Harry Potter Tom Riddle
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 10/08/2001
Updated: 11/12/2002
Words: 26,779
Chapters: 8
Hits: 4,073

Band of Brothers

T.M. Riddle

Story Summary:
Just like the small HBO series directed by Steven Spielberg. Well this is a slightly altered version of it, Harry Potter story, it's not really based on a war of any type, just his fifth year at Hogwarts that's all… Band of Brothers, Harry, Ron, Hermione and rest of friends find their way through the fifth year at Hogwarts.

Chapter 04


Band of Brothers

Chapter Four - The Trip

It was a week after the visit with the stranger. Harry still thought that whoever Disapparated from the Great Hall was… well not human. However, still… creatures can't learn to Disapparate right? Harry didn't know what to expect and - to his surprise - so was Hermione. She always seemed to have the answers to everything but… now it seemed as though any idea of how someone or something could get inside seemed… well… hopeless.

'We should really watch out,' Ron said one afternoon. 'If that creature can Apparate inside Hogwarts - then we're all unsafe from it or him! I'd say we should get rid of it or - him!'

'Now he can't be all that bad?' Hermione spoke out. 'If he's trying to - '

'What? Save Tom? I think that something's trying to pull a fast one on him! You believe me right Tom?' Ron said turning to Tom.

Tom was sitting alone in the corner with a book in front of him. Putting the book down they noticed he was looking very tired.

'I've been reading all day long for whatever that thing is, but I don't second you Ron. That thing or human was trying to save me and I could tell… he could've pulled a fast one when my back was turned and besides, he didn't even know who I was until he asked,' said Tom closing up the book.

'Yeah well… just watch your back,' Ron said. Was Ron becoming paranoid? Most likely…

'Ah damn it…' Tom muttered holding up his parchment, 'we got Potions in ten minutes! Double Potions to be exact!'

'Better leave now…' Harry suggested. As he stood up Tom walked by muttering something that sounded like 'Filibuster Bombs'. Michelle had just come down from the girls' dormitory, she was looking quite excited holding a small box and pocketing it in one of her robe pockets.

The class arrived to the Potions dungeon first waiting for Slytherin arrive. In a few minutes the Slytherin fifth years arrived looking very smug. They were sneering at the Gryffindors who stared determinedly back except for Neville who was cowering behind Ron. The door to the Potions classroom opened with Snape beckoning them in.

'Alright class take out your quills and parchment and copy this down…' Snape said writing on the chalkboard.

Harry noticed Tom fiddling with something inside his pockets - a Filibuster Bomb. Surely he wasn't serious? Michelle pulled out a Filibuster Bomb too, her wand in her spare hand. Tom looked around then nodded at Michelle. They both lit theirs. Knowing that they would only have four seconds before it exploded, Tom threw the bomb right under Terri Iola's seat and Michelle threw hers under Joanna Henson's. The two bombs fizzed for a few seconds until BANG! The two Slytherin girls jumped up when their seat beneath them exploded. The dungeon shook as the sound echoed around. Joanna and Terri looked as though were about to faint.

Snape walked towards the area of explosion. He examined the area and then walked around the class. He was looking for evidence but for some reason he found none. This stunned Harry for a moment. There should be some remains of the explosion.

'When I find out how did this,' Snape hissed, 'they will surely be punished!'

'Yeah right…' Tom whispered to Michelle who tried not to laugh.


A few days passed since that eventful day in Potions Tom was busying himself outside near the Forbidden Forest. Harry wanted to know what he was up to but he always kept to himself. So one afternoon Harry decided to ripe up another try to find out Tom's mysterious behavior.

He found Tom again at the edge of the forest fixing himself with a quill and a piece of parchment.

'What are you doing?' Harry asked.


'I want to know, what are you doing?'


'C'mon tell me!' Harry pleaded. 'What are you fiddling with there?'

Tom put down his piece of parchment then spoke, 'We're going to Bastogne, Harry.' Whatever Harry expected it wasn't that. Bastogne? Where the hell was Bastogne, Harry thought. Tom seemed to have read his mind and said 'Bastogne is in Belgium, Harry. For some strange reason I think Dumbledore's going to tell us about it but... jeez, I don't know why but I got some feeling. Look at me map. Found it in Filch's office.'

Harry picked up the parchment Tom was fiddling with. It was a map of the world with lines drawn all over, weird calculations were written everywhere.

'What's with the calculations Tom?' Harry asked trying to understand the writing.

'I'm trying to determine how long it's going to take us to get there and how,' Tom replied knowledgeably. 'According to the calculations I've come up with - we might be able to Portkey ourselves in or fly there!' He took the parchment back from Harry's hands and began to write again. 'I'd say we'd have to be dropped into the area somehow, plane can't land there or else it'll attract Muggle attention.'

'Wait a minute here, Tom!' Harry said. 'How d'you know we're going to Bastogne?'

Tom looked up into the sky and said, 'I don't know, just a feeling. Listen today in the Great Hall during dinner.'

Harry did so. When it was time for dinner, the Gryffindor house walked down into the Great Hall. Harry was waiting for Dumbledore's speech. In a few short minutes Dumbledore stood up, the Hall fell silent. 'I have something to tell you,' Dumbledore started. 'All fifth years this year are to have a educational trip to Bastogne for… for Muggle Studies - '

'I don't take Muggle Studies!' Seamus yelled out. 'Well at least not all of us! Why do we have to go?'

'As I said Mr. Finnigan, this is for Muggle Studies. This is also to prepare you for the Dark times that are coming ahead of us,' Dumbledore informed. 'Sixth and seventh years are going to remain here until the fifth years return.'

November 12, 1995

What Dumbledore didn't say was that they had to find another way into Bastogne since it would be easy for Muggles to spot them. A plane will be hauling four gliders, one for each house. The glider would be detach when they enter the safe zone.

Fifth year Hogwarts students who were waiting eagerly were now packing the gliders. Tom and Michelle were still looking at the plane doubtful however.

'I don't trust that,' Tom said walking around the glider for the tenth time. 'We'd make ourselves more suspicious by dropping in there in a glider than the plane landing.'

'C'mon and hop in Tom, it's not going to bite,' Harry joked.

'Of course it won't bite, it'll chomp!' Tom shot back but he reluctantly agreed and stepped into the Gryffindor glider. Just then the pilot of the plane that will be carrying the glider came up to them.

He was tall, blonde hair and seemed over excited. 'Well my name is Sam Smith but you guys can call me Mr. S, okay? We'll be travelling pretty high to tell you the truth and the reason you brought your winter cloaks is because it's getting pretty cold over there now. Well sit tight because we're leaving in ten!'

Tom sat down and looked at him doubtfully. Hermione complained this time, 'I don't think we should let him fly the plane. I mean, what happens if he let's us go early and we end up in some Muggle's house, how are we supposed to explain that!'

'Don't worry, we can always blow that Muggle with a Memory Charm,' Tom explained. ''Course we'll get into trouble for that but… well let's just say it was out of necessity.'

The sounds of the engine erupted. The propellers of the plane began to spin slowly then fast. The plane ahead of them began to move forward and soon the glider was being tugged forward too. Slowly at first but as soon as the plane that was carrying them was ready for lift off, the glider was being pulled into a fast speed. The propelled plane lift off with the glider containing the Gryffindors lift off too.

'Hey I can see the Slytherins, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws!' Ron exclaimed looking to the window next to his ear.

'Why is it so loud?' Hermione asked, her hands over her ears.

'They don't make gliders like this much anymore,' Tom replied. 'I'd say this was from around the forties or fifties, the plane ahead is - I'm guessing - a modified C-47 Douglas Dakota.'

The trip was at first very loud but soon they grew accustomed to the sound of the C-47 ahead of them. Tom, however, was fidgeting for something in his bag. After a few seconds he pulled out his dark green winter cloak. 'It's going to be very cold at Bastogne so you might want to put on your cloaks now!'

'I can wait,' Ron said lazily staring out at the window.

'I think I know why we're going to Bastogne,' Hermione said.

'What for?' Harry asked leaning forward.

Hermione thought for a moment then spoke, 'In 1944, during the Second World War, the U.S. Army was attacked by the Germans in the forest of Ardennes. The 101st Airborne Division relieved the military so they could retreat. Unfortunately, the 101st had very little, or no ammo and no winter clothing so most of them froze to death.' She shuddered at the last point.

'And your point?' Ron asked.

'I think Dumbledore sent us here to study what they faced during the Second World War,' Hermione replied. 'Actually I think it might be a good idea to face winter without all that special treatment and well... the Dark times ahead.'

Relaxing she looked out her window and saw that the clouds began to disappear, the ground was covered with snow.

'Wow!' Hermione exclaimed looking at the terrain below. 'Isn't it beautiful and - '


Startled, Tom looked out and saw gold jets of light shooting out from the ground to the plane. Suddenly he saw the Sam's plane explode into pieces in a great ball of fire. The Slytherin's C-47 was already streaking towards the ground in flames pulling the glider down with them. The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff's plane had pulled off into the opposite direction, back to Hogwarts.

Just then the Gryffindor's glider began to fall down to earth. Since there was no more plane keeping them in the air they were descending fast to the ground.

'Oh shit!' Tom swore loudly. 'Everyone buckle up 'cause we're going to crash!' he said then muttered, 'and maybe die...'

'Crash land? More like explode into millions of pieces!' Ron shouted back holding on to his seat tightly. 'Damn! I'm going to die today! In this stupid plane!'

'Glider! And we're not going to die, right Michelle?' Tom asked.

She looked to the window then back to him. 'We might live but I wouldn't put my chances on Slytherin! I think they just crashed into the ground!'

Tom was trying to get down to the cockpit of the glider without slipping and crashing through the glass face. Soon enough he was in the cockpit and was checking all the buttons. Michelle came by his side and said, 'What the hell are you doing?'

'In these planes - gliders - there should be a parachute button somewhere,' Tom said examining each knob and dial. 'Except I haven't got the slightest clue which one is which!'

Examining the dials and knob more carefully he finally found it. It was to his upper right. Stretching he pushed the button and suddenly, the glider choked forward and began to slowly fall to the ground. Turning his head around he yelled out to the Gryffindors, 'Alright everyone, sit tight!'

Soon enough the plane crashed to the ground although not very hard. The glider slid on the snowy ground at least a hundred meters before stopping to a complete halt. Tom unbuckled himself from the cockpit seat and looked back. Everyone was severely shaken and scared but all in all, they were in fine condition.

'Everyone okay?' Tom called out.

'Yeah,' Harry answered. He had apparently been holding Hermione tightly in his arms as the plane descended. 'Where are we going?'

'Tell you later but all of you better put on you winter cloaks!' Tom instructed. He opened the door out of the glider and walked out into the snow ground. He looked around and seemed to have confirmed something. 'We're in Bloodground.'

Dean seemed confused as everyone and said, 'Come again?'

'Bloodground! This is one of the famous battlegrounds during the times of Grindelwald! According to the books relating to this topic, everything here and around 'till the borders of Belgium are charmed. We won't be getting out by using the Knight Bus - '

'But how d'you know?' Hermione asked. 'It's not in the books - '

'Not you type of books, I mean Dark books that contained a lot of scary crap!' Tom butted in. 'We'll have to walk our way out or find the nearest city and head in.'

Harry seemed a little concerned however. 'What about the Slytherins?'

Tom looked back at him then said grimly, 'If any luck was with them, then they'll survive however…' he paused and finished, 'however they might not still be alive.'

'But we should still look!' Hermione said. 'Just in case, I mean… you think that lot will know where to go?'

'Do you think we know where to go? No I didn't think so!' Tom said heatedly but cooled down. 'Fine, we'll have a little search but if we don't find them when the sun settles then we're getting the hell outta here 'kay?'

Everyone in Gryffindor nodded in agreement. 'Alright Dean, you'll be point,' instructed Tom slinging his bag over his back. Dean however seemed to disagree and said, 'What makes you think you're the leader?'

'Because I've been in situations like this now let's move!' Tom retorted. 'Can't be wasting more time!'

Everyone in Gryffindor seemed to scared to disobey Tom, so followed. Harry seemed to think Tom was biting more then he can chew. Taking care of fifth year Gryffindors isn't going to be an easy task, especially since most of them were getting cold quickly. On one occasion Parvati Patil fell down because her legs gave out. Tom gave them five minutes to rest. During that five minutes he asked everyone whether they were dressed properly and whether they had food of some sort.

'Food? I didn't think we need to bring food…' Lavender Brown said. 'I mean… this wasn't supposed to happen! Our pilot, Sam, he's dead!'

'We're about seven miles from the Slytherin's plane, I'd say we should walk through night if we want to catch up,' Michelle suggested. 'Since the Slytherins are going to move on foot somewhere, it's best if we hurry up and take no rests Kay?'

Tom nodded in agreement. 'We're going to have to go into night to cath up to them so… get ready for a long walk ahead of us.'

'What now?' Ron asked.

'Of course now, Ron!' Tom said. 'The Slytherin's aren't going to stay in one spot but I suppose they'll take breaks in between so we should be able to catch up!'

Indeed the search for Slytherin was long and tiring. Everyone but Tom felt as though they were about to collapse, Neville having the worst of it. Four times in half an hour he managed to collapse out of tiredness and twice he managed to faint. This slowed down Tom a lot and he wasn't pleased. However Tom was forgiving and always helped Neville up on to his feet and soon enough they were marching off again.

Harry was trudging through the thick snow looking around the area. The forest he saw some one hundred meters to his right looked a lot more beautiful than the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts. Indeed the pine trees looked as though they weren't having the worst of it compared to the stranded Gryffindors. But his attention was soon taken away when he looked at Tom's boots. It was normal, or normal enough. Apparently Tom had gone to great detail to make sure his boots were waterproof, snow proof - the works, but it was a knife. There was knife inside a sheath to the right of his right boot.

Soon the sun was going down. The pace of the stranded students increased. Tom who had replaced Dean as point spoke out.

'There is a forest up ahead. We'll make are home there for the night and head off. Unfortunately we can't live through the night in this weather - it's freezing!

'The girls' part of the woods will be in the left, Michelle you're in charge,' Tom ordered, Michelle nodded back. 'And the boys will be on the right. If something goes wrong shoot red sparks into the air okay? But make sure it's a real situation, not some dandy stupid one alright?'

All the Gryffindors nodded. Tom walked off again until they were deep inside the forest only lit by the descending sun.

'Alright, make camp! Tomorrow we're off looking for Slytherin!' Tom said. 'Oh yeah, try to hunt a bit while we're out in the woods! You're gonna need to eat if you wanna live.'

I bet you're wondering why it took so long for this chapter to come out huh? Well truth is that I finished this one a longtime ago but I was too busy with school and other stuff before I could e-mail it in. There was also Christmas as well. Fun, joy, laughter and everything with it. I was watching the sports channel to see if Canada could make it to the finals and beat Russia but no... we lost. Anyway it was back to school and I still needed to send this chapter in and well... it's here now. Also, you'll notice I got carried away with a bit of old 'Muggle-type' attacks... woops. Like I said, this chapter was written a longago...