Harry Potter Tom Riddle
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 10/08/2001
Updated: 11/12/2002
Words: 26,779
Chapters: 8
Hits: 4,073

Band of Brothers

T.M. Riddle

Story Summary:
Just like the small HBO series directed by Steven Spielberg. Well this is a slightly altered version of it, Harry Potter story, it's not really based on a war of any type, just his fifth year at Hogwarts that's all… Band of Brothers, Harry, Ron, Hermione and rest of friends find their way through the fifth year at Hogwarts.

Chapter 07


Band of Brothers

Chapter Seven - The Encounter

It was another day, another wait. When or if Dumbledore ever received the note it would be soon and Tom couldn't wait to exit the country. A man greeted Tom, in his forties, brown ruffled hair and a very messy moustache, tall and strong this was the husband of Claire Felsh. The man introduced himself as Simon Felsh, a fellow citizen that lived in France that later moved to Belgium after marrying Claire.

Michelle woke up with the bright rays of light shining through her window. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown were awake and talking enthusiastically about Divination taught by Professor Trelawney. Noticing that Michelle was up, Parvati quickly leaped to her bed holding out a piece of parchment.

'You know what day it is?' she asked looking excited by scared at the same time.

'No… why? What day is it?' Michelle responded.

'It's the 18th!' Lavender said who jumped on her bed as well. 'In Divination Professor Trelawney - '

Michelle snorted at these words. Like Hermione, Michelle who took Divination as well found it extremely annoying having to hear Harry die over a hundred times and Tom joining the Dark forces, that however, was no laughing matter. 'What about her? Did she say Harry was supposed to die in that plane crash?'

Parvati looked shocked but remain her composure, she said, 'No. Professor Trelawney said that a great disaster awaited us all on the eve of December!'

'You mean the last day of November?'

'No! I mean this month! She means this month and that's another prediction come true!' Lavender pointed out.

'Right… whatever…' Michelle answered doubtfully. She never liked Divination and hoped to drop it some day. 'Well anyway I'm going to clean up and get ready for whatever awaits today.' She left the girl's room and headed to the bathroom.


Tom walked through the dense forest. The cold around him, snow beneath his hiking boots and winter cloak and scarf to keep him warm. He knew that soon he would be saved and back at Hogwarts where everything would be okay. However he felt a sudden ache of guilt. No, he told himself. It was at least a year ago and there was nothing to feel guilty about… But there was. He left his friend in time of need. He left his friend to the Death Eaters and Tom was pretty sure that Lee was dead or now a Death Eater. Tom sat down on the snow, his back on the tree. What wouldn't he do for Quidditch now…

He was a good all-round player for any positions. As a matter of fact, during his third year, he played for his team that won the school's Quidditch Cup when they were two players down. Having to play as a Chaser and Seeker at the same time, Tom manage to catch the Snitch just before his opponent was about to score the tying point, they won by ten points. His thoughts on Quidditch were soon thwarted by footsteps from behind. He spun around only to face a breathless Michelle.

'Went… looking for… you…' she choked between breaths. 'Harry told me you went off looking around the forest, I figured I find you here.'

He sat down continuing to stare into the depths of the forest. The snowy mist remained in the air as Tom tried to penetrate it with his stare into its depths. In all his life he never thought about survival before… all he thought was how fortunate he didn't grow up having to watch horrific images display in his eyes… but it did. He didn't know how but sometimes he could suddenly feel a pull, a pull that tried to bring him to another life.


Looking around surprised he saw Michelle waving a hand in front of his eyes. 'Thought you'd snap out of it! You were looking down that forest with a frown, like there was something there!'

'Is there? I keep thinking… the Death Eaters are out there… somewhere. They're waiting for us but I know they're not that stupid to attack a village.' He picked up a handful of snow and let it slip in his grasp. 'This world is too weak to stand up to his or her foe. If a village caught sight if a Death Eater they'll evacuate but the Death Eaters, they're not even that strong!'

'What are you getting at?' a voice said from behind.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were making their way to Tom and Michelle. Tom looked rather surprised but answered, 'Come and sit and I'll tell you everything…' The three sat down in front of Tom waiting eagerly for his talk. Clearing his throat he began, 'As you all know Voldemort, or Tom Marvolo Riddle, was born in 1926 and that he was born into an orphanage. Riddle grew up not having a father or mother, lived his life in orphanage until the age of eleven. That's when he received his letter for Hogwarts and left off. Well in his sixth year, we already know he's already turned to the Dark side, searched for the Chamber of Secrets and opened it. While Hagrid was blamed for all the incidents caused by Riddle, Riddle knew he couldn't keep this up so - '

'He put his memories inside a diary and tricked my little sister!' Ron butted in.

'Yeah… you can say that. Well Riddle left off somewhere and no one ever saw him again… that is until he turned up as Voldemort. The Tom Riddle we thought was an angel was a devil. Voldemort, as he called himself then, terrorized the magical community and the Muggle community. Panic erupted all over the country! It seems as though there was no way out that is… until he came to Harry's house. Now he had supporters, Death Eaters who were probably there to help him kill you. Well why did the Death Eaters join Voldemort? Did they want some his power or just like scaring the hell out of people? Well as you all know Voldemort met his downfall when he tried to murder him. Voldemort fled that night but what happened to the Death Eaters? Well I can tell you they ran as fast as they can away from our one-year-old Harry Potter!'

Hermione who was listening intently asked him after the pause, 'So what do you mean? D'you think all the Death Eaters are weak by themselves?'

'I'm saying that the Death Eaters gain their confidence by knowing we all fear them. I can tell you half of all the wizards and witches out there are twice as strong as the Death Eaters. I mean… look at the Quidditch World Cup last year! There must've been over thousands of people but all of them got scared at the sight of a dozen Death Eaters!'

'So you're saying we should try and stick up to them?' Harry asked. 'Because I know I can try but half the time or should I say, all the time I'm outnumbered.'

'That's what I'm saying! We should all band up in one rebellion force and strike back at them! We can't stay in hiding forever! We have to fight back! We have to know that all of us can't be put down by a bunch of old fools in Hallowe'en costumes!' said Tom now standing up. 'So my plan is, when we get back to Hogwarts, gather as many followers as you can and we'll train them to be the best!'

Ron stood up clapping, said, 'Good speech Tom! Except one thing - everyone in Hogwarts are a bunch of wussies. We're sure not to have the support of Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff will say no and all the Gryffindors will probably run away.'

'That could be a possibility but if we can put up their moral then we're sure to get their confidence!' Tom replied looking at Ron. 'Besides… I'm pretty sure most of the students at Hogwarts will help us stop the Death Eaters!'

'And if not?' Michelle asked. 'What if they think we're going crazy and only wish to see death sooner. I don't want to die early but if it's for a good cause… then it looks like I'm in!'

Tom seemed happy enough about his friends' vote of confidence. Standing up he looked around then spoke, 'What are we going to call our group?'

'Well… I've seen this Muggle movie but I don't think - how 'bout the Rebel Alliance?' Hermione suggested.

'Star Wars? Nah, I don't think so. How 'bout… well we hate Death Eaters and we want them gone! Let's think about something original but not too original. There has to be a sting with it so we can easily make ourselves heard and let the Death Eaters fear us!' Harry explained. 'How many people do you think will be part of our group?'

Tom pondered for a minute then answered, 'Well we hope to have over fifty supporters, ignoring the adults that is, but with adults? I'd say over two hundred and with Dumbledore's support I hope to have over five hundred. So I think a group would be too little for over a hundred anti-Death Eater supporters.'

'So what d'you want us to split into? Divisions?' Hermione suggested. 'If we're going to wage war on them we need a really good tactician - '

'Which I liked to volunteer as!' Tom butted in. 'I may not look like much but I swear that I'm a good tactician and as to that Division idea - I like it!'

'The big question here is - "Will anyone be willing?" I mean I doubt anyone would go up against You-Know-Who's Death Eaters,' Hermione said.

Tom thought about it in his head for a while then answered Hermione's question, 'Well we can wait…'


Lunch at the Felsh was great. Everyone, including the Slytherins joined in with the Gryffindors. All was right until Tom noticed that Mr Felsh was missing. He asked Mrs Felsh where he went but she just answered, 'He's off again with his friends.' Although Tom believed her, he still figured that it was quite untruthful. Simon Felsh was missing half of the day and it wasn't until late in the evening did Tom decided to run a search party. Mrs Felsh however, said that her husband was usually late and there was no need to panic.

'I tell you something's not right,' Tom said again and again to Harry. 'Mr Felsh has gone missing or 'with his friends' for more than five hours! Either the Death Eaters got him or he loves to play hunting a lot.'

'I agree with you but really… I mean maybe he does that? We've only known him for what? - a few hours?'

Tom began to pace, muttering to himself until he stopped suddenly. Remembering his little specialty of being able to read minds, he concentrated. He would be able to intercept Mr Felsh's conversation, that is if he was having one. Thinking hard, ignoring Harry's strange look, he thought about of Mr Felsh until…

'I tell ya Guy! There's nothing around here!' Mr Felsh spoke out.

'It's here! I just know it! The Death Eaters are here and I'll bet you anything their base is somewhere around this little block!' said the voice of Guy. 'Just have to wait a couple of minutes - '

' - you said that last time and everyone else left! Only I'm thick enough to believe you!'

There was a moment's silence. Tom thought that Mr Felsh and Guy must have been looking around for clues of Death Eaters. After a while he began to think, what if he could find their location? He wanted to know where they were so he could look for the base himself. However his thoughts were intercepted by another conversation.

'Look! There they are!' said Guy's voice.

'So what are we going to do? There are ten of them and two of us, not so much of fair odds,' Mr Felsh pointed out.

'Look maybe - oh shit! They've seen us - '

Those were the last words of Guy. Tom wanted to know more but heard nothing. He waited for a few minutes but got nothing new and Harry, who was looking at him strangely asked, 'How much are pondering about? I'm sure not that much - '

'They've go him,' Tom butted in. 'Mr Felsh and his friend Guy.'

'What? But… but how d'you - '

'Follow me,' Tom butted in again. With that he exited his room and down the stairs of the Felsh's house. The sky was darkening which meant that their source of light would be out soon and would rely on their eyesight. A few minutes away from the Felsh's house, Tom met Hermione and Michelle talking with each carrying big grins. Walking up to them Tom said loudly, 'Hello ladies! Can I speak to you two for a second?' Noticing that Harry was behind him, they knew something was up.

'What's wrong?' Hermione asked.

Tom breathed in deeply then explained, 'They've got Mr Felsh and his friend Guy. Don't ask me how I know it because I won't tell you just yet, you'll have to wait - '

'So a rescue mission?' Harry suggested. 'This might be our only chance to figure out where the Death Eaters are located.'

'And a quicker way to get killed!' Hermione said. 'If we get caught we're most likely going to get tortured.'

'That is a possibility but… you know we have to check. Just in case they are captured, we can come to their rescue!' Tom explained. 'But hey, look… we need to find out why they attacked us. Now it's most likely they did it out of boredom but if they are after Harry, which I think is why, why did they attack the Slytherins?'

There was silence after that. Why did they attack the Slytherins? Maybe it bad aim? Harry thought. But no. It couldn't be bad aim because he had seen the jets of light hitting it with perfect aim. However was behind the attack didn't feel happy about having Hogwarts students in their territory. Somehow, Tom was thinking that it was his fault. He didn't know why but he knew somehow that they were in this predicament because of him and if it was his fault, he'd get them out of it.

'So we all agree to be heroes?' said Tom looking at them all.

'Yeah… sure, okay,' Hermione replied, 'but we should ask Ron too.'

'I'll ask him if he wants too,' Harry volunteered. 'But what happens when the Felsh notice we're missing? They're going to panic.'

'They will panic once they figured out that their dad has gone missing,' Michelle pointed out. 'So really, they probably won't notice us missing.'


The sun had settled, Tom, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Michelle were already on their little rescue mission to save Simon Felsh and Guy. Although Ron had asked why he needed to be involve a couple of times, he agreed in the end. Night loomed over them like a bird of prey and the winter cold was beyond freezing. Tom had already informed them to bring their winter cloaks if necessary. Deeper into the woods they went, farther they were from getting rescued or finding their way back to Vasetown.

'Do any of you know how far we're going?' Ron asked shaking under his winter cloak.

'Well I'm guessing we should have found them an hour ago but… let's just keep on looking,' Tom replied. He was starting to feel that he just led them to their doom. If his interception was a mere play or joke, they surely bitten into it.

Harry kept looking back in case they were being followed. He wanted to know how Tom knew about this and he wanted to know now. 'Hey Tom! How d'you know Mr Felsh has gone missing? I for one, know that if you get us killed, I'm never going to forgive you.'

'At least we're die trying,' Ron said smirking. 'Actually I don't mind dying as long as I don't have to get tortured first.'

'You people are crazy,' Hermione muttered. She was thinking doubtfully now that Mr Felsh was captured at all. 'I don't know how thick I was to believe your cock-a-bull story! I just know we're going to die - '

'And how right you are…' said a deep voice among them.

The five spun around looking. Something - no someone were among them waiting. Tom, followed by everyone else, pulled out his wand. 'Where are you? Who are you?' Tom demanded looking wildly around for the voice. No one answered him, the silence began. Tom knew that there had to be more than one of them out in the forest and yes, they were the ones who captured Mr Felsh and his friend Guy.

'We've been waiting for you…' the voice rang out again.

'Where are you?' Tom shouted looking around. 'Who are you and what d'you mean we?' Tom thought how stupid he meant about 'we', obviously there had to be more of them. 'What d'you want with us?'

'Same reason as everything else - we want to kill you…'

Hermione whimpered at the ending part, Michelle just kept looking at Tom for answers. Harry had came into situations like this and asked, 'Are you Death Eaters? Are you working for Voldemort?'

'What d'you think Harry? I believe you already know the answer…' the voice said. 'The Dark Lord wishes you to join our ranks for the upcoming invasion. If you join us the lives of your friends may be spared after their memories are modified but if you refused…let's just say he has his own methods…'

'You keep your hands away from my friends!' Harry retorted fiercely.

'Oh I will! But I'm not sure the Dark Lord could…' the Death Eater said. His hooded face turned to Tom, he could tell there was a smile spreading. 'Ah, here is the one!'

Tom was taken by surprise. What did he mean?

'Yes, this is the second time we've met… too bad we were interrupted on our first encounter,' the Death Eater said looking his way. 'Having bad dreams?'

There was dead silence. Tom looked at the Death Eater thunderstruck. A few months ago he had seen the very same Death Eater in the Great Hall! In Hogwarts! But why did the Death Eater want to help him - but did he? For some reason Tom thought that the Death Eater was playing with him but now… he wasn't so sure that he would take his chances.

'What d'you want with me?' Tom asked.

'I want you to join our ranks, Tom Riddle! But wait? I seem to remember something here young Riddle… can you show it to me?' asked the man. 'Can you show us all? I believe all of us here can see it, it won't bite.'

'What's he talking about?' Michelle asked looking at Tom. 'What does that guy want you to show us all?'

'Nothing…' Tom muttered at her looking at the Death Eater poisonously.

Tom was getting very nervous now. He could feel the sweat dripping down the side of his head and he knew Harry would never forgive him after. Michelle would hex him faster than you can say 'HELP!' and Harry would probably kill him on the spot. He'd be sent to Ministry for questioning and Voldemort would come after his family and friends. Tom wasn't going to let them know, well not yet and he would have to lie his way out of this.

'I don't know what you're talking about,' Tom told the Death Eater. That was a stupid excuse, Tom thought. Anyone could say I don't know but they probably did, and right now he could feel the eyes of Ron, Harry, Hermione and Michelle on his back.

'Fine… don't cooperate… DEATH EATERS!' he shouted.

Twenty Death Eaters jumped out of the bushes around the five. All of them encircled Tom and his friends; all of the Death Eaters had their wands out poised to strike. Any minute now he would have to defend even if their defence wouldn't stand against twenty or so Death Eaters.

So Tom and his encircled friends are now caught in an upcoming fight. What secret does Tom hide from his friends that he fears? Why does he think that Harry would hate him for finding out one little secret? And why does Voldemort want to hurt Tom's family? All this answered in the next chapter!