify the injustice. What sort of Gryffindor am I?

As the class left the Potions dungeon, Lily slowly packed her bag until the room was nearly empty. Only Severus remained, arranging his detention. Lily turned to leave just as Severus had finished with their professor.

"I-I'm sorry Severus. It's my fault you have detention. I didn't have the courage to tell Professor Warwick you were only..." Lily said apologetically as he passed her. She looked into Severus' eyes, which were so dark that the pupils were nearly invisible. She quickly looked away, unsettled by the utter lack of life in them.

"You could have stood up in front of your friends," Severus said truthfully.

"I know."

"Why didn't you then?" he challenged her.

"I-I don't know. I want them to like me, I guess."

Severus snorted.

"Don't you want people to like you, Severus?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't see any value in having friends."

"Sever..." Lily began only to be interrupted by James Potter walking back down the corridor.

"Is Snape bothering you, Lily? We have Herbology in five minutes and have to move it along to make it in time." He glared at Severus. "Have fun in detention, Snivellus."

Severus gave James Potter as venomous a look as he received.

Truthfully, Severus didn't really mind the detention with Professor Warwick. It would give him an opportunity to observe the Potions professor at work. He may not have been a Master of Potions but Warwick was solid average.

Severus arrived for detention at eight that evening. Professor Warwick looked up as Severus knocked on the door and walked into the Potions dungeon.

"You're on time, Snape. There are roots that need sorting in the storeroom. I left the storeroom open for you," the Potions professor said.

"Sort the roots by freshness. Those that are of recent harvesting will need to be hung to allow the innate magic within them to fully mature. You will find that the freshness will be difficult to determine. The differences are extremely minuscule. Those that are too old or bruised dispose of in that barrel. However, with close observation and developing a good sense of smell I am confident you will not be here much more than three or four hours. You may leave when you are finished. Do you understand my instructions?"

"Yes, sir."

"I will be in my office should you need me."

The potions storage room was heavy with the scents of many ingredients. The odours overlapped one another in an interesting perfume. Musty, spicy and woodsy odours mixed with acidic and cloyingly sweet scents.

Severus looked at the two large bushel baskets filled with roots. Pulling over a stool and two empty baskets, he began to sort the roots. The first twenty or so helped establish a standard for determining the relative freshness of any given root. The texture of both the skins and fleshiness of the meat, as well as the subtle musty odour given off by the roots, ingrained themselves rapidly in Severus' mind.

Some time later, Severus saw that the original bushels were now empty. His compulsive nature made him sort through the roots again, to confirm his original division of the plants.

Standing, he stretched and pushed his oily limp hair back from his face. A ball of twine was on one of the tables, along with a small knife. Deftly, Severus cut equal lengths of the twine and began to form small bundles of the roots needing to be hung, careful to leave a small length to loop over the rack above his head.

As Severus stood on the stool, to hang the bundles, he could see the shelves lined with the potions ingredients kept by Professor Warwick. There appeared to be an order to the organization of the raw ingredients. He frowned to himself. I wouldn't put that there. It makes no sense. Why does Professor Warwick have them organized like this?

Having finished hanging the bundles and having cleaned the area of the detritus, Severus began to look more closely at the shelves. Some of the shelves were stocked with ingredients he had only read about. The temptation to touch the bottles and boxes was intense. Severus found his slender fingers reaching out to the ingredients and just as they were about to touch he would draw back his hand.

"I find them just as mesmerizing as you do, Mr. Snape," a voice behind him said softly.

Severus had been so engrossed in his observations he was unaware of Professor Warwick's approach.

"I didn't take any," he said defensively backing away.

"I also find potions storerooms fascinating." Professor Warwick went to a shelf and picked up a bottle.

"I enjoy looking into another potion brewer's ingredients room. It tells you so much about them. What does my storeroom tell you?" he asked wistfully glancing around the room.

Severus stared at his professor uncertainly. "I think it is---unusually organized."


"It possesses no logical ord..." Severus' voice trailed off seeing the Potions professor's expression.

Professor Warwick gazed levelly at Severus for a long moment, before resting a hip against the table. "Well? Aren't you going to tell me how the storeroom should be organized?"

Severus remained silent.

"Severus," Warwick said more kindly, "you have a special talent for potions, from what I have observed these past several weeks. But..."

This cannot be good if he's saying 'but', Severus thought with dread.

"I want to help you; all the professors here want to help you. You need to learn not speak condescendingly to the other students."

"They don't listen when I am trying to explain how to do something," Severus said defensively.

"Severus, that is just what I am talking about. Can't you hear it yourself?"

"What did I say?" Severus asked confused.

"You expect the other students to listen to you, and in turn, you don't listen to them. You may leave now." Resignation coloured Warwick's tone.

Unbeknownst to the students at Hogwarts their instructors, often, in a light hearted manner, discussed which House had the better students both academically and magically.

"I'm telling you, Hagrid, the boy works hard but he is completely lacking in tact," Professor Sinistra said.

"Professor Kettleburn, the lad had no idea how to pet Fang. How can you not know how to pet a dog?" Hagrid asked turning to the Magical Creatures professor.

Professor Sinistra frowned slightly. "He does know the star charts better than some of my fifth years."

"Knowing information is one thing, Sinistra," Minerva McGonagall said. "The ability to apply it is another matter."

"He applies the information very well in my class," Professor Warwick said. "Though I'll admit, Snape has little patience for other students' unwillingness to solve problems."

Many of the professors were finding Severus as challenging in the non-academic, as Professor Sinistra was. While intellectually bright, Severus was emotionally immature and would loudly condemn other students for their ignorance. The Slytherin would lash out at his professors when they corrected his work.

"Snape is ambitious and he does his work conscientiously," Professor Flitwick added.

"Mr. Snape does his work, but in a mechanical, lifeless sort of way," Sinistra added with concern.

Professor Warwick commented dryly, "The only thing that seems to bring any life to him is Potions."

"And the Dark Arts!" Minerva added with an ominous glance at Illingsworth.

"You aren't stereotyping Slytherins again, Minerva?" Professor Illingsworth asked coolly from his chair in the corner of the room. The Head of Slytherin House seemed completely unaware of the difficulties the young man faced.

"I'm only stating that Mr. Snape seems unusually fascinated by the Dark Arts, from what have observed."

"I teach the course, in the event you've forgotten, Minerva. Fascination with the subject does not necessarily indicate that they will succumb to practicing the Dark Arts," Illingsworth stated emphatically. "Aurors know a great deal about the Dark Arts and you wouldn't accuse them of an unhealthy fascination, Minerva."

"Minerva," Professor Flitwick said trying to intervene, "I believe all that Frederick..."

"Thank you very much, Flitwick," Illingworth said sharply, giving the diminutive Charms Professor a scathing look, "but I do not need your assistance in this discussion."

"I have a class to prepare for," Minerva McGonagall said stiffly. She swept from the staffroom, her displeasure evident. "I'll see you all at dinner."

"My, young Snape does seem to cause dissention whenever he is mentioned or where ever he is. I must run too, Frederick," Professor Flitwick said softly.

"Don't let Minerva irritate you, Frederick," Warwick said continuing his earlier train of thought. "I find Snape an excellent student, diligent and curious -- a natural with potions. Severus seems to find the innate magic within ingredients almost without conscious thought -- like a second sight."

"That may well be," Illingsworth said in a low voice. "But Snape attracts far too much attention and, therefore, resentment both from his fellow students and the staff."

"The child just does not seem to know how to mix in with his classmates. He appears to have quite a knack for putting his foot into it," Warwick agreed sighing thoughtfully.

"Are you referring to the incident with the three Gryffindors last week?" Illingsworth asked raising his eyebrow slightly.

"Er, yes," Warwick said with a knowing look. "That rather nasty incident took Poppy some time to straighten out. Some of the potions we mix in first year really ought not to be taught until second or third year. Yet, the governors wish them to be taught earlier. I never cease to be amazed at what boys will do to one another."

"Minerva won't listen to reason and rein her House in," Professor Illingsworth said bitterly poking at the sofa. "She always assumes that it is a Slytherin starting the trouble. The Headmaster is just as narrow minded and sees nothing but boyish playfulness from his own House."

"Well, Frederick, we all favour our own Houses just a bit. Don't you think? Ah, I see my first years class with the Hufflepuffs begins in ten minutes."

"Good luck," Professor Illingsworth said in mock sympathy. The Dark Arts professor had little use for Hufflepuff students.


Professor Dumbledore had begun to have the first years to his office, to meet them informally, in small groups. They were all a bit anxious about meeting the famous, very powerful wizard who'd defeated Grindelwald and was now their master.

For the past month, twice a week during breakfast, Professor McGonagall would clap her hands for attention at breakfast and read off the names of students who were expected in the Headmaster's office later that day.

Severus hadn't been paying attention to the names called; his head was in a book as usual. A low laugh intruded on his consciousness. "Aren't you the fortunate one, Severus?"

Severus looked around. "What, Malfoy?"

"You have to go to the Headmaster's office today."

Severus looked at Lucius Malfoy blankly not comprehending where the conversation was headed.

"You, Goyle, Bones, Diggory, Black, Lupin, and Black's pretty cousin Narcissa will be all together for one of the Headmaster's nice 'chats.'"

Damn, Severus thought, I have to be in Dumbledore's group with that imbecile Black?

"You really should pay more attention, Snape," Malfoy said lazily. "I'm beginning to wonder if I should lower my opinion of you."

"Shut it, Malfoy," Severus said his anger rising quickly.

Lucius rose from the table and laughed at Severus as he walked away. Severus followed Lucius Malfoy with his eyes and caught James Potter staring at him.

Once James noticed that Severus had seen him, he leaned over to Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew and said something obviously humorous. They turned to look at him and began to laugh. Severus slid his eyes to see where Sirius Black was laughing with a third year girl at the Hufflepuff table.

They were laughing at him again. He would give them some back. He rose from the Slytherin table and glided quietly across the room to the Ravenclaw table. Severus talked briefly to one of the Ravenclaw girls from his Herbology class.

Severus continued, unnoticed, down the aisle between the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tables. As he passed James, Peter, Remus and Sirius, Severus aimed his wand at them from beneath his school robes and kept walking out of the Great Hall.

A pitcher of pumpkin juice on the table exploded, showering the table in the sticky liquid. There were outraged cried from the Gryffindors covered in the sticky juice. A small smile played on one corner of Severus' mouth.

"Black!!!" screamed a fourth year.

"I didn't do it," Sirius protested laughing and turning to the rest of his table.

"Really, Sirius, did you have to blow up the pitcher right in front of us?" James asked trying a cleaning charm on his robes---it put a hole in the sleeve.

"This is just awful, Sirius. Now I have to change before..." Lily said disgusted.

"Can I watch?" Sirius Black asked.

"No, you pervert," Lily said shocked at Sirius' suggestion.

"Hey! I am not a pervert."

"Right," Remus said in a soft voice.

"Shut it, Remus," Sirius said anger filling his voice.

"Why do you chum around with them, Peter?" Lily asked her childhood friend. Peter shrugged his shoulders not wanting to upset his roommates. "You will need to change before you go to the Headmaster's office. I want you to tell me everything that happens, Peter."

"Why?" Sirius asked.

"Because, Sirius, I don't want to walk in when it's my turn and be an idiot like you and James are," Lily said sounding very much like Professor McGonagall.

"Lily, there is no chance of that, with Snivellus in their meeting. Can you believe of all the students at Hogwarts, they get stuck with that greasy git? Snape will probably try to lecture Dumbledore," James said and poked at his pudding.

He'd readily adopted his new friends' dislike of Snape, partly from a family attitude that anything Slytherin was questionable, and partly from the fact that he was irritated that the rival House's member wasn't lacking in intellect or ability. James found it was easy to harass the Slytherin because he was half a year younger and therefore smaller physically.

"He's not that bad." Lily raised her eyes to the ceiling having heard the litany of how dreadful Severus Snape was for the past month and a half.

"Lily, you heard him in History of Magic, telling Binns that Mave Broderick did not free the witches of Estonia, that it was Mauve Broadrick. He is an intolerable know-it-all!" Sirius loudly echoed James opinion.

"All right, all right, Severus is always correcting everyone but, he is usually straight with his facts," Lily argued in defence of Severus.

"You don't actually like him, do you?" James asked shocked.

"I don't exactly like him, James. I just don't think he is so totally evil as you do -- he's just a bit strange."

"Peter," Sirius asked in concern. "Do you think she's always like this?"

"Worse, probably," Peter answered spewing cake crumbs across the table.

"You boys are really irritating, do you know that? I'm leaving to change out of my wet robe before Charms class," Lily said leaving the table and brushing cake crumbs from her robe.

James Potter's eyes followed Lily from the room. "Do you suppose girls like her really like great gits like Snivellus?"

"Only if they win a Quidditch World Cup," Sirius said with a shrug.

"That leaves the vampire out," James said smugly.

Remus shifted on the bench, uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was moving.

"Snape? Quidditch? You'd see me beat him in Potions first," Peter giggled.

They all laughed so hard they fell off the bench, more at the thought of Peter being a first in any class than Severus winning the Quidditch World Cup.


The group of students that met in the Great Hall was nervous, even though earlier groups had indicated the Headmaster had offered them all sweets. Minerva McGonagall smiled secretly to herself to see the children who were normally so bold, intimidated by the thought of meeting Albus Dumbledore. She cast her eye over the assembled students.

"Mr. Goyle, straighten your tie. Why didn't you comb your hair, Miss Bones?" Minerva aimed her wand at the young girl's hair.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall," Nancy Bones said as her hair was pulled back into a neat braid.

Professor McGonagall turned her eyes to Peter, Remus and Severus. She shook her head and continued her inspection of the students before her.

"Well, at least Miss Black and Mr. Diggory are properly presented. The rest of you are a sorry sight. Follow me," Minerva turned on her heel and led them up several flights of stairs and into a recess along one of the granite walls. There was a large sculpture on a plinth in the alcove.

"Lemon Wizzies," Professor McGonagall called out. The statue shifted and a revolving stair was revealed. "Follow me."

The group followed the Deputy Headmistress onto the stairs and up into the Headmaster's office.

"Headmaster, your guests are here," Professor McGonagall called then, to the students, "I will meet you at the bottom of the stairs after your meeting."

The group stood in silent awe, looking about the office. Professor Dumbledore was not in evidence.

Nancy Bones whispered, "You don't think he forgot, do you?"

Severus snorted. Sirius gave him a disgusted stare. Narcissa rolled her eyes at the stupid Hufflepuff, Nancy.

"Maybe he didn't want to be in the same room with Snivellus," Sirius said viciously.

"Oh!" Nancy backed away from her position near Sirius and stood slightly behind Clem Diggory.

Evan Goyle shifted his position slightly so his vision was unobstructed.

"Sirius..." Remus warned.

"There is no call to be nasty," Clem Diggory said. Sirius gave Clem a condescending glare.

"Only a fool would attempt something in the Headmaster's office. It's a guaranteed way to get sent down," Narcissa said her eyes growing hard at the stupidity of boys.

"It's not the only way, Miss Black," a quiet voice said from behind them.

"Headmaster Dumbledore!" Remus gasped aloud, dazzled at the sight of the old wizard. The remainder of the group turned to see the greatest wizard in the world standing beside the fireplace wearing a multicoloured robe. All the Hogwarts House symbols floated across the magically woven fabric. The girls gasped at the robe's beauty. Smiling, the Headmaster looked at each individual in turn.

"Miss Bones, Miss Black will you sit on either side of me in those chairs?" Albus indicated a small circle of chairs on a Persian carpet to the left of his large desk.

"Now that you know your House members, I thought it would be valuable for you to become acquainted with some people in the other Houses." Severus and Sirius pointedly stared straight ahead.

"Would any of you like a sherbet lemon?" Albus Dumbledore smiled and passed around a small enamel box without taking one himself. Each student took one except Severus, who passed the box to Clem Diggory.

"You wouldn't like to try one of my sherbet lemons, Mr....?" Albus looked questioningly for Severus' name.

"No, sir."

The other students looked at him. Sirius rolled his eyes at Severus' abruptness.

Sensing the hostility aimed at him by the group Severus added, "No, thank you, Headmaster."

"How are you all enjoying Hogwarts?" Dumbledore began again looking at the students.

"It is quite nice in Hufflepuff. I have made a lot of friends here," Nancy Bones chattered happily. "My..."

While Nancy talked of the enjoyment she found at Hogwarts, Severus looked around the office. There was a large clock with more hands than he'd ever seen before. All the professors faces were on the hands, as were Hagrid and Mr. Filch.

The large desk was near a spiral staircase leading to an upper level. Next to the stair was a perch with a phoenix (looking rather battered) and a large series of astronomical globes. Severus saw many glass-fronted bookcases; some were open with books and scrolls spilling from the shelves. Severus turned his attention back to the circle of chairs.

"What about you, Mr. Lupin?" the Headmaster asked.

"Er, classes are interesting."

"Which classes do you enjoy the most?" Albus asked trying to draw Remus out of his shell. Remus shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"I like Transfigurations and Herbology," Remus looked thoughtful.

"Transfiguration is a most interesting course," the Headmaster agreed. "I once taught it myself. Miss Black, your parents were in Ravenclaw and Slytherin weren't they? I imagine they were quite forthcoming about the challenges we provide at Hogwarts."

"Yes, Headmaster, though thus far I have been a bit surprised that the academics haven't provided me with more of a challenge."

"You would like us to provide you with more of a challenging course work then?" the Headmaster asked. "I believe that after the Christmas holiday you will find that the difficulty will increase substantially.

"Mr. Black, have you found the course work as equally lacking in challenge as your cousin has?" Albus looked over at Sirius.

"I like my lessons, sir." It's just one of my classmates I find disgusting, Sirius thought with a pointed glare at Severus.

"Mr. Diggory, what do you most look forward to here at Hogwarts?"

"I am really looking forward to the Quidditch games beginning," Clem said excitedly.

"Did you play Quidditch in the youth leagues, too?" Sirius asked, suddenly interested in something other than Severus being a git.

"Oh sure, we played near Shrewsbury," Clem answered, thrilled to talk Quidditch.

"I bet Snape never played Quidditch. He's too much of an -- intellectual," Sirius said innocently, returning his focus to hating Severus.

Professor Dumbledore let the comment slip by, but made note of the hostility between the two boys.

"You must have played Quidditch." Clem looked over in disbelief at Severus. "Everyone has played Quidditch."

"My parents preferred I study instead of pursuing frivolous pastimes," Severus said.

Sirius coughed loudly, earning a glare from Severus. The Headmaster raised his eyebrows at Sirius reprovingly. "Sorry, Headmaster, I had a catch in my throat," Sirius said contritely apologetic.

Dumbledore looked over the top of his glasses at Sirius. "Mr. Black, other than Quidditch, have you found your classes interesting?"

"Some of them, Headmaster."

The Headmaster pressed further. "Which of your classes is the most challenging?"

"Well, Headmaster, I think the Defence Against the Dark Arts course is brilliant. It really is interesting," Sirius said excitedly.

"How about you, Miss Bones, have you found the Defence class exciting?" Albus asked the plain little Hufflepuff girl.

"What? Oh no, Headmaster. I like the Herbology class the most." Nancy blushed pink.

Narcissa Black gave a slightly condescending smile in Nancy's direction. "I myself don't enjoy getting my hands dirty. I find the most interesting course is Defence Against the Dark Arts. Wouldn't you agree, Severus?"

The Slytherin looked over at Narcissa suspiciously and gave her a cold angry look for having drawn attention to him. He felt the entire group's eyes on him.

"Do you find the Defence Against the Dark Arts classes interesting, Mr. Snape?" The Headmaster looked inquiringly at Severus.

Severus thought through the possible responses. Evan Goyle shifted slightly in his seat. Sirius Black smirked; pleased at his cousin Narcissa's question. "It is -- of interest, Headmaster," Severus answered at last in a quiet voice.

"Perhaps you find other classes more interesting?" Albus probed.

Severus looked quickly at the Headmaster and then down at his hands avoiding the blue eyes that appeared to see into his soul and shrugged noncommittally.

Sirius yawned loudly. Albus Dumbledore looked over at him and raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry, Headmaster, I didn't mean to interrupt whatever interesting point Severus was going to make," Sirius said in a subtly derisive tone. Remus looked away in embarrassment.

"I like the Defence Against the Dark Arts a lot," Evan Goyle said suddenly. "My brother's friends told me how interesting it was and they were right! I can't wait until Professor Illingsworth gets to the good stuff like the really good curses."

"I don't like curses," Nancy Bones announced firmly. "I think they aren't very nice." Narcissa looked at Nancy in amazement.

"That's the point. That's why they're called curses, 'cause they aren't nice," Evan said to Nancy, as though she were an idiot.

"Mr. Lupin, have you found the grounds here at Hogwarts enjoyable?" the Headmaster said trying to involve everyone in the conversation.

"We," Remus said in a fluster, pointing to Sirius, "have a great time exploring the grounds. There are lots of places to hangout."

"The lake is really interesting, Headmaster. I, Peter, James, and Remus have been trying to get the giant squid to the shore. We're hoping to get the squid to come when called." Sirius leaned back in his chair, draping one arm over the back.

"I didn't know that giant squids were fresh water creatures, Headmaster," Narcissa said.

"Ordinarily they aren't, Miss Black. Hogwarts is fortunate to have one of the few fresh water squids. They are very rare, as you can imagine.

"Our time is over. I hope you have all enjoyed meeting members of other Houses a bit more informally. It certainly has been most informative to me. Now I know just a little bit more about all of you." Albus smiled at the group.

"You do?" Nancy Bones looked puzzled.

"Yes, Miss Bones. I now know that you like my sherbet lemons nearly as much as I do! Thank you all for coming."