Blaise Zabini Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/19/2002
Updated: 06/12/2003
Words: 17,050
Chapters: 5
Hits: 2,347

Hazardous Wager


Story Summary:
What possessed Draco Malfoy when he accepted Zabini's plan to capture Potter for Voldemort? What possessed him when he accepted to bet at the same time on the issue of that mission? Will he be Slytherin``enough to deal with the consequences and to fight to regain the love of the woman he loves, but betrayed?

Hazardous Wager Prologue

Chapter Summary:
What possessed Draco Malfoy when he accepted Zabini's plan to capture Potter for Voldemort? What possessed him when he accepted to bet at the same time on the issue of that mission? Will he be Slytherin
Author's Note:
Very special thanks to my awesome team of betas: Karen, Melissa, Sam and Dru. You're the best!


If I give up on you, I give up on me
If we fight what's true, will we ever be
Even God himself and the faith I knew
Shouldn't hold me back, shouldn't keep me from you

Tease me, by holding out your hand
Then leave me, or take me as I am
And live our lives, stigmatized.

-- Stigmatized by The Calling.

Prologue -

"What do you think you're doing?!" Blaise Zabini yelled at Draco, jerking away his hand from her body, slapping him hard.

"Bitch," he muttered, rubbing his left cheek. That earned him another slap.

Not a word was spoken for a few moments, until Draco broke the silence. "What the hell do you want me to think, Zabini?" he snarled, "The two of us, alone in the common room, at three in the bloody morning?"

Blaise rolled her eyes and made a gesture of repulse, "What the hell were you thinking, Malfoy! We're here on business." she sat on one of the armchairs near the crakling fire, "Important business, if I might add. Surely you wouldn't want to be seen or heard discussing the Dark Lord's orders in the light of day, especially under Snape's nose, would you?"

"Enlighten me, then, Zabini." he said finally, after siting in the remaining armchair. Blaise crossed her legs and Draco realized how short her dark green skirt was, and how tight. Not that it was unflattering or anything, but it made her look like a very beautiful whore.

"As soon as you've stopped drooling, Malfoy." she said, exasperated, setting loose her waist-length reddish hair.

Draco looked at her face, smirking. "Self-confident today, are we?" Blaise glared at him, but said nothing as she braided her hair.

Blaise had been initiated that summer, becoming the youngest in all of Voldemort's Death Eaters, but that had been thanks to her uncle Vladimir's connections. Despite that, she had rapidly ascended ranks thanks to her eagerness and her power of persuassion, until she became the leader of the Black Serpents, a secret and growing youth group in Hogwarts that gathered all the soon-to-be initiated Death Eaters. Actually, the group had 34 members, fifth years and above (mostly Slytherins) and were informed of the less important plans and had the honour of running errands in Hogsmeade when needed.

But this time, her orders were that she worked with Draco only. After all, Harry Potter was a very delicate matter to be dealt with, and she of course, totally agreed. She wouldn't have wanted a clumsy fifth year taking part of any important plan, either.

"What do you have in mind for Potter?" Draco asked after a moment of silence.

"We were ruling out some kind of kidnap..." Blaise stopped, seeing Draco's amused look, and glared at him. "Not kidnapping him of course, you prat, if that was what you were thinking. I meant kidnapping either the Weasel or the Mudblood," she explained, referring to Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, Harry's best friends. "Who are, as a matter of fact, not as closely watched as Potter, who nowadays is never left alone, almost like the bloody Philosopher's Stone," Draco stretched his legs on the table, something Blaise thought very rude, but refrained from saying anything. "And knowing Potter - brave and stupid Potter - he'll probably exchange himself for his friend and into our Lord's hands."

Draco had to admit that it was a brilliant plan, but still couldn't refrain on taunting Blaise with the popular belief of her lack of brains, even though she had showed him countless of times how wrong that theory was. "So, it seems you finally got your brain cells to click, Zabini," he smirked, "And I suppose you already have planned how to attempt said kidnap, right?" she simply nodded, and ignoring his provocation, smirked back.

"Ah, that's the part you play," Blaise paused to see how her revelation sank in. Draco's face was unreadable, so she continued, "I need you, Malfoy, to gain either the Weasel or the Mudblood's trust."

"And as always, it's me doing the dirty work, isn't it? And you getting all the recognition."

"Is that what you're worrying about? We'll both be honored beyond our wildest dreams, Malfoy. Just imagine, the two of us responsible for the final downfall of Harry Potter. Think about it Malfoy. Think of how close we'll be to our lord after that..." she said, getting lost in her thoughts.

Draco knew that her ambition would ultimately lead to her doom. It was actually somehow scary, to see that closely how power could corrupt people the way it did. Blaise had changed so much those last months... Before, he had seen in her the closest thing he'd ever had for a friend; witty and sarcastic, but honest and truthful when needed, very much like himself, come to think about it. Draco remembered quite well the very first time he met her, almost six years ago, when his father had closed a deal with Stefano Zabini, Blaise's father.

"I hope you don't mind that I brought my daughter with me, Lucius. Lucretia had some important meeting with her associates at home and gave the nanny the day off." Lucius shook his head.

"Not at all, Stefano, not at all. She can play with my son while you sign the contracts." Lucius bent down to take a better look at the red-haired girl of ten, who was holding her father's hand tightly, "Hello there," Lucius said, "What's you name dear?"

The girl hesitated before answering, and looked down as she did so, "Blaise, sir."

Draco chose that precise moment to show up. He had been eveasdropping behind the door since Stefano and Blaise arrived and was curious to meet the girl.

Lucius turned around to face his son, "Where were you, boy? I've been looking all morning for you!"

Draco looked up before answering. "Genoveva took me to the park, father." He replied. Lucius shook his head, and stood up.

"And I suppose she didn't even have the decency of asking for permission... Well, anyway, Draco, I'd like you to meet Blaise Zabini, Stefano's daughter. She'll be in the same year as you at Hogwarts."

Draco looked at Blaise, and just muttered a shy, "Nice to meet you, Blaise."

"Now Draco, why don't you go to your room and show Blaise all of your toys?" Lucius said, motioning the kids out of his study. Draco nodded meekly and started walking through the door. Blaise stood still.

"Are you coming?" Draco asked, noticing that she wasn't following. Stefano smiled kindly, and let go of her daughter's hand.

"Go dear. This won't take long." Blaise looked at her father, and smiled. It was one of the most beautiful smiles Draco had the chance to look upon. He quickly decided Blaise was a very pretty girl.

They walked to his room in silence.

"How old are you?" Draco asked, inviting her to sit in one of the chairs in his room.

"I'll be eleven in three weeks." she answered.

"I'm already eleven," he said rather smugly, and got a Quidditch catalog from his nightable, opening it on page 34, a report on the Nimbus 2000, the latest broom model. "And father promised to get me one of these as soon as I enter Hogwarts." Blaise seemed uninterested.

"You can't get a broom into Hogwarts when you're a first year."

"So what? I'm sure Father will get me special permission from the headmaster. After all, he is in the board of governors." Blaise said nothing. He knew she wasn't impressed, and that frustrated him. That was the first time something of that sort happened to him. How could she not be interested in a Malfoy, one of the oldest and most influential wizardring families?

"Do you want to do something else than sitting there?" Draco asked finally. She looked up and nodded.

"I would like to see your library."

"The library?" she nodded, and he shook his head, "I'm afraid that won't be possible without Father's permission, and he's locked in his study with your father." Blaise looked dissapointed.

"Really? Then I would like to stay here." she said, and concentrated on the design of the floor tile under her.

"Fine." he stated, profoundly annoyed. "Have it your way. I'm going out." And walked through the door. It was no longer than a couple of seconds when he heard her voice.

"Don't you have manners?It's rude to leave a guest unatended."

Draco rolled his eyes and returned to his room, where Blaise was waiting, a hand on her hip. "Well, I'm sorry, but I don't like to spend much time in my room. There are much more interesting places in the house to be here at all hours." That got Blaise interested. Finally something.

"There are? Then why don't you show me?"

He let go a tiny smile, and offered his hand. "Come then. I'll give you a tour of Malfoy Manor."

After that, they became fast friends, and visited each other's mansions when they could for all that was left of the summer before they started Hogwarts. But as soon as that happened, they had drifted apart, apparently for no reason. In those first years it was unusual for a boy and a girl to be friends. Each had its own group, and seldom spoke to each other. But in their fifth year, with the initiation and the Black Serpents business, they got together again, and now were rarely found without the other lurking close by, but it was no secret that Draco had unrequited feelings for Blaise, and that she used him constantly for her advantage. Draco had chosen to ignore that fact, to the surprise of many.

"Of course, we could spice things up," she whispered, getting him out of his thoughts. "How about a little bet, Malfoy?" Draco looked up.

"On what?"

"I bet you won't be able to get into the Mudblood's robes," he raised an eyebrow, but betrayed no emotion.

"When did we decide that the Mudblood is the one we're kidnapping?" he asked instead.

"We didn't," she paused. "I did because I know it will be easier for you to gain Granger's trust than Weasley's."

"And why is that?"

"Because, Malfoy, she's a girl, with absolutely no social life whatsoever outside her friendship with Weasley and Potter. And girls like that melt with only one smile in their direction. Think about it, Malfoy, how easy your job will be."

"And what do you get if I loose?" he asked after giving the matter some thought, and she smirked.

"Oh, that. I've been thinking about it for quite a while, to be honest. If you loose, I get your grandfather's cloak." Draco opened his eyes in astonishment.

"My grandfather's concealment cloak? But that's a family heirloom, Zabini, and my most treasured posesion!" he protested.

"Well, to gain much you have to risk much, as I always say. Think about what you'll have if you win, Malfoy. Something you have always wanted, but know that is forbidden to you. Something you just wouldn't have under normal circumstances..." She drew closer to him. Now their faces were just inches apart. Draco's face was expressionless. "And not having it kills you." She put her hand on his thigh, and whispered in his ear. "Me."

Draco took her hand off his leg, and looked at her in the eye. "And what makes you think I'll go for that bet? That cloak means everything to me."

"Because," she nibbled his ear, making him shiver involuntarily. "I am the only person you can't have."

Draco stood up, and offered his hand, which Blaise shook. "I think we have a deal, then."